Mozilla 0.9 Release Notes
These release notes describe system requirements, installation instructions, and known issues for the Mozilla 0.9 release. These notes are updated when we receive feedback, so please check back for new information. Consult our releases page to download the source and the latest version of Mozilla for your platform.
Use the Bugzilla Helper to report bugs. Avoid submitting a duplicate bug report by checking to see if your problem is already a known problem or one of our most frequently reported bugs. The bug reporting guidelines explain how to write a useful bug report that results in your problem being fixed.
- What's New
- System Requirements
- Compatibility Information
- Installation Notes
- Uninstalling
- International Release Notes
- Quality Feedback Agent
- A Note For Web Developers
- How To Get Involved With Mozilla
- Where To Find Other Builds
What's New In This Release
- Automatic Proxy Configuration has been implemented.
- Personal Security Manager 2.0 with improved performance and new UI.
- MailNews front end has been overhauled with a huge performance improvement.
- Browser and Mail now utilize a new cache, and new viewmanager for improved performance and correctness.
- Late loading of java has been implemented for improved startup performance and footprint.
- New Help Viewer for Mozilla. Right now it contains starter documents donated from Netscape 6. It still needs work to clean it up and add Mozilla content. Contact Ian Oeschger and the mozilla documentation newgroup if you'd like to help.
- Long-click means of invoking contextual menus on Mac now implemented.
- Image rendering library was rewritten from scratch for increased preformance.
System Requirements
- Mac OS 8.6 or later
- PowerPC 604e 266 MHz or faster processor, or G3/G4
- 64 MB RAM
- 36 MB of free hard disk space
- Windows 9x/ME, Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000
- Intel Pentium-class 233 MHz (or faster) processor
- 64 MB RAM
- 26 MB of free hard disk space
- Red Hat Linux 6.x and 7 with X11 R6 [Note: Mozilla is certified and fully supported on Red Hat Linux, but will run on other Linux distributions, such as Debian 2.1 (or later) or SuSE 6.2 (or later). The library glibc 2.1 (or higher) is required.]
- Intel Pentium-class 233 MHz (or faster) processor
- 64 MB of RAM
- 26 MB of free hard disk space
Compatibility Information
If you have the Crescendo 5.01 plug-in, you must update to the latest version of Crescendo. Otherwise, Mozilla may crash at startup. (Bug 48110)
If you are using an ATI Rage video card, images are correctly displayed initially, but may not be properly re-drawn when you minimize and maximize or resize the window.
If you use True Type fonts with Mozilla, some characters are displayed as squares. (Bug 51920)
Mac OS
If you have version 5.5 (or earlier) of StuffIt Expander may see an error message stating that the archive is corrupted. You can ignore the message and continue with the installation. To get a newer version of StuffIt Expander, go to
If you attempt to run Mozilla on Mac OS using a language pack (such as the Japanese Language Pack) and a Language Kit, all menu bar items will be incorrectly displayed. To resolve this problem, register Mozilla using the Language Register. For instance, if you're using the Japanese Language Pack and the Japanese Language Kit, register Mozilla as a JA application.
If you use the SmoothType control panel instead of Apple's "Smooth all fonts on screen" option in the Appearance control panel, you need SmoothType version 2.1.1 for Mozilla. Mozilla is not compatible with earlier versions of SmoothType, and some pages may be improperly drawn. To get an update, go to
In Mozilla Mail, the import utility only supports Eudora and text files.
Mozilla requires glibc 2.1 or later. (Bug 44787)
If you have Red Hat Linux 6.0, you can't launch Mozilla if Java 2 is installed. The problem doesn't occur with Red Hat 6.1 or higher. (Bug 58259)
For Red Hat Linux 7, you must install the Standard C++ libraries for Red Hat 6.x compatibility. Get the package from the Red Hat 7 installation CD or download it from Red Hat. (Bug 59012)
To install Mozilla on Solaris8 (64 bit), you must first install libstdc++. Download the Sun Netscape 6 install package and install libstdc++ from that package before installing or running Mozilla. (Bug 68604)
When using VTMW 5.4.5, transient windows must be decorated (not the default) for popup windows such as Find, Save and Preferences to function. (Bug 71920)
Installation Notes
Install into a clean (new) directory. Installing on top of previously released builds may cause problems.
Windows Users: If you get the message, "uninstall.exe file is linked to missing export shell32.dll", delete [TEMP]\ns_temp.
If you are installing Mozilla on a multi-user operating system such as Linux, Unix, or Windows 2000, you should install it separately in the user directory of each user who plans to use Mozilla. (Bug 42184) If you install Mozilla in a shared write-protected directory, it may not run properly. (Bugs 42184 )
When you install language packs and other .xpi files, downloading pauses until you click the browser's Stop button.
