Other issues in Lightning & Sunbird 0.5
The following are known issues in Lightning & Sunbird 0.5:
- It is impossible to load several calendars with different passwords on the same server (bug 247486)
- Date and time from events that originate from .ICS files created by other applications, may be miscalculated, because non-native timezones are not appropriately handled (bug 314339)
- Events from other calendar applications with a DURATION set but no DTEND (end date) will have the DURATION removed and a calculated end date added when exported. (bug 317786)
- Portions of attachments on events and tasks may be lost when uploading to a remote calendar. (bug 319909)
- "By weekday" and "by day" recurrence types (such as "recur on the last weekday of the month") are not supported. (bug 322458)
- Concurrent editing of remote calendars by multiple users can lose data (bug 329570)
- All-day events are occasionally displayed on two days when they should only be displayed on one. (bug 333363)
- Occurrences of recurring events may disappear when dragging and dropping them. (bug 336952)
- The Event/Task Dialog will always show times in the operating system timezone regardless of the chosen timezone preferences (bug 337191)
- Enabling the "Automatic proxy configuration URL" preference will cause remote calendars to fail to load on startup. To workaround this bug, execute "Reload Remote Calendars" after the application has started up or use "Manual proxy configuration". (bug 338527)
- Because of bugs in older X servers, there are unavoidable race conditions in drag and drop in month view on Un*x desktops, which may lead to a complete freeze. This has been noticed especially in situations where people were connecting to a remote X session. (bug 348009)
- Exceptions will be ignored when subscribing to an ics calendar created on Sunbird 0.2 (bug 352795)
- When using timezones with a negative offset there may be errors when calculating recurrences with all-day and non-allday items (bug 353887)
- There are intermittent issues when modifying occurrences of recurring events via iMIP and Copy/Paste. (bug 354578)
- Automatic reloading and and/or refreshing and reloading is not possible on CalDAV calendars. (bug 361520)
- Events on a CalDAV calendar may intermittently disappear from Day View or Week View (bug 365641)
- Due to the complexity of the Daylight Savings Time rules for the /Asia/Jerusalem timezone, .ICS files which contain events in the /Asia/Jerusalem timezone may fail to import into Microsoft Outlook 2003 (as well as earlier versions). These files should import successfully into Microsoft Outlook 2007. (bug 367378)
- Events on WebCalendar servers cannot be deleted through the UI. (bug 371946)
- If you are using Apache Limit or LimitExcept directives you may get 401 errors when modifying events unless you make sure that GET, HEAD, OPTIONS and PROPFIND are not limited. e.g. <LimitExcept GET HEAD OPTIONS PROPFIND>" (bug 380291)