Printing: Really long jumble of weird stuff.
Things to watch for:
- Colored text not showing up with black and white printers.
- Colored text not showing up with colored printers.
- HTML tags not printing, underline and strike not showing up.
- Fonts not showing up.
- Page breaks cutting off lines.
- Page breaks cutting off in bad places.
Strike, Underline, and Font colors
- Three Strikes and you're out!! Let me underline that point.
- underlining the world in colors of the rainbow
Font Sizes body body body with font size set to 3
body body body with font size set to 7
body body body with font size set back to 3
head1 head1 head1 with font size set to 7 outside of head command
page two should be somewhere around here....
body body body with font size set back to 3
head1 head1 head1 with font size set to 7 inside of head command
body body body with font size set back to 3 -- yikes, what happened?
Paul's Obsolete HTML section. First, XMP, Second LISTING, Third PRE.
Jose, can you see, buy the Don's Curly Might. What so PROUDLY we mailed at the Chi-Lites' last weaning.
Jose, can you see, buy the Don's Curly Might. What so PROUDLY we mailed at the Chi-Lites' last weaning.
Jose, can you see, buy the Don's Curly Might. What so PROUDLY we mailed at the Chi-Lites' last weaning.
Normal, Bold, Italic, Fixed combinations Normal
page three should be around here some where...where did I put it??
Welcome to a list of lists
Lists are not only fun to make, they are fun to use. They help us:
- remember what the heck we are doing each day
- arrange long and arbitrary lines of text into ordered lists that are pleasing to the eye and suggest some sense of priority, even if it is artificial
- look really cool when we carry them around on yellow Post-Itstm.
- and that other thing I keep forgetting.
Your ordered lists can start at a strange number, like
- And use roman numerals,
- You might try using letters as well,
- Maybe you prefer Big Letters,
- or small roman numerals
- But discs belong to unordered lists
- Though you can set the value in a list item!
Unordered list
- listing item
- first sublevel
- look for the bullet on
- each sublevel
- they should all be different, except here.
- second sublevel
- or you can specify a square
- if your TYPE is circle
- or even a disc
- Franz Liszt
- was a composer who was not square
- would have liked the Who
- feeling listless. list-style-type: circle
- blah, blah, blah (square)
- whine, whine, whine(disc)
of various and sundry sizes The HR element specifies that a horizontal rule of some sort (The default being a shaded engraved line) be drawn across the page. To this element we have added 4 new tags to allow the document author some ability to describe how the horizontal rule should look.
The CSS height in pixels lets the author give an indication of how thick they wish the horizontal rule to be. Here are CSS height in pixels 1-12, 47 and 125.
Now CSS width:
The default horizontal rule is always as wide as the page. With the WIDTH tag, the author can specify an exact width in pixels, or a relative width measured in percent of document width.
Now that horizontal rules do not have to be the width of the page we need to allow the author to specify whether they should be pushed up against the left margin, the right margin, or centered in the page.
Finally, for those times when you really want a solid bar, the NOSHADE tag lets you specify that you do not want any fancy shading of your horizontal rule.
Look for your platform fonts
algerian font style text
Arial font style text
Arial Black font style text
Arial Bold font style text
Arial Bold Italic font
style text
Arial Italic font style text
Arial MT Black font style
Arial Narrow font style text
Arial Rounded MT Bold
font style text
Benguiat Frisky ATT
font style text
Book Antiqua font style text
Book Antiqua Bold font
style text
Book Antiqua Bold
Italic font style text
Book Antiqua Italic
font style text
Bookman Old Style font
style text
Bookman Old Style
Bold font style text
Bookman Old
Style Bold Italic font style text
Bookman Old Style
Italic font style text
Braggadocio font style text
Britannic Bold font style
Brush Script MT Italic
font style text
Century Gothic font style
Century Schoolbook font
style text
Century Schoolbook
Bold font style text
Century Schoolbook
Bold Italic font style text
Century Schoolbook
Italic font style text
Colonna MT font style text
Comic Sans MS font style text
Comic Sans MS Bold font
style text
Courier 10,12,15 font style
Courier New font style text
Desdemona font style text
footlight MT Light font
style text
Garamond font style text
Garamond Bold font style text
Garamond Italic font style
Lucida Casual font style text
Lucida Casual Italic
font style text
Modern font style text
Times New Roman font style
Times New Roman Bold
font style text
Times New Roman
Bold Italic font style text
Times New Roman Italic
font style text
Wide Latin font style text
WingDings font style text(WingDings)
In this section you should see some Macintosh font styles!
Avant Garde font style text
Bookman font style text
Chicago font style text
Courier font style text
Geneva font style text
Helvetica font style text
N Helvetica Narrow font
style text
Monaco font style text
New Century Schlbk font
style text
New York font style text
Palatino font style text
Symbol font style text
Times font style text
WingDings font style text
In this section you should see some Unix font styles!
Charter font style text
Clean font style text
Courier font style text
Fixed font style text
Helvetica font style text
International font style text
ITC Avent Garde Gothic
font style text
ITC Bookman font style text
Laura font style text
New Century Schoolbook
font style text
Palatino font style text
Rock font style text
Terminal font style text
Times font style text
Utopia font style text
Your machine should not blow up.