Windows and Mac OS: It is strongly recommended that you exit all programs before running the setup program. Also, you should temporarily disable virus-detection software.
Windows and Linux: To run Java applets, you must install the Java Run Time Environment (JRE) v1.3 plug-in. When using installer builds, everything should Just Work without any help.
Windows: If you're using the Installer build and you already have JRE 1.3.0_01 on your system Mozilla should recognize it. If it doesn't recognize it then follow the copy instructions for the zip builds.
If you're using the or builds After the JRE is installed on your machine, copy NPJava130_01.dll, NPJava130_01a.dll, NPJava130_01b.dll, NPJava130_01c.dll, and NPOJI600.dll from the install directory (something like C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.0_01\bin) to your Mozilla plugins directory (something like C:\Program Files\Mozilla\bin\plugins).
Linux With tar.gz builds on Linux, after the JRE has installed, put a symlink in your mozilla/plugins directory to the java2/plugin/i386/ns600/ directory.
With Linux RPM builds, you must install Java as the root user.
You may need to press the Stop button for the installation process to complete.
Mac OS: You must have Mac OS Runtime for Java (MRJ) version 2.2 to run Java applets with Mozilla. If you have Mac OS version 8.5 through 8.6, you may need to upgrade your version of MRJ. For an upgrade, go to the Apple MRJ update download page.
Windows, Mac and Linux: Personal Security Manager (PSM) provides security (cryptographic) features for Mozilla.
Installing on Windows
Installing Java with low disk space may cause the Installer to hang. (Bug 45067) Before you begin installing Mozilla with Java, be sure to check your disk space (see System Requirements.)
Note: For Windows 2000 and some Windows NT installations, you must have Administrator privileges to install Mozilla. If you see an "Error 5" message during installation, log on with Administrator privileges and try installing again. (Bug 56538)
To install Mozilla by downloading the Mozilla installer, follow these steps:
- Click the mozilla-win32-installer.exe link to download the file to your machine.
- Navigate to where you downloaded the file and double-click the Mozilla program icon on your machine to begin the Setup program.
- Follow the on-screen instructions in the setup program. The program starts automatically the first time.
To install Mozilla by downloading the .zip file and installing manually, follow these steps:
- Click the link or the link to download the .zip file to your machine.
- Navigate to where you downloaded the file and double-click the compressed file. Note: This step assumes you already have a recent version of WinZip installed, and that you know how to use it. If not, you can get WinZip and information about the program at
- Extract the .zip file to a directory such as C:/Program Files/ Mozilla.
- To start Mozilla, navigate to the directory you extracted Mozilla to and double-click the Mozilla.exe icon.
Installing on Mac OS
Note: If the downloaded file does not expand automatically you must expand the file using a program such as StuffIt Expander. Expander ships with all new Macs and comes with the default system install, so you may want to do a find in Sherlock for "StuffIt" to make sure that you don't already have it installed.
You can get StuffIt Expander from Aladdin Systems.
If you do already have Expander, you need to set it to start by default. See the immediately preceding URL for info on using Expander.
To install Mozilla by downloading the Mozilla installer, (recommended) follow these steps:
- Click the MacMozillaInstaller.sea.bin link to download it to your machine. By default, the download file is downloaded to your desktop compressed in .bin format. A Mozilla Installer folder is created.
- Double-click the Mozilla Installer folder in the Finder.
- Double-click the Mozilla Installer icon.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
- To start Mozilla, open the folder where you installed Mozilla and double-click the Mozilla icon.
To install Mozilla by downloading the archive file and installing manually, follow these steps:
- Click the mozilla-mac-*.sea.bin link to download the Mozilla binary to your machine. By default, the download file is downloaded to your desktop compressed in .sit.bin format.
- Double-click the mozilla-mac-*.sea.sit.bin icon on your desktop.
- Choose the directory where you want to install Mozilla.
- To start Mozilla, open the folder where you installed Mozilla and double-click the Mozilla icon.
Installing on Linux
You must run Mozilla at least once to complete autoregistration and for the component.reg file to be written to the installation directory. If a different user (other than the person who installed the product) runs the program first, a core dump will occur. (Bug 49345 )
Note: To run Java applets, you must install the Java Run Time Environment (JRE) v1.3 plug-in.
Note: These instructions use the bash shell. If you're not using bash, adjust the commands accordingly.
To install Mozilla by downloading the Mozilla installer, follow these steps:
- Create a directory named mozilla (mkdir mozilla) and change to that directory (cd mozilla).
