Find As You Type Acceptance Tests

Welcome to the acceptance tests for Find As You Type. This test suite is designed to be quick and easy, and provide a broad overview of the feature. Please be sure to read the document to the end before running the tests.

Note: The links are nonexistent. There is no need to attempt to follow them; that could interfere with the basic tests.

Test (A)

  1. Type the following string in, without the quotation marks. Put each letter in lowercase! The string is: HYDROBROMICACID


  3. Please verify that for each letter you type in lowercase, the corresponding uppercase letter in the above URL is highlighted.
  4. Please wait until the green Find As You Type highlight is replaced by the normal system highlight. This should take a few seconds. When it is replaced, you may continue to the next test.

Test (B)

  1. Type the following string in, without the quotation marks. Put each letter in uppercase! The string is: sodiumhydroxide

  2. sodiumhydroxide

  3. Please verify that as you type each letter in uppercase, each corresponding lowercase letter in the above URL is highlighted.
  4. Please wait until the green Find As You Type highlight is replaced by the normal system highlight. This should take a few seconds. When it is replaced, you may continue to the next test.

Test (C)

  1. Type the following string in, without the quotation marks. Please note: This should scroll the screen down. Also, case-sensitivity is not a concern here. Feel free to type in uppercase, lowercase, or any combination of the two. The string is: water
  2. X





















  3. Please verify that, when you typed the initial "w", the page jumped down to this point. Also, please verify that each letter is highlighted as you type it.
  4. Please wait until the green Find As You Type highlight is replaced by the normal system highlight. This should take a few seconds.
If the results you obtained matched the intended results, then you have successfully completed the Find As You Type Acceptance Testcases. If you wish, you may continue on to the functional test page.

Sample deviations may include the text not being highlighted, the highlight not disappearing for a long period of time (anywhere over 3 to 6 seconds), the page not scrolling down in test C, etc.

If, at any time, the results you obtained deviated from the expected results, follow this procedure.
  1. Quit Mozilla entirely. This means closing all running windows, e.g., the mail/news application, etc.
  2. Restart Mozilla and return to this test page.
  3. Please rerun the tests.
If the problem persists, please follow the bug filing instructions on the main page.