There are several areas where Warpzilla needs to worry about i18n. At time
of writing, the implementations are cursory. OS/2 has very good locale and
conversion support, however the function is not used by the C libraries
supplied with either EMX or VAC++. So:
Need to write minimal versions of the Uni* API header
Code currently in /mozilla/intl/locale/src/os2.
This does collation and correctly formatted dates and times, which make
use of the country and user properties.
Needs to be rewritten to be correct and use the Uni* API.
There's also an opportunity here to write an interface to translate between
platform and XP locale IDs; it's not clear why we need to do this.
Find out what's going on here.
Default encodings
There needs to be code in /mozilla/intl/uconv/src/ which determines the
default encoding. Essentially this needs to translate between OS/2 codepages
and encoding names (eg. "ISO-8859-1"). At the moment we use the unix code.
Write this.
Need to support input of mbcs characters, mapping WM_CHAR
events to unicode characters. This is straightforward through the Uni* APi.
Write this.
Investigate MBCS and BiDi input.
Need to support drawing Unicode strings. Both Mozilla and OS/2 provide
converters from Unicode to another encoding which we can draw. Not yet
clear how to pick the correct encoding; will need to know at the time of
creating fonts in order to get the codepage right.
Investigate and write this.
There's lots to do here, and much to be gained by talking with the Mozilla i18n group.
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