- Click the link to download the installer file (called mozilla-1686-pc-linux-gnu-installer.tar.gz).
- Change to the mozilla directory (cd mozilla) and decompress the
archive with the following command:
gunzip -dc moz*.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
(This places the installer in a subdirectory of Mozilla named mozilla-installer.)
- Change to the mozilla-installer directory (cd mozilla-installer) and run the installer with the ./mozilla-installer command.
- Follow the instructions in the install wizard for installing Mozilla.
Note: If you have a slower machine, be aware that the installation may take some time. In this case, the installation progress may appear to hang indefinitely, even though the installation is still in process.
- To start Mozilla, change to the directory where you installed it and run the ./mozilla command.
To install Mozilla by downloading the .tar.gz archive file:
- Create a directory named "mozilla0.9" (mkdir mozilla0.9) and change to that directory (cd mozilla0.9).
- Click the link to download the non-installer mozilla*.tar.gz file into the mozilla0.9 directory.
- Change to the mozilla directory (cd mozilla0.9) and decompress
the file with the following command:
gunzip -dc moz*.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
(This creates a "mozilla" subdirectory under your mozilla0.9 directory.)
- Change to the mozilla directory (cd mozilla).
- Run Mozilla with the ./mozilla run script.
To hook up Mozilla complete with icon to the GNOME Panel, follow these steps:
- Click the GNOME Main Menu button, open the Panel menu, and then open the Add to Panel submenu and choose Launcher.
- Right-click the icon for Mozilla on the Panel and enter the
following command:
where directory_name is the name of the directory you downloaded Mozilla to. For example, the default directory that Mozilla suggests is /usr/local/mozilla.
- Type in a name for the icon, and type in a comment if you wish.
- Click the icon button and type in the following as the icon's location:
where directory_name is the directory where you installed Mozilla. For example, the default directory is /usr/local/mozilla/icons/mozicon50.xpm.
Uninstalling Mozilla
- Remove the mozilla0.9 directory where you installed Mozilla
- Remove the ~/.mozilla directory, which contains profile information
- Go to Settings/Control Panel/Add Remove Programs and choose Mozilla 0.9
Mac OS
- Remove the folder Mozilla from the Documents folder
- Remove the file "Mozilla Registry" from the System Folder | Preferences folder
- Remove the file "Mozilla Versions" from the System Folder | Preferences folder
- Remove the folder where you installed Mozilla
Files Created or Used
Windows |
user/ prefs.js (Preferences file) cache/ (cache directory) newcache/ (Additional cache files) cookies.txt (cookies file) *cookperm.txt (used to selectively accept/reject cookies) FieldSchema.tbl (files for auto form filling) SchemaConcat.tbl (files for auto form filling) SchemaValue.tbl (files for auto form filling) URLFieldSchema.tbl (files for auto form filling) signons.tbl and signonsx.tbl (logins and passwords file store) $windir/ |
Unix |
user/ prefs.js in ~/.mozilla/[profile] (preferences file) Cache in ~/.mozilla/[profile](cache directory) newcache in ~/.mozilla/[profile](additional cache directory) cookies (cookies file) *cookperm (used to selectively accept/reject cookies) FieldSchema.tbl (files for auto form filling) SchemaConcat.tbl (files for auto form filling) SchemaValue.tbl (files for auto form filling) URLFieldSchema.tbl (files for auto form filling) signons and signonsx (logins and passwords file store) ~/.mozilla/ |
Mac |
Documents:Mozilla:Users50:mozProfile: prefs.js (preferences file (use)) Cache (cache directory) newcache (additional cache directory) cookies.txt (cookies file) *cookperm (used to selectively accept/reject cookies) res: System:Preferences: |
*Note: "cookperm.txt" ("cookperm" on Unix) is a file used to selectively accept cookies from certain sites and not from others. It is used only if you set your preferences so that you see a warning before accepting cookies. To do that: hand edit the prefs.js file to include:
- user.pref ("network.cookie.rememberAboutCookies", true);
Known Problems
Mac: Closing all your Mozilla windows (with File->Close) breaks the File->Quit menu item on the task bar so that you can't exit Mozilla. The workaround is to open a new Navigator window from Tasks -> Navigator to re-enable the quit item. (Bug 74499)
Win32: The Personal Security Manager window comes up blank and web pages which present the user with cert dialogs will have blank dialogs. https:// sites should function fine.
