Bugzilla version 2.5

Bug List

This is Bugzilla: the Mozilla bug system. For more information about what Bugzilla is and what it can do, see mozilla.org's bug pages.

Wed Aug 18 09:56:01 PDT 1999

This list is too long for bugzilla's little mind; the Next/Prev/First/Last buttons won't appear.

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ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
36 cri P2 PC briano@netscape.com VERI INVA Floating Point Exception on Execution
91 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE document properties cannot be listed
103 nor P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO layout bug: table cell overflows containing cell
104 min P3 PC brendan@netscape.com VERI WONT table saved as text: missing inter-column space
105 nor P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO nested <TABLE>s: bgcolor of inner table not recognized
117 maj P3 PC briano@netscape.com CLOS Compiling Navigator on SPARC/Linux doesn
133 min P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Navigator draws entities like &lt;&amp;&gt; as ''?''s when K
134 cri P2 PC nobody@mozilla.org RESO Navigator crashes w/ javascript setting textarea value
159 tri P5 All nobody@mozilla.org RESO warning fix : ns/js/jsj/jsStubs.c
174 min P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Failed assert on exit at mkgeturl.c:5855 (net_CleanupMailtoS
213 maj P5 All marek@netscape.com VERI INVA showDocument("javascript:..."); broken
220 nor P3 Oth ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incorrect display of CP-1250 pages in Unix version
228 cri P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO Navigator spawn a lot of error messages in infinite loop.
240 tri P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI INVA XP_GetBuiltinString error messages missing
244 tri P3 Sun briano@netscape.com CLOS Busted -MDupdate
246 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE bookmarks not correctly saved in frames
247 maj P3 PC marek@netscape.com VERI WORK back button clears hidden fields
249 nor P3 DEC briano@netscape.com VERI incorrect include path for endian.h
254 nor P3 All briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE MOZ_LITE configuration will not build
255 enh P3 PC amusil@netscape.com CLOS INVA Voicemail with Beatnik plugin, cannot play voicemail message
260 cri P1 HP nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA HTML pages or images don't get diplayed
264 nor P3 Sun scullin@netscape.com VERI WORK Fails to complie due to having wrong include
279 min P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO Garbage collector incorrectly called during script execution
286 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE iostream.h
289 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE Cache database changed but files are not (19980429 as well)
296 nor P3 Oth briano@netscape.com CLOS INVA Build Failed - Undefined symbols
297 nor P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WORK Incomplete download of cgi page
299 tri P3 DEC briano@netscape.com CLOS Build fails on wrong include path
300 tri P3 DEC scullin@netscape.com VERI WORK CXX V6.0-20 +ANSI requires explicit cast
301 tri P3 DEC dp@netscape.com VERI WONT CXX V6.0-20 "NULL" explicit cast needed
302 tri P3 DEC dp@netscape.com VERI WONT Another NULL cast issue in wffpPeer.cpp
303 tri P3 DEC dp@netscape.com VERI WONT More NULL casts in wffpCat.cpp
324 tri P3 DEC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE explicit casts needed in EditorFrame.cpp
326 enh P3 DEC briano@netscape.com CLOS INVA Suggestions for Makefile on DUnix
334 tri P3 DEC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE ANSI disallows enum casts - make explicit in EditorView.cpp
335 tri P3 DEC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE ANSI disallows enum casts - make explicit in HistoryView.cpp
336 enh P3 DEC briano@netscape.com CLOS INVA build changes successful OSF1 4.0D + CXX V6.0-20
338 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Unable to copy to clipboard
346 nor P2 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE Missing "&" in parameter, cmd/xfe/forms.c:2116
356 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com CLOS Missing -lresolv for SunOS5.5.1+
387 tri P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com CLOS warnings when compiling jsmath.c in javascript ref
414 maj P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI on resizing browser A HREF= function() js function undefined
415 maj P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com CLOS on resizing browser A HREF= function() js function undefined
424 tri P3 Oth briano@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Warning fix: -DBSD on BSD platforms
426 maj P3 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI INVA Having problem compiling - suse 5.1, Motif 2.0
432 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com RESO FIXE PowerBuilder plugin causes random page fault error.
433 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WONT Page fault error created when Netscape launched before Windo
434 maj P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL Communicator does not work with PowerBuilder plugin.
436 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Doesn't display some GIFs
452 enh P3 PC selmer@netscape.com VERI DUPL user entries in LOCAL_MACHINE instead of CURRENT_USER
453 nor P3 PC marek@netscape.com VERI INVA OnKeyUp event is not stable, sometimes not fire
466 tri P1 All harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL "font stacks" and a parsing algorithm bug
467 maj P3 Oth scullin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Undefined references in $CODEROOT/nsprpub/pr/src/linking/prl
468 maj P3 PC marek@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]JavaScript sometimes thinks form text is empty
469 nor P3 DEC briano@netscape.com CLOS mcom_db.h is looking for endian.h in the wrong place
470 nor P3 DEC briano@netscape.com CLOS File
471 nor P3 DEC briano@netscape.com CLOS More about bug 470
476 cri P3 DEC mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE Core dump on startup of moz-export
477 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com CLOS Debug build on SunOS5_x86
491 maj P3 DEC briano@netscape.com CLOS WORK Some Makefiles use $(CCC) to link executables
492 nor P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Multiple ALIGN="LEFT" tables don't render
509 cri P3 PC marek@netscape.com VERI INVA Access Violation in JS3240.DLL during JS execution
510 maj P3 PC warren@netscape.com CLOS INVA Netscape crash when running applets
515 min P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI DUPL MOZ_LITE build unresolved references
518 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com CLOS LATE parallel make on SMP system fail 'make -j 3'
525 nor P3 PC sar@netscape.com VERI FIXE cmdwinfepwplat.cpp wont compile
527 nor P3 PC angus@netscape.com VERI FIXE NgLayout.mak needs Unix_Date; Not Found On Windows.
534 min P3 SGI jevering@netscape.com VERI FIXE Saving bookmarks corrupts dir ownership
549 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI INVA BUILD: mozilla-export uses shared -lplds21 -lplc21 -lmsgc21
557 nor P2 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE shouldn't have to type http:// all the time
558 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI FIXE two minor related links bugs
559 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI Scrolling kills resources on win95
560 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI Ugly residue between page loads on Win95
561 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI REMI Can't navigate around pages
562 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com RESO Mozilla doesn't redraw properly when Raptor is running.
563 nor P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK Redirects don't work
564 nor P2 PC cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE ISO-8859-1 should be converted as CP 1252
565 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com VERI After setting bugsplat login, all pages crash
566 maj P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI Puke appears on screen in between page loads on Win95
567 maj P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI Images disappear from pages after the first time they're vie
568 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com RESO NGLayout Crashes on this URL trying parse cookie date
569 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI Make the Beep Stop!
570 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Courier, Times New Roman fonts don't display in Test 0
571 nor P2 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI INVA Crash when Copying to Clipboard
572 cri P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI Release Build Crashes on Mouseovers
573 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE LINK'd style sheets do not work
574 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com RESO Whitespace is chopped after closing tags
575 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT Underlined <TT>Foo</TT> content has low underline
576 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com RESO <STRONG> doesn't work
577 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking on a link doesn't make it "ACTIVE"
578 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS First-line selector doesn't work
579 enh P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} CSS First-letter selector isn't finished
580 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS !important doesn't work
582 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE {css1} Monospace font inside a serif div doesn't work
583 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Oblique font style not supported
584 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI WONT Small-caps font variant not supported
585 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE line-height property not supported
586 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling results in rendering weirdness on win95
587 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text transforms don't work
589 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mixed style lists aren't counted properly
590 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE List items don't support images as bullets
591 min P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL top border is one pixel too short horizontally
592 cri P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE NGLayout crashes when loading this URL
593 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO Forms with only one text field should submit on enter
594 cri P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI Raptor Crashes whenever a form is submitted
595 cri P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI Clicking on links in a frame with target="_top" crash NGLayo
596 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE NGLayout crashes on this URL
597 nor P2 All joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL PageDown/PageUp key presses should scroll document
598 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI Raptor hangs at www.cbs.com
599 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:FTP directories not displaying
600 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI REMI No UI so can't authenticate with username/password
601 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI some GIF images are always dithering to 8bit color cube
602 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frames "marginwidth" and "marginheight" not implemented yet
603 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL script src= doesn't work
604 nor P1 PC rods@netscape.com VERI Viewer Crashes in form element
605 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com RESO text appears in wrong place in doc
606 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA align=middle broken
607 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE frameborder & border not yet implemented in <frameset>
608 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE not implemented - frame borders responsive to mouse
609 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI Links don't work due to new selection code
610 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com RESO Editor mode and JS console need to move out of debug-only co
611 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking on links do not work.
612 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selection cursor appears when clicking on a link
613 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:hitting submit button causes re-entrancy crash
614 nor P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI INVA when window is scrolled, resize causes widgets to go nuts
615 nor P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI unpainted region at bottom of window
616 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in nsTextContent - deleting a stack varible
617 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in Dispatch event when switch documents
618 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com RESO row background painting not backwards compatible
619 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI table layout broken with nscoord-width columns and colspans
620 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI images with no width attribute in tables don't work well
621 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE a document that ends in text doesn't layout properly
622 cri P2 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO propagation error for tables
623 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com RESO table assertion triggered when maxElementSize > desiredSize
626 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI INVA Assert in CSS code
627 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating table problems
628 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating image problems
629 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL parser bug, illegal table not handled right
630 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO parser bug, <center> tags in table not handled correctly
632 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Select All does turn on selection display selected
633 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE The initial shift click in window crashes the viewer
635 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE BODY attributes "marginwidth" & "marginheight" not supported
636 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE too much vertical space in table cells
637 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE tables do not yet support percent height attributes
638 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating image align=right messes up table layout
640 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating table display error
641 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL table height attribute doesn't work
642 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE text field widget is wrong size, font
643 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com RESO LATE form widgets don't inherit style
644 maj P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Checking on named anchors (#foo) in page forces reload
645 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in dom/js when clicking on links with js in framesets
646 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE <noscript> tag not respected
647 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE mismatched style tags in nested tables closes outer table pr
648 maj P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE vertical space incorrect inside a <font> tag
649 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE vertical centering
650 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE resizing window horiz. changes table layout incorrectly
651 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE garbage form buttons
652 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Server Side Image Maps Do Not Work
653 min P3 Oth kipp@netscape.com RESO On documents without a title, the viewer title is wrong
654 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Text does not display correctly
655 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO <DT> in <TD>
656 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selection draw incorrectly at beginning of line
657 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com RESO percent-width cells in auto-width tables don't work
658 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Copying HTML to AIM does not work under windows 95/NT
660 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Javascript loaded images get drawn twice
661 nor P1 All beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE navigator.mimetypes array does not work (blocked on with(doc
662 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE too much whitespace between some elements on aol.com
663 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Resizing image in a floating table doesn't reflow text prope
664 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Paragraphs with CSS margin attributes are corrupted
665 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Drop-down lists are too large (should have scrollbar)
667 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO Missing <BODY> tag cause page not to load
668 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE image submit controls not responsive
669 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bad layout with image with ALIGN=LEFT inside UL tags
670 cri P2 PC buster@netscape.com RESO assert because we try to BalanceColumnWidths on a continuing
671 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE layout incorrect in tables with 1 row and cells with colspan
672 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK yahoo margin problem
673 maj P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI WORK OnDataAvailable() and OnStartBinding() never get called.
674 cri P2 PC joki@netscape.com RESO NGLayout crashes on link from this URL
675 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WONT %-width cells not layout out correctly
676 nor P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Purify Reports Leak of Form Object
677 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Headings are positioned off the right edge of the page
680 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI crash trying to view tinderbox
681 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ugly link parses incorrectly, source gets put into content
682 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE form elements with nbsp don't give back correct measurements
683 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO parser complains about null tag on www.stocksite.com
684 cri P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Image.setDOMAttribute("WIDTH",400); is broken
685 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com RESO document.documentElement.removeChild() doesn't work for IMGs
686 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE reflow of tables doesn't reposition caption
687 cri P1 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE infinite loop
688 cri P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash destroying content when there is a font tag inside a s
689 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE table alignment not quite right in constrained layout case
690 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Link text gets "smushed" into other text (bad spacing)
691 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE removeChild() causes crash
692 maj P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK "Below the fold" widgets are not rendered properly on Win95
693 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE We're parsing comments strangely inside a script tag
694 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ALT text on images can't handle entities
695 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bottom and right borders of HRs are not visible
696 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE TR tags don't expose their ID attribute to DOM
697 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Raptor build status displays incorrectly
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
699 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE table layout not correct
700 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't draw unicode characters
701 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Multiple CSS classes aren't implemented yet
702 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE vertical centering wrong in <p align="center">
703 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE align=middle fails on <h1>
704 cri P3 PC blythe@netscape.com VERI WONT MFC42D.DLL required for install (nightly build)
706 nor P2 PC blythe@netscape.com VERI INVA
707 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS clear attribute not working
709 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL <TR ALIGN="center"> Doesn't center cell data
711 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT CSS color: statement ignored.
714 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS: using the float property makes the page look scrambled
719 nor P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE TextTransform does not work on CSS for non-ASCII
722 nor P2 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI WONT Problem with priority langage
727 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WONT [p4x] table layout problems
728 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Resizing the window also resizes an absolutely-sized frame
729 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE &nbsp; characters render with a dot
737 maj P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: problems with file:/// url navigation and generated d
739 cri P2 SGI briano@netscape.com VERI WONT HP-UX's cfront C++ ("CC") can't build 4th September 1998 Moz
743 maj P2 SGI scullin@netscape.com VERI WORK Makefile in xpcom/tests fails to build libreg first
745 nor P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI WORK ss:url interrupts cause crash
746 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE missing CSS styles
747 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bulleted list items eat anchors
749 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE nuke GetFontCache API's
751 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE GetPosition in nsTextFrame is slow
752 nor P2 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsISelection needs to be XPCOM'd
756 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL ABBR not handled correctly
757 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE "width" property not properly enforced
758 cri P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Highlighting text in the viewer causes the app to crash
770 nor P2 Sun shaver@netscape.com CLOS WONT HTML entities don't work in DOM
772 nor P4 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI INVA Incorrect display of this page
773 maj P2 PC ebina@netscape.com VERI FIXE Chunked decoding can get stuck in STRIP_CRLF state
775 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE max-element-size not impacted by margins
779 min P3 All sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT Images not loading occasionally
781 maj P1 PC blythe@netscape.com VERI WONT 9-9-98, or 9-7-98 Mozilla Binaries do not load/run
785 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE {sink} Handling frameset's with bodies
786 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Use of rowspan causes cursor to not change when over link, b
788 nor P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WONT Awful rendering, assert failure
789 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE about:blank leaks
790 nor P2 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI WONT Mozilla crashes when looking history
794 enh P5 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI WONT Split alignment back into three buttons
796 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table totally hosed
797 nor P2 All av@netscape.com VERI FIXE OBJECT element alternate content is not displayed
803 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Floaters Aren't Resized Properly
804 maj P1 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK Miami University page will not load.
805 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE the dom leaks memory. alot.
806 nor P1 All don@netscape.com RESO FIXE [FEATURE] User agent implementation
807 nor P1 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE 'em' units don't work
808 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE padding and borders don't work on HTML and BODY elements
809 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE block-level elements don't strech out to the right
810 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL borders around elements eat their way into text
811 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE default margin on DIV elements is non-zero
812 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE no left padding
813 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE element widths
814 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE overlapping floating elements - no!
815 maj P1 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE We shouldn't process content inside <NOSCRIPT> tags
816 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK HTML tags leaking into edit field
817 enh P1 All rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE XP timebomb code needed for betas
819 maj P2 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI WONT crashes on launch
822 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK assert
823 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE LISTING and PRE tag's need to eat the first newline
830 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in mozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsBlockFrame.cpp
831 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK Incorrect table layout
834 maj P2 PC marek@netscape.com VERI INVA Mozilla crashes when a javascript pop up window occurs
836 enh P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA french accents
838 cri P2 SGI briano@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Mozilla fails to build correctly on any non-gcc/g++ HP-UX co
839 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE border widths can be negative
841 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP]changing visited link color crashes Mozilla
844 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE whitespace at the end of text shouldn't be underlined
845 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS Parser ignoring first declaration in STYLE element surro
847 nor P5 All scullin@netscape.com VERI FIXE IID collision in nsIConnectionPoint
848 nor P1 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE Viewer App Reports incorrect HTTP_USER_AGENT version
850 enh P2 All peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS Universal Selector should be supported
853 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE padding-left property doesn't work
855 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI LATE animated gif not displaying
856 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Crashing on startup ....
857 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <ins> and <del> tag parsed incorrectly
859 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash with LI in table
860 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI WORK Viewer's "Forward" button doesn't work
861 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS parser eats style rule after malformed rule
862 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE resetting a form destroys a textarea prematurely
863 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE we dont' support the hex notation for numeric character refe
866 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cannot login to bugzilla using NGLayout
867 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Following link in window 2 loads doc in window 1
868 nor P2 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE Following link to webmail goes nowhere
869 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL window.open() opens new windows but with wrong dimensions, a
872 maj P1 All brendan@netscape.com VERI INVA Bogus "property is not defined" errors
875 maj P1 All mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bogus "property is not defined" errors
879 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE BUILD: modules/libimg/src/png_png.cpp and config'ed --with-p
882 nor P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsButton not initializing mRefCnt
883 maj P1 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE BUILD: Mozilla does not build on ARM Linux
889 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE parser not handling illegal content within table
895 tri P5 PC sar@netscape.com VERI WONT Reword compilation warning on Win95 build
903 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Font Performance Problems
906 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CreateFontAliasTable() creates too many nsString objects
907 maj P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Too many Selector and SelectorList
908 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Lots of temporary SupportsArrayImpl objects
909 min P4 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Confusing dialog box
910 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Leaking Bullet Frame
912 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE we don't support background-position % values yet
916 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incorrect handling of 8-bit characters
917 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE A bug in the PNG parsing
920 nor P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI WONT Problems with Plugins inside Layers in Navigator?
921 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE BR tags must have zero height
922 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE whitespace should not render
923 maj P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE <font> reporting wrong metrics to table - 0 maxElementSize
924 nor P1 PC newt@pobox.com VERI FIXE Crash while loading PNG test icon suite
925 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating tables don't float
926 nor P2 All peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE The style attribute with a CSS "text-decoration" value is nu
927 nor P1 PC vidur@netscape.com RESO FIXE crash in image group code
930 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Unordered lists markers do not render correctly when nested
932 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Ordered List marker - lower alpha is not displayed correctly
933 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Ordered List marker - lower roman is not displayed correctly
934 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Unordered lists markers do not render correctly when nested
935 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL auto-closing DT/DD doesn't work
940 maj P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE URL doesn't load second file
941 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WONT viewer won't scroll to end of page
942 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE layout is incorrect on this page
944 nor P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE FIELDSET and LEGEND don't work
945 nor P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE LABEL doesn't work
947 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table cell content overrides cell borders
948 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE vertical margins should be collapse across generations
949 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE margins should be transparent
950 nor P2 PC blythe@netscape.com VERI WONT ASSERT in CAbstractCX via mkgeturl.c
951 nor P3 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI WONT ASSERT while freeing memory in HT_DeleteCursor
953 nor P5 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Missing news protocol causes ASSERT
954 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Percentage widths on text fields is not inherited properly
957 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE BUTTON element not implemented
958 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE form element disabled attribute DOM wiring not implemented
962 nor P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA document.getElementByID() does not work
963 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table cells can overlap when shrinking window
964 min P2 PC blythe@netscape.com VERI WONT mozilla.exe - Application Error
966 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE border: none creates a 5 pixel border
967 cri P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash opening page
968 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Viewer crashes when rendering the above url
969 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] min-width, max-width and min/max-height properties b
970 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS font-weight: Bold and Bolder look the same
971 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL floating button not placed correctly
973 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS font-size: "small" looks like normal font size
974 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS font-size: "ex" is showing as xxsmall ; any ex units are
975 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI LATE CSS font-size: test for ".5in" is nearly an inch high
976 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI LATE CSS font-size: test for "1cm" font size is 1.5 cm high
977 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS font: italics shows as normal text
978 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS font: shows as normal text instead of small-caps
979 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS font: font should show as bold, but shows as normal
980 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS font: font size should be xxsmall, but is normal instead
981 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS font: line height should be 200%, but shows as normal in
982 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS font: sentence should be san-serif, but is serif (my def
983 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS color: RGB colors are all showing as black
984 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS background color: 3 & 6 digit RGB values all show as nor
986 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Unable to go to last half of links on page
987 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE background color for form elements is wrong
988 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE the bullets in front of some of the items are positioned odd
989 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in js form handling stuff...
990 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floaters in the box above the weather area are wrong
992 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Contact (SM) is laying out wrong
993 nor P2 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI WONT Unhandled exception in jsapi
994 nor P2 All rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE OPTGROUP not implemented yet
995 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI INVA table cellspacing not displaying correctly
998 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table with iframe not rendering properly
999 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL float does not work properly
1001 min P4 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build bombs because detect_motif.sh returns "/usr/include"
1002 nor P2 All cathleen@netscape.com RESO DUPL Placeholder bug for SU support in 5.0
1005 nor P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI WONT Mozilla Crashes when there are pop up windows.
