You are here: Mozilla MailNews Functional / UI Tests > Views
Feature Test Spec: Mail and News Component
Mail and News Component: Views
Written by Laurel CarlsonModified and maintained by Fenella Gor
5.0 Seamonkey UI Specification:
Test case management: N/A
Total number of test cases: approximate 1656
This testspec covers exclusively on the Sort option in Messenger. Sorting messages encompasses ascending and descending order. Sorting includes different views as well as re-arranging the different columns. All test cases applies to both the mail and newsgroups.
- Messenger UI window to be tested:
- 3 Pane UI window
- Preferences|Mail & Newsgroup|Window Settings to choose the first layout option
- Preferences|Mail & Newsgroup|Window Settings to choose the second layout option
- 2 pane UI window (Folder pane collapsed)
- 2 pane window (Message pane collapsed)
- 1 pane window (Folder and Message pane collapsed)
- 3 Pane UI window
- Initial conditions: Open a default 3 pane UI Messenger window
- Preferences|Mail & Newsgroup|Window Settings to choose the first layout option
- Performing basic mail/newsgroup operation
- Get new messages (make sure new messages are sorted appropriately)
- File messages (make sure they're sorted correctly in destination folder)
- Copy messages (make sure they're sorted correctly in destination folder)
- Use the Back message option after switching sorts
- Use Forward message option after switching sorts
- Brief check for thread operations in flat sort
- Brief check of other navigational commands in sorts
- Brief check of other navigational command after switching sorts
- Verify view sorting is preserved per mail/newsgroup
- Close and reopen mail/newsgroup message
- Through exit communicator and reopen
- Click on X and reopen
- Switch to another mail/newsgroup and back via folder dropdown (right above the folder pane)
- Testing Messenger's Sort options on mail
- 3 pane UI window
- Verify each view contains all thread window columns
- Verify column operations in all views
- Column widget to add/remove columns from display (using the back and forth arrow in the column header)
- Resizing columns
- Reordering columns (placement in display as opposed to sort order of contents)
- Clicking column header for column's content sort and in ascending/descending order
- Expand and collapse threads in any view, checking column information in both states.
- Message pane can be displayed or hidden with the pane widget or menu item. (via View|Show|Message)
- Threaded sort: verify threading is correct switching among views
- Column sorting method: select column headers to sort
message threads in ascending order by clicking each of the
column headings:
- Flag icon
- Subject
- Sender
- Date
- Read green diamond icon
- Status
- Priority
- Flag icon
- Unread
- Size
- Column sorting method: select column headers by clicking
each of the following column headings:
- Flag icon
- Subject
- Sender
- Date
- Read green diamond icon
- Status
- Priority
- Flag icon
- Unread
- Size
- Re-arrange the column orders by dragging columns headers to left or right, repeat column sorting (use the previous two steps above.)
- Re-size the columns by dragging the column width and repeat column sorting (use the previous two steps above)
- Expand to show additional column heading before sorting (repeat column sorting)
- Hide the column heading before sorting (repeat column sorting)
- View menu sorting method: From the View|Sort menu, select Ascending and select one of
the followings. Verify that the messages thread in the message
pane are sorted in the ascending order according to your
- by Date
- by Flag
- by Priority
- by Sender
- by Size
- by Status
- by Subject
- by Thread
- by Unread
- by Ordered Received
- View menu sorting method: From the View|Sort menu, select Descending to verify that
the messages thread in the message pane are sorted in the
descending order according to your selection below:
- by Date
- by Flag
- by Priority
- by Sender
- by Size
- by Status
- by Subject
- by Thread
- by Unread
- by Ordered Received
- Re-arrange the column orders by dragging columns headers to left or right, repeat View menu sorting.
- Re-size the columns by dragging the column width and repeat View menu sorting.
- Expand to show additional column heading. Repeat View menu sorting.
- Hide the column heading before sorting. Repeat View menu sorting.
- Get Messages in Views
- For each view, verify you can get messages. Only new messages appropriate to the selected view should display.
- In each view, get messages in threaded sort. Verify threading is appropriate.
- In each view, get messages in flat sort. Verify newly received messages are merged appropriately in the sort.
- Select and open message
- Sorting under different View|Messages options:
- All
- Unread
- Threads with Unread
- Watched Thread with Unread
- Ignored Threads
- Switching between the different views. Verify sorting is maintained
- Sorting under different headers, under View|Headers
- All
- Normal
- Brief
- Switching between the different views
- Switching between sorting methods to ensure the selection
point doesn't jump around
- Selecting a message in a Flat sort then switching to Threaded
- 2 pane UI window (Folder pane collapsed)
- Repeat all of the 3 pane window test cases
- 2 pane window (Message pane collapsed)
- Repeat all of the 3 pane window test cases
- One pane window (Folder and Message pane collapsed)
- Repeat all of the 3 pane window test cases
- 3 pane UI window
- Testing Messenger's Sort options on newsgroups
- Repeat all the test cases in item I above
- Repeat all the test cases in item II above