Win32: Mozilla is designed to only have one instance running, When it runs, it tries to find a previous instance by acting as a DDE Client However, this action can fail if a running application is hung but registered as a DDE Server the result is that mozilla will hang until that applications closes, at which point it will resume loading This problem should be fixed in the 0.9.1 release. The problem may occur when running: Internet Explorer, telnet.exe, the Apache webserver with php installed, The Microsoft Network, and more... (Bug 53952
If you change the bit depth (number of colors) in your monitor settings, Mozilla may not adjust to the new setting. (Bug 6061 )
Keyboard and Mouse
Keyboard and Mouse Double right-clicking on a page can disable the keyboard. (Bugs 30841 and 70812)
Keyboard shortcuts are not fully implemented. Some shortcuts for editing (for instance, for cutting or copying text) do not work in certain dialog boxes. Several keyboard shortcuts for menu items do not work. (Bug 49909)
Linux: Keyboard shortcuts on Linux now use Ctrl instead of Alt as the modifier key, while Alt is used for menu shortcuts. If you wish to modify these shortcut keys, edit your prefs.js file as follows:
user_pref("ui.key.accelKey", 18);
(This changes the accelerator key from Ctrl (17) to Alt (18).)
user_pref("ui.key.menuAccessKey", 0);
(This changes the menu access key from Alt (18) to none.)
DOM Level 0
The JavaScript method handleEvent() is not implemented and won't beEvent Handling
Wrong events are fired on FILE element. (bug 4033)Mouse wheel scrolling
Linux: You must have your X server properly configured to enable mouse wheel scrolling. For XFree86, add a line to the Pointer section of your XF86Config files such as "ZAxisMapping 4 5". Also be sure that the Protocol line is set up correctly for your mouse.
Windows: Mouse wheel scrolling does not work with all drivers. If you have problems, try updating your driver or disabling any "helper" programs that your mouse uses. Also, mouse wheel scrolling will not work if you have the scrolling set to "full-page mode" in the Control Panel.
Dialog Boxes and Windows
If Mozilla is locked up but doesn't seem to have crashed, make sure there are no dialog boxes still open. Close each window on your desktop one at a time and if you uncover a dialog window, dismiss it. If you have multiple desktops, repeat these steps for each desktop.
This problem may affect Linux users downloading plugins. Follow these steps to resolve the problem:
- Minimize the plugin download window.
- Click "Cancel" to dismiss the dialog box.
- Re-open the download window and continue downloading the plugin.
Form Manager
Form Manager is not fully implemented in the Japanese version of Mozilla.
Many Linux systems (in particular, Red Hat Linux systems) have bad Arial fonts. (Bug 46415) If many Web pages, especially those using the Arial font, look unclear, small, or hard to read, the following links explain two ways you can change your font server to get better Arial fonts:
If that doesn't work, you may be able to fix the problem by renaming or removing /usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2. For instance, enter the following command:
mv /usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2 /usr/share/fonts.ISO8859-2
and then log out of Linux and log back in again. You can always undo this, if necessary, by entering the following command:
mv /usr/share/fonts.ISO8859-2 /usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2
Mozilla needs to be configured to work properly with proxies such as Junkbuster that do not support the most recent HTTP specification. By default, Mozilla tries to use HTTP 1.1. To use with Mozilla with a proxy that only supports HTTP 1.0, edit the HTTP Version from 1.1 to 1.0 in Edit | Preferences | Debug | Networking. (Bug 38488 )
Setting Profiles
If you have a single profile from Communicator version 4.5 or later, that profile is automatically copied and converted for use with Mozilla. Profiles from earlier Netscape versions cannot be converted.
If you have multiple profiles to copy and convert, the profile manager dialog box appears. Click the profile you want to use and then click Start.
If problems occur during installation and your Communicator profile
was not copied and converted, you can still use your profile. Launch
Mozilla from the command line, adding the "-installer
" option (that is,
type "mozilla.exe-installer" on the command line.) Or re-install Mozilla
to see the profile manager dialog again.
Linux: When creating a new profile you need to exit and restart Mozilla before you can use the new profile, otherwise the application will hang. 79179)
Additional Internet Search Engines can be obtained at
The "View Frame Source" feature is not available from the View menu; however, it is available in the context menu. To see the context menu, click the left mouse button to put the mouse pointer in the frame and then click the right mouse button (Control-click on the Mac OS). (Bug 47139)
Several features of Page Information are not yet available, including: the File MIME Type, Source, Local cache file, Content length, Expires, Charset, and Security. Also, you cannot view information on frames, XML pages, or FTP pages. (Bug 52730)
Pages that appear to be rendered incorrectly may be due to evangelism standards compliance issues. See the Netscape Evangelism site for more details.
