4. Ensuring Quality

General Considerations

The quality of your localized version will have a large impact on its acceptance in the marketplace. You can greatly enhance your chances of producing a quality product by using experienced and skilled localizers, and by performing post-translation testing.

When performing the actual translation, you should be sensitive to a number of issues:

Keep in mind that engineers do not necessarily make the best localizers!

Once localization is complete, there are two basic types of post-translation testing that should be done:
Linguistic Review Checking all translations for accuracy and appropriateness in the actual context in which they appear.
Functional Testing Ensuring the product still functions as designed (or at least as well as the US English product).

For the linguistic review, you should have an independent reviewer (i.e. not the person who implemented the translations) check every string for the items listed above. In some cases, it may be enough to review the running product itself; however, it is also valuable to print out your translations (using ToolCool or your own translation tools) and review them externally from the product.

For the functional testing, your best resource are the directions contained in the localization notes and this document. You should review the completed product's localization notes with this document in hand, double checking that you have followed all the instructions contained here and in the appropriate .DOG file's COMMENT field.

Consider the following general guidelines when testing:

Testing the Localised Content with US Communicator

To test the that the localised NetHelp files (both content and help implementation) work under the US Version Communicator, follow these steps:

1. Make sure that the installed version of Communicator can launch NetHelp by selecting the Help | Help Contents menu item. If this doesn't work, the chances of localised content working are slim. Re-installing Communicator should solve the problem.

2. Make a backup copy of the installed "NetHelp" folder. Name it "NetHelp US RTM" or such.

3. Once NetHelp is in working order, copy over all the files from Files to localise/help/Communicator 4.x/ and Files to localise/nshi/ to their respective locations under ...\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\ , but only replacing files that already are there. (Win16 doesn't use the JavaScript NetHelp implementation; Win32 doesn't have shared/Contents.htm, Navigator doesn't have content for Messenger, Composer, ...)

4. Launch Communicator and select the Help | Help Contents menu item. You should see the localised Table of Contents entries appear.

Testing the TOC

To separately test the Table of Contents replace the CntData.js file under ...\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\ with the newly generated one. After that launch Communicator and select the Help | Help Contents menu item. You should see the localised Table of Contents entries appear. Select all of the content areas one by one, opening up the topic lists, and going through all links shown.

Testing the Index

To separately test a newly generated IdxData.js file, copy the file to the NetHelp directory under ...\Communicator\Program\ and launch NetHelp. Bring up the Index window by clicking on "Index".

Click the entries appearing in the index and verify that all of them work. If you have also replaced all the English HTML content files, you should also see localised content coming up.

If you are creating a multi-byte localization (e.g. Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc.) and experience problems with your index file, consult the troubleshooting section for a possible solution.

The following section tells you how to report bugs in the localization kit itself, or in the core product. Click the NEXT link to continue.


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