XPConnect is the mechanism whereby XPCOM classes written in C++ can be accessed from javascript, and vice-versa. See XPConnect pages.
On the platform-specific front, there needs to be code to call the nth virtual method of a given pointer-to-object with an arbitrary-ish list of parameters, and code to call into javascript from an object with stubbed out methods. This requires assembler.
The OS/2 code is in /mozilla/xpcom/libxpt/xptcall/src/md/os2 ; the emx code is written. Not yet checked in to mozilla.org CVS.
VACPP uses the _Optlink calling convention with C++
methods, which means that certain parameters are passed in registers.
For a functional VACPP Mozilla, this needs to be written.
To watch: XPConnect is not long long clean; the owner knows about the problem and may even fix it.
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