- 2.1. Can I install just the browser, not the rest?
Yes. Choose ‘Custom’ as your download or install option, and check both ‘Browser’ and ‘Personal Security Manager’. (You will need the Personal Security Manager to use secure websites.)
- 2.2. How do I make Mozilla my default browser?
The first time you run the browser, it should ask you if you want to make Mozilla your default browser. If you answered ‘no’ and later decide you would like it to act as your default browser:
Windows: go to Edit | Preferences | Advanced | System. Under ‘file types’, check ‘HTML’, ‘XHTML’ and ‘XML’; under ‘protocols’, check all boxes. You can also tell Mozilla to open various image types by default.
Mac OS X: go to the Apple menu | System Preferences | Internet | Web | Default Browser | Select.
Mac OS 8, 9: go to the Apple menu | Control Panels | Internet | Web | Default Web Browser | Select.
GNOME (Unix/Linux): Open the Control Panel. Go to Document Handlers | URL Handlers | Default: gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s" .Then put the following text in ~/.gnome/gnome-moz-remote (create the file if it does not exist):
[Mozilla] filename=absolute path of Mozilla install directory/mozilla
- 2.3. I’ve heard about tabbed browsing. How do I use it?
- Ctrl-T opens a new tab. (Macintosh: use ‘Command’ rather than ‘Ctrl’ for these functions.)
- Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn cycle between tabs.
- Right-click on a link to ‘Open Link In New Tab’. You can also set a preference to open in a new tab with Ctrl-click or middle-click on a link, or with Ctrl-Enter when entering an address in the address bar.
- Save a window of tabs as a group bookmark by going to Bookmarks | File Bookmark and checking ‘File as group’ – when you go to the bookmark, all the tabs will open at once. (Note: it is not yet possible to have a group bookmark as your start page.)
- Set tabbed browsing preferences in Edit | Preferences | Navigator | Tabbed Browsing.
- You cannot yet open a new tab directly from a bookmark. Open a new tab and then select the bookmark you wish to open.
A more sophisticated tab browser is also in development at MultiZilla.
- 2.4. I’ve heard about ‘popup blocking’. How do I do this?
Go to Edit | Preferences | Advanced | Scripts & Windows, and uncheck the powers you do not want to grant to web pages. Unchecking ‘Open unrequested windows’ blocks most unrequested popups.
- 2.5. How do I set up bookmark keywords?
Keywords are custom shortcuts to bookmarks. To set a keyword, go to Bookmarks | Manage Bookmarks and select the bookmark you want to set a keyword for. Click ‘Properties’ and enter your keyword for that bookmark. You will now be able to go to that address by entering its keyword in the address bar.
For more information, see Bookmark Keywords.
- 2.6. Does Mozilla support plug-ins?
Yes, but most plug-ins do not automatically detect Mozilla. Plug-ins that work with Netscape, Opera or Internet Explorer 3-5 will generally also work with Mozilla.
You can see which plug-ins Mozilla has detected under Help | About Plug-ins.
Details on installing the most common plug-ins (e.g., Java, Flash) is available at PluginDoc.
- 2.7. Will uninstalling Netscape 4.x affect Mozilla?
Mozilla uses plug-ins from the Netscape 4 plug-in folder if it is present (except on Mac OS X native builds); uninstalling Netscape 4 may remove these plug-ins. You may need to copy your Netscape 4 plug-ins to the Mozilla plug-in folder before uninstalling Netscape 4. Go to Help | About Plug-ins to see where the plug-ins Mozilla is currently using are actually stored.
- 2.8. Does Mozilla support ActiveX controls? (Windows)
Mozilla does not support ActiveX controls natively. A plug-in for ActiveX controls (which also works with Netscape 4.x) is in development, with limitations: it will not download or install controls itself, and it will only host controls that are already installed and marked safe for scripting, so it is not as insecure as ActiveX normally is. The current plug-in does not yet allow controls to be scripted.
You can read about the plug-in at the Mozilla ActiveX Project.
Note that ActiveX can pose a security risk to your computer.
- 2.9. Why doesn’t Mozilla allow me to run an .exe (executable file) directly from an Internet location?
This is a security precaution to help avoid malicious software getting onto your system or network. Not allowing a program to run directly from an Internet location allows you to make sure that what you are running is indeed what it seems, and to scan the file with anti-virus software if necessary.
Other files (documents) can still be launched directly from Mozilla.
- 2.10. I’m using dial–up. Can I speed up displaying pages with lots of images?
Go to Edit | Preferences | Advanced | HTTP Networking and check ‘Enable Pipelining’. This fetches everything on the page in a single connection, rather than one connection per item.
It is switched off by default because some servers and proxies have problems with pipelining, but it tremendously improves browsing performance.
- 2.11. Can I control the browser with mouse gestures?
A mouse gestures add-on is in development at OptiMoz.