[DRAFT] Mozilla Features

Mozilla is a suite of applications including a Web browser, email client, HTML composer, IRC chat client, and a set of Web developer tools. Mozilla is fast, featureful, secure and customizable. Mozilla offers a host of features to make browsing easier, faster and more convenient. Mozilla is also the most powerful browser on the planet. With dozens of advanced features and unparalelled customizability and extensibility Mozilla is the clear choice for power-users. Mozilla supports everything needed for a great Web browsing experience. This includes the ability to handle all of the agreed upon standards (w3c, ecma, etc.), as well as almost all of the emerging and draft standards But the Web isn't all standards-based content. It includes a great mix of proprietary plug-in content and Mozilla can handle it all. In addition to supporting the Web standards and common proprietary plug-ins, Mozilla has great support for the millions of non-standard Web pages. Mozilla's "quirks" mode and "almost standards" mode ensure that even buggy Web pages display quickly and correctly. For more information on Mozilla and supporting Web standards take a look at http://www.mozilla.org/why/why-support-mozilla.html Mozilla is also a platform for development of web and intranet applications with sophisticated support for web service protocols,its own cross-platform toolkit for taking your application beyond plain old forms and DHTML and a set of tools that make building and debugging applications a breeze. For more on developing applications using Mozilla see http://www.mozilla.org/why/framework.html and http://devedge.netscape.com/central/xml/
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