5. Troubleshooting

This section discusses tools and tips for diagnosing, correcting or avoiding problems encountered using this localization kit.

Double-byte Kludge

If for some reason the double-byte content in CntData.js and IdxData.js is corrupted, use the following workaround:

1. Install JDK 1.1.4 or later from JavaSoft, which includes the "native2ascii" tool
2. Make a backup copy of the localised HTML content directory
3. Convert all <Topic>.htm documents from the native encoding to "Unicode":
- rename coll.htm etc. to coll-orig.htm
- run native2ascii:
native2ascii -encoding SJIS coll-orig.htm coll.htm
4. Replace all occurrences of "\u" with "zz\u" so that they sort after ASCII and in straight Unicode order
5. Run the NetHelp Builder tool
6. Undo step #3 for the new CntData.js & IdxData.js files: replace "zz\u" with "\u"
7. Rename CntData.js & IdxData.js to CntData-Unicode.js & IdxData-Unicode.js
8. Run native2ascii again to go back to the native encding:
native2ascii -encoding SJIS -reverse CntData-Unicode.js CntData.js
9. Install & test the new CntData.js & IdxData.js files


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