1006 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE we don't support text-indent
1007 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA class=foo needs to be case insensitive, I think
1008 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI WORK XPViewer Crashes on Start-up
1009 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK CSSDeclarationImpl Memory Leak
1010 maj P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Links in don't work inside rowspan'd cells
1011 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE news.com columns are getting mushed to the left
1015 nor P2 All beard@netscape.com CLOS DUPL navigator.mimeTypes not implemented
1016 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsIRenderingContext woes
1018 cri P1 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Crash on this URL
1019 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text decorations break at container boundaries
1023 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK Modifying textDecoration via CSS OM doesn't force reflow
1024 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Modifying style.top actually modifies style.left
1025 cri P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE NGLayout crashes on this URL
1026 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL NGLayout does not incrementally display fixed width tables
1029 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WONT mozilla/cmd/xfe/icons/mkicons segfaults.
1030 nor P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Animated GIF that crashes NGLayout win32
1032 nor P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linux NGLayout webshell viewer coredumps in nsInlineReflow::
1034 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK NetscapeDispatchWnd crashes on URL
1036 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Forward Button Broken
1037 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA border-color-left,right,top,bottom broken
1038 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL fantasy and cursive fonts are treated as sans-serif and some
1039 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Negative CSS font-size should not be allowed
1040 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS vertical-align problems; reflow strange
1041 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Percentage margins don't shrink when the browser window gets
1042 enh P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS auto margins don't justify blocks
1043 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE DIV should be considered to terminate a P
1047 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL CSS text-align: justify doesn't work
1048 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS property text-indent not supported
1050 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Phantom border with CSS border-style set to none
1051 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Default CSS border-width=medium border-style=none
1052 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Top borders are a pixel too thin
1053 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE groove and ridge borders are reversed
1056 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE maxAscent/maxDescent not backed up
1057 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Percentage margins load incorrectly if window was resized -
1058 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Margins not applied
1059 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Floats within Tables
1060 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Percentage width floats not resized
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
1061 enh P2 All troy@netscape.com VERI REMI {css2} nested quotes not yet supported
1063 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL width of form element not right
1064 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE missing vertical space
1065 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE image alignment
1066 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WONT form element incorrect width
1067 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK layout wrong - wrong handling of badly nested table tags
1068 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK vertical layout wrong
1069 maj P1 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE CRASH on any URL & none of the example seem to do anything
1070 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crashes when viewing pages with too many nested tags.
1071 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Image position incorect when inside <p></p>
1072 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Negative" characters
1075 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Resizing frameset window - frames shift
1077 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} incremental reflow bug
1080 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {vmargin} top/bottom block margins and floaters don't mix we
1081 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE css9.4.2 bug
1086 maj P2 PC warren@netscape.com VERI INVA Swing Classes repaint problem with JTable & JTree
1087 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Displays funny
1088 nor P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE Necko: Netlib performance ->URLImpl Locking Overhead
1089 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Performance of style= attribute
1090 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrollbar doesn't display
1091 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE css overflow property and event handling, rendering, clippin
1094 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL FORM behaves like inline element
1095 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL colspan with width distorts tables
1097 maj P2 PC jsw@netscape.com VERI WONT crypto.signText() and Win16 problem.
1098 maj P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL window.open crashes pretty bad.
1099 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE negative left margins are broken
1102 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE bad box layout
1107 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Once text-decoration is set to blink in CSSOM, it's impossib
1108 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK CSS OM changes to line-height do not work
1109 maj P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cursor doesn't change to hand when over a link
1110 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table layout looks funky
1111 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Resizing a page with floats causes weird painting glitch
1112 nor P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't submit a form
1113 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrollbar doesn't appear properly unless you resize window
1114 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:we need to stop eating the stuff inside of IFRAME's
1115 nor P2 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE
1119 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE List items not indented
1120 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL top-margin of first element within a float is ignored
1122 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE body margins increased maximize and restore
1124 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Entity xi not displayed
1125 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE </FONT size> problem
1126 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Setting column width on COLGROUP not implemented yet
1127 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE SPAN attribute on COL element not implemented yet
1128 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Proportional Width Table Columns not implemented yet
1129 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't apply style properties to table columns (not implement
1130 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Password INPUTs don't handle VALUE attribute correctly
1131 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text input fields have extra whitespace
1132 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE We don't emulate this TEXTAREA quirk
1133 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE READONLY attribute not supported
1135 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE DEL and INS need some default style
1136 nor P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE Title of viewer window changes as frames are loaded
1138 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL HTML 4.0 "Q" (Quotation) tag not implemented yet
1139 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE DFN tag needs default style
1140 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE XMP tag not implemented yet
1141 enh P2 All peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL CSS inherit Value should be supported
1142 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Strange Border Bugs
1143 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Changing style on anchor in list causes layout glitch
1144 nor P2 PC sar@netscape.com VERI WONT SMART_MAIL=1 needs to be on by default for Win32, Mac
1145 nor P2 PC donm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need wrapper script for executable
1146 maj P1 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS INVA the DOM memory leak is enourmous...
1150 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {inc} extra newlines triggering an extra incremental reflow
1151 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE We don't honor the "border" attribute on input type=image
1153 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsHTMLReflowState has incorrect percentage min values
1154 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE body frame not handling constrained widths
1155 maj P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL OBJECTs do not degrade correctly
1156 maj P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL OBJECTs without type attribute aren't rendered
1157 cri P2 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE AVI and WAV OBJECTs crash again
1158 min P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL OBJECTs in natively supported formats aren't rendered at all
1159 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE browser buster not loading a page or two on 10/19 raptor bit
1161 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK This animiated GIF is flashing a lot - looks bad
1162 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrollbars never appear if you load this URL
1165 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE margins on floating elements misbehave
1166 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <BUTTON> is confined to <FORM>
1167 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE edit mode is broken
1168 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL can't log in to bugzilla using raptor
1169 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE wrong font in illegal HTML
1170 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK missing image
1172 maj P1 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE frames dont work with javascript
1173 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE margin-top incorrect for inlines
1174 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floaters handled poorly
1175 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE compress out trailing whitespace too
1176 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK there should be no scrollbars on this <IFRAME> example
1177 maj P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Problems laying out long documents
1178 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS 2 attribute selectors are not implemented yet
1180 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE mozilla.org looks really nasty; multiple colspan bug?
1181 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE z-index doesn't work
1183 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT shift reload not working on xpviewer 10/20 build
1184 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Paragraphs run together near floats
1186 cri P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA JavaScript doesnt work at all...
1188 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE layout of top portion of page incorrect
1189 cri P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assert in table code
1190 nor P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE selected and defaultSelected DOM attributes meaning reversed
1191 tri P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE frame control
1192 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI INVA we need to revise the letter-spacing/justifcation rendering
1193 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL background rendering and position and damage repair busted
1195 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA bottom part of document is centered in nglayout, but not in
1196 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL document does not appear correctly until a re-layout is forc
1197 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK takes way longer to layout than mozilla
1198 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page is formatted too wide
1201 maj P1 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Plugins ignore size parameters and display in 50 x 50 box
1202 maj P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE nowrap causes body to measure self wrong
1203 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE missing " breaks page
1204 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE scrollbars shouldn't be shown
1205 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Online Gaming Review homepage does not layout properly
1206 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE character entities fail erratically
1207 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Initial reflow is wrong
1208 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE No horizontal scrollbar
1209 nor P2 PC cyeh@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't cd to mozilla\coreconf
1210 nor P2 Sun aoki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fix to avoid multiple declaration of PrefChangedFunc
1211 nor P2 Sun pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Change to libimg/src/if.h to prevent multiple declaration of
1212 nor P2 Sun gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Miscellaneous changes to include/glhist.h
1213 nor P2 Sun valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE Small fix for network/module/nsHttpUrl.cpp
1214 nor P2 Sun ftang@netscape.com VERI WONT Small fix to include/libi18n.h
1215 nor P2 Sun michaelp@netscape.com VERI WONT Fixes for *FontMetrics::GetFont
1216 nor P2 Sun joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fix for layout/events/src/nsDOMEvent.h
1217 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA Element.replaceChild(old,new); doesn't work
1218 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text transform errors
1219 cri P2 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE Setting NG_REQUEST_VER causes failed debug assertion
1220 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page Lays Out Wrong
1221 maj P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash in JS_GetPrivate()
1222 maj P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Parser Crash: Purify reported FMR and IPR
1223 cri P1 PC shaver@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when handling js 'with' statement in NGLayout
1224 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE This tables page is on crack
1225 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE incremental change to visibility causes "padding" to appear
1226 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Absolutely positioned non native form controls don't render
1227 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE "scrolling" attribute on <FRAME> tag being ignored
1228 min P2 PC angus@netscape.com VERI WORK overlapping table cells on this page
1229 nor P2 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Small fix for widget/src/motif/nsTextWidget.cpp
1230 nor P2 Sun peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Possible extra const in layout/base/public/nsIFrame.h
1231 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE we need to get the MAP and AREA objects into the content mod
1232 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE the following simple document parses wrong
1233 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA BR tags and margins
1235 enh P5 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL {feature} we don't handle relatively positioned objects quit
1236 cri P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI INVA NGLayout crashing on Netscape home page
1237 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bullets don't show up
1238 maj P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:xpviewer uses huge amout of GDI resources
1239 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL font wrong in several places
1240 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK many form elements do not show up on this page correctly, or
1241 cri P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK ss:GetFirstChild crashes
1242 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE <BUTTON> elements do not respond to certain events
1243 tri P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Mouse pointer often doesn't change shape
1244 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE add banner has horizontal scrollbar
1245 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE content has horizontal scroll bar that it shouldn't have
1246 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com RESO REMI intermittent crash in GetParentWithView
1247 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash in Tokenize()
1249 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE NGLayout uses the wrong initial value for border-color
1250 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash in parser
1251 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE form submission on this page does not work
1252 maj P1 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH]Crash in initial layout of empty framesets
1253 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crashes when you try to read this html file
1254 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE search button not inserted into content correctly
1255 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE v-scroll bar doesn't appear until I manually resize the wind
1256 maj P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE tags aren't flushed before processing scripts
1257 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash
1258 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE script flushing of tags breaks layout
1259 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL incorrect text color
1260 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE NGLayout does not layout Slashdot [comments] properly
1261 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE wrong layout for nested tables
1262 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE wrong layout for empty tables
1263 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI INVA Form element doesn't appear in this test case
1264 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text spills out of a floated DIV in this test case
1265 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Reflow of this document leaves artifacts
1266 cri P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]hang in network or parser code with IFRAME
1267 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL body does not handle style changed reflow targeted at it
1268 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrollbars are "disappearing" partially
1269 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pages with tables are appearing partially or not at all
1270 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE 'smaller' problem on sans-serif font
1273 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating image not laying out correctly
1274 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE right border too big
1275 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE form elements go into margin
1276 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA shorthand background property problems
1277 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE static background/border bleed over top of float background
1278 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE box properties on inline elements should not increase line h
1279 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE margin collapsing around floats
1280 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {inc} initial layout of the document is incomplete
1281 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Lists have non-CSS-contained margins
1282 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text isn't flowing around a floating DIV
1283 min P4 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} When style is changed on this particular element, othe
1284 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Form input element default value not being set
1285 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE No CSS2 position:fixed support
1287 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE picture frame missing
1288 nor P2 PC cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unicode Conversion- NGLayout doesn't support windows-1252 ch
1290 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE document.write() is unacceptably slow
1291 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selection then Minizing/Maximizing causes crash
1292 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:onkeypress event doesn't work
1293 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE e.which doesn't return a value for keydown events
1294 nor P2 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:onclick event handler doesn't work
1296 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Changing styles on table cells via DOM seems to remove table
1297 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE TableCell.cellIndex always returning 0
1299 cri P2 Oth briano@netscape.com CLOS WONT patches for build process on OpenBSD 2.4
1300 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE overrestricted CSS box property handling
1301 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE non-replaced floats without width should have 0 width
1302 tri P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Over-specified/competing colspan counts break tables
1303 blo P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Can't move positioned elements with mousemove/client
1304 tri P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA W3C DOM .length vs. .size issue
1305 tri P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE W3C DOM syntax: "setDOMAttribute" vs. "setAttribute" problem
1306 min P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI DUPL Top 100 sites doesn't work in optimized builds
1307 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Opacity doesn't work on things that are hidden or transparen
1308 maj P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:NGLayout pukes on this table intensive page; overlapping
1309 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mouse events fire twice on absolutely positioned elements
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
1310 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mouse events don't fire when over float'd image
1311 min P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Minor memory leak in CNavDTD.cpp
1313 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE @import media, cross-folder imports, <link media> all buggy
1315 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE document.body doesn't work
1316 maj P2 Sun mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build problems on solaris with egcs1.1
1317 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Percentage Width Calculation is using wrong values
1318 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE This form (inside a table) will not submit
1319 nor P2 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA Cookies are broken
1320 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE clicking on mailto: link crashes NGL
1321 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background Image on This Page Doesn't Load
1322 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE We aren't honoring MARGINWIDTH attribute on this frameset do
1323 cri P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE We aren't "compounding" frameset scrollbars
1324 maj P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertion in nsBodyFrame
1325 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL cell borders don't draw correctly
1326 nor P4 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI WONT Javascript: window.open crashes second time window opens.
1342 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE white space at the bottom of a <frame>
1345 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {vmargin} margins and floaters interaction
1346 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE simple parsing bug
1347 min P3 All amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cannot build modules/plugin/test plugin, missing file(s)
1348 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Vertical alignment problems with floating images
1349 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE visibility property should not effect children
1350 cri P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:xpviewer crashes after several resizes, also messes up NT
1351 nor P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE font-variant small-caps and accented letters
1352 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsString::ToNewCString()
1353 cri P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash in JS_GetPrivate()
1355 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background images in tables don't tile correctly
1356 cri P1 PC raman@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bogus Image URL (relative) crashes NGLayout
1357 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Submitting this form causes NGLayout to hang
1358 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP]Tooltips do not work
1359 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS2 property "cursor" not working
1360 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Some TD margins disappear
1362 cri P1 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE Leaking WebShell/DocLoaderImpl/DocumentBindInfo
1363 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL how should we do lists in the ua.css
1364 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE networking slowed down dramatically between 11/7 and 11/9 ni
1365 nor P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:"Freeing mismatched memory " error reported from purify
1366 cri P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE valid removeChild crashes
1374 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE the page crashes today
1375 maj P1 PC sar@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Crash in Parser after visiting page with plugin
1376 cri P1 PC gagan@netscape.com CLOS WORK Can't build the network library
1377 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE style incorrect in left column
1378 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {vmargin} collapsing margin problems
1379 cri P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: crash because table frame has a displayType of inline
1380 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WONT overflow: scroll generates scrollbars that aren't always nee
1391 nor P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL onchange event doesn't fire on SELECTs
1392 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE SELECT element's "options" array not reflected into JavaScri
1393 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL SELECT element's "options" array not reflected into JavaScri
1394 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI INVA Radio INPUT IDs and NAMEs don't share same namespace
1395 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE table lays out at content's maxElementSize
1396 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WORK Table width is 8000 px on this page
1398 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com RESO WORK Entities in <title>
1400 maj P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE script can cause an infinite loop
1401 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE table borders almost invisible
1405 enh P2 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL transparent radio buttons
1406 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frame of a tnt.turner.com URL does not render right
1407 cri P2 Oth briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE autoconfig does not invoke linker correctly on OpenBSD/i386
1408 nor P2 Oth jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT xpviewer segfaults on startup on OpenBSD/i386 2.4
1410 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frame problem: this URL not rendering the left+top frame
1411 nor P1 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Strange encoding of text characters in chrome
1412 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT "Top 100 Sites" Viewer.exe Menu Item doesn't work in optimiz
1414 enh P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE View Source takes line breaks out of comments
1415 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA Incorrect handling of the title object's set/get text attrib
1416 cri P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash with Adobe Acrobat Plugin
1417 min P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Plugin handling code creates temporary files but they are ne
1418 min P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Auxiliary plugin DLLs not loaded from plugin directory
1419 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE text overlaps image when left and right aligned images are p
1420 cri P1 PC raman@netscape.com VERI FIXE opening a local file with an image crashes
1421 nor P2 Oth briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE autoconf generated configure doesn't get the shared library
1422 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE bug in DOM spec
1423 maj P1 PC raman@netscape.com VERI WORK malformed URL locks up browser
1424 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE severe painting problems in layout
1425 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Attribute problem on hrefs
1426 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Going to this site immediately crashes viewer
1429 cri P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Beyond Stack Write
1430 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Client side imagemaps don't work in some nested tables
1431 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL This tables page leaks content
1432 maj P1 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA The User/Password privacy feature is confusing in NGLayout
1433 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page loading is synchronous for embedded stuff like styleshe
1434 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table Column Memory Leak
1435 nor P2 PC blythe@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: Status bar not visible without resizing window
1436 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Print Preview doesn't do anything
1437 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT File | Close is missing
1438 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Edit | Cut doesn't do anything
1439 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Edit | Copy puts HTML text onto clipboard
1440 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Edit | Paste doesn't do anything
1441 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Edit | Select All doesn't draw selection
1442 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Edit | Find in Page not working
1443 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Need "Navigator" program icon
1444 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE xpviewer)Reload menu/button not working
1445 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Communicator menu is empty, Add Navigator and list of window
1446 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Help menu is empty, add About with copyright info
1447 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT What's Related doesn't work
1448 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Wire search button to Netcenter search
1449 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT My Netscape button not working
1450 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT No icons for some of the toolbar buttons
1451 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Component bar Navigator button launches new window
1452 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:Resize sometimes hangs the browser
1453 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Performance is not as good as viewer
1454 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT ":progress xxxx of yyy" appears in status area
1455 nor P2 PC blythe@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: Turn off Debug menu in non-debug builds
1456 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Can't use Bookmarks
1457 cri P1 PC sar@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: Distribution is missing msvcirt.dll
1461 nor P1 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE JPG Image Doesn't display
1462 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Images in table not aligned properly
1463 cri P1 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: XPViewer sucks resources resizing/maximizing on win95
1465 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Nearly all icons on the button bar are missing
1466 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in a url ending in a \
1467 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com VERI FIXE toolbar minimize/maximizer widget draws incorrectly
1468 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com VERI DUPL XPviewer leaves garbage on screen when maximising
1469 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WORK by default, xpviewer's window is too small
1470 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrollbar does not display properly when not maximised
1471 nor P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash starting up XML demo
1472 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT "http://yahoo" is not changed to "http://www.yahoo.com"
1474 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE <table width=n%> lays out incorrectly.
1475 nor P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to link up Netsscape throbber icon to Netcenter
1476 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Viewer needs Netscape "comet storm"
1477 nor P2 PC sar@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Need correct license
1478 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Need startup page URL
1479 cri P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: Viewer.exe crashes loading the index page from www.wsj.c
1480 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss: Viewer.exe crashes loading the following sites
1481 cri P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK style in body tag
1483 min P3 PC sudu@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash on startup if JRE isn't installed correctly
1485 maj P1 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE document with many linked stylesheets won't load
1486 nor P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com CLOS INVA his frameset page doesn't show all content; resizes strangel
1487 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: Directory listing URLs crash NGLayout
1488 nor P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: Yahoo doesn't layout properly - 70% of content doesn't a
1489 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL "freshmeat" tables intensive page takes a very long time to
1490 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:trying to start browser buster gets ugly rendering
1491 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Poorly formed entity doesn't resolve correctly
1492 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Pages without <BODY> crash NGLayout
1493 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK When you log in it crashs every time!
1494 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE jumpy layout in frameset
1495 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL search for: edit field too large
1496 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Links on this page are not working
1497 nor P2 Oth briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE --enable-debug autoconf option does not work right
1500 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE The HTML 4 <BUTTON> entity displays improper behavior.
1501 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Resizing the window (shrinking only), produces layout errors
1502 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:assertion in line layout
1504 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Memory leak of select element
1505 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI INVA freeze after window close
1506 cri P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL www.smh.com.au crash
1507 maj P2 PC morse@netscape.com RESO WORK Logging into any user auth protected realm causes Raptor to
1508 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE borders on inline element
1509 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL inline elements get in the way of :first-letter
1510 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL border colors
1511 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE border placement and 'text-align'
1512 maj P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Netcenter form does not redraw correctly after resize.
1513 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:parser creating bad document
1514 maj P2 All michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Maximizing window that displays end of Web page displays jun
1517 maj P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {compat} minimum width of floating elements
1518 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL float & :first-letter
1519 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL underline and collapsing trailing whitespace
1520 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Main table does not render
1521 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background does not render.
1522 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Ordered list bullets are not rendered.
1523 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bottom table ('About our WebSite/Feedback') is duplicated
1524 nor P2 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pasting copied text adds tags to text
1525 nor P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't copy first letter of text on page
1527 maj P1 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:Crash occurs in loading up the file with background info.
1528 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE small values on line-height
1529 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:plain text file regression...
