You are here: Multiple Accounts / Account Setup > Multiple Accounts Visual/Functionality
Feature Test Spec: 6.0 Project
Mail and News Component
Multiple Accounts Visual/Functionality
Written by Ninoschka Baca
Account Setup UI Specifications
Mozilla Get Message/Login to Account at Startup
General Info:
Multiple Mail and News accounts may be created within a profile. Types of
accounts include POP, IMAP and News accounts. All tests performed on
Win32, Linux and the Mac.
- Profile Visual
Profile Functional
- Accessing The Account Settings Dialog
- Folders
- Login Scenarios/Get Messages
- Default Identity
- Change Identity
- Send/Receive Messages
- Move Messages
- Copy Messages
- Sort Messages
- Delete Specials Folders and Their Recreation
- Filters
- Biff Notification
- Dialup Connections
- Offline
- Migrate
- SMTP Scenarios after changing the default account
Title Bar
Verify the Title Bar displays the correct information when the following areas are selected for the 3-pane- Mail account - <Account Name> - Netscape (Mozilla)
- Mail folder, only - <Folder> - for <Email Address> - Netscape (Mozilla)
- Mail folder with a message selected - <Subject> - <Folder> - for <Email Address> - Netscape (Mozilla)
- News server selected: <News Server Name> - Netscape (Mozilla)
- Newsgroup, only - <Newsgroup> - on <Host> - Netscape (Mozilla)
- Newsgroup, with news message selected - <Subject> - <Newsgroup> - on <Host> - Netscape (Mozilla)
- Stand Alone Message Window (double click onto a message in
the thread pane so that it displays in its own window)
- If the newsgroup or host is unknown, then <Subject> - Netscape (Mozilla)
Folder Pane
- Verify a separate folder appears for each Account in the Folder Panel
- Verify a "Local Folders" folder appears below all other mail accounts in the Folder Panel
- Verify a "Local Folders" folder appears above a news account, when a news account is present
- Verify the account order in the Folder Pane is in the order they were added
- Verify the account order in the Folder Pane matches the account order in the Account Settings dialog
- Verify the account name displays correctly in the folder
pane (should match "Account Name" in the Identity panel)
- Mail for <user's email address> (this is the default name)
- Pretty Name
- Verify the correct special folders appear for each account type (for details go to section B.2.a)
- Verify the Account Central page displays in the right pane
when the account level is selected from the folder pane
- Link to read messages
- Link to create new messages
- Link to Account Settings
- Link to other pertinent information/features
- Migrated Accounts
- Verify all accounts appear
- Verify all account folders appear
- Verify that a "Local Folders" account appears
- Verify all Local Folders folders appear
Thread Pane
- Verify columns display in default mode for all account
- Thread
- Subject
- Sender/Recipient
- Date
- Column widget
- News
- Thread
- Subject
- Sender/Recipient
- Date
- Column widget
- Verify one set of columns are visible for Mail accounts
- Verify another set of columns can be visible for News accounts
- Verify columns can appear in a different sort order for each folder
- Verify columns can appear in a threaded or a non-threaded view for each folder
- Verify columns display in default mode for all account
Title Bar
Accessing the Account
Settings dialog
- select Edit|Mail/News Account Settings
- select "View settings for this account" from the Account Central page
When a new account is created, special default folders are also created:- POP
- Inbox
- Drafts
- Templates
- Sent
- Trash
- Inbox
- Local Folders
- Unsent Messages
- Drafts
- Templates (which include pre-formatted templates, i.e. Happy Birthday)
- Sent
- Trash
- News
- No special folders
Special Folder
- Verify that special folders are created on an as needed
- Drafts (create a new message, File|Save As|Draft should create a Draft folder)
- Sent (send a message should create a Sent folder)
- Trash (delete a message should create a Trash folder)
- Templates (create a new message, File|Save As|Template should create a Templates folder)
- NNTP account - None
- Verify that special folders are created on an as needed
User Folder
- Verify that user created folders display within the
following accounts
- Local Folders
- Verify user created folders cannot be created for News accounts
- Verify that user created folders display within the
following accounts
Messages Placed
In The Correct Account/Folder
As Draft: Verify Save as Draft places the
message into the appropriate Draft folder.
