International Library
Contact: netscape.public.mozilla.generalTable of contents
CharSetID and Charset Name Mapping
Character Code Conversion (CCC)
Character Set Information (CSI)
Character Set Properties
Charset ID Iterator
Compound Strings
Document Context Handling
Finding Character Boundaries
HTTP Headers
Line/Word Breaking
Locale Sensitive Operations
Message Header Processing
Platform Independent String Resources
Platform Independent String Resources
Single-Byte Charset Conversion Tables (Obsolescent)
String Comparison
Unicode (UCS-2) Strings
Unicode Conversion
Functions, Macros
- (*CCCFunc) Function Prototype for the codeset conversion function
- (*CCCRADFunc) Function Prototype for the Report Auto Detect Result function
- FE_DefaultDocCharSetID Get the UI charset encoding setting
- FE_StrColl The Front End function that implements XP_StrColl
- FE_StrfTime The Front End function that implements XP_StrfTime
- INTL_CallCharCodeConverter Passes some more text to the character code converter
- INTL_CanAutoSelect Returns whether or not auto-detection is available for the given charset ID
- INTL_CCCReportMetaCharsetTag Set up charset internal data by meta charset
- INTL_ChangeDefaultCharSetID Change the default document charset ID
- INTL_CharClass Returns information for basic Japanese word breaking
- INTL_CharLen Returns the number of bytes in the given character
- INTL_CharSetDocInfo Returns name of the document charset
- INTL_CharSetIDToJavaCharSetName Returns the Java charset name corresponding to the given charset ID
- INTL_CharSetIDToJavaName Returns the Java charset name corresponding to the given charset ID
- INTL_CharSetIDToName Returns the preferred MIME charset name corresponding to the given charset ID
- INTL_CharSetNameToID Returns the charset ID corresponding to the given charset name
- INTL_ColumnWidth Returns the column width of the given character
- INTL_CompoundStrCat Concatenate two INTL_CompoundStrs
- INTL_CompoundStrClone Clone an INTL_CompoundStr
- INTL_CompoundStrDestroy Destroy an INTL_CompoundStr
- INTL_CompoundStrFirstStr Start iterating an INTL_CompoundStr
- INTL_CompoundStrFromStr Construct an INTL_CompoundStr, given some text and its encoding
- INTL_CompoundStrFromUnicode Convert the given Unicode string to an INTL_CompoundStr
- INTL_CompoundStrNextStr Iterating INTL_CompoundStr
- INTL_ConvCharCode Set up the charset conversion stream module
- INTL_ConvertLineWithoutAutoDetect Converts a piece of text from one charset to another
- INTL_ConvMailToWinCharCode Converts mail charset to display charset used by current window
- INTL_CreateCharCodeConverter Create a character code converter object used for codeset conversion
- INTL_CreateDocToMailConverter Initialize and set up a character code converter for a mail charset
- INTL_CreateDocumentCCC Create and initialize Character Code Converter Object
- INTL_CSICreate Allocate a new charset info object, and clear it with zeroes
- INTL_CSIDestroy Frees the given charset info object
- INTL_CSIDIteratorCreate Returns a new iterator object to search charset IDs for a particular conversion
- INTL_CSIDIteratorDestroy Frees the given iterator, and sets given pointer to NULL
- INTL_CSIDIteratorNext Returns the next charset ID in the given iterator, if any
- INTL_CsidToCharsetNamePt Returns a pointer to the preferred MIME charset name corresponding to the given charset ID
- INTL_CsidToJavaCharsetNamePt Returns a pointer to the Java charset name corresponding to the given charset ID
- INTL_CSIInitialize Initializes the charset info object
- INTL_CSIReportMetaCharsetTag Sets HTML META charset info in the given charset info object
- INTL_CSIReset Sets all the charset info object fields to initial values
- INTL_ctime Locale sensitive version of ANSI C ctime()
- INTL_DecodeMimePartIIStr Decode and convert message header
- INTL_DefaultDocCharSetID Return default charset from preference or from current encoding menu selection
- INTL_DefaultMailCharSetID Return the charset used in internet message from a specified charset
- INTL_DefaultNewsCharSetID Return the charset used in internet message from a specified charset
- INTL_DefaultTextAttributeCharSetID Returns the default window charset ID for the given document context