1530 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:any web site that lists directory contents crashes xpview
1532 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE intermittant hang -- looks like an infinite loop
1533 maj P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE FTP URLs crash 11.23.98 XPViewer App
1534 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Height in the CSS box-model seems to be collapsing
1535 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Top ad banner and animated gif do not lay out
1536 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT menu items are dimmed for xpviewer
1537 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE anchor markup between rows splits table
1538 min P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL 'Search or keyword' text not visibly contained within the in
1539 cri P1 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:quicken web site crashes Win32 Viewer & XP Viewer
1540 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Special character symbol not being displayed correctly.
1541 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Redraw problem (xpviewer only)
1543 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Back+Forward buttons and URL field are too wide
1544 maj P1 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT (xpviewer only) resize of toolbars causes status bar to disa
1545 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Forward button not intelligent like 4.X
1546 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clicking links on WashPost yields table overlap, rather than
1547 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK textfield, button not laying out properly
1548 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE resizing inwards causes white space in content area.
1549 maj P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: crash on bogus urls (xpviewer and viewer)
1550 maj P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL onChange() event handler not being processed
1551 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Right-hand regions of tables filled with garbage
1552 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL CDNow's primary data rows begin after bottom of nav sidebar
1553 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE gif does not lay out across table
1554 cri P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK ss: app crashes on resizing window
1555 cri P1 PC angus@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: Gecko Developer Preview has prematurely time bombed itse
1556 maj P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL (xpviewer) resizing window obscures image
1557 nor P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Windows GFX Unicode Text Drawing- Em and en dashes not worki
1558 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE View Source omits # character
1559 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT (xpviewer) can't resize window on initial startup
1561 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: Location bar not updated on 301 redirect
1562 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <FONT SIZE=> yields extra large font
1563 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]frameset related reflow issue
1564 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Left & Right-most table column appears at top of page
1565 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL (www.nasa.gov) Table row stretched out + text not right alig
1566 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incorrect layout of page
1567 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text repeated as garbage + lots of other screen garbage
1568 cri P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hitting "Back" button crashes on imagemap
1575 nor P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL opacity style < 1 and transparent gifs = garbage
1576 nor P1 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI DUPL Default Home Page not loading on xpviewer/win95 11/23a
1577 maj P1 Oth cyeh@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Need nspr using the last released branch tag, all platfo
1578 nor P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {perf} DeleteFrame too slow
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
1579 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: A crash occurs when attempting to view www.as.org site
1580 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE scrollbars and margins on BODY
1581 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss: crash upon loading
1583 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} missing margin-top on DIV
1584 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss: Lots'o'ways to crash & hork viewer on www.tm.com
1585 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Images and links not centered properly within table
1586 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT back buttons don't work on spawned windows
1587 maj P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI INVA crash on form submission
1588 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE http://www.rsac.org has scrolling problems (possible parser
1590 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <p> tags inside links result in an extra line break
1591 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE www.mp3.com/hardware kills [xp | ]Viewer
1592 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI DUPL xpviewer is unresponsive while loading the lower banner
1593 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE up/down/pageup/pagedown keys do not work on www.macaddict.co
1594 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE www.hardradio.com crashes Win NT (2 frames filled w/bitgunk
1595 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE height being ignored on floats
1596 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash caused by linked stylesheet on page with frameset
1598 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE 3-Column Drudge Report table appears as a single, centered c
1600 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK tucows.com can crash on Win 95, doesn't display images
1601 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background and main table do not load
1603 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss: crash upon trying to load developer.com
1604 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Link does not lay out
1605 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE strange behavior of negative margins
1606 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL margins and padding on inline elements
1607 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE www.hotfiles.com is missing the left blue bar.
1608 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE page looks like it went through a paper shredder
1609 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE main topic area table not floating
1610 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [OPTIMIZED] Table column does not paint.
1611 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pages laying out _wide_
1612 nor P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI WORK Selecting 'jammed together' text is broken in example 0
1613 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE frameset doesn't display content that is too tall
1614 nor P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI WONT Stop button isn't connected
1615 nor P2 PC glynn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Image does not lay out
1616 min P4 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Links are not underlined.
1620 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:each table is layed out top to bottom instead of next to
1621 maj P3 Mac pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]fails to display default selection on in-page drop box
1622 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tables move when I click on a link
1623 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table outline cut off on amazon.com, but not on NT debug bui
1624 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss: default homepage doesn't load
1626 maj P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Does not refresh after opening minimized window
1627 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Still leaks in xpviewer and viewer on win95
1628 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Related Links Menu Item Doesn't Work, so let's remove it
1629 cri P2 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI WORK Contextual Find Crashes on Second usage
1630 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Top 100 Sites Menu Item needs to be removed or fixed
1631 maj P2 PC paulmac@netscape.com VERI FIXE Freeze during page loading
1632 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Internal URL on XPViewer toolbar
1634 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL layout problem with www.playstation.com
1635 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI WONT better fix for Reload needed
1636 maj P2 Mac kipp@netscape.com CLOS INVA ss: ftp pages are displayed with improper formatting, no bre
1637 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL ftp pages are displayed with improper formatting, no breaks
1638 cri P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Layout of ftp page is extremely slow, slower than NOVA
1639 cri P2 Sun briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE compiles ok links ok no error messages but no browser displa
1640 maj P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Relative addressing yields http://promo1.html, munged page l
1641 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Frame has glitches
1643 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA browser buster still not running
1644 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Home button has ugly "mouse over" image
1645 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Numerous glitches on page
1647 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE netcenter promo page layout is incorrect
1648 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Improper line spacing
1649 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK frameset doc shouldn't have scrollbars
1650 cri P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI WORK Closing a javascript created window with a link causes a cra
1651 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL weird back button url mangling on home.netscape.com
1655 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK Graphic defects at www.ea.com
1656 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE IDL->XPCOM generator has a bug with a enum with value 0
1657 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Copying URL in xpviewer yields HTML code, not URL
1658 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE body tag incorrectly added to frameset doc & Thin black rect
1661 maj P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE xpviewer crashes on startup
1662 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Background does not lay out
1665 nor P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: quote.com doesn't load because of faulty redirect
1666 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT ss: Phonebook maybe shouldn't be on personal toolbar
1667 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK can't scroll to bottom of frame
1668 enh P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE document.writeln() calls should append newline before callin
1669 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Resizing window after document.writeln causes crash
1670 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE bullets do special disappearing trick...
1671 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table layout incorrect
1672 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cell width problem
1673 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WORK Navigation bar in top frame doesn't appear
1674 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Strange word-wrapping bug
1675 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrollbars have cosmetic problem
1676 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Form in table doesn't submit
1677 maj P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selecting justified text does strange things.
1679 nor P2 PC hshaw@netscape.com VERI WORK libpref crashes and burns
1680 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS WORK crash trying to bring up a window
1682 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com RESO FIXE duplicate onLoad invocations
1683 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE "P" handling is broken (a recent regression)
1684 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE regression font request
1685 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE background image/color is not displayed
1686 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE horizontal bloat-the page is much wider than it should be
1687 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com RESO REMI rendering issue going from page to page
1690 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL List of links don't 'word wrap" like they should
1691 nor P2 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE Not reading ALT content in Applet tag when Java is off
1692 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ss:Top 100 Site Walker window title should say "Test Sites W
1693 cri P1 PC blythe@netscape.com VERI WONT Could not run mozilla
1695 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE text has wrong font
1696 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE assert in frame code
1697 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT XPViewer doesn't start at all w/SP4
1698 cri P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE table-layout:fixed crashes during incremental reflow
1699 maj P1 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <P> tag after </TR> closes table before </TABLE>
1701 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrolling one click at a time causes duplication of text lin
1702 maj P1 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT Test Sites Walker only comes up once
1703 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT url is incorrect - url should be http://www.pointcast.com
1705 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL CSS BODY { margin_right:5% } incorrectly places scrollbar
1706 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE purify reports array out of bounds read
1707 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK purify reports memory leak
1708 cri P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL ss:A crash occurs when attempting to open a link inside a fr
1709 cri P2 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT non-debug viewer doesn't run
1710 nor P2 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser Windows Have No Title
1711 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK crash in form element focus code
1712 nor P2 PC byunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE right side content now showing up on start page
1713 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com CLOS FIXE hr's don't float correctly.
1715 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Tables don't line up at this url
1716 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK images/text/links overlap, page doesn't lay out correctly
1717 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI INVA crash on submitting search form at cnn.com
1718 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: browser unable to reproduce page containing search in
1722 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table empty cells not implemented
1723 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE collapsing borders not implemented
1725 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE content missing, parsing error for <form> in <table>?
1726 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Submit form keyboard shortcut doesn't work
1729 cri P1 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when logging in to Netcenter
1730 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WORK links with relative urls are not being constructed correctly
1731 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE listing of directories is not formatted correctly
1732 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK works fine now w/ 12/8 build
1733 cri P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan22:Resize not functional in Linux seamonkey
1734 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK XP_GetString replacement needed
1735 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT console spitting out "XXX: return /tmp for fe_GetConfigDir"
1736 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Maximize doesn't work
1737 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Back+Forward buttons aren't functional
1738 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT need double-click selection capability for URL field
1739 cri P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI WORK occassional hang
1741 cri P2 PC raman@netscape.com VERI FIXE NGLayout unable to open read-only local files
1742 cri P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NGLayout hangs forever on nsIURL::Read() if file doesn't exi
1743 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Invalid attribute causes skiped text
1744 cri P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NGLayout hangs forever on nsIURL::Read() if file is empty
1745 maj P2 All rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsString::Compare(...) broken.
1747 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Purify Reported ABR
1748 cri P1 PC av@netscape.com VERI INVA crash dereferencing null pointer
1750 cri P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash on form submission
1751 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Background gifs don't paint around radio buttons properly
1752 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Javascript error
1753 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page from cache is incomplete
1754 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE "News" only presents left navigation column (from preview to
1755 nor P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Background image disappears
1756 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Error in reflow when document is scrolled
1757 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com VERI FIXE win32 debug build dies with an assertion failure
1758 maj P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS height not working on floats
1760 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]hangs with little or no navigation of URL
1761 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM methods not yet implemented
1762 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE 'border-top-width: 0px' not honored
1766 cri P1 PC sar@netscape.com VERI FIXE TalkBack not enabled in 12/3 build
1767 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE all the content doesn't get loaded for lower frame
1768 nor P2 PC ekrock@netscape.com VERI WORK [LAYER] This page not drawing LAYER content
1769 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE xpviewer hangs trying to access this page
1770 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS @import doesn't pick up BASE HREF
1771 nor P1 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE This site causes crash in ns4xPlugin.cpp::Initialize()
1773 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: mailto: links don't display in the status bar correct
1774 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Default table cell width not backwards-compatible
1778 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text displayed in microscopic size on this page
1779 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Thin borderline case fails, top border is 2x-3x
1780 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE Make ftp://,file://, and http:// directories XML
1782 maj P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {compat} DIV acting as P (?) - not backwards-compatible
1783 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL bad justification for last line in paragraph
1784 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page lays out completely incorrectly
1786 cri P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL <EMBED> crashes.
1787 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL float widths are being resized based on content
1788 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page info is squished
1789 cri P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI FIXE xpviewer crashes when trying to load My Netscape
1790 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Z-index layering incorrect
1791 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE www.indirect.com completely hosed today
1792 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE parser bug
1793 maj P2 All ekrock@netscape.com VERI FIXE userAgent bug: quicken.com nested table row closed too early
1794 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL disney doesn't load anymore
1795 cri P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrolling on this insane table page causes crash
1796 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA This site's IFRAME is incorrect width
1797 cri P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK GPF -- on javascript redirect (window.location)
1798 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE border sizes: thin/medium/thick cause rounding problems
1799 min P2 PC janc@netscape.com VERI WORK html code tells a new window to open without toolbar and fai
1800 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Error in rendering nesting tables
1801 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE incorect display of page
1803 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Nested tables hosed
1804 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Error rendering HTML table before first window resize
1805 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL HR doesn't respect floaters
1806 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE TextArea HTML Forms Crash if invalid attrib - code fix inclu
1807 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE PRE loses blank lines
1808 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS clear doesn't quite clear (regression)
1810 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE nucache is hosed
1811 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTML Form Exception when DOM Object doesn't exist AND FIX
1812 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS // should *not* be treated as comments
1813 nor P2 All mccabe@netscape.com VERI INVA Javascript has Pentium-style precision errors
1814 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Loading stops at 8192
1815 nor P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL This page does not layout correctly
1817 nor P2 Oth buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Nested tables broken
1818 min P4 PC buster@netscape.com RESO WORK Rendering of tables with fixed width columns
1819 cri P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI FIXE XPViewer always crashes when minimizing
1820 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL height calculation incorrect for elements with floating chil
1821 min P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI INVA Selecting text in XPViewer causes it to crash
1823 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frame does not load
1824 nor P2 PC av@netscape.com RESO WORK CSS/Java Applets
1825 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Right-aligned table cell on this page doesn't layout properl
1826 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Padding does not work in text field form elements
1827 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frame size not found
1828 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table Layout Problem with Messenger generated HTML (Nested T
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
1830 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Form on Altavista does not submit
1831 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE horizontal scroller triggers vertical scroller
1832 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE purify reports ABR in parser
1833 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE purify reports UMC: Uninitialized memory copy
1834 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE problem parsing nested DLs without closing tags on DD or DT
1835 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE inheritance not implemented for some table styles
1836 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE 2 Layout Problems - Tables & Image
1837 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Viewer.exe freezes
1838 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Main frame drawn incorrectly
1839 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE frame reference
1841 min P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selecting text across lines with varying character spacing s
1842 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE parser compatability bug
1843 nor P3 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build Fails: conflicting return types in nsBaseWidget::Enume
1847 enh P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO LATE Addition to right-click menu
1848 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus not yet
1849 nor P2 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA purify crash in signon code
1850 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE TextNode's .splitText(num) method not working
1851 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE P ends up above the H1 above it
1852 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE style.top and family not being redrawn after changes
1853 tri P4 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE if xpviewer.exe Sample->Examle 3 the simple table not layed
1854 tri P4 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA if xpviewer.exe Sample->Examle 6 the 6 layer table not layed
1855 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS2's bottom: and right: positioning properties don't work
1856 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE 2nd copy of file is truncated.
1857 cri P1 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking on "blank" areas of page crashes
1858 maj P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Changing display and through Javascript
1860 nor P2 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTML4: <FIELDSET><LEGEND>Title</LEGEND></FIELDSET>
1861 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE url 'resource:' crashes viewer && xpviewer
1862 maj P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL User Agent not reporting correctly
1863 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE P should be terminated by another P
1864 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Most lines with character entities turn black
1865 min P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Animated Backgrounds are 2X slower on Mac OS then other
1867 nor P2 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Omission of library link in ~/xpfe/bootstrap/Makefile
1868 nor P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window GFX Unicode Text Drawing- No support for chinese text
1870 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Negative margins messed up
1871 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL partial image loads always show gray...
1872 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE case insensitivity in xml parsing
1873 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT when parsing xml parser accepts non-quoted attributes
1874 min P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com CLOS WORK Frames jump up and down during vertical resize
1875 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Counter not counting.
1876 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE part of table is not displayed
1878 min P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Horizontal positioning differs from Navigator
1880 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE onBlur called multiple times when form element clicked to fo
1881 min P2 PC don@netscape.com RESO REMI statusbar disappears
1883 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL changing visibility property
1884 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Multiple Issues
1885 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Animated gifs reloading unnecessarily
1887 nor P2 Sun peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unix compilers don't like taking address of automatics (patc
1888 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE display: none is not assignable from JavaScript
1889 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK <table width = "100%"> causes incorrect rendering
1890 min P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Changing the cell alignment from JavaScript makes the cell b
1891 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Only a small part of a table cell responds to user events
1892 nor P5 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK Viewer crashes
1893 nor P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {perf} image loader performance bugs
1894 nor P2 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI WORK NS_GetWidgetNativeData chokes on "Expand Toolbar" Widget
1895 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WONT verify-reflow and async image loading don't mix well
1896 cri P2 PC leger@netscape.com VERI FIXE NGLayout and Opera interaction causes crash
1897 min P5 PC law@netscape.com VERI LATE In regard to Net Gecko and Efx
1898 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO REMI frame doesn't render
1899 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Attribute Selector interpreted as... BODY (?)
1900 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Transparent background on HTML element causes undefined back
1901 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com RESO REMI
1902 min P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI REMI button background wrong colour in 8-bit mode in W95 (devprev
1904 min P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA devprev start page has gratuitous mouse pointer flicker
1905 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE header <h1> <h2> .. etc. Displaying improperly.
1906 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE <caption> tag not working "When placed inside a <tr>"
1908 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Style sheet rendering foobar'ed
1909 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Incorrect font size rendering
1911 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE body width not honored
1913 cri P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling down test0 page crashes viewer app
1914 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Redraw problems
1915 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Browsing a directory doesn't work.
1917 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Header displays, but nothing else
1918 maj P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {compat} auto width floating tables
1919 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL disney popup causes lockup and crash
1921 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE In the boxacidtest, right margin problems - (scroolbar, I be
1922 maj P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE assertion
1924 min P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE An unnecessary scrollbar appears when an element is absolute
1925 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE An absolutely positioned element doesn't respond to onClick
1926 nor P4 Oth joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Ambiguous handling of onMouseOver depending on the position:
1928 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Submitting multiple check boxes sends the string "on" instea
1929 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE 'text-transform': words should not start/end with inline ele
1930 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE <BUTTON> in table cell closes <TABLE> prematurely
1931 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Drop-caps broken on this page
1932 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL first letter selector does not float
1933 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE table displays incorrectly - <table> closed prematurely
1934 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE first-letter and line-height
1935 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ftp hostnames converted to http:// URL
1936 maj P2 PC atotic@netscape.com VERI WONT Communicator traps while loading or reprocessing HTML under
1940 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE xmlbooks demo rendering problems in new builds
1941 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE removeChild causes a crash
1942 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Resize crashes viewer when body has overflow set to hidden
1944 nor P2 All cyeh@netscape.com VERI DUPL IJG group should show up on about: screen
1945 nor P2 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE gecko handles OBJECT incorrectly for native image types
1946 nor P2 PC hshaw@netscape.com VERI FIXE fe_GetConfigDir needs implementation
1947 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] gtk warning: Can't specify a callback on a branch
1949 nor P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Can't exit from viewer
1950 maj P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux viewer doesn't display test0.html
1951 cri P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux viewer crashes when trying to load outside pages
1953 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] can't resize linux viewer
1954 maj P2 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE JC Clone doesn't clone text data
1955 maj P2 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE getElementsByTagName fails with wild card
1956 maj P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE xpviewer crashes with invalid appendChild
1957 min P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE List box selection does not behave as it should
1958 maj P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Image inputs do not submit x and y coordinates to server
1959 maj P1 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTTP "Link" header prevents page from rendering!!!
1960 maj P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selection of alternate stylesheets is not possible
1961 maj P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selection of preferred stylesheets via HTTP header is not po
1962 maj P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTTP header "Content-Style-Type" is ignored
1963 maj P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Style element "type" attribute is ignored
1965 cri P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mouse events don't get through to text frames in linux
1967 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI WORK Unpredictable host header reporting.
1968 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table background & Progressive Rendering problems
1969 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] viewer has no menus on Linux
1970 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] layout/tools doesn't build on linux
1971 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE large jpeg image (>8000) not handled properly.
1972 min P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Link underlining has wrong colour
1974 nor P1 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash loading the test Rotate.html
1975 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't check on/off dialog item by clicking in label
1976 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI INVA Dialog box background not draw with system background colour
1977 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com CLOS INVA Block frame doesn't clip when height is set smaller
1978 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE "border-top-color: black" doesn't work
1979 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Corner of scrolling view not drawn with system colour
1980 nor P1 PC donm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linux Tinderbox isn't building editor
1982 cri P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] linux timer crash loading w3lite
1985 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL float on :first-letter doesn't work
1986 nor P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL FTP does not work
1988 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PATCH] improvements to Open dialog file filtering
1989 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL text-transform:capitalize clashes with :first-letter
1990 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE "line-height" does not work as specified
1991 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com CLOS INVA Setting "padding" on a TABLE actually sets "border-width"...
1992 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Setting one of the padding or margin values in "%" causes a
1993 maj P1 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Multiple keywords are not accepted for the class attribute.
1996 enh P4 PC troy@netscape.com VERI REMI IMG longdesc support missing.
