You are here: Mozilla MailNews Functional / UI Tests > LDAP Preferences
Feature Test Spec: Mail and News Component
Mail and News Component: LDAP Preferences
Written by Yulian ChangReviewed by Srilatha Moturi
Global Address Book & LDAP - UI Proposal l
Addressbook Prefs Proposal to support LDAP
Global Address Book/Account
Specific LDAP - Version 2
- Areas to test:
- Preferences: Mail and Newsgroups: Address Books panel
- Mail Account Settings: LDAP Directory Server
- Typedown addressing: Mail Compose window
- Design of Dialogs:
- verify appearance of LDAP preference specific to Address Books panel
- verify the check boxes can be checked/unchecked and it holds
- holds when closing preferences
- holds when closing Browser
- verify the text boxes can take text entries
- valid
- invalid (no text entry or blank text box included)
- verify the radio buttons can be selected toggling when required
and holds the selection
- holds when closing preferences
- holds when closing Browser
- verify the action buttons work
- verify OK button works as supposed
- verify Cancel works as supposed
- verify the access key
- New Directory - General tab
- n for "Name" focus
- h for "Hostname" focus
- b for "Base DN" focus
- New Directory - Advanced tab
- p for "Port Number" focus
- r for "Don't return more than X results" focus
- f for "Search filter" focus
- New Directory - General tab
- verify the banner text reflects the selected category
- verify preferences are intact after restart of program
- verify that the saved preferences are reflected when upgrading
- Functionality of Preferences:
- Address Books panel
- verify for the default selection: Local Address Books, in the Addressing Messages portion of this panel performs correct address autocompletion while composing a new message
- verify the drop-down list for "LDAP Directory Server:" lists all the directories, displaying a scroll bar if needed
- check the box for "LDAP Directory Server:" , select a directory and verify the correct address autocompletion for this combination
- uncheck the box for "Local Address Books", verify the correct address autocompletion for this combination
- uncheck the box for "LDAP Directory Server:", verify autocompletion is not performed when you address messages
- check the box for "LDAP Directory Server:", verify
autocompletion is performed through various selection of
Directory Server
- none
- default LDAP servers
- user added servers
- verify clicking the "Edit Directories..." button opens the "LDAP Directory Servers" dialog
- verify Address Book and LDAP directory server settings in Preferences window are global for all accounts
- LDAP Directory Servers dialog
- verify "Add" button is enabled
- verify "Edit" and "Delete" buttons are enabled with focus of any listed directory
- verify "Directory Server Properties" dialog appears when clicking "Add" button
- Creating new Directory
- Verify the dialog title is "Directory Server Properties"
- Verify the dialog consists of the following and the layout is correct
- "General" tab
- "Name" text box
- verify you can enter any character or combination of characters in this text box
- verify the name is saved when closing the dialog
- verify the data must be entered to create the directory
- "Hostname" text box
- verify any character or combination of characters can be entered in this text box
- verify the Hostname is saved when closing the dialog
- verify that both Name and Hostname are required to create a New Directory
- "Base DN" text box
- verify you can enter any character or combination of characters in this text box
- verify entry can be empty and doesn't crash
- verify it is saved when closing the dialog
- "Port Number" text box
- verify a valid port works (numeric digits - 6 digits)
- verify "Port Number" is required
- verify invalid port number does not crash (non-numeric digits)
- verify the digit is saved when closing the dialog
- "Bind DN" text box
- verify it holds when changed
- verify "Bind DN" is required for LDAP authentication
- "Use secure connection (SSL)" checkbox
- verify it holds when closing dialog
- verify the port number changes to the default secure port number automatically
- verify you can modify the default secure port number
- verify that you get the search results if the server supports a secure port.
