Writing a Mozilla Application with XUL and Javascript
  XUL Overlay Example [ << Previous | Next >> ]

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<overlay xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">

  <box id="extraStuff">
    <box style="background: lightcyan; color: blue;">
      <text value="Extra Stuff number ONE"/>
      <text value="Extra Stuff number TWO"/>


[ Presentation Overview | Agenda | XUL Documents | Summary of XUL Elements | XUL Document Example | XUL Document Screenshot | XUL Overlays | XUL Overlay Example | XUL Overlay Screenshot | RDF Data | RDF Graph Illustration | RDF and XUL Templates | XUL Template Example | XUL Template Example, Points of Interest | Conclusions | Extra Slides | RDF Data Sources | XPCOM and XPConnect | XPConnect Objects | Instantiating an XPCOM Component | Chrome structure | Installing Chrome | Sample manifest.rdf ]