1998 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE background draws under border, should only draw to padding e
1999 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE table frame="void" renders incorrectly
2000 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE pseudo-elements allowed at places other than the end of a se
2001 nor P2 Oth michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK HTML background does not draw on initial visit
2002 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK 'Highlights' on hotbot checkboxes too large
2003 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Demo 10: Eyes messed up, very slow
2004 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Button won't stop being depressed on mouse over
2005 nor P1 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE [History] Back/forward navigation within frames not working
2007 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floats being overwritten
2008 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE View Source adds '='
2010 nor P2 Oth kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE {css1} ugly border edges at line breaks
2011 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL pseudo-element parsing too loose
2012 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE negative padding should not be allowed
2013 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Vertical Alignment of Floats
2014 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE layout a huge mess
2015 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE text-transform problems
2016 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Not painting all of BODY's margin with HTML's background col
2017 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when displaying
2018 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE auto vertical margins on block level elements should become
2019 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS Parser tripped up by at-rule within block
2020 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE <(BODY|TABLE|TR|TD) BACKGROUND> ignores <BASE HREF> in resol
2021 nor P2 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE Error reporting/exception handling bugs
2022 nor P2 Oth karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK table won't shrink very small
2023 cri P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL viewer crashes if I start enter a URL while a page is loadin
2024 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA horizontal line across table from missing image
2025 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE displacement after floats with width 100%
2026 nor P2 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL DOM JS generated code doesn't do type checking
2028 maj P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] linux text frames don't highlight selected text
2030 tri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Gecko developer release doesn't seem to comprehend the "pre"
2031 min P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE compatibility mode: HR should not end PRE
2032 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE cache doesn't do anything
2033 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO LATE cache directory problems
2034 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Back button doesn't work
2035 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE problems with ua.css
2036 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Horizontal Scrollbars Appear When They Aren't Needed
2037 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {list} list markers should be outside LI border
2039 maj P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT Conversion of CSS Selectors to String is not implemented
2040 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Setting margins on BODY to 0px via CSS
2041 nor P2 HP briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE HP-UX not configured for shlib linking options in configure.
2042 nor P2 All briano@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Shared library suffix incorrectly assumed to be .so in sever
2044 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK problems with condensed padding, margin, and border-width
2045 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Positioned elements and overflow
2046 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash running dom/tests/js/docfrag.html
2047 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK BUTTON element looses positioning inheritence
2050 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE the url above doesnt render properly in nglayout
2051 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Text flows outside of table cells at this url
2052 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE a height is a height, not a min-height
2053 maj P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL margin-top on BODY doesn't work
2054 maj P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Canvas background is not set correctly
2056 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI LATE display: run-in is a mess
2057 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL COLGROUP + COL not supported?
2058 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE auto margins on relatively positioned elements
2059 nor P2 Oth michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK scrolling *very* slow
2062 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE relatively positioned boxes are clipped when overflow is vis
2063 nor P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI WONT Crash in xpviewer
2064 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT Default font is somewhat ugly
2065 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Nested tables rendering bug
2066 tri P4 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Font color changes don't apply correctly within anchor tags
2067 nor P2 PC paulmac@netscape.com VERI WORK cpu
2069 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL optgroup not working in forms
2070 nor P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI INVA Problem with "rollovers" for images in button tags
2072 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL compatibility mode
2073 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Background image not replicated down
2074 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Navbar messed up
2075 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Vertical layout problems
2076 maj P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Memory leak of nsScritNameSpaceManager object
2077 maj P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL HTML4.0 SELECT w/sub-select (OPTGROUP) not implemented/not w
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
2078 tri P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK CSS no-underlining of A HREF links does not work as expected
2079 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL display busted -- "bad content in table"
2081 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE P tags not handled properly
2082 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE form elements not treated as form's children
2083 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Multiline text field captures tabs (does not move focus
2084 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Solaris: Unable to scroll viewer with Page Up / Page Do
2085 maj P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Crash after clicking in textfield on www.aol.com
2086 nor P2 Oth pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Jan22:Forms do not submit
2087 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Forms buttons black until mouse-over
2088 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Password revealed in form password field
2089 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Forms: image input element not displayed
2090 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Insensitive form elements are not.
2091 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Unable to click on links
2092 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Selected text does not invert properly
2093 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Double click in text field does not select all
2094 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cached images don't fully load (stops at 8,192 bytes)
2096 nor P2 PC syd@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] Image does not draw on initial layout
2098 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Underlining and strikethru not rendered
2099 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Image file within minimal table doesn't display
2100 nor P2 PC briano@netscape.com VERI WONT library dependencies needed for "build" dirs
2101 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE <li> breaks <center> in table cells
2102 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Right of boxes missing on front page
2104 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Renders HTML table incorrectly
2105 min P4 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text invisible in form textbox
2107 cri P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Auto-updated webcams crash (or otherwise munge) Viewer
2109 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE vertical alignment of floats messed up
2110 maj P1 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: URI scheme parsing, extensibility broken/missing
2111 maj P2 Oth locka@iol.ie RESO REMI Mozilla Layout control does not work properly in a Borland D
2112 min P4 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Two text areas getting selected at once
2113 nor P2 PC douliana3@usa.net VERI DUPL <BR> tag after </TR> closes table before </TABLE>
2114 maj P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL The "Submit" button has no effect
2115 nor P2 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bug (and comments) for widget/public/StringUtil.h
2116 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT The "Test Sites" dialog box doesn't come back
2117 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Layout only correct if viewer minimized
2118 cri P1 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE OBJECTs degrade incorrectly
2120 nor P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Form controls don't scroll when page scrolls
2121 maj P3 HP vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL JavaScript Console Doesn't Work on Win95/Win98
2122 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI DUPL Feature Request: Multiple nested OPTGROUPS
2123 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table-layout:fixed not distributing extra space
2124 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE content overlaps for nested <Hn> + style sheets
2125 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE table layout incorrect on Win95 www.amazon.com
2126 nor P1 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE bad layout
2128 cri P2 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Solaris/gtk+: viewer cores on startup
2129 nor P2 Sun pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Solaris needs libzlib to link
2136 nor P4 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] BitTest test app doesn't exist on mac
2137 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP]The BitTest test app doesn't exist on linux
2138 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] The CvtURL test app doesn't exist on linux
2139 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The CvtURL test app doesn't exist on mac
2140 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The DumpColors test app doesn't exist on mac
2141 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] The DumpColors test app doesn't exist on linux
2142 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] The htmlrobot test app doesn't exist on linux
2143 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The imgTest test app doesn't exist on linux
2144 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] The netTest test app doesn't exist on linux
2145 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The netTest test app doesn't exist on mac
2146 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The htmlrobot test app doesn't exist on mac
2147 nor P4 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The imageTest test app doesn't exist on mac
2148 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Animated GIFs stop working after several iterations
2149 nor P1 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Tree View crashes in Mac viewer
2152 nor P1 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Transparent GIF drawing broken
2153 nor P1 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Font mapping is wrong
2154 nor P1 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Bold attribute is wrong
2155 nor P1 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Proportional font spacing issues using metrics
2156 nor P1 Mac bobj@netscape.com VERI FIXE [I18n] Display UniCode w/ATSUI
2157 nor P2 Oth brendan@netscape.com VERI FIXE JS regexp anchoring on empty match bug
2158 maj P1 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac Viewer crashes upon resizing - mem partition = 1.5M
2159 cri P1 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]macweek, infoworld crashes Mac Viewer (same root, but ca
2160 cri P1 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Repeatedly clicking around the URL window crashes Mac V
2161 cri P1 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Drag-scrolling a web page crashes Mac Viewer & XPAppVie
2162 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Flashing of SELECT form elements
2163 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Clicking OPTION causes scrolling
2164 cri P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] META refresh tag crashes Mac Viewer http://wildworld.co
2165 nor P2 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Transparent image in table renders table bgcolor as blac
2166 maj P1 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Copy (Command-C) & Select All (Command-A) crash viewer
2169 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] The regFactory test app doesn't exist on linux
2170 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The regFactory test app doesn't exist on mac
2171 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The talkback test app doesn't exist on mac
2172 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] The talkback test app doesn't exist on linux
2173 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The timerTest test app doesn't exist on linux
2174 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The timerTest test app doesn't exist on mac
2175 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The rebasedlls test app doesn't exist on mac
2176 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] The rebasedlls test app doesn't exist on linux
2177 nor P2 Mac waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tree view crashes iterating over children
2179 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL table lays out wrong until reflow
2180 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK scrollbar width not passed to layout
2181 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK content in tables does not show up.
2182 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] underlining is too thick
2184 maj P1 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Print Preview, Two Column crashes with Demo 8
2185 maj P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan26:Opening Javascript Console crashes on Win98 - must
2186 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] File|Test Sites does not work
2187 maj P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA File|Test Widgets crashes
2188 maj P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE File|Test Widgets crashes
2191 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]GTK GFX Font styling
2192 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Clicking links in GTK viewier doesn't work
2193 cri P1 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac - Crash clicking in URL field
2194 cri P1 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac - Crash/app quit moving window on screen
2195 nor P2 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Compatibility: select[n].value = select.options[n].value
2196 cri P1 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Viewer suicides after 10 seconds if URL text left selec
2197 maj P1 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac Viewer crashes if a space is a subset of URL text s
2198 maj P1 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE About 30% more bugs appear on optimized build than on debug
2199 maj P1 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Paging back & forward between web pages crashes viewer
2200 maj P1 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Pressing "Return" in "Find" text field crashes Viewer
2201 maj P4 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT JavaScript Console menu item don't do nuthin'
2203 maj P1 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Closing Viewer with URL selected invokes a crash
2204 maj P1 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Print don't do nuthin' on Mac Viewer
2205 nor P1 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan21:Second Print Preview crashes Mac viewer
2206 nor P1 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Simple Mouse down on page causes page redraw
2207 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK The above website does not display properly
2208 cri P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] (partially fixed) Form controls don't work
2209 nor P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Can't display toolbars and xpTree
2210 nor P2 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Scrollbars are not completely implemented
2211 nor P1 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Text rendering is slow
2213 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL Key handling needs fixing
2214 cri P2 Sun slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Purify crashes after starting viewer
2216 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Second frame color only covers text
2217 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK CSS: animated gifs in table stop animating
2218 nor P1 PC leaf@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor should be in nightly builds
2219 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE returning false on click event does not interrupt link
2220 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE deleting last character in a line causes an assert
2221 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Crash in JS GC when closing View Source window
2223 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Editor mode doesn't work
2225 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE IFRAME and remaining document not painted completely.
2228 cri P1 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE [PP]Nu Cache not working on Mac
2230 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI REMI [PP] Threading issues with netlib needs to be workedout on u
2231 maj P2 Mac gordon@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Jan25:Threading issues with netlib needs to be workedout
2232 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE deleting text leaves garbage on screen
2233 nor P2 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan22:Linux: Clicking on text field loads new url
2234 maj P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Calling a form submission through JS crashes the viewer
2235 cri P1 All mccabe@netscape.com VERI DUPL String catenation in JavaScript has non-linear memory/time u
2236 maj P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Frame scrolling is broken
2237 nor P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] crash in nsWebShell::LoadURL
2238 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] viewer app lacks status line
2239 nor P1 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when leaving test9
2240 nor P2 Oth briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE configure.in 1.115 patch for OpenBSD
2241 nor P2 Oth dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE patch for dbm/tests/Makefile.in 1.2
2242 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE minimize window hits assert
2244 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Script 'src=' loading blocks firing of onload event
2245 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Viewer crashes when I try to load this page
2247 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] URL text field not updated by Back/Forward arrows, link
2249 maj P1 Oth slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Menus aren't functional
2250 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] strikethru doesn't appear for test0.html
2251 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Garbage renders over the back button in MacOS viewerDeb
2252 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Bottommost portion of images filled w/garbage during re
2254 maj P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Large text page takes 10x longer to lay out on Mac
2255 nor P3 Mac pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Large-dimensioned PNG files crash Mac viewer (memory related
2256 nor P2 Mac pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Large images appear as empty frame (needs huge RAM part
2257 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Should remember window position/size on quit/relaunch
2258 nor P2 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Messed up drawing after scrolling
2259 nor P2 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Holding mouse button on scroll arrow treated as single
2260 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Content not displayed properly - scrolling on this large pag
2261 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE absolute positioning not being done relative to containing b
2262 min P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL All links are being underlined with main page text color
2263 min P2 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] Text entered into URL field is misaligned, sometimes in
2264 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assert in content sink
2265 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Viewer will only open a local HTML file once per sessio
2266 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table layout is very confused
2267 nor P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table layout problems
2268 maj P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] JPEG images don't load completely
2269 cri P2 All peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Style "background-image: url(...);" crashes the browser
2270 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Script tag causes parsing problems
2271 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Various parsing problems
2272 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Nested list prematurely terminated
2273 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background image does not display
2274 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash while parsing
2275 maj P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Body colour not inherited in table
2276 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE image size wrong in table cell
2277 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE hang assert when interrupting doc load
2278 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux viewer strikethrough and underline offset and siz
2279 maj P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux and hidden form fields
2280 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE URL won't load if NU_CACHE is enabled
2281 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE url won't load
2282 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL form element in tbody is positioned wrong
2283 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE assertion parsing this test case
2284 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Nested list prematurely terminated - part II
2285 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Backgrounds on BODY and HTML
2286 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Forms/Textareas/Scrolling
2287 nor P1 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac transparency problem: demo #10
2288 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL OnClick event does not cause the color to change as indicate
2289 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Infoworld crashes Viewer
2290 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Back/forward doesn't update url in location bar
2291 cri P2 Mac kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {vmargin} MacWeek doesn't render correctly
2292 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Parser crash on startup - invalid page fault
2293 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK exception in parser
2294 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash loading any URL
2295 nor P1 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Viewer crash in nsTimerMac
2296 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table layout wrong when a nested cell contains empty <script
2299 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE focus problem: keyboard events don't get to main window unle
2301 nor P2 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build instructions bug - revision name should be blank
2302 nor P2 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] live scrolling freaks out on larger pages
2304 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Graphics in right most col. do not disply until minimized th
2305 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK <p align="center"> stays set thru other <p> and </p> is igno
2306 nor P1 Mac buster@netscape.com VERI REMI [PP]Image Inspector crashes Viewer if selected.
2309 nor P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Rendering Ordered List bullets in correct position
2310 nor P2 PC briano@netscape.com VERI INVA DBINTERFACE shouldn't be set
2312 nor P2 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE When not using ATSUI, no conversion is made from Latin-1 to
2313 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL Initial window size too small.
2314 nor P2 PC fur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Javascript parseInt()
2315 nor P1 PC paulmac@netscape.com CLOS INVA Communicator crashes when RealPlayer G2 launches within page
2316 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text colour is wrong
2317 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Layout error -- <P> inside of <UL> breaks <TABLE>
2318 nor P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Table button" crash fixed, but needs cleanup
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
2319 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unnecessary redraws
2320 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI INVA Transparent GIF Palette Haywire
2321 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Crash from Test Widgets
2322 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Images not precached
2323 nor P2 PC av@netscape.com VERI INVA NOEMBED Tag not working
2324 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL CSS "visited" pseudo-class does not appear to be working
2325 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page reports Javascript not enabled
2326 cri P1 PC brendan@netscape.com VERI WONT Javascript console under Tools freezes machine.
2327 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE form lays out twice
2328 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE media attribute values are parsed incorrectly
2329 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL media attribute values are parsed incorrectly
2330 cri P1 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Bookmarks file crashes viewer
2331 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sample 0 doesn't display "Italic Verdana" properly
2335 nor P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] gtk 1.1.9 build crashes on startup
2336 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Miscellaneous cosmetic problems with scrollbars
2337 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Form elements (buttons, etc) left on-screen during scro
2338 min P2 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK Text is jumbled with image
2339 nor P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Tree redraws everything on MOUSE_MOVE
2340 nor P3 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Text fields lack visible UI object
2341 cri P1 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Charset Handling- Parser does not use default charset value
2342 cri P1 PC angus@netscape.com VERI WONT What will be layers migration path strategy?
2343 cri P1 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE Font prefs broken because prefs not initialized
2344 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Body background does not lay out.
2345 maj P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Pop-up menus don't work in Mac Viewer
2346 maj P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Radio buttons respond to clicks erratically & only with
2347 maj P1 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pointing mouse on most imagemaps crashes Viewer
2348 maj P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash on Netscape Search (form button)
2349 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Hang in lookup after bad hostname entered.
2352 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]viewer comes up in a small window
2353 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE layout of form elements messed up
2354 nor P2 Oth gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: some pages only load partially
2355 nor P1 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE page doesn't complete loading
2356 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]www.netscape.com: Page does not display in 16 bit color
2358 nor P1 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE parser: frameset terminates early
2359 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]http://members.aol.com: Frame problem in layout. Also, m
2360 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page doesn't finish loading
2361 maj P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] A crash occurs when loading PathFinder page.
2362 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash loading www.yahoo.com
2363 cri P1 Oth kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]:All Javascript code is removed from html!
2364 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Resizing browser window enlarges image
2365 maj P1 PC troy@netscape.com CLOS DUPL [PP] URL does not load
2366 maj P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE http://www.the-park.com: Assertion in CSS code
2367 nor P2 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]upon first launch, content come up glitched; perhaps res
2368 nor P2 Sun hshaw@netscape.com VERI FIXE [patch] C++ comments in modules/libpref/src/prefapi.c
2369 maj P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Blank page with <NOLAYER> tag
2371 maj P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]http://www.zdnet.com: App crashes upon clicking on link
2372 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]http://www.macromedia.com: App crashes
2374 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL this page renders as totally "white" with a few form widgets
2375 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL webmonky.com crashes Gecko 011398
2376 nor P2 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Text widgets draw in random fonts
2377 maj P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] www.geocities.com: Complex, nested tables don't render
2378 cri P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linux crash in size_allocate
2379 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Only top portion (header) of Microsoft page is rendered,
2380 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE http://www.macaddict.com/: Image in bottom frame does not re
2381 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE http://www.rsac.org/homepage.asp: App hangs - does not load
2382 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Disney site doesn't load in Viewer app.
2383 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Pointcomm.com site doesn't load in Viewer.exe
2384 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]www.download.com - page does not layout correctly, table
2385 cri P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] (mostly fixed) Can't display multiple frames
2386 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tinderbox lays out...poorly
2387 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] http://www.imdb.com/: Image at top is only object that
2388 maj P1 PC sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]http://www.whowhere.com: Page does not load
2389 maj P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash in nsBlockBandData::GetAvailableSpace
2390 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] http://www.sportsline.com/: Only object that loads on p
2391 cri P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash loading any URL
2392 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]CSS support not working at HotBot site
2393 maj P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] http://www.go2net.com/index.html - Page does not load (
2394 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE www.bloomberg.com {floater}
2395 nor P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] http://www.playsite.com/index.html - animated gif does
2397 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] http://www.sony.com/: background does not render
2398 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan25:http://www.music.sony.com/: image at bottom does n
2399 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] http://www.dogpile.com/: Background does not render
2400 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] http://www.imaginegames.com/: App crashes
2401 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK www.intel.com does not display correctly and crashes sometim
2402 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tools; Javascript Console Crashes Win95
2403 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com CLOS INVA [PP]www.intel.com does not display correctly and crashes som
2404 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE List parsing
2405 nor P1 Mac gordon@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in Open Transport when going to InfoSeek
2406 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unclosed <A> tags
2407 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Events don't fire on table borders
2408 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing html with missing
2409 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Parsing html with missing
2410 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser crash
2411 nor P2 All peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Font size not properly selected for layout of page(sub 9pt f
2412 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Attribute value not correctly parsed
2414 nor P2 Mac morse@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] Cookies file not being created initially (on Macintosh)
2415 nor P2 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac - File not opened if a browser window is not open a
2416 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Jump! Travel doesn't layout correctly
2417 nor P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Icons for Tree widget should be stored locally
2418 tri P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {first-letter} line break inside first word in paragraph
2419 min P5 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Rendering a strong tag adds vertical space to that line of t
2420 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL a:hover not supported
2422 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL 'clip' doesn't apply to child positioned elements
2424 nor P1 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Full-screen plug-in: throbber never stops
2425 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT Raptor doesn't gracefully quit at shutdown or restart
2429 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash with <XMP> tag
2430 cri P1 Mac gordon@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac - Crash sitting at cnn page
2432 nor P2 Oth pavlov@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Back and forward buttons are missing in 1/15 build
2433 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Parsing invalid html
2435 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser regression
2437 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE view source broken
2439 nor P2 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Links are not underlined correctly
2440 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] min font size should be applied to controls
2441 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK image display problems
2442 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL TEXTAREAs need linebreaking enabled, and proper default set
2445 nor P3 Mac peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT Underline is not displayed correctly
2446 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Assert: unexpected float type
2447 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Parsing html
2448 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser crash
2449 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Page doesn't display
2450 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE right and bottom margins on HTML is incorrectly sized
2451 nor P2 Mac gordon@netscape.com VERI FIXE Failure to handle PowerBook sleep (NSPR OT notification)
2452 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE One word is way too low
2454 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Lists' contents placed too high when containing other elemen
2455 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Optional end tags not optional
2456 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Purify Memory Leak Warnings
2457 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Invalid html in table
2458 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing embed tag
2459 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing table
2460 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Many problems (messed-up table and background color/foregrou
2461 nor P2 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrollbars
2462 nor P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selecting text
2463 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK any search engine
2464 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Tables don't show up
2465 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Backgrounds not showing up
2466 maj P5 PC jband@netscape.com VERI DUPL viewer Crashes when loading the JavaScript Console
2467 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] html4-style buttons does not display
2468 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK raptor.jpg shows up as a broken image.
2469 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT <table> turns off <font>
2470 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Weird Font
2471 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {vmargin} list reflow issue with P's and collapsed margins
2472 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing comments
2473 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing table
2474 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser crash
2475 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL missing external style sheet cascading, bgcolor
2476 nor P4 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE SetInitialChildList methods need rework
2477 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE problems with form having tables inside tables which contain
2478 maj P2 PC pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL {css1} CSS doesn't work on FORM element
2480 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Default namespaces not implemented
2481 maj P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Numeric entities aren't rendering right under Windows 9
2482 nor P2 Oth karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Text inside white background overruns to the right
2483 nor P2 Oth harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Missing background image, incorrectly placed text.
