
Enter your Name: text field using default type=text

1. Enter your Address: text field using SIZE and MAXLENGTH

2. Enter your City: 3. Enter your State: 4. Enter your Country: text field using value

5. Enter your Zip:

6. What happens when a fixed-width font(the default) is used for a one-byte text input area, let's try it.. Enter one character:


What are your favorite pets?

wild animal

Radio Buttons

Would type of wine do you like?

cabernet sauvignon
pinot noir
don't drink wine

Password Field

Who are you?

Enter your Password:

Submit Buttons

submit button using default "VALUE"

submit button using assigned "VALUE", no "NAME"

submit button using assigned "NAME" & "VALUE"

Form Multiline Text Area

Enter any Comments you have about this Web page following:

Pulldown menus

Regular Pizza order? selection without "multiple" act as a pull-down menu

Gourmet Pizza order? selection with "multiple" act as a scrolling list and has a pre-selected "option"

Extra Pizza Add-On order? selection with size="3" with/without "multiple" act as a scrolling list and has a pre-selected "option"

Drink order?