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Candidates of XUL localizability solutions

"XUL + Language-specific DTD"

    In this approach, we declare general (text) entities for all locale sensitive resources in an external DTD (Document Type Definition) subset and use XML entity reference, "&entity_name;", to reference them.
"Resource ID + String Resource Manager"
In XUL file, assign an ID, e.g. "widgetID", to each UI element and a resource tag, e.g. "resTag", to each localizable attribute of the widget. Then, during widget initialization, call a C function, said gettext(widgetID, resTag, default_string), to retrieve the resource from a Java-like property file. For example, a label widget can be described as <label widgetID="345" text="foo"/> in a XUL file. Then, the function call to retrieve localized text will be gettext(345, RES_TEXT, "foo").
"XPointer and XLink" Use XLink & Xpointer to specifically reference a text in a file that is separate from the base XUL file so that this text can be easily localized and displayed to the end user in a manner consistent with XPFE (Cross Platform Front End) requirements. "@resourceID;" Use the "@" symbol like entities use the "&" symbol. Then these things are used throughout the content just like entities would have been used to do localization. 

All proposed solutions except (a), "XUL + Language-specific DTD", are ruled out due to some technical difficulties or drawbacks. It turns out that the DTD solution also satisfies the majority of our criteria. 
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San Jose,CA, August/Sep, 1999