2484 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Need "Stop" and "Reload" buttons on the Viewer app
2485 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Missing & extra scroll bars
2488 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Image error
2489 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WONT <div> tags are eaten
2490 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Background should be white.
2491 nor P2 Oth vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Extra scroll bars, missing 'hover' effect
2492 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Viewer CRASHES when loading this page, (consistently)
2493 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Download animation doesn't always work...
2494 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Table layout errors
2499 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK Two namespaces declared by one element broken
2500 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE BGCOLOR attribute not being used by raptor
2501 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE media on stylesheets no longer working
2502 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Positioned elements too low
2503 nor P2 PC syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] WM_DELETE_WINDOW doesn't quit application
2505 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE build 011999 renders table cell improperly
2506 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Upper banner "field" is rendered very tiny
2507 nor P2 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] loading page - page fails to render at all
2508 nor P2 All amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Backward Adaptor Needs to provide a Service Manager
2509 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table cell renders too large in fixed width table
2511 cri P1 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE List Item frames don't work in XML.
2512 nor P1 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Default Namespaces don't work in XML
2513 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE View source can only view the source of one document during
2515 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table does not appear
2516 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE form in table results in max width table
2517 cri P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Viewer runs out of memory overnight
2518 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Website's background picture is not being layed out.
2521 nor P2 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to add "AOL" to the dictionary in Ender
2522 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]windows 9x only: euro character does not display
2523 nor P2 PC glynn@netscape.com VERI FIXE not caching cgi server search results page
2524 nor P1 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI WONT ENDER: Need to add ENCTYPE attribute to <TEXTAREA> tag.
2525 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background images and scrollbars
2526 cri P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] ComputeAvailSpaceRect crash
2527 nor P2 Oth joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux: Text fields don't get focus or key events
2528 nor P2 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac: Selection highlighting not drawing correctly in vi
2529 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsViewManager only defines a private destructor
2531 nor P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE clicking on html4-style buttons causes a crash
2532 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com RESO WORK directory contents lacking HTML line breaks
2533 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com RESO WORK lower border of BrowserWindow overlapping text/object
2534 nor P4 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WONT require "broken image" icon replacement for img src
2535 maj P2 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Widgets don't stop repeating when disposed->crash
2536 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Playing with the toolbar tab.
2537 nor P2 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: [PP]included css file missing causes crash parsing xm
2538 nor P2 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP}Jan25.Checkbox frames don't draw correctly on mac
2539 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Renders rather differently than Netscape 4.5
2540 nor P2 PC scullin@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Can't build current CVS Tree (21.1.99) Getting internal comp
2541 nor P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Print Preview: Mixes multiple views into one preview
2542 maj P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Resize expands JS/JPEG pix endlessly
2543 nor P1 PC guha@netscape.com VERI INVA Localization support needed for RDF parser
2545 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE A attribute tabindex not implemented
2546 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL OS is unable to quit application when restart selected
2547 maj P1 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac only - Crash at this site as it loads
2548 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK {ib} Image alignment on page not correct {floater}
2549 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac only - not rendering gif transparency o/table prope
2551 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing list in table
2552 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Improved event handling needed for views
2554 nor P1 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Views need the capability to create borderless, top-level wi
2555 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Transparent area of a gif is displayed as black
2556 nor P2 Mac michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL [pp]Transparent area of a gif is displayed as black
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
2557 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Images in table in frame display incorrectly at freethemes.c
2558 nor P2 Sun rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Menus operate on most recent context instead of windox conte
2560 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bad rendering of table/text
2561 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Rendering "breaks" during an article on this page
2562 maj P1 Mac sdagley@netscape.com CLOS WONT [PP] Mac - No UI on open file when fresh browser window spaw
2563 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Override of operator new calls operator new[]!
2565 nor P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE TempReflow() Needs To Get Fixed
2566 nor P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsHTMLButtonControlFrame and incremental reflow
2567 nor P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux uses ascii instead of unicode
2568 nor P1 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when switching between test app 9 and 2
2569 nor P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't type in find dialog text field
2570 nor P2 Oth syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan22:Toggle buttons lack labels
2572 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE http://www.nasa.gov: Portion of main table should be restric
2573 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL INPUT attribute TABINDEX not implemented
2574 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE checkbox/radio button cannot be selected by hitting Enter
2575 nor P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] selection calls nsWindow->update and repaints too much
2577 nor P2 PC mccabe@netscape.com CLOS INVA In a table with background the image ( background )is cutted
2578 nor P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI WORK Mouse selection
2580 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com CLOS DUPL window.open
2582 nor P2 All michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling selected text yields appended char. gunk at EOLs
2583 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Most of the text of the main frame does not appear
2584 min P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK resource:/res/samples/test3.html
2585 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table not rendered
2588 enh P4 Oth rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE Suggested additions to the menu of the test bed viewer
2589 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Empty <P> elements not ignored as required by HTML4 spec
2591 nor P2 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Solaris: Viewer crashes on startup in XIM code
2592 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE inherit keyword doesn't work for auto margins
2593 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Still some things broken (in 1-22-99 build of viewer downloa
2595 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Widgets positioning gets messsed up: resizing, scrolling
2598 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT mozilla.org location search goes to bogus site.
2599 nor P2 PC pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Whe i try to select a text from the "view source" windows
2600 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Live window resizing can be too slow
2601 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE http://disney.go.com/: chrome box at top does not lay out pr
2602 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] http://www.disney.com: maximizing after minimizing caus
2603 nor P2 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Back and forward buttons are hiding
2604 nor P2 Mac peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]External CSS styles cause page to be rendered twice
2605 maj P2 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE this site crashes
2606 maj P2 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan25:this site crashes on Linux only
2607 maj P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE this content rich site doesn't load on all platforms
2608 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK empty-cells: show; doesn't work when applied to a table
2609 nor P2 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Jan25:form buttons drawn in wrong place
2610 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Jan26:http://www.hotbot.com: Form does not render background
2612 cri P1 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTML 4 buttons have not implemented enabled/disabled
2613 nor P2 Mac kyoung@orent.com VERI FIXE Top Frame doesn't show
2614 cri P1 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Jan25: Crash loading www.infoworld.com
2615 nor P2 Mac troy@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Jan22: Hidden attribute of CSS not rendering correctly.
2617 maj P1 Mac pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL [pp]A crash occurs after clicking the search button.
2618 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan25: Problems submitting forms.
2619 nor P1 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Jan 22:Crash when trying to search - form submission
2620 nor P2 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE The apprunner chrome is scrollable when it shouldn't be
2621 cri P1 Mac peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Local URLs for STYLESHEET LINKs crashes viewer
2622 maj P2 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA TreeView Busted
2623 maj P2 Mac gordon@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan22:www.sony.com crashes after ~30 seconds idle time
2624 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] RDF localfile test segfaults on Linux
2625 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Comments are displayed on page
2626 nor P2 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Toolkit hardcoded into autoconf.mk
2628 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL No support for ACRONYM element and attributes
2629 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL setting textarea.value doesn't change widget text
2630 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in EventStateManager during mouseOver/mouseOut
2631 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL TITLE attribute missing
2632 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE INPUT attribute TABINDEX not implemented
2633 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com CLOS INVA NOFRAMES tag
2635 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE BUTTON attribute TABINDEX not implemented
2637 nor P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE BUTTON element style is different from INPUT element buttons
2638 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE SELECT attribute TABINDEX not implemented
2641 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE TEXTAREA attribute TABINDEX not implemented
2643 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] 99012512 table render problem on yahoo
2644 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP] 99012512 tables render text more densely than 4.51/IE
2645 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP] 99012512 the bottom most teal bar is not wide enough
2646 maj P2 Mac troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Image loading problems in righmost frame; background color i
2648 nor P1 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP] Table alignment not rendered properly.
2649 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE &#149 laying out incorrectly
2650 maj P2 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE www.hotwired.com pop-down menus not rendering
2651 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL http://www.warnerbros.com: two tables not centered correctly
2653 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Jan 22 VALUE of Hidden List shows up as a button
2659 maj P2 Oth kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL checkboxes, text fields, images, popdown menus not rendering
2661 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background does not cover entire page
2663 nor P2 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI WONT Form buttons shape & text style inconsistent cross app & pla
2666 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Opening a new window does not tile.
2668 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL forms dont submit
2670 nor P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Stop doesnt Stop
2672 nor P2 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Single signon crash
2673 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com CLOS WORK Slow page loading (not due to slow connection)
2675 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unclosed -p- tag handled incorrectly
2676 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} http://slip/projects/marvin/bugs/br_bug.html
2677 nor P2 All ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE PP: Listboxes don't show/work on Mac/Linux
2680 nor P2 All pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE PP: linux99025 Radio Buttons don't show/work.
2683 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text box for a TEXTAREA field drawn at incorrect coordinates
2684 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com RESO FIXE {colspan-width} Text in table displayed in two lines
2686 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com CLOS INVA [PP]1/26: Bigger font displayed for links in top banner and
2687 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash: Column frames not placed in cell map on incremental r
2688 nor P3 All trudelle@netscape.com CLOS WORK [4.xP]1/26: Right border not displayed in Web Guides table
2689 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]1/26: Image input button not displayed
2690 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]1/26: Table cell doesn't display background color
2692 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window focus problems
2696 nor P1 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] apprunner: toolbars are rendering blank
2697 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser freeze
2698 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser freeze
2699 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing list in table
2700 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Nested lists
2702 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing invalid html
2703 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI WONT [PATCH] Dialog boxes
2704 maj P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Jan27: Pages not displaying
2710 nor P4 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] Page Setup disabled on Mac Builds (Viewer)
2715 maj P1 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE warnings: hiding inherited virtual functions
2716 nor P2 Oth pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE image submit buttons crash.
2717 cri P1 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Open doesn't bring up File dialog
2718 nor P2 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Test Widget | Tree widget doesn't come up
2719 nor P1 Oth syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Print doesn't work
2720 nor P2 All brendan@netscape.com VERI INVA byte order dependency in XDR'd strings
2723 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] ALT tag not displayed upon resize if image broken
2725 nor P1 Mac kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in radiobutton frame code on www.netscape.com
2733 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page does not lay out well.
2735 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]: linux 98027 Button disappears on mouseover
2736 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table must be re-sized to render correctly
2737 min P4 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Box does not draw inside each other.
2738 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL ABBR should show TITLE attribute as tooltip
2740 maj P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI INVA Images get redrawn in the document when typing in a table
2742 nor P3 Oth vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE <STYLE> and <SCRIPT> elements do not render even with displa
2743 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Canvas is three pixels too wide for viewport, causing scroll
2744 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Transparent borders are not implemented/do not work
2745 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Reflows place UI elements in the wrong place
2746 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL CSS behaves wrongly in table
2747 nor P2 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE width:auto should not result in growing to fit contents!
2748 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Switching alternate stylesheets causes viewport shift
2749 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO REMI Comments are incorrectly parsed: <!-- -- --> inside comment!
2750 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI REMI Line feeds after start tags and before end tags should be ig
2752 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL CHAR attribute not working properly
2753 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE lists (UL,LI) do not end correctly.
2755 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Nested tables screw up layout
2756 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Line breaks within ALT text rendered as box-like char ()
2757 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK mozilla can't/won't render tinderbox page
2759 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE </ul> tags don't seem to be recognized.
2760 nor P2 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE Other windows redraw when a URL is loaded
2761 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com CLOS INVA table row should display across - instead it's wrapping text
2762 nor P2 Sun pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Solaris displaying image colors incorrectly
2763 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE text wraps on table column - should display on one line
2765 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE shouldn't load all alternate stylesheets before displaying
2766 maj P1 All pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] <DIV> tag outside of BODY results in crash (from browse
2768 maj P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Form, image, text lay out outside of table
2770 nor P2 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page does not load
2771 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE nested list parsing problem
2772 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK [4.xP] bump.gif images within table do not render properly
2773 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com RESO FIXE Inconsistent Table layout
2774 nor P2 All ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]:Seamonkey scrolls reeaally slow-ly
2775 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE The CSS @import construct really is incorrectly parsed.
2776 nor P2 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE View Source window doesn't have a title
2777 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE TEXTAREA elements do not render before forms
2778 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE TEXTAREA elements do not render contents
2780 maj P4 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scroll bars ignore overflowed contents of explicitly sized b
2781 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT CSS parser is incorrectly treating <!-- and --> (CDO/CDC)
2782 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE no way to tell editable content from non-editable content
2783 nor P1 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] CSS stylesheet LINK w/invalid href [I think ;-] crashes
2787 nor P1 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash on js accessing option index out of range
2788 nor P1 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash on leaving page where js references named options.
2789 maj P2 Sun rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE viewer core dumps immediately
2790 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Malformed HTML hangs parser
2792 nor P2 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE selectedIndex doesn't work
2793 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tables shrink on an incremental reflow
2795 maj P4 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT Can't insert floppies while app is running (Mac only)
2797 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE warnings: hiding inherited virtual functions
2798 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com CLOS FIXE warnings: hiding inherited virtual functions
2799 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK Inline GIF image fails to download
2801 enh P1 Oth troy@netscape.com CLOS DUPL HTML2 "LINK" element not supported
2803 min P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Little, extra, vertical lines appear for no apparent reason
2804 maj P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]: Mac Freeze on load about 80% of www.city.net
2806 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Incomplete absolute URLs for images are not completed correc
2807 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE BLOCKQUOTE indent disappears part way through document
2808 maj P4 All ebina@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mozilla 5 supports XML, but it does not announce it in it's
2809 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tables containing comments lay out wrong
2811 nor P2 Oth briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE NetBSD Configuration Bug
2812 maj P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrollbar flashing
2813 nor P1 All peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE "frame-change" style event not yet implemented
2814 nor P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Correct URL is not displayed when selecting a url from the p
2815 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Password text field shows contents in clear-text
2816 nor P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac doesn't handle NS_MOUSE_LEFT_DOUBLECLICK event
2817 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Rendering of my single row table
2818 maj P5 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK rendering of STRONG in a table
2819 cri P1 All harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Various formatting CSS objects not displaying at all
2820 maj P2 All momoi@netscape.com VERI REMI "Set Default Encoding" choice very confusing
2821 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mouse wheel does not work in Seamonkey
2822 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <p> break not shown between </span> & <address>
2823 maj P4 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK image not shown; in table
2824 cri P1 All brendan@netscape.com VERI WORK RX: hairy threading issue
2825 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Phrasal Elements in H[1-6]s cause H[1-6] element to break
2826 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Parsing font tag in heading
2829 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't read plain text files
2830 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Hidden INPUT text field is visible
2831 nor P1 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Right justified images clickable across entire length of win
2833 nor P2 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL single signon hang
2834 cri P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE A crash occurs when attempting to copy selected text.
2835 cri P1 Mac buster@netscape.com VERI WORK A crash occurs with Ender when attempting to delete stylized
2838 cri P2 Oth vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK Gecko -- JavaScript crashing?
2839 maj P1 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE firstChild of HTMLHeadElement refers back to HTMLHeadElement
2840 maj P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI WONT Composer adds and deletes tags
2841 nor P2 PC shaver@netscape.com VERI FIXE Enumerated types are generated each time a .idl file is incl
2842 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL H1 containing A is too small
2843 nor P2 PC shaver@netscape.com VERI FIXE Interfaces passed as in parameters in .idl files are generat
2844 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK View Source only showing first line of page
2845 maj P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]:Background image loads last and takes eons to display
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
2846 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Get current scrollbar state
2847 nor P1 PC rods@netscape.com VERI WORK toolbar buttons aren't included in res directory
2848 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE CRASH!!!....
2849 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE minimize past frame and maximize causes frame redraw problem
2850 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL reszing can cause form controls to appear offset from correc
2851 nor P2 All michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE frameset contents not fully rendered
2855 maj P1 All dveditz@netscape.com VERI INVA Need to handle non-installable .JAR's better
2856 maj P1 All dveditz@netscape.com CLOS Need to handle non-installable .JAR's better
2858 min P4 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP]crash when GC called from branch callback (SM140_BRANCH)
2859 nor P4 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI WONT After opening View source window, all items under the Apple
2861 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash: assert in mkgeturl.c:3246
2865 maj P1 Mac mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]With editor mode on and switching to another page, attem
2867 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE percentage widths done wrong (regression)
2868 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL page doesn't display at all (regression)
2871 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL SPAN moved outside of H1
2872 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Test dom/tests/js/docfrag.html doesn't work
2876 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL 2/3/99 build crashes when you try to load just about any non
2877 maj P2 All blythe@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crashed When I tried to maxmamise the window created with ap
2881 min P2 Sun pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL All images mangled on 24 bit display
2882 nor P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM related crash
2883 maj P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash exiting apprunner
2884 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] viewer crash: nsWebCrawler::Release called recursively
2885 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Improper line breaks before and after href tags
2896 maj P2 Mac pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Drop-down lists crash the browser (Mac)
2898 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI INVA apprunner doesn't pass command line args to nsAppShell::Init
2899 tri P5 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Typo in the default page displayed (demo #0)
2902 min P4 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Images may display garbage while loading
2906 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL font face tags not properly interpreted
2907 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Some images not loading at www.imaginegames.com
2909 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: Dr. Watson .. application error with gecko.exe -- '\'
2921 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]mac only: selected value in form not displayed
2923 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Checkboxes don't display
2924 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]:Animated GIFs display as broken images on Unix
2925 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE text-indent should be within line-box [floater]
2926 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE BODY background cascading problems
2927 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Form at www.apple.com not laying out.
2928 tri P3 PC law@netscape.com VERI DUPL Status info lost after mousing over link
2929 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL DOM textfield.value setting behaving oddly
2930 cri P1 All pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE App hangs closing browser window
2931 maj P2 All pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL text layout in wrong location, overlaps/neuters nav buttons
2932 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP].left aligned, anchored image causes strange layout
2934 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP]99020412 <form> is treated as inline instead of block
2936 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [pp]99020412 on linux, gifs disappear and background is wron
2940 cri P1 Oth leaf@netscape.com VERI WORK Unable to load shared libraries when viewer is launched
2941 maj P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI INVA Reflow on resize just stopped working
2943 maj P2 HP michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Animated Gifs don't render on Linux build
2944 cri P1 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Java Applets don't load
2945 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK Button always resizes to about 104% of window width
2946 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page [with odd <!--/--> in STYLE] does not display at all!
2947 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table width wrong caused by colspan/img/overflow
2948 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE clear not clearing bumped floats
2949 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE float moved down to meet text after it
2950 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE vertical-align working only on first line of text
2951 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE the meaning of line-height: 1
2952 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE weird UL behaviour around floats
2953 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Phrasal Elements in H[1-6]s cause H[1-6] element to break
2954 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Last image in this table row doesn't fit in table row (drawn
2955 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Special character &#149; not recognized on some platfor
2956 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Images misaligned between table rows
2957 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Form elements (text boxes/button) on whowhere misplaced
2958 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Table layout is wrong for www.internet.com
2959 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] "Go Get It" button not displayed on Linux (whowhere.com
2960 nor P2 All michaelp@netscape.com VERI INVA Background color not displaying
2961 nor P2 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI INVA Text box for Search button missing
2962 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Image aligned left in a table shows in Mozilla as center
2963 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA [4.xP]Layout of page different from 4.5
2964 maj P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Drop down menu does not work on www.creaf.com
2965 nor P2 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI INVA Go button has an arrow instead of word Go for Search
2966 nor P2 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA {compat} Spacing between top table and second table not even
2967 maj P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] The Back and Forward buttons are not working on Linux
2968 nor P2 Oth joki@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]The status bar keeps refleshing in this url
2969 nor P2 Oth kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Quick Start button on Big Chart table not displaying
2970 nor P1 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Consistent failure loading http://www.ebay.com
2971 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP]Extra Whitespace between table cell and graphic
2972 maj P2 Mac kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Clicking on a select menu element will cause a crash
2973 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP]Extra Whitespace between table top of table and cell
2974 cri P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK {ib} [4.xP]Graphic in wrong location
2975 nor P2 All harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Font color blue it too light for links on Big Reports table
2976 nor P2 HP ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Select elements not rendered on page
2977 nor P2 All troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Background color not displayed on for index watch table
2978 nor P2 Mac michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Onsale web site fails to load - blank
2979 maj P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK [4.xP]Stylesheet problem: microsoft is using:href="#"#">2980 maj P2 All rickg@netscape.com RESO REMI [PP]Layout speed is not acceptable for this page
2981 maj P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] Image alignment problem
2983 maj P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Leaving this page causes application to hang
2984 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK stretched image changes colors
2985 maj P2 HP peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT Text renders larger than 4.51
2986 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Radio buttons and checkbuttons on form not rendering
2987 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE SELECT elements not supported outside of FORM
2990 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA absolute positioning with bottom
2991 nor P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI WORK remove ifdef win32 around eventQueueService stuff in nsImage
2992 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA percentage values on top and bottom
2993 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE gaps with absolute positioning of auto
2994 nor P2 PC briano@netscape.com CLOS WORK undefine reference in libraptorhtmlpars
2995 min P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cable News Network
2996 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Radio buttons aren't drawn properly
2999 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE OPTION elements with value="" are treated as if the value wa
3001 nor P2 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE frame for <EMBED> element obscures text
3002 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Errors prevent NGL from logging into myNetscape.
