Feature Test Spec TEXT -> HTML Conversion 5.0 Project (Sea-Monkey) Mail and News Component mn-html-to-text.txt Written by: Alan S. Jones (asj@ipa.net) Last updated: February 29, 2000 Because this feature is testing conversion and includes test cases, this test spec is written in text and not html. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Text to HTML Conversions http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16507 Bug was assigned to and fixed by: Ben Bucksch <mozilla.news@bucksch.org> Ben setup some sample information at: http://www.bucksch.org/1/projects/mozilla/16507/index.html To search for important issues or problems search for ** This page can be found at: http://www.mozilla.org/quality/mailnews/tests/mn-html-to-txt.txt Other mail News Tes can be found at: http://www.mozilla.org/quality/mailnews/tests/index.html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Known Issues: In build 2000022708 there is a bug in where certain conversions like :) or (c) do not take place if the e-mail is sent from Mozilla in the format of "Plain Text and HTML" or just HTML only. The conversions do work correctly if the message is sent only in "Plain Text" from Mozilla or from Eudora. http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19313 <BenB> Alan: can you also test for entities, i.e. ™ etc.? <BenB> this is about *entering" ™, when (tm) was there <BenB> I'm talking about an already inserted ™ inside an URL staying sane etc. <BenB> in this case, of course, the URL shouldn't be linked, compare 19313 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The following information can can be e-mailed to test different functions. Many items will NOT be converted if a space is inserted like * bold*. *bold* -> <srong>bold<srong> /italic/ -> <em class=txt_slash>italic</em> ** DON'T THINK IT IS WORKING ** _underline_ <em class=txt_underline> emphasis</em> ** NOT WORKING ** |code| -> <code class=txt_verticalline>code</code> ** NOT WORKING ** (c) -> © (copyright sign) (r) -> ® (registered trade mark sign) +/- -> ± (plus or minus sign) Other Characters to consider: http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/latin1.html http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/special.html ^2 -> <sup>2</sup> ** I thought this was supposed to work!!! ** 2^2 -> 2<sup>2</sup> a^25 -> a<sup>25</sup> 2^b -> not converted as b is not a digit. a^b -> not converted as b is not a digit. :-) -> smile.gif :) -> smile.gif :-( -> frown.gif :( -> frown.gif ;-) -> wink.gif ;-P -> sick.gif ;) -> wink.gif (will not work) Note for users: For best results, put a space between smilies and closing brackets. Otherwise, the code can't distinguish a smily plus a closing bracket from a smily with a large smile, and no substitution is done. Don't omit the closing bracket after a smily (e.g. that way :-), or your parenthesis will look unbalanced (after all, they are). URL Tests www.mozilla.org http://www.mozilla.org <http://www.mozilla.org> "http://www.mozilla.org" <a href="http://www.mozilla.org.com">"Mozilla site"</a> <a href="http://www.mozilla.org.com">Mozilla site</a> <URL:http://www.mozilla.org> <news://news.mozilla.org/1234@any.msg.id.com> <URL:http://www.mozilla.org will work becae of the http:// In the cases with angle brakes and double quotes as delimiters, the delimiters should be included in the link, e.g. <a href="http://a.com">"http://a.com"</a>, but not in all other cases. MAIL TESTS asj@ipa.net mailto:asj@ipa.net <asj@bigfoot.com> The following strings are not substituted: |TXT |HTML |Reason +------+---------+---------- -> ← Bug #454 => ⇐ dito <- → dito <= ⇒ dito (tm) ™ dito 1/4 ¼ is triggered by 1/4 Part 1, 2/4 Part 2, ... 3/4 ¾ dito 1/2 ½ similar SPECIAL TEST CASES 5 * 3 * 4 = 60 -> should do nothing (spaces and not alpha) 5*5*6=150 -> should do nothing (no alpha character) 5*A*6*1=Z -> should do nothing (no leading/ending spaces) 5 * A * 6 * 1 = Z -> should do nothing Multi character test with spaces in the middle *This is a test* Multi character test with spaces in the middle /This is a test/ Multi character test with spaces in the middle _This is a test_ Multi line test that won't work *This is a test* In all cases, please tale special care about special cases, like line start, line end and special characters, and unusual real life cases (like the multiplication above or "bla (mozilla@bucksch.org, " or source code). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is an e-mail test of text conversions. The four items like *bold* /italic/ _underline_ |code| should all be easily converted. Adding a comma between the four items should be converted *bold*, /italic/, _underline_, and |code|. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mozilla is smart!! ASCII ART Is not damaged. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |[] Mozilla preferences ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |/Standard settings\/Mail accounts\/News servers\/Browser zones\_____ | || `""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""|| || Standard settings apply unless overridden by settings for a || || particular mail account, news server, or browser zone. || || || || Category Display - Colors :::::::::::::::::::::::::: || || +-------------------+ || || |= General =========| When a page does not specify colors, use: || || |= Display =========| (:[SILLY SMILEY FACE] for backgrounds || || | Languages | (##) for text || || | Fonts | [UNINTELLIGENTLY LINKED @ SYMBOL]) for links|| || | > Colors < | (OO) for previously-visited links || || | Style sheets | (**) for highlighted links || || | Cookies | || || | JavaScript | ( ) Always use these colors, ignoring those || || | Java | specified in the document || || |= Navigator =======| (*) Use colors specified in the document || || |= Messenger =======| *test* || || |= Composer ========| || || +-------------------+ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: || |`-------------------------------------------------------------------'| |( Help ) ( Cancel ) (( Save ))| +---------------------------------------------------------------------+