Test Documentation for Find As You Type

Maintained by: Owen Marshall

Find As You Type is a new feature introduced in Mozilla 1.2. It allows the user, by merely typing in the open window, to automatically search for links (or, even non-linked text) containing the typed text. This Emacs-style search allows the user to search without use of the mouse or difficult-to-remember key combinations.

What will & will NOT be tested

This outline is under development and is subject to change at any time.

We will need to cover:

We will not need to worry about (at this time):

Issues, references & bug information

Reference materials

Find As You Type UI specifications
Find As You Type source

Important bugs

Bug #30088 is currently tracking Find As You Type bugs. You can also:

Bug #158752 discusses additions of Find As You Type to mailnews and composer. Bug #168281 reports how Find As You Type does not currently work with IME.

Bug filing information

Please, before filing another bug, be sure you have searched Bugzilla for any duplicate bugs. Bugs for this feature should be in the Keyboard Navigation component of the Browser product.

To properly file a Find As You Type bug, please follow these steps (in addition to following the bug writing guidelines):

  1. Assign the bug to the Browser product, in the Keyboard Navigation component.
  2. Include "find-as-you-type" somewhere in the summary.
  3. Add "30088" to the "Bug XXXXXX Blocks" field.
  4. If you are filing this bug because the testcases failed, please be sure that you can reproduce the bug. If you still see the bug after the second test attempt, please include what test and at what step you were on when it failed, and describe in detail the problem you experience in the bug report.

This will help developers and QA understand your bug.

If you don't feel comfortable with Bugzilla or filing bugs, feel free to email me at malachi@bardstowncable.net. I am more than happy to look at your issue and file a bug report as needed.

Test coverage and outline

Acceptance tests

These are intended to be the basic, acceptance level tests for Type Ahead Find. All instructions are covered in acceptance

Functional tests

These tests check the full abilities of Find As You Type. All instructions are covered in functional

Note that all times vary based upon a tester's experience, and the relative amount of bugs (Find As You Type and otherwise) in the build the tester is using.

What do I do if I find a problem while running the tests?

Answer: If a bug doesn't already exist in Bugzilla, file one, of course! Just remember, to get proper developer and QA attention, you need to follow the above instructions.