3003 cri P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser crash
3004 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI REMI [PATCH] Debug robot
3005 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP]rdfsink test not building on Linux RH5.2
3006 nor P2 PC briano@netscape.com VERI LATE [PP] layout/html/tests fails to link on Solaris
3007 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL 98020413:Using dropdown box causes crash
3008 nor P1 Mac troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Displaying alt text for broken images crashes and cause
3009 cri P1 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK win95/nt image display performance regressed from 4.x displa
3010 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI WORK Mozilla does not respond to WM_MOUSEWHEEL message
3011 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page not displaying
3012 nor P2 All michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Page doesn't finish loading
3014 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE List in Table not displayed as list.
3015 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Font should(?) be arial but looks like Times Roman
3016 min P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] 99020415: Incorrect layout in intel.com image
3017 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]99020415: Blotchy background draw at intel.com
3018 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Dropdown list not drawing at intel.com
3019 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Text box is too short compared to other platforms and 4.
3020 nor P1 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] "Find It" .gif not displaying
3021 maj P2 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL "Extra" onChange fired for combo box. (IE 5 HTML 4 bug)
3022 min P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE 990204: Text centering inconsistent between browsers
3023 nor P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP]Crash: No error checking on ContentSinkStream or parser
3024 min P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE 99020415[PP]: Lines wrong colors
3026 tri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE 990204[4.xP]: Text appears too large for column
3027 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE right not inheriting for absolutely positioned elements
3028 min P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]99020415: Bottom line of box surrounding text not drawn
3030 maj P1 All beppe@netscape.com VERI WORK [4.xP]Crashes when loading (takes about a minute)
3031 nor P2 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Crashes when loading (takes about -3 minutes)
3032 nor P2 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK [BLOCK] Setting a percentage width on an INPUT element does
3033 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] page never finishes loading, Mac & Linux crash so their
3034 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK www.onelist.com: Search button's border is too close to text
3036 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI WORK PP: www.onelist.com: Resize window, 1/4 bottom of page blank
3037 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Setting a "display: table-cell" style rule on a SPAN crashes
3038 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Cannot see last line of text
3041 nor P2 Oth ramiro@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Animated GIFs not loading
3043 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK PP: www.onelist.com: The banner, adinfo, isn't changing
3045 nor P2 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP]bluemountain.com: Arrows for pull down menu differ fro
3046 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL PP: bluemountain.com: Area above/below pulldown is cramped
3047 nor P2 PC pierre@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]:bluemountain.com: First pulldown has black background
3048 nor P2 PC pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL PP:bluemountain.com: First pull down shows "Black Heritage"
3049 nor P2 PC pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL PP: bluemountain.com: Top border, arrow button is cut off
3050 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]:bluemountain.com: 2nd tab on left , broken image
3051 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL PP:bluemountain.com: Top left broken image instead of rabbit
3052 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] :bluemountain.com: Top right broken image,love bugs ins
3053 nor P2 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]:bluemountain.com: No pull down menus, should be two
3054 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] :ea.com: Banner is repeated "Welcome to Electronic Arts
3056 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]:Linux, banner shows 2 broken images
3057 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Not seeing background graphics in store_bk.gif
3058 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Right blue column, ontop is missing day and date
3059 nor P3 All harishd@netscape.com VERI INVA Assigning a value to marginwidth automatically sets marginhe
3062 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Text wraps under the SimCity graphic, box_simcity3000.jp
3063 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Right column text is too closer to the right border
3064 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Broken image, to the right of "EA Store is Stocked..."
3065 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Text too close to border on right, "Development of Need.
3066 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Linux loads www.ea.com but never finishes
3067 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Left black column doesn't fill to the top to meet blue
3068 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA "Honored Nominee Webby Awards" graphic has no link underneat
3069 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Top middle has a yellow area with no text, newsletter.html
3070 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE The "Book Your Roundtrip Flight Now!" box is gone
3071 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Text appears below the graphic "Make your millenium memorabl
3072 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Skier graphic is first, then text which is wrong
3073 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} font parsing 'incorrect'
3074 nor P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI INVA Loads page but reports plugins are required
3075 nor P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash with clsid specified for ActiveX control
3077 maj P5 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE nasty kludge: static link dependency from rdf.dll to layout.
3079 nor P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] File selection box does nothing
3080 nor P2 All dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ServiceManager needs to get passed to NS*() dll functions
3081 nor P2 All dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE Use nsFileSpec for file/directory manipulation
3082 maj P2 All dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Switch to the new registry API nsIRegistry
3083 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selection is much slower in apprunner than in viewer
3085 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pop-up ads get drawn where you can't close them
3086 nor P2 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE meta tag redirect breaks on Windows, crashes on Mac
3089 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE page bizarrely long
3090 maj P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Viewer crashes on loading new page from www.netscape.com
3091 nor P2 Sun mcafee@netscape.com RESO WORK viewer segfaults when displaying to mono xterm
3092 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL www.projo.com: ((SCRIPT && STYLE) in TABLE) => duplicate row
3093 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Stream blocking indefinitely
3095 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL No background color
3096 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI WONT Find in Page doesn't work
3097 nor P1 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsHTMLButtonControlFrame aren't getting NS_MOUSE_EXIT events
3098 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Sample 9 scrolls very poorly
3099 nor P2 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Test10 doesn't render correctly
3100 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Fixed positioning doesn't work on mac
3101 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Test12 doesn't scroll correctly
3102 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Stray semicolon not parsed as part of selector
3103 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE rowspanning cell height not being calculated correctly in ta
3104 nor P3 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need profiler on Solaris: gprof or quantify
3105 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table nested in table with pre-set WIDTH yields truncated ta
3106 cri P1 Mac dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac doesn't auto-register XPCOM factories
3108 cri P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Problem loading frames
3109 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE XML documents are broken when veiwed with file:// protocol
3111 maj P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Following redirect crashes application
3112 nor P2 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA nbsp entity doesn't render properly (parsing error?) in XML
3113 min P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Does not display <hr width='100%'> correctly
3114 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP]this site hangs viewer
3115 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL this site doesn't load
3116 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE ex and em units are way off
3117 nor P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] apprunner urlbar not writable on Linux
3119 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash - signing in crashes apprunner
3123 nor P2 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL <html:form> elements don't create container content in XML
3126 nor P2 SGI gordon@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Communicator DNS lookup can't handle long names
3130 nor P2 All hshaw@netscape.com VERI FIXE CR character in prefs crashes
3133 nor P2 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window title bar displays "- Failed"
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
3134 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: nsHttpUrlImpl::Equals() doesn't handle trailing '/'
3135 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE LABEL element causing skewed rendering
3138 nor P2 Mac scc@netscape.com VERI INVA Some code is using static_cast
3141 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash loading Test2
3142 nor P1 Mac rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE Registry: Duplicate dll loading
3143 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Problems resolving relative URLs in LINK after redirects
3144 nor P2 Oth wtc@netscape.com RESO FIXE One more for NEED_LEADING_UNDERSCORE in prlink.c
3145 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Leaking of nsBorderEdge struct
3146 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CODE] Anonymous table frames cause leaking of content objec
3147 maj P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash when switching tests
3148 maj P2 Mac kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when mouse moves after switching tests
3149 nor P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Change BASEFONT content object to return a RECONSTRUCT_EVERY
3150 cri P1 PC leaf@mozilla.org CLOS FIXE incomplete .zip file
3152 nor P2 Oth radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Webshell] Reload on going back to new location on same docu
3153 nor P2 Oth nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL [History] Preserve scroll offset information across reconstr
3154 nor P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Events don't work with fixed positioning
3158 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE content not displayed when image align tag used
3159 nor P2 Sun spence@netscape.com RESO FIXE Two copies of mcom_db.h in the tree
3160 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL something strange with absolutely positioned element
3161 nor P1 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsBlockFrame::RemoveChild() throws assertion
3162 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Crashes the Mac
3163 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL clicking combo box crashes
3164 nor P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL clicking submit button crashes
3165 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE location object not found
3166 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI LATE Caption-align-left and caption-align-right do not work
3168 cri P1 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash after several operations
3169 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] "bad continuation" crash inserting a line break
3171 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com RESO FIXE Problem with routing of events to views
3172 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} pre wrap cols=x doesn't wrap
3173 enh P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Link types not implemented
3174 nor P2 All troy@netscape.com RESO FIXE 18JUNE: pushing frames to a new page doesn't push views/widg
3175 nor P2 Mac joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] frames don't get NS_MOUSE_EXIT events when mouse leaves
3177 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE IFRAME has scrollbar when it shouldn't
3178 nor P2 All warren@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsServiceManager::ReleaseService cannot handle different IID
3179 nor P2 PC paulmac@netscape.com VERI FIXE February 8th Nightly Build unable to access Netscape Webmail
3180 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Print Preview Assert
3181 maj P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE hex numeric character references don't work
3182 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com RESO WORK IFRAME Box Model
3183 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Layering of Windowed controls
3185 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK If random styles are selected repeatedly(30+times) text gets
3188 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL <center> not cleared at end of form
3189 enh P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE NAV compatibility: <p> auto-closure at <form> and <hr>
3190 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE body text of page is truncated
3191 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table column is truncated in build 02.19.99
3192 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fails to render parts of pages that use FONT tag
3193 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] page with <br clear=all> before </center> shows blank
3194 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA COL element with SPAN attribute does not work properly
3196 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE RX: nsString.h
3197 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com RESO FIXE RX: DOM
3198 nor P2 PC jfrancis@netscape.com RESO FIXE RX: Layout
3199 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE RX: Forms
3200 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI INVA RX: GFX
3201 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI INVA RX: nsViewManager.h
3202 nor P2 PC pierre@netscape.com VERI INVA RX: GTK/nsWindow.h
3203 nor P2 PC pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE RX: Mac widgets
3204 nor P2 PC beard@netscape.com RESO FIXE RX: OJI
3205 nor P1 PC av@netscape.com RESO WORK RX: plugins
3206 nor P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI INVA RX: nsBaseDLL.h
3207 nor P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA RX: unicharutil
3208 nor P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA RX: unicharutil case
3209 nor P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE NECKO: RX: network cache
3210 nor P2 PC mscott@netscape.com VERI FIXE RX: network protocols -imap4
3211 nor P2 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE RX: Service Manager and Repository
3212 nor P2 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE RX: nsXULAtoms.h
3213 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Please 'cvs remove mozilla/rdf/src'
3214 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE RX: nsObject.h
3215 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE RX: nsRadioGroup.h
3216 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com RESO REMI RX: wdigets - nsToolkit.h
3218 nor P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI INVA RX: Editor
3219 nor P2 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE RX: nsRepeater.h
3220 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE RX: htmlparser
3221 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE image displayed too high
3222 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL text-align: justify is messed up (regression)
3225 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when reading source and scrolling down
3226 cri P1 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash deleting across text nodes
3227 tri P5 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Doesn't put line breaks where they should be
3228 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linux: Toolbars are vertical now
3230 nor P2 PC cata@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]build --enable-tests fails in intl/uconv/tests/ on Linux
3232 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com CLOS WORK DOM -- className property
3236 nor P2 All troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP]TITLE attribute not working.
3238 cri P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table is not centered
3239 nor P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE scrolling goes wrong when cursor is at the top of the main t
3240 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Link border colors around images
3241 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE position attribute of style ignored
3242 maj P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in StyleContextImpl destructor
3244 nor P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrolling on people.netscape.com causes ugly painting
3247 enh P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI REMI {css2} counters in generated content
3249 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] second non-text key doesn't get through
3250 nor P2 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]configure check for glibc on Linux
3251 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK State of radio button group not reflected in DOM
3252 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK DOM doesn't track current option in select list.
3253 nor P2 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE Spacebar doesn't toggle checkbox or radio buttons
3255 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Internal state of select element not reflected on screen.
3257 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Must press tab twice in last field to move cursor to first.
3258 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK timer INT 3's after window close
3259 nor P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE make RDFElementImpl::mBroadcastListeners a pointer
3260 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL ALIGN= in <TR> tag does not work
3261 nor P4 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE View Source collapses linear whitespace sequences
3262 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKED-Ender] Crash in nsBlockFrame when trying to remove
3263 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Part of these tables do not display
3264 maj P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tables ignore font-size property
3265 maj P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE assertion on reflow after DOM content changes
3266 maj P2 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Fixed positioned text not rendering
3267 nor P5 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI WONT Remove RDF C++ helper classes to another DLL
3268 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI WONT {compat} NavQuirks behaviour for broken images
3270 nor P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA win32 opt apprunner doesn't work properly
3272 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE problems w/ event object properties
3274 cri P1 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash moving selection after editing operation
3275 nor P2 All waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [RDF/DOM] RDFElementImpl::ParseAttributeString always return
3278 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash after DOM delete
3286 maj P1 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE browser crashes in layout
3287 nor P1 PC saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] No menu items in Linux apprunner
3288 nor P1 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL [BLOCK] Toolbar buttons are not working at all
3290 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE BUTTON element retains visual focus after press, change of f
3291 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] mozilla.org image doesn't show up
3293 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE When one BUTTON is clicked multiple visual feedback is given
3295 nor P1 PC syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash clicking on Print button: nsScrollbar::SetParameters
3297 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI INVA &nbsp; not supported in HTML used in XUL
3298 nor P4 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE <html:form> works in XML but not in XUL
3300 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Expand/Collapse in Tree Broken
3301 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE GetChildNodes and CreateElement need to be implemented
3302 nor P1 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE SetAttribute not working
3304 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE This page (with comments) does not load completely!
3306 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Absolute positioning is totally hosed
3308 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <head><img ..> crashes the viewer
3309 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tables render/resize strange
3310 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK missing content
3311 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE bad image layout
3312 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK table layout incorrect
3315 nor P2 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Solaris doesn't compile (2.7 with egcs)
3318 nor P1 All rods@netscape.com VERI WONT username/passwd dialog abruptly exits app
3319 cri P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash dereferencing null pointer going to starwave
3320 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL purify reports UMR in PaintUnicode
3321 maj P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE purify reports UMR in PaintUnicode
3323 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL OPTGROUP tags ignored
3325 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL LABEL attribute (for OPTION element) not working
3327 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Site horribly misrendered, reports a BUG
3329 maj P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK Dumped core when moving between sites
3330 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK What's new on ICQ 99a image doesn't display
3331 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE "charset" parameter not recognised in "text/css" mime type
3332 nor P2 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE registry can't handle '/' '\' and '=' characters
3333 nor P2 All waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [RDF/DOM] Node parenting gets messed up when you add nodes t
3334 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [RDF/DOM] namespace scoping doesn't work from the DOM
3336 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE parser now requires some end tags when before it didn't
3337 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table not displayed
3340 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL compatibility: indexing into select for options.
3345 maj P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL javascript handler when clicking on a link does not get call
3346 maj P2 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE optimized build creates wrong content model, debug build ok
3347 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE checking a radio button via dom doesn't uncheck currently ch
3348 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE tagName of HTML element gives tag in lower case
3349 maj P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE CSS Background color not set in XUL file (works in XML)
3350 maj P1 All dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE [RDF/XPCOM] RDF significantly slower now that it's using XPC
3352 nor P2 Sun mcafee@netscape.com RESO WORK libraptorhtml.so: undefined reference to `ns...'
3353 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Monospace font not applied
3354 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Float bug
3355 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE TABLE align=right doesn't work
3356 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE editor mode Enter key doesn't cause a repaint
3357 nor P1 All dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE sproadic problems - grey window after long wait, then nothin
3358 nor P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Missed mouse up events cause chaos
3359 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Javascript outside of HTML element
3360 nor P2 All chrisd@netscape.com CLOS INVA Attribute selector not working properly
3361 nor P2 All peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Attribute selector not working properly
3363 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} appended incremental reflow bug - mbp.html
3366 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE adjacent sibling selector quirks
3367 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Iterating over all arcs out in RDFTreeBuilderImpl::AddTreeRo
3370 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL 'CSS1 float' test page renders blank
3372 nor P2 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE inherited virtual function hidden
3373 nor P2 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE inherited virtual function hidden
3374 nor P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE script element is not processed when nested
3375 maj P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't set password fields via dom.
3376 nor P2 Mac vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE inherited virtual function is hidden
3377 nor P2 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE inherited virtual function is hidden
3378 nor P2 Mac scc@netscape.com VERI WONT inherited virtual function is hidden
3379 nor P2 Mac saari@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]inherited virtual function is hidden
3380 nor P2 All pierre@netscape.com VERI INVA nsBrowserWindow::DispatchMenuItem() doesn't consume events
3381 nor P2 Mac rjc@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]prototype mismatch for rdf_qsort
3382 nor P2 PC syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Labels missing on buttons
3383 nor P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]this page doesn't load
3384 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI WORK Pokemon world crashes layout
3385 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE The type attribute of <OL> and <LI> is not showing correctly
3386 nor P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash in nsHttpUrlImpl::Equals
3387 maj P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Document.writes of framesets create documents with null URLs
3389 nor P2 PC cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unix: locale and uconv tests stopped linking
3391 nor P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI WORK Viewer dies
3392 maj P1 All amusil@netscape.com VERI INVA StreamAsFile for attached content - broken
3393 nor P1 All donm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build number should be part of executable, not about.html
3394 maj P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK nsIDOMNode::GetNodeValue(nsString& aNodeValue) doesn't retur
3396 cri P1 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text does not appear on the screen
3397 nor P1 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux XP Menu items don't work
3398 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] toolbar buttons don't work
3400 min P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI WONT width attribute on bottons has no effect
3401 cri P1 Mac rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]m3s: Mac displays blank window
3402 cri P1 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]m3s: Mac crashes at startup-memory coruption?
3403 cri P1 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL m3s: Mac crashes near startup in gfx- large leak somewhere?
3404 nor P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE XUL document's getElementByID() is not working
3405 cri P1 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]m3s: Mac crashes going to webpages not on local disk
3406 nor P2 PC syd@netscape.com VERI DUPL AOL AIM 2.0 window is funky
3407 maj P1 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when resizing frames
3408 nor P2 PC pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE When mousedown, mousemoves should all go to same widget
3411 nor P2 Mac michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE View manager fails to check return values
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
3413 maj P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com CLOS FIXE Trailing slash
3414 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL horizontal group of images not appearing
3415 nor P2 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK <P> tag ruins layout
3416 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA inline frame is more that 10000000 points tall on netscape.c
3417 nor P2 PC scc@netscape.com RESO FIXE HAVE_CPP_NEW_CASTS autoconf test too weak for Solaris/CC
3418 min P4 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} CSS: Margin-bottom not working properly with a percent
3419 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating table bug...
3420 cri P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK CSS: Margin-bottom: auto not rendering correctly
3421 maj P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linking to a non-existent file:// stylesheet prevents applic
3422 nor P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL ACCESSKEY not working within links
3423 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Links with BR tags in them give bad visual feedback when cli
3426 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL ContentRemoved needs to be tweaked to work with trees
3427 nor P4 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE RecreateFrames on AttributeChanged doesn't work with tree vi
3429 cri P1 Oth locka@iol.ie VERI WORK
3430 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA type-o on the Paragraph attribute for center alignment in DO
3431 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Test Bug
3432 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE auto margins should not be added to max-element-size
3436 nor P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bad handling of omitted </tr>
3437 nor P2 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE visited links don't show up in different color
3438 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {vmargin} vertical margins collapse when they shouldn't
3440 blo P1 All rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE [TreeBuilder] Can't re-open a folder that contains XUL conte
3441 nor P2 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI WORK Viewer/Linux: File|Print seg faults
3442 nor P1 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI WORK [BLOCK] AppRunner/Linux: Optimized build renders blank windo
3443 nor P1 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL AppRunner/Linux: Optimized build renders blank window
3445 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA fixed positioning in a LINKed style sheet crashes viewer
3448 nor P2 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Adjacent sibling selector fails unless content is well-forme
3449 nor P2 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com RESO FIXE menu onclick handler case sensitive
3450 maj P1 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking grippies in toolbar crashes
3451 nor P2 All pinkerton@netscape.com RESO FIXE rollover for grippies doesn't work unless toolbox starts at
3452 nor P2 Mac dp@netscape.com VERI WONT can't run apprunner and viewer at the same time
3453 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner crashing 03-05-99 build
3455 maj P1 All pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] mac/linux, dual toolbars appear after surfing
3456 nor P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash when inserting two breaks in a row
3457 maj P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE weird dependence on floats for box size
3458 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE ignoring right on inline elements
3460 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE whitespace handling in attribute selectors
3461 nor P4 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Improper line break with DEL tag following a P tag
3462 nor P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Multiple Threads Are Loaded
3463 nor P2 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE window title is not displayed
3464 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE when close window, process is not killed
3465 cri P1 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] setAttribute calls fail intermittently (but persiste
3466 cri P1 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Progress meter doesn't update when attributes change
3467 maj P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] <observes> onchange handlers are not being called
3468 maj P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner crashes during printing
3469 nor P2 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO:stop button is not functional
3470 cri P1 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI FIXE selecting any menu option crashes app
3471 nor P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE menu options are not functional
3472 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK tops and bottoms of words are cut off in Seamonkey 3/2 build
3473 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE .five {font-family: monospace;} seems to be failing
3474 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI INVA textarea submissions losing newlines
3475 nor P2 All peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Default margin and padding values
3476 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA ex units not sizing correctly?
