Find As You Type Functional Tests
Welcome to the functional testcases for Find As You Type (a.k.a., Type
Ahead Find). This test suite is designed to test all features of Find
As You Type. Please be sure to read the document to the end before
running the tests.
If you haven't already done so,
please run the acceptance tests.
Test (A)
- Please type the following string without the quotation marks.
Type the entire string in lowercase. Note the slash, "/" -- this is very important! It
makes type ahead find search non-linked text as well as linked text.
The string is: /123CARBONDIOXIDE
- Please verify that as you type each character, each character in
the above string, excluding the slash, is highlighted.
- Please wait until the green type ahead find highlight is replaced
by the normal system highlight. This should take a few seconds. When it
is replaced, you may continue to test B.
Test (B)
- Please type the following string in without quotation marks. Type
the entire string in uppercase. Again, don't forget the slash. The
string is: /456OXYGEN
- Please verify that as you type each character, each character in
the above string, excluding the slash, is highlighted.
- Please wait until the green type ahead find highlight is replaced
by the normal system highlight. This should take a few seconds. When it
is replaced, you may continue to test C.
Test (C)
- Please type the following string in without quotation marks. It
shouldn't matter if you use lower or upper case. When the entire string
is highlighted by the type ahead highlight, please press enter. The
string is: bmozilladotorg
- Please verify that as you type each letter, the corresponding
letter in the above URL is highlighted. Also, please verify that when
the entire link is highlighted and you press enter,'s main
page opens in a separate window.
Test (D)
- Please type the following string in
without quotation marks. It shouldn't matter if you use lower or
upper case. When the entire string is highlighted by the type ahead
highlight, please press enter. The string is: cmailmal
- Please verify that as you type each letter, the
corresponding letter in the above URL is highlighted. Also, please
verify that when the entire link is highlighted and you press enter,
your mail application opens up. If you are using Mozilla Mail/News, a
new message composition window should appear, and the "To:" field
should read ""
Test (E)
- This test requires editing your preferences file (prefs.js under
your profile directory), so you'll need to quit Mozilla to begin.
- With a text editor, open your
prefs.js file. Please add the string below:
pref("ui.textSelectBackgroundAttention", "#33CCFF");
- Save the file.
- Restart Mozilla and repeat the acceptance tests. Note
that the highlight (background) color should now be this light blue.
- When the acceptance tests are
completed and you have verified that the highlight color is properly
changed, you may delete that custom preference. Don't forget you'll
need to quit Mozilla before editing prefs.js, then restart Mozilla to
see the change.
Test (F)
- For this test, make sure that Find
As You Type is set to search only linked text. To verify or change back
to this, open the Preferences window and select the Keyboard Navigation
panel under Advanced. You'd want the checkbox selected for "Find
automatical when typing within a web page", and the radiobutton "Links
only" selected.
- Type: 789SearchText.
- Please verify that as you type each
letter, the corresponding letter in the above text is highlighted.
- Please type the following string, remembering to include the
single quote, "'", at the
beginning: 'Embed
- Please verify that as you type each letter, the corresponding
character in the above string, excluding the single quote, is
- Once you have completed the above steps, please change that
preference back to false. Don't forget you'll need to quit Mozilla
before editing prefs.js, then restart Mozilla to see the change.
Test (G)
- For this test, make sure that Find As You Type is set to search
only linked text. To verify or change back to this, open the
Preferences window and select the Keyboard Navigation panel under
Advanced. You'd want the checkbox selected for "Find automatical when
typing within a web page", and the radiobutton "Links only" selected.
- Type: ten
- Please verify that Mozilla does not find a match in the above
- Once you have completed the above steps, please change that
preference back to false. Don't forget you'll need to quit Mozilla
before editing prefs.js, then restart Mozilla to see the change.
- Now, type the string ten
again. Please verify that Mozilla finds a match in the center of the
above string.
Test (H)
- Please type in the following letters slowly: Mento
- Watch the above words. As you type the "M", the green highlight
should be on the M in Mackeral. As you type the "e", the highlight
should be on the "e" in Medicine. This pattern should continue until
you have typed "Mento", when the green highlight should be on "Mentor"
- Press the backspace key. The first time you press it, the green
highlight should cover "Ment" in Mental. Press it again, and note that
it now covers "Men" in Mendocino.
- Continue pressing backspace until the green highlight disappears
- Now, press M. The "M" in Mackeral should be highlighted.
- Press M again. It should go to the next match, "Medicine".
- Continue pressing M until the "M" in Mentor is highlighted.
- Press backspace until the green highlight disappears completely.
- Press M. Note that the green highlight should cover the "M" in
- Now, press F3. The "M" in Medicine should be highlighted.
- Press Accel+G. The "M" in Mendocino should be highlighted.
- Press Shift+Accel+G. The "M" in Medicine should be highlighted.
- Now, press Shift+F3. The M in Mackeral should be highlighted.
- Please wait until the green highlight has disappeared before
continuing to the next test.
Test (I)
- Please scroll down until you see the "Stop" text. When you reach
this point, scroll down until the word "peninsula" is not visible.
Then, please slowly type: Pen
- Please verify that, as you typed "Pen", the "P" in pragmatic was
first highlighted, followed by the "Pe" in Peru, and then the "Pen" in
- Next, scroll back up to the word "Stop". Highlight the zero under
the word pragmatic.
- Now, type P. The selection should jump to the "P" in Peru.
- Type R. The selection should jump to the "pr" in pragmatic.
Test (J)
- Please type in the following string: Green Beans
- Please verify that all of the text, both before and after the
space, are highlighted.
- Please press escape. The green highlight should disappear.
- Please type the string again. When it is highlighted, press tab.
The green highlight should disappear.
- Please type the string again. When it is highlighted, scroll down
the document. The green highlight should disappear.
- Please type the string again. When it is highlighted, highlight
any currently visible text. The green highlight should disappear.
- Please type the string again. Press Accel+F. Verify that the
string is present in the find dialog.
If the results you obtained matched
the intended results, you are finished, then you have successfully completed the Find As
You Type Functional Testcases.
Sample deviations may include the text not being highlighted, the
highlight not disappearing for a long period of time (anywhere over 3
to 6 seconds), to windows not being spawned, etc.
If, at any time, the results you obtained deviated from the proper
results, follow this procedure.
- Quit Mozilla entirely. This
means closing all running windows, e.g., the Mail/News application, etc.
- Restart Mozilla and
return to this test page.
- Please rerun the tests.
If the problem persists, please
follow the bug filing instructions on the main