- INTL_DefaultWinCharSetID Returns the default window charset ID for the given document context
- INTL_DestroyCharCodeConverter Frees the given character code conversion object
- INTL_DocToWinCharSetID Returns the window charset ID corresponding to the given document charset ID
- INTL_EncodeMimePartIIStr Convert and encode message header
- INTL_EncodeMimePartIIStr_VarLen Convert and encode text into RFC 1522 header
- INTL_FormatNNTPXPATInNonRFC1522Format Return a (hacky) XPAT pattern for NNTP server for searching pre RFC 1522 message header
- INTL_FreeSingleByteTable Free a single-byte charset conversion table
- INTL_GetAcceptCharset Return the AcceptCharset preference
- INTL_GetAcceptLanguage Return the AcceptLanguage preference
- INTL_GetCharCodeConverter Look for a converter from one charset to another
- INTL_GetCSIDocCSID Returns the document charset ID of the given charset info object
- INTL_GetCSIHTTPDocCSID Returns the HTTP document charset ID of the given charset info object
- INTL_GetCSIMetaDocCSID Returns the HTML META document charset ID of the given charset info object
- INTL_GetCSIMimeCharset Returns the MIME charset field of the given charset info object
- INTL_GetCSIOverrideDocCSID Returns the override document charset ID of the given charset info object
- INTL_GetCSIRelayoutFlag Returns the relayout field of the given charset info object
- INTL_GetCSIWinCSID Returns the window charset ID of the given charset info object
- INTL_GetNormalizeStr Normalize a string, by dropping the case of the characters
- INTL_GetNormalizeStrFromRFC1522 Convert a string from RFC1522 encoded header and normalize it, by dropping the case of the character
- INTL_GetSingleByteTable Get a single-byte charset conversion table
- INTL_GetUnicodeCharsetList Return a list of charset names (strings) used for converting Unicode to font encoding
- INTL_GetUnicodeCSIDList Returns a list of Character Set ID (CSID) used for converting Unicode to font encoding
- INTL_IsHalfWidth Returns whether or not the given character is a half-width character
- INTL_IsLeadByte Returns number of bytes in given character, minus 1
- INTL_KinsokuClass Returns line breaking information
- INTL_LockTable Lock the given single-byte charset conversion table in memory
- INTL_MatchOneCaseChar Case sensitive comparison
- INTL_MatchOneChar Case insensitive comparison
- INTL_MessageSendToNews Set a private flag to remember a state mail/news
- INTL_MidTruncateString Truncates a long string by replacing excess characters in the middle with "..."
- INTL_NextChar Returns a pointer to the 1st byte of the next character
- INTL_NextCharIdx Returns the byte index of the next character
- INTL_NextCharIdxInText Returns the byte index of the next character
- INTL_NonBreakingSpace Returns the code point that represent the non-breaking space character
- INTL_NthByteOfChar Returns the number of the byte pointed to by the given position
- INTL_PrevCharIdx Returns the byte index of the previous character
- INTL_PrevCharIdxInText Returns the byte index of the previous character
- INTL_Relayout Request a re-layout of the document
- INTL_ReportFontCharSets Tell libi18n which font charset IDs are available in the front end
- INTL_ResourceCharSet Return the Charset name of the translated resource
- INTL_SetCSIDocCSID Sets the document charset ID field of the given charset info object
- INTL_SetCSIHTTPDocCSID Sets the HTTP document charset ID of the given charset info object
- INTL_SetCSIMetaDocCSID Sets the HTML META document charset ID of the given charset info object
- INTL_SetCSIMimeCharset Sets the MIME charset field of the given charset info object
- INTL_SetCSIOverrideDocCSID Sets the override document charset ID of the given charset info object
- INTL_SetCSIRelayoutFlag Sets the relayout field of the given charset info object
- INTL_SetCSIWinCSID Sets the window charset ID field of the given charset info object
- INTL_SetUnicodeCSIDList Initial Unicode conversion routines from a list of Character Set ID (CSID) for Unicode rendering
- INTL_StrBeginWith Test if string s1 begin with string s2
- INTL_Strcasestr Case insensitive sub-string search
- INTL_StrContains Test if string s1 contains string s2