3477 nor P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Viewer doesn't let you see all the way to the bottom of the
3478 nor P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL background-attachment scrolls with document; it should remai
3479 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE no green background, no orange strip on this page
3480 nor P4 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Forward button has jaundiced yellow background color
3481 nor P2 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Resizing window while JPEG is loading results in bad bg colo
3482 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE CSS CLASSES don't work in XUL documents
3484 maj P1 All shaver@netscape.com RESO FIXE Make "in string" and "in wstring" create const params
3485 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Print preview assert
3486 nor P2 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS character escapes should be fully supported
3487 maj P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frames history problem
3489 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL text-transform -- inline element text shouldn't be capitaliz
3491 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE second element in table is almost infinitely large
3492 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL table cells lack green top border
3493 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL justification is bad when there's a float involved
3494 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK floating element lacks background-color, border
3495 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE width=100% doesn't force image below element
3496 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL float fails within tables
3497 nor P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL radio buttons should not have square gray borders
3498 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK "toggle" box height should match the box to the right
3499 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {css1} {list} when change autonumber style from letter to #,
3501 nor P2 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <BODY onload="helloWorld();"> doesn't fire
3503 maj P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE BODY BACKGROUND not rendered on this page
3504 nor P2 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Empty toolbars (like personal toolbar) too small
3505 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] display:none doesn't (always) delete applicable fram
3506 cri P1 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bug in autoreg or services loader
3507 maj P1 All rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash on error handling condition in nsAppRunner.cpp
3509 nor P2 PC warren@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need a way of registering an instance with the service mgr
3510 nor P1 Mac waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bookmarks don't load on mac
3511 maj P1 All rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE [BLOCK] Need key code -> character code translation
3513 nor P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table cells shrink on reflow
3514 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Style changes not removed from table cells on reflow.
3515 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table row backgrounds not working
3516 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table col backgrounds not working.
3517 cri P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table crash on border collapse style being set
3518 nor P2 All ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Artifact showing up in iframe source page
3520 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL page with image crashes browser on exit
3521 nor P3 All norris@netscape.com VERI FIXE JavaScript GC fails to run often enough
3522 cri P1 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash at this page, parsing illegal frameset html
3523 nor P2 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI WONT Editor: Select editor-mode twice, types double characters
3524 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE "gmake -f client.mk build" errors
3525 nor P2 Mac ebina@netscape.com VERI WONT Alert! did not find a converter or decoder
3526 maj P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner: File|Print Preview crashes
3527 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Layout: bullets not rendering properly
3528 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO WORK open/close does not work in opt build
3529 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE [RDF/XUL] ContentRemoved doesn't take care of a tree contain
3530 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL form values not persistent
3531 nor P3 Oth rods@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Scribble (widget test) won't compile on AIX
3532 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE First time toolbar layout incorrect (buttons too big)
3533 nor P3 Sun slamm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Non-gnu compilers have lost the -D defines list
3538 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Collapsing the toolbar results in garbage being drawn
3539 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL HRs with TITLE attribute don't display the title
3541 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash when changing workspaces with PerfectScreens
3542 maj P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE all 'auto' values in ua.css should be changed to '1em'
3543 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} Body frame ignoring bottom margin of last child during
3544 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page Down key doesn't work if you click into the body first
3545 nor P2 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Buttons display black marks on 8-bit displays
3546 nor P1 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsWindow.cpp incorrectly processes Window's events
3547 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Reset button doesn't clear file selection control
3548 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE URL control not refreshed after Back button clicked
3549 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need a TextWidth() call that take word/letter spacing into a
3550 cri P1 PC leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE Win32: mozilla.org/win32/apprunner does not start
3551 nor P3 PC cyeh@netscape.com VERI FIXE nmake -f client.mak clobber_all doesn't delete dist\win32_d.
3552 maj P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE named entities that start with X or x don't work
3553 maj P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Linux: Links do not work.
3555 cri P3 Mac vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL frameset illegal 4.0 html exception handling crasher
3556 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE not enough vertical spacing
3560 maj P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: memory leak in Tokenizer or Parser.
3561 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: XUL or NetLib?
3562 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: Tokenizer or Parser
3563 cri P3 Sun akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor will not build with gcc 2.7.x
3564 maj P3 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: GTK code, leaking vertical scrollbar
3565 maj P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: GTK event handler memory leak
3566 cri P3 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: Timers leaking
3568 maj P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI WORK Core dump on exit
3569 maj P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI INVA [RDF/DOM] Can't differentiate inner nodes from leaves
3570 nor P3 PC leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE glibc patch needs to be documented
3571 nor P1 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE problems with Clicking on {take me to takeover} button link
3572 maj P1 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Application fault with Test #12 and style sheet
3574 cri P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE SelectAll followed by Delete causes crash in ScrollFrameInto
3575 maj P1 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Memory errors in nsComponentManager
3576 nor P3 Sun dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bad function parameter loading library
3578 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE selection error in nsTextFrame.cpp?
3582 maj P2 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Redirects dont work
3584 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL document.written nsDocuments need a valid URL.
3585 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Erasing current frame crashes browser
3586 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window GFX Unicode Text Drawing- Some characters are renderi
3587 nor P3 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hex characters are rendering as other characters or boxes
3588 cri P1 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser freezes entering bug data at bugzilla page
3590 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI WONT Bottom-aligned LEGEND tag aligns to top instead
3591 nor P3 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI REMI Gecko needs to be able to reflow/repaint w/out relying on OS
3592 cri P1 All dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need new registry file for seamonkey
3594 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Disabled BUTTONs still give visual feedback
3595 nor P1 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] [PP] gtk+: Double click not handled (in tree view)
3596 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Disabled options display and/or are selectable
3597 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE DIR-LI type attribute: arabic, lower alpha and lower roman i
3598 cri P1 PC hshaw@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner needs to call nsIPref->Startup()
3599 nor P3 Mac kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Reduced spacing between lines
3601 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA DIR-LI value attribute: the value attribute is not recognize
3602 maj P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selecting Change Icons from menus causes crash.
3603 maj P1 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Selecting Print Preview crashes Apprunner
3604 nor P2 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Close menu item does not work.
3605 cri P1 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE [top100] crash occurs attempting load electronic arts site
3606 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL MENU-LI type attribute: alpha and roman options are not reco
3608 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Odd resizing happening with titledbutton images
3610 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL OL-LI type attribute: lower alpha and lower roman do nto dis
3617 nor P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE GTK scrollbar not setting coordinates in event
3618 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Personal toolbar buttons don't work
3619 maj P3 Sun pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Array bounds write: GTK nsListBox
3620 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Uninitialized memory read in nsRangeList::TakeFocus()
3623 nor P2 PC dp@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP]hook up resource: urls to the component directory discov
3624 cri P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash - iframe - height percent attribute not honored
3625 maj P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK iframe align attribute not honored
3628 maj P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE iframe scroll=yes attribute not honored
3629 maj P1 Mac dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Autoregistration problems on the mac
3630 nor P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE OutputText has gabage chars at end
3631 cri P1 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] need charCode field of the nsKeyEvent struct filled
3632 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE selection not properly updated after deletion
3633 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE selection code sets selection ranges incorrectly for non-tex
3634 nor P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK testing, please ignore
3635 nor P2 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Caret does not draw when selection is at right hand edge of
3636 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Caret looks different at end of text frame
3637 maj P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE No item selection feedback in Bookmarks tree view
3638 nor P1 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Multiple spaces don't work
3639 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Return/Multiple returns doesn't flow text properly
3640 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE TABLEs with a background image specified don't display
3641 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE text jumps up after entering text at end of frame
3642 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cut/Copy/Paste not functional yet.
3643 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI INVA Get HTML and Get Text not functional yet.
3644 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bold not operational yet
3645 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI INVA Insert Stuff button printing out this message
3646 nor P3 PC verah@netscape.com VERI FIXE Communicate your RELEASE NOTES additions/corrections HERE
3647 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com CLOS INVA [BLOCK] Tree View hopelessly horked with certain types of st
3648 cri P1 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE add release note menu item
3650 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Style rules with an attribute selector that is a par
3651 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Plain text output needs to insert line breaks for <BR>
3652 maj P3 All ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsCaret during firing
3653 nor P1 All ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsCaret leaks in reflow.
3654 nor P3 Sun joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE NS_IS_MOUSE_EVENT() not looking for DOUBLECLICK, LEFT_CLICK
3656 enh P5 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} pre width attribute is not honored
3659 maj P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE head profile attribute implementation unclear
3660 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE GenericContentModelBuilder doesn't implement Unassert()
3661 maj P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA meta http-equiv / content attributes - URI not loaded
3662 maj P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT BLOCKQUOTE/Q cite attribute - no visual feedback, use unclea
3663 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Margin value method for bottom not working
3664 nor P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in XIF code outputting text or HTML
3666 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE XUL Fragments aren't doing the merging correctly
3667 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apps|AIM does not belong in Mozilla
3668 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL File|Change Icons crashes
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
3669 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Win32: password dialog link brings up dead dialog
3670 maj P1 All dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incorrect use of PL_Hash
3671 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WONT backgrounds don't scroll horizontally hidden areas
3672 nor P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] throbber: titlebutton ignores list-style-image
3673 min P4 All dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE file descriptor leak in registry.
3674 nor P2 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE Menus unresponsive when last opened window not on top
3675 nor P2 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Opening the bookmarks window replaces the Navigator wind
3676 cri P1 Mac danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't close any top-level window
3677 nor P3 Sun mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Getting Current Process Directory yields uninitialized memor
3678 maj P3 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI INVA Free memory read, double-freed memory.
3679 nor P2 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE Menu bars don't switch on window activates
3680 tri P3 All law@netscape.com VERI WONT '[Notification Component]' etc displays in status bar
3682 maj P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Image Maps
3684 nor P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Viewing a page that requires a password gives bad UI
3685 nor P1 All davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Password entry dialog box won't close, doesn't refresh...
3686 tri P3 All davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Password entry dialog has typo ('Ok' for 'OK')
3687 enh P3 All kipp@netscape.com RESO LATE the BDO element is not implemented
3689 maj P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hitting return key while cursor is at beginning of the line
3691 cri P1 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash on startup
3692 nor P1 PC av@netscape.com VERI DUPL Both objects showing up from nested OBJECT tags
3693 min P4 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} any reflowing will cause "bogus" spaces to be inserted
3694 cri P1 Mac michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Crash from cgi activation from clickthru ad at this page
3695 nor P1 All rpotts@netscape.com VERI WORK Continual refresh of image
3696 maj P3 All dveditz@netscape.com VERI WONT Registry problems with various characters
3698 nor P3 Mac joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE jump to anchor on same page turns text selection on
3702 nor P3 Sun mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: TextFrame::GetPosition()
3703 enh P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI WONT Mozilla should announce plug-in MIME types in HTTP_ACCEPT
3704 nor P3 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI INVA UMR: nsSelectionMgr::SelectionRequestor()
3705 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Uninitialized memory read in nsParser::ResumeParser()
3706 cri P2 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Dialogs about not being able to load appcores.dll appearing
3707 nor P3 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI DUPL Window requesting user authentication is blank
3708 cri P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Delete selection does not cause screen redraw.
3709 nor P1 All troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Mozilla renders Yahoo Sweden incorrectly.
3710 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Unable to locate appcores.dll
3711 nor P3 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE align="right" tag on throbber button being interpreted as la
3712 maj P1 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hitting return at the end of a line in a <P>, before a blank
3713 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK Crashes before loading target page; Node.dom
3714 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK Crashes before loading target page - HTMLDocument.don
3715 nor P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]initial window is drawn offset
3716 cri P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP][BLOCK]crash selecting Bookmarks/Manage Bookmarks in app
3717 maj P3 Sun karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL MLK: all borders in nsTableCellFrame leak
3718 maj P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL table missing content
3719 nor P3 Sun dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: From nsComponentManagerImpl::PlatformCreateDll()
3720 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE LABEL element problematic
3721 nor P3 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: GTK leaking cursors
3722 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text incorrectly layed out in 3-12-1999 build
3724 cri P1 Mac michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash when navigating to a URL
3727 maj P3 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI INVA memory horkage in form code.
3728 nor P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI INVA Resizing apprunner window vertically causes problems
3731 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: Leaking HTTP URLs.
3733 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL TR ALIGN's aren't passed on to cells in the row
3735 maj P1 PC law@netscape.com VERI WORK Target frame attribute not honored in apprunner
3736 maj P4 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Performance running qtime plugin is too slow; cursor affecte
3738 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: nsRangeList::TakeFocus()
3740 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsISupportsArray leak from RDF
3741 nor P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI INVA MLK: JSContext leak?
3742 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't hit enter then backspace
3743 nor P2 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hierarchical menus display wrong info
3750 cri P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash with object tag w/ no specified mimetype
3751 maj P1 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Resizing window with image selected crashes Gecko
3752 nor P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE NS_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK doesn't work
3753 maj P1 All dp@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash in apprunner clicking links on Netscape home page.
3756 maj P1 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't type after hitting Enter key
3757 nor P1 All don@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to rename "Homer" button to say "Home"
3758 cri P1 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Drag selecting entire content, then deleting, causes crash
3759 cri P1 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Japanese characters are not displayed in Browser
3760 nor P2 PC dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL [BLOCK wallet] Navigation gives strange results
3761 nor P3 Mac troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Animated GIFs cause entire window to redraw
3762 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Entire window redraws on button mouseover
3763 nor P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Floppies inserted while Apprunner is running are not mounted
3768 min P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL appcores.dll not located upon launch (doesn't affect app)
3769 cri P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash selecting menu items in File menu
3771 maj P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't have more than one submenu per menu on Mac (Build 3/15
3772 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Holes in selection highlighting
3775 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Page lays out incorrectly
3776 maj P1 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE FTP urls immediately crash Gecko
3777 nor P1 Oth spence@meer.net VERI INVA test bug for 3588
3778 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE hit return at the end of the document on text line and selec
3779 nor P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE Member initialization failing in nsFileURL::nsFileURL(nsFile
3781 maj P2 All davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Modal Dialogs needs netlib help
3782 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't log on to Netcenter WebMail
3783 nor P3 Mac german@netscape.com VERI LATE "Print Setup" menu item violates Mac HIGs
3784 nor P2 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsFileSpec problems on Mac
3786 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Undo/Redo Toolbar Icons broken on Win32 version of Editor Te
3787 maj P2 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE Object tag does not handle ActiveX controls
3788 cri P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Crash trying to login to cnn custom news, applet invoked
3790 nor P2 PC mscott@netscape.com VERI INVA scrolling problems in an iframe with a height in terms of pe
3792 cri P2 Sun rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner from the CVS crashes with a SIGSEV
3793 cri P1 Sun slamm@netscape.com VERI WORK Solaris: SIGSEV while running apprunner built from CVS sourc
3795 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: CSharedParserObjects
3796 nor P3 Oth donm@netscape.com VERI FIXE AIX tinderbox needs to go primetime
3797 nor P3 PC syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE getenv() should be PR_getenv()
3799 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Multi-Line links gets only highlighted the first one on clic
3800 cri P3 All amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner/viewer quits when loading a page with an applet
3801 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner's password requester does not work
3802 maj P2 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE No Solaris nightly builds...
3803 maj P1 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner crashes when clicking on the "Countdown" link
3804 nor P3 Mac leger@netscape.com VERI INVA test
3806 cri P1 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Single signon asks questions on the console
3807 maj P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Core dump after clicking on Quick Form Fill button
3808 maj P1 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE bookmarks menu doesn't work
3809 nor P3 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE grippy bg images not large enough to handle toolbar wrapping
3810 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WONT GIF Position rendered incorrectly
3811 nor P3 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE URL for bugzilla on personal toolbar is wrong
3812 nor P3 All sspitzer@netscape.com VERI FIXE Throbber and/or Home should go to mozilla.org
3813 cri P3 All dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL can't log in to MyNetscape with apprunner
3814 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table cell with buttons too narrow on main toolbar, causes w
3815 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA bugzilla icon has incorrect url associated with it
3817 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL printing crashes apprunner
3818 min P3 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Forward button never greyed out
3820 maj P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE signons.txt needs to be obfuscated
3822 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Ctrl-A OR Select All doesn't highlight all the text
3824 nor P2 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Some Mac key mappings are wrong -- delete in editor does not
3825 nor P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Caret does not draw immediately on mouse click
3827 nor P2 All akkana@netscape.com VERI DUPL Need to initialize editor from an nsString
3828 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Text drawing over image and/or over itself
3829 nor P2 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Shift key inserts a character
3831 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE cliking on the Printing icon and OK'ing a process makes appr
3833 nor P3 All jefft@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner -mail needs the correct URL
3835 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE incrementally adding a caption crashes
3837 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Loading American Airlines' Web page results in a blank windo
3838 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Those URLs do not get loaded in 5.0(europeen sites)
3839 tri P3 PC shaver@netscape.com VERI FIXE In DOS window, "short circut" should read "short circuit"
3841 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Insertion caret clips characters
3843 nor P2 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE File Open doesn't bring up a file navigation control
3845 cri P1 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Dialogs on wallet showing up on the console on every form su
3846 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Back button doesn't work with manually entered URLs
3847 tri P4 PC saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL Typo in Tasks - JavaScript Console menu item
3848 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Pages that use Frameset do not display correctly
3849 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Submitting a form in Latin-1 crashes apprunner
3850 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WORK Can't insert text after last character
3851 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE timer requests for throbbingN.gif
3852 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI DUPL Windows: some HTML4 named entities not displayed
3853 maj P1 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Title button widget causes infinite redraw
3854 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pages not displayed correctly
3855 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE toolbar buttons don't fit in horizontal space allocated
3856 nor P3 PC sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE File select control has bad title
3857 nor P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Garbage displayed in input controls while loading forms
3858 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE second view-image request not finding loaded ic.
3861 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE FTP URLs don't work (throbs indefinitely, no crash)
3862 maj P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE euc conversion have problem
3863 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL The images don't load on this page
3864 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE backspaces/navigation keys handled improperly
3866 maj P3 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE XP-COM problem- EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JP converter does not ge
3868 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA DOM: NamedNodeMap returning null on several testcases
3869 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL DOM: HTMLElement returning blank instead of expected result
3870 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM: HTMLHeadElement.profile string returning blank
3871 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL DOM: HTMLLinkElement attributes returning 'undefined'
3872 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] Problems with floated images and centered text
3873 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK [OPT] table layout incorrect
3874 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM: HTMLTitleElement.text string returning 'undefined'
3876 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL DOM: HTMLMetaElement strings returning 'undefined'
3877 nor P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Throbber animated GIF constantly redraws
3878 maj P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM: HTMLOptionElement.form returns null
3879 maj P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM: HTMLOptionElement.index value returns -1
3880 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL [LAYER] JavaScript ticker doesn't work
3881 cri P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text block disappears when undoing after typing the return k
3882 cri P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK {ib} Error handling MS Themes?
3883 maj P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Kinsoku problem | Line cannot begin with A7-AF and 829F-8396
3884 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]toolbars initially drawn at wrong size
3885 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL My "N" just won't stop throbbing (after pressing Stop... ;)
3886 nor P3 All ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need drawing modes in GFX
3887 nor P3 Oth donm@netscape.com VERI INVA libjpeg.so and libstdc++ are not found in liunx 5.1
3888 nor P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need traceback tables on in optimized build
3890 nor P1 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Crash when opening a local copy of home.netscape.com
3893 maj P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Crash loading second frame into named target
3894 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS - Body border does not contain absolutely positioned par
3895 maj P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL Links targeted to named frames load in _self
3896 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} inconsistent rendering of <BR>
3897 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL [PP]Document opened in the incorrect frame - doesn't underst
3898 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Form will not submit - console is prompting answers to q
3899 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Raptor doesn't jam
3900 nor P3 Mac danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Regression: Viewer crashes on closeWindow
3905 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating tables stopped floating.
3907 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner crashes when buttons on toolbar clicked repeatedly
3908 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE News.com renders incorrectly.