Accessing Pages
Navigating back and forward may not work if the initial page loaded in the window uses frames. Users will most likely experience when open a link to a framed site in a new window. (Bug 56062)
Some secure (https) Web sites are not TLS compatible. (Bug 54031) TLS is the new version of SSL. If you are having trouble reaching a particular secure Web site, try turning off TLS for that site:
- Open the Tasks menu, choose Privacy and Security, and then choose Security Manager.
- Click the Advanced tab.
- Click Options.
- Turn off TLS.
Mozilla may not be able to connect to some secure (https) IBM Web servers. This is a problem with the servers' software, not with Mozilla. (Bug 54031)
If you use "Last page visited" as your Home (starting) page, if the last page you viewed had frames, it may not be displayed correctly when you next restart Mozilla. (Bug 58613)
Windows only: Double browser window appears when opening an html or image document from the Windows environment. (Bug 59078)
Linux: You can't view hidden files or directories (such as .mozilla) using Mozilla.
Downloading Files
You cannot download multiple files simultaneously using FTP. (Bug 33163)
Hourglass cursor, progress meter, and throbber do not stop spinning although downloading has been finished. Status bar says "Transferring data from ..." when page is done loading. (Bug 39310)
The only way to delete a bookmark is to right click on the bookmark item in the bookmark manager and choose the delete item in the context menu. Pressing the delete key on the keyboard does not work. The 'Edit-> Delete' menu item does not work, and neither does the delete button on the toolbar. (Bug 76502)
Older Profiles may not display the bookmarks tab in the sidebar properly. The workaround is to click on the "Tabs" button in My Sidebar and select the "Customize My Sidebar" menu item. In the resulting window remove the bookmarks tab, hit OK and restart Mozilla. Go back to the Customize window and add the bookmarks tab. (Bug 71685)
You cannot permanently delete the IE Favorites bookmarks folder. (Bug 22642)
View Source
To view frame source, point to the frame and click the right mouse button (Control-click on Mac OS) and then choose View Frame Source from the context menu. (Bug 47319)
Page content generated by an online form isn't correctly reflected in the view source window.
Mac OS: The horizontal scrollbar in the View Source window might be missing. Resize the window to see the scrollbar. (Bug 56488)
Mail and News
In the Mail/News Account Settings: Server Settings dialog box, any changes you make to local directory settings won't take effect until you exit and re-start Mozilla. (Bug 2654)
Undo/Redo and Stop may not always work as expected. (Bugs 32178, 22095, 27468, 28129, 32035, and other bugs)
Delete Message doesn't always work when you're using Next Unread Message. (Bug 44572) Try clicking the message again to enable Delete.
To change or view the correct online/offline state go to the Navigator window. Mail and News windows and dialogs will always show an online state. (Bug 65704)
Mozilla does not warn the user of a low disk space condition. (Bugs 57902, 32443, 56565) Some symptoms you may see are:
- Send Page fails to send the intended page attachment.
- Copying a message to your Sent folder fails
- IMAP: Status text indicates there are new messages to retrieve, but no new messages appear in the Inbox. Quit Mozilla, free some disk space, re-start Mozilla, and try again.
- POP: You see an "unknown error" when trying to select messages that could not be downloaded. Quit Mozilla, free some disk space, re-start Mozilla, and try again. This workaround succeeds only if "Leave messages on Server" is enabled in the Mail/News Account Settings: Server Settings dialog box. (It must be enabled prior to the failed download.) If that option was not enabled, those messages are lost.
Linux: You may encounter problems if you install Mozilla in a root user environment then run as another user. Problems include saving to Sent folder, Drafts, Templates or general authentication problems. (Bug 49397)
AOL Mail and Netscape WebMail Accounts
Mozilla does not support AOL Mail and Netscape WebMail, as Netscape 6 does. If you share your Netscape 6 profile with Mozilla, you may be able to see headers for messages in the account's Inbox if you have previously checked one of these accounts in Netscape 6, but you will be unable to interact with the messages. To access your AOL Mail, WebMail, or Netscape Instant Messenger, you need to use Netscape 6.
Message Filters
Some filter criteria choices are not actually available. (Bug 40380) If you select an unimplemented filter criterion when creating a new filter or editing an existing one, you may see odd dialog behavior and the filter will not work as expected. If you migrate a Netscape Communicator message filter specifying an unimplemented criterion, you will experience similar problems.
No warning is given if you rename or delete a folder specified as a message filter destination. (Bug 41720) You must edit the filter to select a new destination folder; otherwise the filter will not work as expected.
