You are here: Test Case Matrix for Selection > Test Case Description for drag-scroll-text
Test Case Description for drag-scroll-text
Determine whether drag-scrolling gestures function properly.
Initial Conditions
- View the attached drag-scroll-text.html test case
- If necessary, shrink the window so that the browser window contains both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
- Start from the first word ("Currently") in the upper-left hand corner of the web page, and drag-scroll to the bottom-right hand corner of the page.
- From the final word ("component") in the document, drag-scroll from the lower-right hand corner of the web to the upper-left hand corner of the web page.
- View the drag-scroll-text-frame.html test case.
- For each the page's two frames, drag-scroll from the top of the page to its bottom.
- View the drag-scroll-box.html test case.
- Starting from the first word in the upper-left hand corner of the text area, drag-scroll downwards to the end of the text content.
Expected Results
After Step #3, the page should be successfully drag-scrolled to the bottom-right hand corner. (despite having to drag-scroll through several table cells, and out of the table)
After Step #4, the document should be successfully drag-scrolled to its upper-left hand corner.
After Step #6, drag-scrolling a frame should not impact the contents of its neighbor frame.
After Step #8, the entire text area should be selected.