Mozbot Documentation
Index: Download, Change Log, FAQ, Documentation, Roadmap, Hacking.
The Bot Itself
We have some documents concerning a few aspects of mozbot.
- INSTALL: Instructions on installing and configuring mozbot for the first time.
- INSTALL.UNIX.CHROOT-JAIL: A description of setting up mozbot in a chroot jail environment (specifically on Solaris).
- FAQ: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about mozbot.
- Downloading Mozbot: Instructions on downloading mozbot.
- Installing Mozbot Modules: Instructions on setting up new mozbot modules on the fly.
- Module API: This documents the methods used by the mozbot module architecture. (For Developers.)
Standard Modules
The modules currently in CVS or planned for the near future are listed below. Some of these modules have associated documentation, those that don't usually have some sort of online help.
- Admin
- The built in module that handles user authentication and configuration.
- Bugzilla
- An IRC interface to Bugzilla. Automatically looks up bugs that people mention and does some queries when asked.
- Converter
- A simple tool to convert numbers between different units and bases. For example it can convert hex to binary, Fahrenheit to Centigrade, and meters to miles.
- Monitors an FTP directory and reports new files as they arrive.
- Filter
- Runs text through text filters like
. - Flood
- Basic flood protection for channels.
- FortuneCookies
- Remembers witty sayings given to it, and spits them out on request.
- General
- The module that handles the help command and keeps track of the version number.
- God
- An autoopper.
- Getting Opped: A guide to using mozbot as an autoop bot.
- Greeting
- A friendly module. Says hi and so on. Also implements the "seen" command and other niceties.
- HelloWorld
- A demo module.
- Infobot
- A module supporting the functionality of the well known infobot: stored factoids that it can report on demand.
- Infobot Protocol: The Infobot interbot communication protocol specification (aimed mainly at aother bot authors wanting to write interoperable IRC bots).
- Karma
- Keeps track of people's Karma rating. (++/--)
- KeepAlive
- Sends a message to a particular channel or user at regular intervals.
- KookBot
- Do you have a moron on your channel who is arguing inanely? Set the kookbot on them!
- The Original KookBot: This module is based on by Keunwoo Lee.
- List
- Keeps hold of personal lists for people. For example, TODO lists.
- MagicEightBall
- A digital version of the old favourite, the magic eight ball.
Confused? Puzzled? Ask the Magic Eight Ball by simply saying:
!8ball <yes/no question>
- MiniLogger
- Logs messages matching particular patterns. By default, simply logs URIs (links).
- Parrot
- Speak or act on command in channels.
- Quiz
- A Quiz Bot similar to MoxQuizz. Currently mozbot does not ship with any question files, we welcome submissions!
- README.database: The official MoxQuizz description of the question database format.
- Regularly examines site summary RDF files and reports changes. (e.g. report new Slashdot stories)
- Rude
- An interface to an insult server and an excuse server.
- Sheriff
- Regularly checks the sheriff status of Tinderboxes and reports any changes.
- Stocks
- Looks up stocks on request and reports their value.
- Tinderbox
- Reports the status of a project's Tinderboxes.
- Translate
- An interface to translate strings on request.
- Generates UUIDs on request.
- Reports some simple details about web pages on request, e.g. title, size, doctype.
- Wishlist
- Stores requests for changes to the bot.
- XMLLogger
- Saves a log of channel events as XML files (one per channel).
You can tell what modules a bot has loaded from the response it gives to a CTCP VERSION message (this only works for more recent releases).
If anyone feels like writing documentation for any of these modules, please do so!
Source code for all the standard module is available through LXR.
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