Receiving and Reading Messages
Not all of the choices offered in the Search Messages window are implemented or valid for certain mail folder or newsgroup selections. (Bug 40380)
You may not see the message header (From, Subject, Date, To, Cc, and so forth) when you read messages. This problem often occurs when you switch mail folders or newsgroups. To see headers, resize the window or the message content pane. (Bug 39655)
Don't try to download multiple attachments simultaneously. Download them one at a time. (Bug 49180)
In some cases you can't view more than one HTML/Web page attachment to a message in the mail window. The attachments will not all be shown or you may experience a crash when attempting to display them. (Bug 38398)
A crash may occur if you try to open or save a message attachment of a content type unknown to Mozilla. (Bug 44762 )
Composing Messages
You can't forward a message that has a signature file containing the HTML tag <div class="signature">. (Bug 49484)
Address Book
An imported Netscape Communicator address book will appear in Mozilla as a separate address book. (Bug 41590) It will not be merged with or appear as your Personal Address Book. If you wish the imported address book to be your Personal Address Book, follow these steps:
- Open the Tasks menu and choose Address Book.
- In the Address Book window, click the imported address book and select all of its entries; then drag them to the Personal Address Book. (This doesn't work for mailing lists.)
Pop and IMAP
user_pref ("mail.allow_at_sign_in_user_name", true);
Note: Your prefs.js file is located in the Users50 directory on Windows and Mac OS, and in the .mozilla directory on Linux.
You must exit and restart Mozilla to see the effect of a change to the option: "show All IMAP mail folders" or "show only subscribed IMAP mail folders." To access this option: click the Advanced button in the Server section of the Account Settings dialog box. (Bug 38943 )
The Subscribe dialog box may not work with news servers that require authentication. If you open a password-protected newsgroup you may be prompted more than once for the user name and password combination. (Bug 39862)
ChatZilla is not finished, but is usable if you're willing to accept a subset of the commands offered in more mature IRC clients. A large percentage of ChatZilla users experience crashes, odd behavior, rash, shortness of breath, and an urge to fix bugs. If you would like to contribute, please tell us in the netscape.public.mozilla.rt-messaging newsgroup, or send an e-mail to
If you are not familiar with IRC, please check out the FAQs available at
Running ChatZilla
Start Mozilla with the -chat option to start ChatZilla, or select it from the Tasks menu.
More Info About ChatZilla
See the ChatZilla User's Guide for information on using ChatZilla. For info on building ChatZilla, click here. (Note that ChatZilla builds automatically on Windows and Mac OS).
You may not be able to simultaneously edit a document using both Composer and another editor. (Bug 37089)
You can't apply a font style across paragraphs and images. Font changes must be done within each paragraph.
Applying a font style across several words yields multiple font tags in the HTML code.
There are a few problems with bulleted and number lists. (Bug 54479, 50741 )
When the background color on a page is set, only the frames behind the lines of selected text are colored. Resizing the window triggers the proper repaint.
After applying a color to text, the text may appear partially highlighted.
Certain pages (such as ones that set frames) can't be edited. However, you are still able to choose the Edit Page option in the File menu for such pages. An editor window opens, but you are unable to edit the page. (Bug 14156)
When you change the background color of a table cell, you won't be able to see the new color until you close the Table Properties dialog box. (Bugs 26831
Password Manager's Encrypt Sensitive Information command does not work properly and may cause a freeze. To avoid this problem, change your Personal Security Password before choosing the Encrypt Sensitive Information command. (Bugs
- Open the Tasks menu and choose Privacy and Security; then choose Password Manager and Change Personal Security Password.
- Fill in requested information and click OK.
Note: If the Encrypt Sensitive Information menu item is grayed out, try choosing Obscure Sensitive Information first.
If you are specifying a manual proxy configuration in the Proxies preferences, remove any leading "http://" from the specified proxy. (Bug 30387)
For more information on PSM, see the Netscape Personal Security Manager documentation page.
Mac OS: Encrypting stored data can cause Mozilla to freeze. (Bug 58417)
Linux: A secure (closed) lock icon becomes a non-secure (open) lock icon after you click it. (Bug 57729 )
If you are using the Classic theme,
some preference panels may be displayed incorrectly or may have
missing elements. If you view a different preference panel and
then return to the one you're working in, the display is corrected.
Preferences window initial size doesn't always give hints on all options available. Resize the window from its lower right corner to see them all. (Bug 53375)
Plugins installed for Communicator 4.x may not be available for Mozilla. Workaround: install these plugins in the Mozilla Plugins folder.
If you are watching a Flash or QuickTime movie and you open the Preferences dialog or perform other tasks in which dialog boxes appear, the dialog boxes appear blank. To correct this problem, close the page you are viewing and then perform your task.
Mozilla has been tested only with J2SE v1.3.0_01. Other J2SE releases, or previous JDK's from Sun, will not work with Mozilla.