- By default, mail messages should be placed under the account in a Draft folder
- Define another draft folder for the account being used and verify that new draft messages are saved in the new draft folder
- By default, mail messages should be placed under the account in a Draft folder
- Define another draft folder for the account being used and verify that new draft messages are saved in the new draft folder
- Create a message from an IMAP account that is
logged out:
- Verify that a login dialog appears.
- After entering the password the message should be copied to the Draft folder.
- News
- By default, news messages should be placed in a
Draft folder for the default account
- If the default mail account is then changed, then news messages are still saved to the original default account
- Go to Copies & Folders panel for the news account and change the Draft folder to another account and verify that the draft message is saved to the new setting
- If only a news account exists then the news
messages should be placed in a Draft folder under
"Local Folders"
- If the default mail account is then changed, then news messages are still saved to the original default account
- Go to Copies & Folders panel for the news account and change the Draft folder to another account and verify that the draft message is saved to the new setting
- Send a news message where the Draft folder is
on an account that is logged out.
- Verify that a login dialog appears.
- After entering the password the message should be copied to the Draft folder.
- By default, news messages should be placed in a
Draft folder for the default account
a Message: Verify a copy of a sent message is
saved into the appropriate Sent folder
- By default, a copy of the mail message is copied to the account's Sent folder
- Go to Copies & Folders and change the default to another folder. When a message is sent, verify it makes a copy of the sent message to the new folder.
- By default an IMAP account does not have a Sent folder so a folder should automatically be created and the message placed in the new folder on the account
- Go to Copies & Folders and change the default to another folder. When a message is sent, verify it makes a copy of the sent message to the new folder.
- Send a message from the IMAP account when
logged out.
- Verify that a login dialog appears.
- After entering the password the message should be copied to the Sent folder
- News
- By default, news messages are placed in the
default account's Sent folder
- If the default mail account is then changed, then news messages are still saved to the original default account
- Go to Copies & Folders panel for the news account and change the Sent folder to another account and verify that the message is saved to the new setting
- If only a news account exists then the news
messages should be placed in a Sent folder under
"Local Folders"
- If new mail account is created, then news messages are still saved to the Sent folder under "Local Folders"
- Go to Copies & Folders panel for the news account and change the Sent folder to another account and verify that the message is saved to the new setting
- Send a news message where the Sent folder is on
an account that is logged out.
- Verify that a login dialog appears.
- After entering the password the message should be copied to the Sent folder.
- By default, news messages are placed in the
default account's Sent folder
Save as Template:
Verify Save As Template places the message into the
appropriate Template folder.
- By default, mail messages should be placed under the account in a Templates folder
- Define another Templates folder for the account being used and verify that new draft messages are saved in the new Templates folder
- By default, mail messages should be placed under the account in a Templates folder
- Define another Templates folder for the account being used and verify that new draft messages are saved in the new Templates folder
- Create a message from an IMAP account that is
logged out:
- Verify that a login dialog appears.
- After entering the password the message should be copied to the Templates folder.
- News
- By default, news messages should be placed in a
Templates folder for the default account
- If the default mail account is then changed, then news messages are still saved to the original default account
- Go to Copies & Folders panel for the news account and change the Templates folder to another account and verify that the news message is saved to the new Template folder
- If only a news account exists then the news
messages should be placed in a Templates folder
under "Local Folders"
- If the default mail account is then changed, then news messages are still saved to the original default account
- Go to Copies & Folders panel for the news account and change the Templates folder to another account and verify that the message is saved to the new Templates folder
- Send a news message where the Templates folder
is on an account that is logged out.
- Verify that a login dialog appears.
- After entering the password the message should be copied to the Templates folder.
