These Release Notes cover what's new, download and installation instructions and known issues for Lightning 0.3. Please read these notes and the bug filing instructions before reporting any bugs to Bugzilla.
What's New in Lightning 0.3
Lightning 0.3 is the latest release of our calendar extension for Mozilla Thunderbird®. We recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version.
- Basic handling of events received in email allows you to easily add iMIP events to your calendar.
- Reloading network calendars is now possible.
- Agenda view rolls over to the next day at midnight.
- 24-hour views show you your entire day, not just a few hours.
- Reliable alarms ensure you are notified about events or tasks.
- Improved localization support
- Vastly improved reliability makes it much more difficult to lose data.
- Many performance improvements
Release Date: October 11, 2006
Downloading and Installing
Downloading Lightning 0.3 provides Lightning for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X in a variety of languages. To get Lightning 0.3, download it here.
For builds for other systems and languages not provided, see the Contributed Builds section at the end of this document.
Installing Lightning
Lightning runs as an extension to either Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5.x or the upcoming Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0.
IMPORTANT: If you have been using the old Calendar Extension, be sure to backup the ICS file that it put in your profile directory, and uninstall the Calendar Extension before installing Lightning. After you have installed Lightning, you can then import your old events and tasks from the backed up ICS file.
- Right-click (Control-click on Mac) the download link and choose "Save Link As..." to download and save the .XPI file to your your hard disk.
- In Mozilla Thunderbird, under the "Tools" menu, open the "Extensions Manager" (Thunderbird 1.5) or "Add-ons Manager" (Thunderbird 2.0).
- Click the "Install" button, locate and select the .XPI file you downloaded in step 1, and click "OK".
- Restart Mozilla Thunderbird.
Known Issues
This list covers some of the known issues with Lightning 0.3. Other important known problems in this release are listed on this page. Please read both lists before reporting any new bugs.
All Systems
- When installed in Thunderbird 1.5, Lightning can not read iMIP invitations sent from users of Apple However, this works correctly in Thunderbird 2.0. (bug 351997)
- All-day events expressed in UTC sometimes show up on the incorrect day in the Lightning agenda pane. (bug 353307)
- Lightning is not usable on Japanese versions of Windows with Thunderbird 1.5. (bug 330121)
Lightning with integrated Sun Java System Calendar Server (WCAP) support
Enhanced builds of Lightning with integrated WCAP support are available here. Note that unless you wish to use Lightning against a WCAP server, the regular vanilla builds of Lightning are probably what you are looking for. For more details about why this is being shipped separately, see this newsgroup posting.
Please refer to the Calendar:WCAP Guide for further information about the enhancements.
Other Resources and Links
The following resources contain useful information about Lightning:
Thanks to the hard work of our localization teams, Lightning 0.3 ships with the following locales pre-installed:
- Basque — Euskara
- Catalan — Català
- Czech — Čeština
- Danish — Dansk
- Dutch — Nederlands
- English (United States)
- French — Français
- German — Deutsch
- Hungarian — Magyar
- Irish — Gaeilge
- Italian — Italiano
- Mongolian — Монгол
- Polish — Polski
- Russian — Русский
- Slovak — Slovenský
- Slovenian — Slovensko
- Spanish (Spain) — Español (de España)
Contributed Builds
These are unofficial builds and may be configured differently than the official builds. They may also be optimized and/or tested for specific platforms.
Solaris builds (contributed by Sun Microsystems)
- Lightning for Solaris x86 (MD5SUM) (SHA1SUM)
- Lightning for Solaris SPARC (MD5SUM) (SHA1SUM)
- Lightning/WCAP for Solaris x86 (MD5SUM) (SHA1SUM)
- Lightning/WCAP for Solaris SPARC (MD5SUM) (SHA1SUM)
OS/2 builds (contributed by Peter Weilbacher)
- Lightning for OS/2 (libc05.dll) - for use with Thunderbird 1.5.0.x (MD5SUM) (SHA1SUM)
- Lightning for OS/2 - for use with Thunderbird 2.x (MD5SUM) (SHA1SUM)
Other Systems
Builds for platforms other than the trio officially offered by can be found on the FTP site.
Previous versions of the Release notes: 0.1