LiveConnect is not yet enabled in this release. LiveConnect and LiveConnect security will be enabled in a later release.
Running J2SE in 256-color mode may cause a flicking problem.
Linux: Mozilla on Linux and Solaris includes J2SE v1.3.0_01. The Java support on Linux and Solaris is not complete (for instance, LiveConnect is not yet enabled), but will be functional in a later release.
International Release Notes
Mozilla has been designed to display many different languages without extra steps. The user should be able to browse and use e-mail without complicated setups or efforts when necessary fonts are available on the system.
Mozilla can be used with more than one language pack, which lets the user change the menu language and relevant URLs.
Java (JRE 1.3) is installed under the "Complete" or "Custom" Install option of the installer. All language versions of Mozilla installs an international version of JRE 1.3.0_01 for Windows and Linux, which makes it possible to display both European and Asian characters. Earlier versions of JRE which shipped with Beta versions of Mozilla may not work properly with the shipping version of Mozilla. For those wanting Java functionality, we recommend "Complete" or "Custom" Install option.
If you are using Chinese, Korean or Japanese language Windows 9x/ME and are having a non-start or crash problem when trying to start up Mozilla, read the Java section of the Known issues section below.
General and Profile Manager
Windows NT/2000: If you create a non-ASCII user name (e.g. Japanese) and if it does not have the Power user or Administrator status, a new profile creation may fail. In such a case, instead of accepting the default location for profiles, choose an alternate location whose path name does not contain non-ASCII characters.
A path name that contains non-Latin 1 characters is not saved correctly. Initially they look OK but when saved, they turn into unreadable characters. A file that is defined using such characters may not be found, e.g. a mail signature file. A workaround is to use only ASCII characters for file and path names.
Profile migration does not work correctly if Communicator 4.x profile names contain 2-byte characters (e.g. Japanese) with 0x5C byte Shift_JIS character.
Shift_JIS Full-width tilde character (0x8160) and a few other Japanese symbol characters have differing correspondences to Unicode mapping tables depending on platforms. This causes characters like these to display incorrectly in some situations on Macintosh.
Linux: When migrating profiles created by Communicator 4.x under Japanese EUC locale, Address Book entries may not transfer correctly. Workaround: You can edit preferences.js file and change the charset name "euc-jp" (lowercase) to "EUC-JP" (uppercase) for lines containing an entry like the following: "user_pref("ldap_2.servers.pab.csid", "euc-jp");"
Linux: Under a Japanese locale, the window title in Japanese (reflecting the title of a Web page) may not show correctly if the Web page does not match the charset of the Japanese locale, e.g. Shift_JIS title on an EUC locale.
Linux: On Red Hat Linux 6.0 Japanese, the license agreement for the Japanese installer may display empty. Workaround: Click OK and move on to the next step. This problem does not occur on RH 6.1 and later.
Navigator and Composer
Mozilla does not support Dynamic Fonts. (Note: It was supported in Communicator 4.x.)
Files and directories on a local disk bearing non-Latin 1 names may not be accessed by inputting the names into the Navigator location field.
The charset attribute within a SCRIPT tag, i.e. for JavaScript, does not work. Instead JavaScript uses the charset of the document.
With the Windows 2000 IME, most of the new IME features (e.g. reconversion) are supported but some features may not work correctly.
Mac OS: Non-ASCII non-Latin 1 info stored in Internet Config will not show correctly in auto-fill fields such as "Your name" field in the Mail account setup dialog. If this happens, you can manually correct auto-filled entries.
Mac OS: The Japanese language pack or Japanese release can be used on an English Mac OS if the Japanese Language Kit has been installed on the Mac OS. (The Japanese Language support comes free with Mac OS 8.5 or later as an optional install item.) The menu and dialogs, however, will not show as Japanese unless the "Mozilla" program is registered as a Japanese language program. To do this, use the (Japanese) Language register program found in the "Apple Extras" directory.
Mac OS: The Character Coding menu check mark does not get updated promptly and shows incorrect indication of the current page encoding.
POP and Local message body search does not work with non-Latin 1 key words.
Filtering by body key has not been implemented.
The "Edit as New" menu does not correctly quote the original non-ASCII text body if the original message does not contain MIME charset information.
When you quote the original message in reply, sometimes you see the quoted text as corrupted and unreadable. If this problem occurs, check that you don't have multiple Mail folder windows open. When multiple mail folders/windows are open, the reply charset reflects the charset of the selected message in the last window opened rather than the current message from which the reply message is created. Workaround: The user can either close all Mail folder windows except the current one, or select a message in the last window opened which bears the same charset as the one that is being quoted in reply.