- By default, news messages should be placed in a
Templates folder for the default account
- Mail Accounts
- Delete a message
- Verify a deleted message is copied to the
account's Trash folder
- IMAP (using the "Move to Trash" model)
- Local Folders
- Verify a deleted message is copied to the
account's Trash folder
- Delete a user created folder (POP/IMAP/Local
- Verify the user is prompted to answer the question "Are you sure you want to delete folder <name> and all it's contents? (OK, Cancel)
- Verify a deleted folder is copied to the account's Trash folder
Verify certain special folders cannot be removed. When the special folder is selected then the Delete button and the Edit|Delete menu item is disabled: - Delete Special Folders (POP/IMAP/Local Folders)
- Verify the Inbox cannot be removed
- Verify the Trash folder cannot be removed
- Verify the "Local Folders" Unsent Messages folder cannot be removed
- Delete a Mail account (using Account Settings
check POP/IMAP)
- Verify the user is prompted to answer the question "Are you sure you want to delete the account <account-name>?" With the choices: (Yes & No)
- Verify a deleted account is Not visible in:
- Account Settings
- Folder pane
- Verify a deleted account is Not copied to the account's Trash folder
- Delete "Local Folders" (from Account Settings)
- Verify the "Remove Account" button is disabled when Local Folders is selected
- Delete a message
- News Accounts
- Cancel a news message
- Verify that the message is removed from the thread pane
- Verify it is not moved to a Trash folder
- Delete or unsubscribe from a newsgroup (from
the folder pane)
- Verify the user is prompted to answer the question "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe to the newsgroup <name>? (OK, Cancel)
- Verify that the newsgroup does not appear in a Trash folder
- Delete a news account (from Account Settings)
- Verify the user is prompted to answer the question "Are you sure you want to remove the newsgroup <name> and all the newsgroups in it? (Yes & No)
- Verify the news account does not appear in a Trash folder
- Cancel a news message
- Mail Accounts
Later: (POP/IMAP/News)
- Verify a Send Later message is copied to the Unsent Messages Folder in "Local Folders"
As Draft: Verify Save as Draft places the
message into the appropriate Draft folder.
Login scenarios/Get
- Default logon scenarios
(Note: "Log onto this account at startup of Mail" is found in the Account Settings' Server panel)- POP
- In a new profile create a POP account. When the
Account Wizard closes:
- Verify the POP account level is selected and displays the Account Central page
- Verify the link to "read messages" selects the Inbox and retrieves messages
- Verify "Log onto this account at startup of Mail" is Not selected
- In the same profile add a second POP account
- Verify "Log onto this account at startup of Mail" is Not selected
- In the same profile add an IMAP account
- Verify "Log onto this account at startup of Mail" is Not selected
- Exit/Restart
- Verify focus goes to the first POP account so the Account Central page displays
- Verify the link to "read messages" selects the Inbox and retrieves messages only for the first account
- In a new profile create a POP account. When the
Account Wizard closes:
- In a new profile create an IMAP account and when
the Account Wizard closes:
- Verify the IMAP Inbox is selected, a login dialog appears, enter a password and messages are retrieved
- Verify "Log onto this account at startup of Mail" Is selected
- In the same profile add a second IMAP account
- Verify "Log onto this account at startup of Mail" is Not selected
- In the same profile add a POP account
- Verify "Log onto this account at startup of Mail" is Not selected
- Exit/Restart
- Verify focus goes to the first IMAP Inbox, a login dialog appears, enter a password and messages are retrieved for the first account.
- In a new profile create an IMAP account and when
the Account Wizard closes:
- Password Manager (aka Using a Personal Security
(Note: Create a profile with 1 POP, 1 IMAP and 2 other accounts)- Enabling Password Manager for the first account only
(Obscure mode)
- When the Account Central page appears, select the
"read messages" link so a login dialog appears. Select
the checkbox to use Password Manager
- Verify an information dialog appears explaining the advantages of encryption. It should only appear once per profile.
- Verify all other account display a login dialog
- Exit/Restart, select the Account Central's "read
messages" link again
- Verify the Inbox for the POP account is selected and that new messages are retrieved without a login prompt appearing. This is known as running in Obscure mode.
