XFE Cool Projects

Features that need to happen:
RDF-based Popup Widget (ramiro)
Remaining Toolbar Work (slamm)
- New URL bar (ramiro) done
- Toolbar Icon States
- Show/Hide Toolbars
- Saving Toolbar State
- Make animated Logo RDF-based
- Custom Icons (radha) 50% done
- Other Privacy Prefs (mcafee)
- Aurora Popup Menus (slamm)
- Implement LiveBar
- TreeView
- Saving Tree View Column State (slamm)done
- Sort Tree Views (slamm) done
- Tree View Controls (radha)
- Custom Tree View (radha)
- Properties Hookup (radha)
External Mail Client Access and Prefs (mcafee)
- Resurrect the mozilla/cmd/xfe/altmail.c API
Finish Shack (embeddable tree object)(mcafee)
Aurora Prefs
- Privacy Cookie Prefs (mcafee) 50% done
- All Other Prefs
Drag and Drop, everywhere (mcafee, radha)
Finish Top-level Menus
- Help Access in Dialogs
- [on its way] Implement UI Spec Changes
- [on its way] Usability Feedback Changes
General UI:
- Prefs
Nuke the fe_GlobalPrefs structure
- Yank the install() function
- Breakup PrefsDialogGeneral.cpp
- Error checking in XFE, we don't detect bogus prefs
- Move prefs into a separate library/directory, e.g. xfe/src/prefs
- Rewrite the Application helper pane, Windows version works well
- BackEnd: get Perl to generate all.h from all.js with
the right string defines (alecf) 80% done - BackEnd: Define enum's for pref values
- Ramiro widgets (ramiro)
- Make this easier to maintain.
- Fonts
- Implement xfeCmdIncreaseFont(), xfeCmdDecreaseFont()
- Break up the file into several files by function to make the code more maintainable:
- XFE font preferences (actually move this to the XFE font preferences UI code)
- X11 font cache
- 7 html sizes
- font substitution
- Latin 1 measuring/drawing
- EUC measuring/drawing
- Unicode measuring/drawing
- Fix the code to allow Japanese font size preference
- Fix the font cache scanning code
- Fix WebFonts for multibyte languages
- Add unicode printing (see recent non-latin1 PostScript patch)
- Server: http://hawk.ise.chuo-u.ac.jp/student/person/tshiozak/x-tt/index-eng.html
- Server: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/X11/fonts/Xfstt-0.9.9.tgz
- Client: http://www.freetype.org
- Color
- Colormap tool that shows color usage on the fly
- Performance
- Resurrect the MOZILLA_GPROF build for Solaris/sparc (mcafee)
- Networking
- Fix the Async-DNS mechanism
(cmd/xfe/xfe-dns.c, network/main/unix-dns.c) - Fix the Off-line/Dropped-connection hang problem
- Remote
- Write a Remote Document! This one is 4 years old :(
- Resources
- Come up with an Alt/Cntl key abstraction
Update what we have now:
Holy Grail of prefs:
The current font code is a complete mess, here's some ideas about how to clean this up:
Holy Grail of fonts: Include true type rendering logic in the client and completely ignore the server. Some links to get started:
Last updated Mon Oct 19 01:00:19 PDT 1998 mcafee@netscape.com