status update
maintained by Tim Rowley <>
Last Updated Wednesday November 20, 2002
This status update page is updated every
week. To get updates and news throughout the
week you are invited to check out mozillaZine,
a site devoted to Mozilla advocacy.
Previous Updates
Qt port owner
A reminder that Chris Seawood has been seeking
an owner for the Qt port of mozilla, which has been broken since
at least 0.9.9. Without a serious maintainer stepping up this port
will be going the way of the dodo (read: removed from the cvs tree).
The sunset date has been set as 1.3beta (currently scheduled for
8-Jan-2003) -- bug 178987.
DOM Inspector
- Christopher A. Aillon is the new DOM Inspector module owner.
- Inspector now has the ability to hide empty text nodes. (Bug 147189)
- Timeless fixed a crash which occured while inspecting an error window.
(Bug 153821)
- Clicking an element in the DOM Node tree view will now correctly work
for non-HTML elements. (Bug 163137)
- Copying on unix platforms will now also copy to primary. (Bug 107812)
- caption-side:left and right is now supported (bug 3166)
- There was an extension to the XSLT js interface, namely, we
added a .reset() method. That puts your XSLTProcessor back into an
initial state. Sorry, but this change did not make it into 1.2. If
somebody creates a stable product based on 1.2, we suggest landing the
patch in bug 178461.
- tinderbox now keeps statistics on code size
- Boris Zbarsky - My personal progress is mostly lots of reviews, with my time split between
fixing the stylesheet ordering mess in the CSSLoader and trying to figure out a
cleaner way to pass around style information during inline style changes.
Landed a big patch to convert a lot of Editor to nsCOMArray; still waiting for
review on a similar patch for mailnews.
- Embedding widget has been ported to gtk2 - bug 121253.
- spam
detection has been turned on in the default build. Read the
documentation to see how to take advantage of this.
Previous Updates