- Verify all other accounts display a login dialog
- When the Account Central page appears, select the
"read messages" link so a login dialog appears. Select
the checkbox to use Password Manager
- Enabling Password Manager for a second account (Obscure
- Exit/Restart, select the Account Central's "read
messages" link
- Verify the Inbox for the POP account is selected and that new messages are retrieved without a login prompt appearing.
- Select the IMAP account's Inbox so a login dialog appears. Select the checkbox to use Password Manager.
- Log into the remaining mail accounts and verify that a login dialog appears for them as well but do not select the checkbox to use password manager.
- Exit/Restart, select the Account Central "read
messages" link again
- Verify the Inbox for the POP account is selected and the new messages are retrieved without a login.
- Verify when the first IMAP Inbox is selected that messages are also retrieved without a login
- Verify that all other accounts display a login dialog
- Exit/Restart, select the Account Central's "read
messages" link
- Enabling Encryption mode
- Select Tasks|Privacy and Security|Password Manager|
Encrypt Sensitive Information.
- Verify (1st time use) a Personal Security
Password dialog appears
- Enter a password (private key), confirm the password and leave the frequency option to its default
- Verify the Master Password works only for the
POP and first IMAP accounts
- Exit/Restart, select the Account Central
"read messages" link
- Verify the Personal Security Password dialog appears and that it accepts your private key
- Verify the new messages for the POP account are retrieved
- Verify selecting the first IMAP Inbox opens and retrieves messages without prompting for your private key
- Verify all other accounts display a login dialog
- Exit/Restart, select the Account Central
"read messages" link
- Verify (1st time use) a Personal Security
Password dialog appears
- Select Tasks|Privacy and Security|Password Manager|
Encrypt Sensitive Information.
- Clearing Sensitive Information (this results in login
dialogs reappearing for all accounts)
- Select Tasks|Privacy and Security|Password
Manager|Clear Sensitive Information
- Exit, Restart, select the Account Central "read
messages" link
- Verify that the Inbox for the POP account is selected and that a login dialog appears. After entering the mail password then new messages should be retrieved.
- Verify selecting the first IMAP Inbox displays a login dialog. After entering the mail password then messages should be retrieved.
- Verify that all other accounts also display a login dialog and that messages are retrieved.
- Exit, Restart, select the Account Central "read
messages" link
- Select Tasks|Privacy and Security|Password
Manager|Clear Sensitive Information
- Enabling Password Manager for the first account only
(Obscure mode)
- Default logon scenarios
- Default Identity
For an explanation of how the default account is determined refer to the Account Setup Specification -
- Verify the correct identity appears in the From field for a
New Message/ Compose window:
- Select a POP account
- select the New Message button and the POP account should display in the from: field.
- Select File|New|Message menu
- Select a message and select the Reply button.
- Select a message, moving it to another account's folder, then select Reply button. The identity is determined by the account the message resides in.
- Select a message and select the Reply All button.
- Select a message and select the Forward Inline option.
- Select a message and select the Forward Attachment option.
- Select an IMAP account
- select the New Message button and the IMAP account should display in the from: field.
- Select File|New|Message menu
- Select a message and select the Reply button.
- Select a message, moving it to another account's folder, then select the Reply button. The identity is determined by the account the message resides in.
- Select a message and select the Reply All button.
- Select a message and select the Forward Inline option.
- Select a message and select the Forward Attachment option.
- Select the "Local Folders" folder
- select the New Message button and the default account should display in the from: field.
- Select File|New|Message menu
- Select a message and select the Reply button.
- Select a message, moving it to another account's folder, then select the Reply button. The identity is determined by the account the message resides in.
- Select a message and select the Reply All button.
- Select a message and select the Forward Inline option.
- Select a message and select the Forward Attachment option.
- Select a Newsgroup
- select the New Message button and its identity should display in the from: field.
- Select File|New|Message menu
- Select a message and select the Reply button.
