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Criteria of the solution

A set of criteria we intend to meet:

  • Standard Compliant. We shall avoid re-inventing the wheel. Both existing internationalization solutions and new proposals shall be taken into consideration. We will weight in standard compliance in the decision making process against proprietary approaches.

  • Simple. The localizability solution shall be easy to implement, and will integrate seamlessly with core development. A localizability solution often needs the support from peer development groups. Should localization enabling become a burden or even hinder the development process, the proposed solution would less likely be accepted by supporting module owners.

  • Portable. The final solution will be achievable on all platforms including Unix, Windows, Mac, and others. We do not want a solution for one platform and another solution for the other platform. The majority of Mozilla modules are platform-independent, so will be the localizability solution.

  • Separable. To simplify the localization task, localizable resources shall be placed into external files so that the translators can concentrate on localization instead of language or culture neutral resources.

  • Dynamic binding. Some of the resources requiring translation may be dynamic, usually because they require string composition, e.g., "Installing item 5 of 10".

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