You are here: Test Case Matrix for Imaging > Test Case Description for image reloading (upon image change)
Test Case Description for image reloading (upon image change)
To confirm that reloaded web pages properly display images modified since the last load.
Initial Conditions
Disk and memory caches to be cleared. Write access to test case directory required.
- Copy img-reload.html, foo_master.jpg and bar_master.jpg from the test case directory to your local test case directory.
- In your test case directory, copy (but do not rename!) foo_master.jpg to foo.jpg
- View img_reload.html.
- In the test case directory, copy (but do not rename!) bar_master.jpg to foo.jpg
- Hold the shift button down, and press the browser's Reload button
Expected Results:
After Step 2, a page should appear containing a picture of John Glenn in a Mercury capsule.
After Step 4, a page should appear containing a picture of a (much older) John Glenn aboard the space shuttle.