- Select a message and select the Reply All button.
- Select a message and select the Forward Inline option.
- Select a message and select the Forward Attachment option.
- Select a POP account
- Send the message in the following ways to verify the
recipient views the correct from field:
- Send the message back to the same account.
- Send the message to another account.
- Send the message to many accounts.
- Send the message later.
- Send the message using a different SMTP server.
- Send the message with a Signature.
- Verify the correct identity appears in the From field for a
New Message/ Compose window:
- Create a message and verify that another
identity can be selected in the from field by:
- Select a POP Account
- Creating a New Message.
- Select File|New|Message menu
- Select a message and select the Reply button.
- Select a message, moving it to another account's folder, then select the Reply button.
- Select a message and select the Reply All button.
- Select a message and select the Forward Inline option.
- Select a message and select the Forward Attachment option.
- Select an IMAP Account
- Creating a New Message.
- Select File|New|Message menu
- Select a message and select the Reply button.
- Select a message, moving it to another account's folder, then select the Reply button.
- Select a message and select the Reply All button.
- Select a message and select the Forward Inline option.
- Select a message and select the Forward Attachment option.
- Select the "Local Folders" folder
- Select the New Message button.
- Select File|New|Message menu
- Select a message and selecting the Reply button.
- Select a message, moving it to another account's folder, then select the Reply button.
- Select a message and selecting the Reply All button.
- Select a message and selecting the Forward Inline option.
- Select a message and selecting the Forward Attachment option.
- Select a Newsgroup
- Select the New Message button.
- Select File|New|Message menu
- Select a message and selecting the Reply button.
- Select a message and selecting the Reply All button.
- Select a message and selecting the Forward Inline option.
- Select a message and selecting the Forward Attachment option.
- Select a POP Account
- Create a message and verify that another
identity can be selected in the from field by:
- Verify messages appear in the correct account Inbox after
Retrieving messages
- Get messages for one account.
- Get messages for all accounts.
- Get messages for selected accounts
- Verify the recipient views the correct from field after
sending a message in the following way
- Send the message back to the same account.
- Send the message to another account.
- Send the message to many accounts.
- Send the message later.
- Send the message using a different SMTP server.
- Send the message with a Signature.
- Verify messages appear in the correct account Inbox after
Retrieving messages
- Verify messages are placed in the correct folders after
moving a message from :
- POP --> POP
- POP --> Local Folders
- IMAP --> POP
- IMAP --> Local Folders
- Local Folders --> POP
- Local Folders --> IMAP
- Local Folders --> Local Folders
- News --> POP
- News --> IMAP account
- News --> Local Folders
- Verify messages are placed in the correct folders after
moving a message from :
- Verify messages are placed in the correct folders after
copying a message from :
- POP --> POP
- POP --> Local Folders
- IMAP --> POP
- IMAP --> Local Folders
- Local Folders --> POP
- Local Folders --> IMAP
- Local Folders --> Local Folders
- News --> POP
- News --> IMAP account
- News --> Local Folders
- Verify messages are placed in the correct folders after
copying a message from :
- Verify each account sorts the messages correctly in the
Thread pane:
- Date
- Flag
- Order Received
- Priority
- Sender
- Size
- Status
- Subject
- Unread
- Date
- Flag
- Order Received
- Priority
- Sender
- Size
- Status
- Subject
- Unread
- Local Folders
- Date
- Flag
- Order Received
- Priority
- Sender
- Size
- Status
- Subject
- Unread
- News Accounts
- Date
- Flag
- Order Received
- Priority
- Sender
- Size
- Status
- Subject
- Unread
- Verify each account sorts the messages correctly in the
Thread pane:
Delete Special Folders
and Their Recreation
(i.e. Draft, Sent and Templates folders)- POP
- Delete a Draft folder
- create a new message, Save as Draft and verify a Draft folder is created in the appropriate account
- verify that the message is placed in the new Draft folder
- Delete the Sent folder
- create a new message, send a message and verify a Sent folder is created in the appropriate account
- verify that that the message is placed in the new Sent folder
- Delete the Templates folder