- INTL_StrEndWith Test if string s1 end with string s2
- INTL_StrIs Test if string s1 is string s2
- INTL_Strstr Case sensitive sub-string search
- INTL_StrToUnicode Convert non-Unicode text to Unicode
- INTL_StrToUnicodeLen Return memory requirement for INTL_StrToUnicode
- INTL_TextByteCountToCharLen Convert number of bytes to number of characters
- INTL_TextCharLenToByteCount Convert number of characters to number of bytes
- INTL_TextToUnicode Convert text from non-Unicode to Unicode
- INTL_TextToUnicodeLen Return memory requirement for INTL_TextToUnicode
- INTL_UCS2ToUTF8 Convert text from UCS-2 to UTF-8 encoding
- INTL_UnicodeLen Return the length of a Unicode string
- INTL_UnicodeToEncodingStr Convert Unicode to text in one encoding by trial and error
- INTL_UnicodeToStr Convert Unicode string to a specified encoding
- INTL_UnicodeToStrIterate Iterate through a Unicode object and convert to font encoding
- INTL_UnicodeToStrIteratorCreate Create an INTL_UnicodeToStrIterator and iterate through it once
- INTL_UnicodeToStrIteratorDestroy Destroy an INTL_UnicodeToStrIterator
- INTL_UnicodeToStrLen Return memory requirement for INTL_UnicodeToStr
- INTL_UTF8ToUCS2 Convert text from UTF-8 to UCS-2 encoding
- LO_GetDocumentCharacterSetInfo Returns the context's charset info object
- utf8_to_local_encoding Converts a UTF-8 sub-string to the appropriate font encoding
- XP_GetString Get a cross platform string resource by ID
- XP_GetStringForHTML Get a cross platform HTML string resource by ID
- XP_StrColl Collate strings according to global locale
- XP_StrfTime Format date/time string
- INTL_CompoundStrIterator INTL_CompoundStrIterator should really be opaque, but we need to change the callers first
- INTL_CSIDIterator An object that can iterate through a list of charset ID
- INTL_Encoding_ID A typedef for encoding IDs (charset IDs)
- INTL_Unicode Unicode character typedef
- INTL_UnicodeToStrIterator An opaque data object used to iterate through Unicode text for conversion to font encodings
- INTL_CallCCCReportAutoDetect Call the "Report Auto Detect Result Function" associated with the converter object
- INTL_CharSetType Returns the charset type
- INTL_DECODE_MIME_PART_II Decode and convert message header
- INTL_GetCCCCvtflag Get a private flag "Cvtflag" from the converter object
- INTL_GetCCCCvtfunc Get the "Conversion Function" from the converter object
- INTL_GetCCCDefaultCSID Get the "Default Document CSID" from the converter object
- INTL_GetCCCFromCSID Get the "Convert From CSID" from the converter object
- INTL_GetCCCJismode Get a private flag "Jismode" from the converter object
- INTL_GetCCCLen Get the "conversion result length" from the converter object
- INTL_GetCCCRetval Get the "Return Value" from the converter object
- INTL_GetCCCToCSID Get the "Convert To CSID" from the converter object
- INTL_GetCCCUncvtbuf Get the "Unconverted Buffer" from the Converter Object
- INTL_SetCCCCvtflag Set a private flag "Cvtflag" to the converter object
- INTL_SetCCCCvtfunc Set the "Conversion Function" to the converter object
- INTL_SetCCCDefaultCSID Set the "Default Document CSID" to the converter object
- INTL_SetCCCFromCSID Set the "Convert From CSID" to the converter object
- INTL_SetCCCJismode Set a private flag "Jismode" to the converter object
- INTL_SetCCCLen Set the "conversion result length" to the converter object
- INTL_SetCCCReportAutoDetect Set the "Report Auto Detect Result Function" to the converter object
- INTL_SetCCCRetval Set the "Return Value" to the converter object
- INTL_SetCCCToCSID Set the "Convert To CSID" to the converter object
- INTL_TAG Cookie for INTL_CSIInfo
- IntlDecodeMimePartIIStr [OBSOLETE!!!] We should use the INTL_DecodeMimePartIIStr instead of this
- IntlEncodeMimePartIIStr [OBSOLETE!!!] We should use the INTL_EncodeMimePartIIStr instead of this
Enums, Unions, Structs
- INTL_CCCFuncs This structure hold the private functions of a conversion object
- INTL_CompoundStr Compound String
- LINE_WRAP_PROHIBIT_CLASS Line breaking information
- OpaqueCCCDataObject Opaque converter object
- WORD_BREAK_CLASS Basic Japanese word breaking information
- XP_TIME_FORMAT_TYPE Constants for XP_StrfTime
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