- verify you don't get search result if the server doesn't support a secure port
- "Name" text box
- Offline tab - covered in the LDAP replication and sync
- Advanced tab
- "Don't return more than X results" text box
- verify a valid entry works
- verify invalid entry does not crash (non-digit character or number with 6 or more digits)
- verify the server returns only X results
- verify a message displays in the footer if there are more messages than the maximum
- verify the specified data is saved when closing the dialog
- "Search filter" text box
- verify any character or combination of characters can be entered in this text box
- verify search filter applies to entries within the specified scope of the search
- verify this field can be left empty to search without crash
- verify it is saved when closing the dialog
- "Scope" radio button
- verify the server performs one-level search (retrieves information about entries one level below the distinguished name (<base_dn>) specified in the URL) if one-level radio button is selected
- verify the server performs sub-tree search (retrieves information about entries at all levels below the distinguished name (<base_dn>) specified in the URL) if sub-tree radio button is selected
- verify it holds when closing dialog or Browser
- "Don't return more than X results" text box
- Editing an existing Directory
- Make changes to various fields in the dialog and verify
they hold after closing the dialog and the Browser
- verify changes to the Name field
- verify changes to the HostName field
- verify changes to the Base DN field
- verify changes to the Port Number field
- verify changes to the "Don't return more than X results" field
- verify changes to the " Search filter" field
- Make changes to various fields in the dialog and verify
they work accordingly
- verify changes to the Name field
- verify changes to the HostName field
- verify changes to the Base DN field
- verify changes to the Port Number field
- verify changes to the "Don't return more than X results" field
- verify changes to the " Search filter" field
- Make changes to various fields in the dialog and verify
they hold after closing the dialog and the Browser
- Deleting an existing Directory
- verify the selected directory is deleted in LDAP Directory Servers dialog
- verify the deleted directory is not listed in the drop-down list for "LDAP Directory Server:"
- verify deleted directory is delected from addressbook pane
- Managing Directories
- Adding Multiple directories
- add sufficient number to fill the directory window to force the vertical scroll bar to appear
- add a directory with the same Name as another directory
- Adding fictitious directories
- verify you receive an error message
- verify you receive error message when adding a new
server with incomplete information
- blank Name
- blank HostName
- Adding Multiple directories
- Migration
- verify migrated prefs file from 4.x for the default LDAP server URI has changed
- verify all the default directories are migrated
- using a migrated profile and select a migrated LDAP directory to open compose window, verify autocompletion works properly without any error
- Address Books panel
- Functionality of Account Settings
- Server settings: LDAP Directory Server
- verify the drop-down list for "LDAP Directory Server:" lists all the directories, displaying a scroll bar if needed
- verify clicking the "Edit Directories..." button opens the "LDAP Directory Servers" dialog
- check the box for "Use a different LDAP server" and verify
users are able to override the global LDAP settings on a per
account basis
- override with none
- override with the same directory server as global setting
- override with different directory server
- override with invalid server
- uncheck the box for "LDAP Directory Server:" in global
prefs. setting
- override with none
- override with valid directories
- override with invalid directory
- with multiple compose windows open, verify autocompletion performs for each
- set up multiple accounts and verify autocompletion works for each account
- verify each account can be associated with a specific LDAP directory servers
- uncheck the box for "Use a different LDAP server" and verify global settings are in effect again
- LDAP Directory Servers dialog
- Same as in Preferences
- Server settings: LDAP Directory Server
- Typedown Addressing
- verify autocompletion box pops up with matching entries
- verify autocompletion box displays a scroll bar as needed
- verify the only one matched entry in Local Address Book or
Directory Server is preselected
- Local Address Books
- check Local Address Books only. Verify no autocompletion box popups up
- check Local Address Books and Directory Server
- Directory Server
- check Directory Server only. Verify no autocompletion box popups up
- check Local Address Books and Directory Server
- Local Address Books
- verify autocompletion box doesn't pop up if autocompletion is turned off
- verify only one selection is allowed in the matching list
- verify the selected entry is displayed correctly in the compose window
- verify autocompletion works for every entry of addressing field in the compose window
- verify autocompletion functions properly with global LDAP directory server preferences
- verify autocompletion functions properly with override global LDAP directory server preferences
- with multiple Compose windows open, verify autocompletion performs for each
- verify the system doesn't hang in the following conditions:
- hit the down-arrow key to start scrolling while autocomplete looking for all the name and displaying them. Note: testing via 56k modem
- turns off the service of directory server in the remote site
- LDAP Authentication
- verify LDAP autocomplete support authentication
- verify LDAP addressbook support authentication
- verify LDAP authentication dialog box, "LDAP Server Password
Required" shows up if Bind DN is specified in the Directory Server
Properties | General Panel for a given Directory Server
- verify LDAP authentication dialog box, "LDAP Server Password Required" has correct text
- valid Bind DN
- verify autocomplete dropdown list pops up if correct password is provided
- verify autocomplete doesn't perform if password isn't provided or isn't correct
- verify addressbook serach works if correct password is
- ldap addressbook quick search in Address Book window, Sidebar and Select Addressees dialog
- ldap addressbook advanced search
- verify addressbook search doesn't perform serach if incorrect passwrod is incorrect or isn't provided
- invalid Bind DN
- verify autocomplete doesn't perform
- verify LDAP addressbook search doesn't perform
- verify LDAP autocomplete and addressbook search support authentication by using the Bind DN not email address
- verify autocomplete dropdown list pops up as soon as password is entered
- verify LDAP authentication dialog doesn't open if password is remembered by password manager
- verify error message is displayed if incorrect password is entered for LDAP authentication