- create a new message, Save as Template and verify a Templates folder is created in the appropriate account
- verify that the message is placed in the new Templates folder
- Delete a Draft folder
- Delete a Draft folder
- create a new message, Save as Draft and verify a Draft folder is created in the appropriate account
- verify that the message is placed in the new Draft folder
- Delete the Sent folder
- create a new message, send a message and verify a Sent folder is created in the appropriate account
- verify that that the message is placed in the new Sent folder
- Delete the Templates folder
- create a new message, Save as Template and verify a Templates folder is created in the appropriate account
- verify that the message is placed in the new Templates folder
- Delete a Draft folder
- "Local Folders"
If a user chooses to save information to "Local Folders" instead of the account itself- Delete the Draft folder
- create a new message, Save as Draft and verify a Draft folder is created under "Local Folders"
- verify that the message is placed in the new Draft folder
- Delete the Sent folder
- create a new message, send a message and verify a Sent folder is created under "Local Folders"
- verify that the message is placed in the new Sent folder
- Delete the Templates folder
- create a new message, Save as Template and verify a Template folder is created under "Local Folders"
- verify that the message is placed in the new Templates folder
- Delete the Draft folder
- News Accounts
- Delete the Draft folder (on Local Folders or the
default mail account, check Copies and Folders)
- create a new message, Save as Draft and verify a Draft folder is created under "Local Folders"
- verify that the message is placed in the new Draft folder
- Delete the Sent folder (on Local Folders or the default
mail account, check Copies and Folders)
- create a new message, send a message and verify a Sent folder is created under "Local Folders"
- verify that the message is placed in the new Sent folder
- Delete the Templates folder (on Local Folders or the
default mail account, check Copies and Folders)
- create a new message, Save as Template and verify a Template folder is created under "Local Folders"
- verify that the message is placed in the new Templates folder
- Delete the Draft folder (on Local Folders or the
default mail account, check Copies and Folders)
Create filters for each account where messages are stored in various folders.- One profile with multiple accounts
- Create filters based on the "sender"
- Where the messages are moved to a specific folder on the same account
- Where the messages are moved to a specific folder on a different account
- Create filters based on the "subject"
- Where the messages are moved to a specific folder on the same account
- Where the messages are moved to a specific folder on a different account
- Create filters based on the "sender"
- Refer to the Filters Test Plan for additional scenarios
- One profile with multiple accounts
Note: Biff notification will alert when any account receives new mail. It will not distinguish between accounts.- Verify a biff icon appears in the system tray (Window's System Tray, Mac's,Linux Gnome)
- Verify a biff icon appears in the Mail Taskbar for Mail accounts logged in
- Verify a biff icon appears in the Browser Taskbar for Mail accounts logged in
- Verify a biff icon appears on the account level when new messages are available
- The Inbox for each account will notify when new messages are received.
- Mail's Folder panel will notify when new mail is present.
- Accounts not logged in should not receive notices.
- Refer to the Biff Test Plan for additional scenarios
- Verify all tests from the Functional section using a Dialup Connection.
- Verify a sampling of Offline tests for multiple accounts works (Use the Offline test cases)
Migrate from
- Verify the 4.5 accounts appear and that a "Local Folders"
account is created.
- POP and News accounts
- IMAP and News accounts
- 2 IMAP accounts
- Multiple News accounts
- Verify the 4.5 accounts appear and that a "Local Folders"
account is created.
SMTP Scenarios after changing the
default account
- Verify the default account displays as the first account
and that all accounts in the profile can send/receive messages
- Add an IMAP and POP account, change the default to the POP account - send/receive messages. Remove the POP account and verify the IMAP account can still send/receive messages.
- Add a POP and IMAP account, change the default to the IMAP account - send/receives messages. Remove the IMAP account and verify the POP account can still send/receive messages.
- Verify the default account displays as the first account
and that all accounts in the profile can send/receive messages
Accessing the Account
Settings dialog