An in-depth look at Mozilla Mail
  Bootstrapping [ << Previous | Next >> ]

Bootstrapping: How does it all start?

  1. Open your XUL file
    • Menu item calls"chrome://...",..)
    • Command-line: ./mozilla -url chrome://..
    • Preference
  2. RDF templates query datasources, generate content
  3. JavaScript onload handers fire
  4. Any global services start lazily during (2) and (3)
  5. User starts to interact with the window

Alec Flett
Last modified: Fri Jul 7 00:20:24 PDT 2000
[ Intro | Mozilla Mail: What is it? | The Mail Reader: A Full-fledged mozilla application | Mozilla Mail and XUL | Special features of XUL: XBL, overlays | Mozilla Mail and JavaScript | Mozilla Mail and C++ | Mozilla Mail and RDF | A Diversion: RDF | Mozilla and RDF | Mozilla Mail and RDF | Bootstrapping | Putting it all together ]