Toolbox/Toolbar Requirements

by Mike Pinkerton
Last Modified 3/12/99


This document covers two related UI elements: Toolboxes and Toolbars.

A Toolbar is a bar which contains arbitrary HTML (but normally XUL elements). The look of the toolbar can be customizable through CSS and is smart enough to wrap to multiple lines if there are too many elements on it to fit within a single line. Toolbars can live anywhere within a XUL window, not just at the top.

A Toolbox contains one or more toolbars and is used to group multiple bars together so the user can rearrange, collapse, and hide individual toolbars within the box. Within the toolbox, each toolbar gets a "grippy" which is the mechanism for collapsing (by clicking inside it) or rearranging (by dragging the grippy). When a toolbar is collapsed, it appears only as a horizontal grippy in a special area below all visible toolbars. This area is hidden when no toolbars are collapsed. Clicking on the horizontal grippy associated with the toolbar will make it reappear in its previous position.


What We Are Doing For Toolboxes:

What We Are Doing For Toolbars:

What We Are NOT Doing:

maintained by Mike Pinkerton (