Character Coding menu is not effective in a standalone message view window. The standalone window also does not inherit the encoding of the Mail view window if the original message contains no MIME charset or incorrect charset information. The latter two can be overridden but its effect is not inherited into the standalone window.
Japanese Auto-detection may fail sometimes with EUC-xx and UTF-8 attachments, which lack MIME charset information.
The Character Coding menu cannot correct the thread pane display of non-MIME encoded headers. If the message displayed lacks MIME charset information, the thread pane display obeys the default message display charset set in the Preferences dialog box under "Mail & Newsgroups | Message Display | Languages". Correctly setting this option to the charset most often used in the user's mail viewing helps avoid display problem of this type.
Mac OS and Linux: View Page Source does not work for viewing a message source when the Auto-Detect (All) is on. To use this function in Mail, turn off the Auto-Detect (All) from the Character Coding submenu of the View menu.
You may see an extraneous vertical bar or a question mark in the window title display of a header subject line. This is a misinterpreted Tab character sent from an IMAP server as part of a line folding sequence. This problem does not occur under a POP mail account.
You may get an error message saying that a mailbox does not exist when you attempt to "Empty Trash". This problem is caused when the Trash folder contains folders bearing non-ASCII names. You may not see them with Mozilla but you can delete them using Communicator 4.x. This will eliminate the warning dialog.
Some cases have been reported in which Windows 9x/ME Japanese users have a problem starting Mozilla when there is a prior installation of older JDK or JRE under the operating system in use. The JRE 130_01 that ships with Mozilla contains many fixes since the official release of JRE 1.3. If you are using an older version of JRE 1.3 or the US version of JRE 1.3 under Japanese Windows, you may experience this non-start problem.
To determine if the non-starting problem is due to Java installation, follow these steps:
- Locate the Plugins directory (which is found in the same directory as the Mozilla executable).
- Remove all the Java plugin files from the Plugins directory, i.e. the files whose names begin with "npjava...". Remove also the NPOJI600.dll file if you find one. Back them up in another directory so that you can restore them later.
- Restart Mozilla. If Mozilla starts, then you have a Java related non-start problem.
If you have the Java problem as described above or want to install updated JRE 130_01 shipped with Mozilla, follow these steps (Note: This type of problem has not been reported for Windows NT4/2000, but if you experience this problem on the latter two platforms, follow these steps for those platforms also):
- Click the Start button, open the Settings menu, and choose Control Panel.
- Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon and select the Install/Uninstall tab.
- Locate the old JRE installation (Java Runtime Environment) and delete it.
- Run the Mozilla installer and choose either "Complete" or "Custom" installation making sure that Java is installed in the latter option. (Note that the "Typical" install does not install the JRE package but if there is an existing JDK or JRE on the operating system, the installer copies Java plugin files and place them into Mozilla's Plugins directory.) This will install the latest version of JRE 130_01, which works with Mozilla.
Mac OS and Linux: Display of non-ASCII characters (particularly Chinese/Korean/Japanese) in applets may not work without correct font settings in file.
Using the Quality Feedback Agent with Automatic Proxy Configuration
Windows: If you are using automatic proxy configuration, and you want to use the Full Circle Talkback Quality Feedback Agent to send incident reports to, you need to replace the talkback.ini file with one that contains the appropriate proxy configuration information. Follow these steps to do so:
- If you are using an HTTP proxy,
or both an HTTP and SOCKS proxy, create a file named talkback.ini,
containing the following three lines, using your proxy host name,
domain, and port:
- Replace the existing talkback.ini file with the version you created.
where xxxx is your proxy port number.
If you are using a SOCKS Proxy, create a file with these three lines:
where xxxx is your SOCKS port number.
On Windows 95 and Windows NT systems, copy the talkback.ini file to the following directory location within the directory that contains the Mozilla.exe file: \Fullsoft\data\talkback.ini
A Note For Web Developers
For a list of known issues with support for Web standards (HTML 4.01, CSS1/2, DOM1/2, XML, RDF), JavaScript, Java, and Plug-ins in Mozilla, see the following document, which may be updated from time to time:
How To Get Involved With Mozilla
- Join us on Bug Day. If you want to help test Mozilla, but don't know where to start, join us on Tuesdays at 3:00PM PST on the #mozillazine IRC channel on There you can meet friendly Mozillans who can help you learn the process and get you started.
- Join the BugAThon. If you can script, you can help simplify test cases.
- To become even more involved, check out these suggested starting points.
Where To Find Other Builds
- Download the latest major release of Mozilla from
- Download today's build of Mozilla from the FTP site.
- Learn how to build Mozilla yourself.