3909 nor P3 PC jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't compile jsdshell
3910 maj P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE intermittent crash undoing/redoing a split/merge
3911 nor P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unix: locale and uconv tests stopped linking
3912 maj P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE print crashes on windows in nsScroll
3913 maj P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window GFX Unicode Text Drawing- CSS does not display Japane
3915 nor P2 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK]View Page Source not active
3917 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: memory leaks in M3
3918 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Width of small-caps text elements based on non-small-caps te
3919 nor P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI INVA Update NSStdLib.exp in CVS to comply with latest build tools
3921 nor P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Charset Handling- Problem displaying proper document charset
3922 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] CNavDTD is seriously broken wrt implied end tags
3923 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL ALIGN not working with h1-h6 tags
3925 enh P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI INVA TEXTAREAs' default cursor location can be improved
3927 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE cursor doesn't show up on next line after hitting enter
3928 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]cosmetic problems with popups and lists
3929 maj P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tables: Disparities between debug and optimized builds
3930 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] mac file selection control displays complete path
3931 min P3 All evaughan@netscape.com RESO FIXE Browse button (for file selection) font different than other
3933 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE ua.css has strange rules for tables
3934 maj P3 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE FileSpec performance needs to get better for serious use
3936 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsCommandLineService needs to provide a way to get argv[]
3937 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI INVA Flash Auctions graphic image displayed incorrectly
3938 nor P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frame background color not painted correctly
3939 nor P3 Mac mjudge@netscape.com RESO DUPL [PP] Imagemaps don't work after clicking in text and paging
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
3940 nor P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unicode Conversion- ISO-2022-JP page does not display hankak
3942 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: Moz never finishes loading the page
3945 maj P3 Sun vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE core dump in NS_ScriptErrorReporter
3946 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL http://warp/u/matt/sidebar/tests/screenX.html
3947 maj P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL
3950 cri P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash from javascript button
3951 maj P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Server-side image maps are totally busted
3953 nor P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI DUPL Useing apprunner: tagets frames to wrong location, fails to
3956 nor P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI INVA onmouseover causes app to stop working
3959 nor P3 Mac amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Specifying both width & height for an applet crashes Mac
3960 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK If a script is between the head and body, bgcolor breaks
3961 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {vmargin} vertical margins of nested elements should collaps
3962 maj P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Form does not display non-ascii characters
3963 min P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL CSS property 'background-attachment' not supported
3964 maj P3 PC cyeh@netscape.com VERI FIXE mozilla/client.mak does not support MOZ_BRANCH
3965 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE Charset Handling-Need a pref for a default character set
3967 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE COL proportional widths not being calculated precisely
3968 maj P3 All davidm@netscape.com VERI INVA
3969 cri P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner.exe crashes at loading this URL
3971 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL XUL attributes lost on treebody/treeitem when changing eleme
3972 nor P3 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsTimerMac.cpp:TimerImpl leaks reference counts
3973 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE need to fix hardcoding of maximum URI protocol length
3974 cri P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]mac crashes when hitting return to submit form
3975 enh P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI INVA String.split() not supported
3978 cri P3 Mac waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE warnings on toolbar button clicks & bookmarks menu
3980 maj P2 PC cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unicode Conversion-Buffer boundary problem
3981 maj P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bottom window border gets to tall when window is maximized
3982 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK apprunner crashes when attempt to browse JAVA 2 API docs...
3983 maj P3 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE (crasher) Mishandling of HTTP "301-Permanently Moved" Respon
3984 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE "FTP Server" link does not work
3985 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac: missing Apple and application menus
3987 nor P3 Mac rpotts@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner windows don't have titles on Mac
3988 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Selecting File Open creates new browser window
3989 nor P3 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI REMI Raptor uses too much stack space
3991 nor P4 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL Sparc: colormap flashing on 8-bit displays
3997 nor P3 PC mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsFileSpec discrepancies between platforms
3998 cri P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [CRASH] rendering textarea or button?
3999 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling in a form, text area or option list, scrolls entir
4000 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL frame 1, the grey does not reach the end of the text
4001 cri P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE No focus when tabbing out/into file input and crashes
4002 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE deliver daily Solaris x86 builds
4003 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com VERI DUPL deliver daily Solaris Sparc builds
4004 nor P3 All cyeh@netscape.com RESO FIXE version number in product runtime
4005 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Events on text field does not work properly.
4006 nor P1 Mac jj@netscape.com VERI DUPL get netscape commercial builds/fullcircle up for mac
4008 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE blur, focus, and click sometimes don't register, sometimes d
4009 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Events on password field does not work properly.
4010 tri P5 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL about:mozilla doesn't show the about:mozilla screen!
4011 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL <CENTER> tag seems to be ignored
4012 nor P3 All briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE spawn build script cleanup
4013 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR in nsLineLayout::PlaceTopBottomFrames()
4014 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Event handler is not reading the changed <SELECT...> option
4016 nor P3 All leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE windows installers
4017 nor P3 All briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE consistent tar.gz packaging for all unix builds (installers)
4018 cri P2 Oth gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: [PP] Crash with object tag on Linux
4019 nor P3 Mac joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE No focus, click or blur for some form fields
4020 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE page down acting flakey -- along with rendering bugs...
4021 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE centering bug...
4022 maj P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE crash on this page...
4023 maj P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsIRDFService::GetDataSource() busted for RDF/XML streams
4024 maj P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE bulleted lists don't display properly
4025 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] no horizontal scrollbar, vertical scrollbar not al
4026 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Events on textarea does not work properly.
4027 min P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL WRAP attribute ignored in TEXTAREAs
4028 maj P2 All jevering@netscape.com VERI DUPL While rendering animated images, netlib call made for each f
4030 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA Japanese-language pages not automatically displayed in Japan
4032 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA Changing charset causes app to continually connect to server
4034 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Server-side image maps not working?
4036 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Events on checkbox does not work properly.
4038 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Events on radio does not work properly.
4039 nor P3 All leaf@netscape.com VERI FIXE hook up quick tests and mbtf testing system to daily builds
4040 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE align=center and list bullets
4041 cri P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in CNavDTD::CloseTopmostContainer(), see comment...
4043 maj P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window GFX Unicode Text Drawing-CSS problem-does not display
4045 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE XUL syntax confounds object identity with rdf "#include"
4047 nor P1 All jj@netscape.com VERI FIXE clean up/fix bugs in delivery onto sweetlou
4048 maj P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Line breaking- Hankaku Katakana kinsoku does not work
4051 nor P1 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Increasing allocated memory to >35 MB crashes on launch
4053 nor P3 Mac radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Clicking Forward updates location control with bad URI
4054 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Followed link URL not displayed in Location control...
4056 nor P3 All radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Back skips one page when going Back
4057 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsRangeList::Clear() not resetting focus and anchor nodes
4058 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hidden inherited virtual function warning in nsIXMLContent.h
4059 cri P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI INVA [ENDER] hitting return at end of line sometimes inserts brea
4060 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Events on Select[List] does not work properly.
4061 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Events on Select[Menu] does not work properly.
4062 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Relative links to redirects aren't working
4064 nor P3 All dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE patches for xpcom/src
4065 maj P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Loading bookmarks in the Personal Toolbar folder can cause a
4066 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Using tab key on keyboard, Focus event is not occuring.
4067 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Using space-bar key on keyboard, check box can not be checke
4068 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Using space-bar key on keyboard, radio can not be checked or
4069 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com CLOS DUPL onLoad event does not work.
4070 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com CLOS DUPL onResize event does not work.
4071 nor P3 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE URL bar not updating consistantly
4075 nor P2 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tree: expanding a node redraws entire tree for each child
4080 maj P2 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL JS events: onChange failure
4081 nor P1 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Adding someone to CC list on a bugzilla bug fails
4084 maj P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] JS events: Mac form element events
4085 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com RESO FIXE table rows aren't compatible with nav4
4086 maj P1 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tinderbox/apprunner crashes, assert in nsViewManager::Refres
4088 min P3 All mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE Date parsing gets 12:30 AM wrong.
4089 nor P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Table cells are spaced incorrectly on LINUX build
4091 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Unix: URL argument for apprunner should load menus/toolb
4092 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash on setting HTMLLinkElement.disabled to false
4093 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE simple table ends up too wide
4095 nor P3 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Can't resize window
4096 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK
4097 nor P3 PC fur@netscape.com VERI WORK Random crash when loading page
4098 tri P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT Fractions of pixels should round *down*, not to nearest inte
4099 maj P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOGFOOD - Scrollbars disappear in my.netscape.com
4100 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA Username and password are being kept in input fields on hotm
4102 maj P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Layout errors upon using pgup/pgdown
4103 cri P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] apprunner "File | New Browser Window" seg faults
4104 nor P2 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner segfaults upon site with authentication
4105 nor P3 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP]apprunner is unbelievably slow
4107 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Does not show image for "input type=image"
4108 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE javascript/framesets crashes in parser
4109 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Crashes
4110 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Body onLoad Problem
4111 nor P1 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA
4112 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE setting BR display type to block causes crash
4114 cri P1 Oth saari@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner crashes when moving from SIOUX log window to Brows
4115 nor P1 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mozilla M3 ignores bgcolor attribute of body tag.
4116 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Selection on CSS/XML page breaks, may crash
4117 nor P2 PC dp@netscape.com VERI WORK Float layout problem.
4118 cri P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI WORK [CRASH] cannot view http://www.retrogames.com
4119 nor P1 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR in nsLineLayout
4120 nor P1 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Sporadic loss of vertical scrollbar
4121 maj P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK apprunner crashes when visiting this site
4123 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner's menu item "View/Page Source" does not work
4124 maj P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK apprunner crashes when the CSS contains rubbish
4125 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text navigation problems / "SPACE" does not work (as in Nets
4126 tri P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL [4.xP]URL parsing is wrong. (Or different from other browser
4127 cri P1 All scc@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] MLK: We are leaking the entire nsWebShellWindow
4128 nor P1 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Necko] window.location.replace not reseting http refresh ti
4129 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK only renders menu bar at top
4130 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WONT Many rendering errors (plus other things)
4131 maj P3 All michaelp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Missing NS_ADDREF() in nsImageManager.cpp
4132 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Displays page in complicated frameset (systembureau.com) com
4134 nor P1 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK h1+kbd breaks i
4135 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Scroll bars do not appear, cannot scroll down
4136 maj P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Authorization window freeze
4137 nor P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE XML Parser parses invalid XML
4138 nor P3 PC leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE SRPM build problem (spec file incorrect)
4139 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK At first launch, app freezes, main window is bad
4140 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrolling pages with forms results in input ctrls disappeari
4141 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Buttons do not properly activate
4142 nor P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE many page-framing tables render badly
4143 nor P1 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page crashing all platforms when utilizing word search.
4145 nor P2 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Higlighting text causes problem.
4146 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text selection fails unless cursor has changed to insertion
4148 nor P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE Redirect with window.location does not redirect the page.
4149 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL notification component/status bar: resize problems
4150 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL when apprunner's window is too small, extra scrollbars appea
4151 maj P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Doesn't run at all after about 2-3 minutes.
4152 maj P3 Sun law@netscape.com VERI INVA mozilla core dumps when I click on a binary file.
4153 maj P1 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE With text selected, selecting Cut or Copy will cause a crash
4154 maj P1 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking on Get HTML icon causes a crash
4155 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE selecting text in front of an image seg faults
4156 maj P1 Mac buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking on Insert Stuff icon causes a crash
4159 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL <basefont> is not implemented
4160 maj P3 Sun mccabe@netscape.com VERI DUPL I got a JS related core dump using apprunner
4161 maj P1 Mac buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE A crash occurs after selecting Output Text or Output HTML.
4162 maj P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE A crash occurs when clicking on Get Text icon
4164 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: crash using a dead connection
4168 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Netcenter sign-in form submit
4169 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Netcenter sign-in form submit
4170 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL frame targets not working right
4171 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL horizontal group of images not appearing correctly
4172 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [LAYER] tables overlapping, not displaying
4173 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling shows blank space instead of rest of page
4175 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI WORK periodic JS crash in bookmarks
4177 nor P3 Mac matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE AppRunner resources interfere with Viewer resources
4178 cri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Forms containing <input type="image"...> make gecko unstable
4179 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE configure.in patch for FreeBSD pthread build
4180 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL tables does not render properly
4182 maj P2 PC mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsFileSpec problems on Windows
4183 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL umm frames just don't work
4184 nor P2 PC mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsFileURL doubly escapes its escaped input string
4185 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page causes browser to quit
4186 nor P3 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI INVA Apprunner abort.
4187 nor P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK Problems with RAPTORGFXWIN.DLL
4188 nor P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL More Problems with my.netscape.com
4189 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Image isn't displayed
4190 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text and Background colors messed up
4191 nor P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI INVA JavaScript functions "escape" and "unescape" don't work corr
4192 maj P3 PC leaf@netscape.com VERI FIXE M3 distribution misses plc3.dll, plds3.dll and nspr3.dll
4193 min P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Window too big at launch for 800x600 displays
4194 nor P1 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL M3: On 21" monitor, can't make browser window full size.
4195 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser not handling character refs by number
4196 nor P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE M3: HREF TARGET= works in Viewer but not AppRunner
4199 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA cookies file being truncated
4200 nor P3 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE titledbuttons don't display at all if not given an image
4202 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Regression: caret not drawn
4203 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK Viewer and apprunner abort & dump core on ICQ homepage
4204 maj P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Floating problems involving tables
4205 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Prefs/libnet: proxy pref not working on Linux
4206 nor P3 Oth sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE clicking on Insert Stuff button crashes the apprunner
4207 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Background image not displayed when user scrolls right
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
4208 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI INVA When page that's wider than window displayed, scrollbars not
4210 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI WORK scroll bars not working in M3 on Win32/NT4
4211 nor P3 Oth akkana@netscape.com VERI DUPL Edit | Insert crashes
4212 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL <CENTER> tag failing in M3 Apprunner
4213 nor P1 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE Edit -> Preferences... menu option does nothing
4214 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE typing rules doesn't deal correctly with multi-char insertio
4215 maj P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE CNavDTD does not grok optional BODY start tags
4217 nor P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL checkboxes vanish
4218 nor P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL cannot close browser window
4219 cri P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE scribble.exe in the nightly builds crashes
4220 nor P1 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Apprunner fails to open window from JavaScript
4221 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Slow Image Loading and Redraws
4222 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page scrolls back to cursor position instead of following li
4223 maj P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL copy crashes viewer app
4224 cri P1 Mac dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mac crashes on startup in XPCOM
4226 nor P4 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {rendering} Floater is not fully visible
4227 min P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't access Lotus Notes/Domion generated pages
4228 min P3 All german@netscape.com VERI LATE Disabled buttons have a darker grey border, normal text
4229 nor P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE Slowness in image rendering on unix.
4230 nor P1 PC morse@netscape.com VERI WONT M3 doesn't work with AutoConnect's "Used Cars for Sale" feat
4231 tri P3 PC granrose@netscape.com CLOS FIXE testing bugzilla
4236 nor P3 All leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE package components invidually, fix size generator
4237 maj P3 PC ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE Line breaking-line which contains "\" and "??" does not brea
4239 nor P1 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL resizing your window doesn't fill to the bottom
4240 maj P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE linebreak- CJK line break incorrect in <P> and <A HREF> boun
4242 maj P1 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Core dump at startup.
4244 cri P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Option-Close in Apprunner w/>1 window yields a crash
4247 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Empty inline elements are not affecting the inline box model
4253 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL default window size too big at 832x624 (or smaller)
4254 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: nsTextFrame::PaintAsciiText()
4255 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: TextFrame::PaintAsciiText() and into GTK land
4256 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table doesn't reflow properly when row gets style changed re
4257 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunners URL text field is not updated for each new page
4259 maj P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incorrect mouse events and focus in top level Java windows w
4261 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI INVA crash
4262 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL login button to netscape webmail doesn't work
4264 cri P1 PC alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE mar 25th morning verification build crashing.
4265 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE call attribute-changed after model construction
4266 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Layout error of XML document
4268 maj P3 PC akkana@netscape.com RESO FIXE md build broken in xpcom/libxpt/tests/
4270 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE THREADING: Random startup crashes realted to component manag
4271 nor P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Position of MenuItems: Incorrect position of submenus when w
4273 nor P3 All pollmann@netscape.com CLOS DUPL OnChange is not being fired in Select lists
4275 cri P1 Sun dp@netscape.com VERI WORK updating components/libucvja.so causes component manager to
4277 nor P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Posting comments to slashdot
4278 nor P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Buttons on poll not working
4279 maj P1 All davidm@netscape.com RESO FIXE [FEATURE] JavaScript Alert dialogs
4282 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE body tag is required with head
4283 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner Crashes
4284 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Tables ignore all DIV tags and ALIGN attriblutes
4285 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Should be links, the text shows, but not as a link.
4286 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL hr's and floaters don't interact well...
4287 nor P1 Mac gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE Etrade logon button links to incorrect url (url parsed wrong
4288 nor P1 Sun nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL MLK: nsWebShell leaking a nsJSContext?
4291 min P3 Sun law@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsString from nsBaseAppCore::Init()
4292 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK text seems to be written on top of other text
4293 nor P3 Mac trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Grow/resize window does not work
4294 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK scrolling tbody (test4.html) strange results
4295 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE display: table-caption; element outside a table causes memor
4296 min P3 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pre-processor choking on #elif XP_PC.
4298 nor P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI WORK GetNextSibling is defined as a Win32 macro.
4299 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Hot keys dont work. Pageup/Pagedown/space dont work as
4300 maj P2 PC dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need error diagnostics when libraries can't be loaded
4304 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL line spacing problem that is solved by inserting a space bef
4306 nor P3 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI INVA many libraries have undefined symbols
4308 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Empty cells too wide/tall
4309 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE http://www.ireland.com Causes apprunner to crash
4310 nor P1 Sun slamm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Compiler-based depend is broken. Rebuilds everything on seco
4311 maj P2 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pages w/a DOCTYPE are blank...?
4315 maj P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling views do not honor CSS visibility property correct
4316 nor P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE OBJECT image does not render if mimetype missing
4317 nor P3 All beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Absolute positioning on scrolled div's is broken.
4319 maj P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE scrolling view corner misplaced
4321 nor P1 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO LATE Page doesn't load properly
4322 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't log in to Netscape WebMail - button not recognized
4323 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM can't read type of LI when set to "disc" as in <LI type=
4324 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {list} Reading <OL type=A> reports "upper-alpha", not "A"
4326 cri P3 DEC jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE x86 Assembly code used when compiling on an Alpha
4328 min P1 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrollbar Problem
4329 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Mouse over "Sign In" button causes strange page relayout
4330 maj P1 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE viewer.exe crash when clicking on Display Cookies menu item
4331 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mozilla cuts left section
4332 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: [4.xP]Second link does not work
4333 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL Unnecessary scrollbar redrawing
4341 nor P1 DEC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Radio buttons are rendered only when the mouse isn't over th
4342 nor P1 DEC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]layout engine doesn't take into acount the size of form
4343 nor P1 DEC trudelle@netscape.com VERI WORK Vertical resizing doesn't resize the rendering area
4344 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hilighting text in source viewer
4348 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE Form widgets do not display Japanese correctly
4349 nor P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Spacer GIF at ty.com displays as garbage or thin grey line
4350 nor P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Animated GIFs at ty.com overwhelm seamonkey
4351 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK linux March 28 build crashes at ty.com
4352 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Performance issue: Linux queues button visual changes
4353 nor P3 All pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Last line on page truncated
4354 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI WONT No user feedback for missing images given / Bad feedback
4355 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK TD VALIGN=MIDDLE draws no border around controls, buttons
4357 cri P2 Mac rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]ftp is broken = crash
4359 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {css} empty inline elements shoudl affect line-height
4360 nor P3 Sun mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: compareFrames() (nsRangeList.cpp)
4361 nor P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI WORK I got an assert while loading an image
4362 nor P3 PC michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL
4363 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE demo #2 & #3 work in viewer, crash apprunner
4364 cri P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Demo #13 crashes on linux
4365 min P3 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK <dt><dd> without surrounding <dl> (okay, wrong) renders bad,
4366 maj P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI WORK apprunner crashes on page load.
4370 min P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI INVA Comment parsing
4374 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK {ib} Beyond.com not displaying correctly
4375 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table issue to do with bgcolor
4376 maj P5 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} Table border=0 ignored
4377 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE the url "http://../" crashes in netlib mkconect.c:675
4378 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Contents of DIV exceeding the
4379 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI WORK Loading never stops according to progress bar.
4381 maj P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Dynamic update of combo box widget
4382 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pop-up menu items that contain comments do not display
4383 maj P2 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE nsIDOMHTMLImageElement::SetSrc crashes
4384 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL DOM - <SCRIPT> element is not visible through the DOM
4385 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table cell from www.att.net is horizontally elongated in Gec
4386 maj P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash when using the keyword super
4387 maj P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE many pages render very slowly
4389 nor P3 Oth rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Print not hooked up in apprunner
4390 maj P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} Need extensions to transaction manager to support
4391 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Lays out content/form fields too far down page
4392 min P4 All kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK {inc} Table cell data (images) initially overlapped on page
4395 cri P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Crash on page resize - PPC unmapped mem exception at Tri
4396 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <dt> .... </dt> not formatted correctly?
4397 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't set alignment to "justify" in the div element.
4398 nor P1 All ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]http://www.gte.com/ seg faults
4400 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [MLK] leaks in RDF from resource & datasource tables
4401 nor P1 Oth michaelp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner: Tinderbox crashes
4403 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsBrowserAppCore::SetEnableCallback() and SetDisableCal
4405 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA only first line of a multiple line link gets highlighted
4407 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE IMAGE not supported (as IMG substitute)
4408 min P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI WONT bgcolor="papaya whip" draws a black background
4409 nor P1 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE networking blows
4410 min P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL ignoring 'onChange' in <SELECT>
4411 nor P3 Sun cyeh@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tinderbox should build with --enable-pedantic
4412 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Tinderbox should build with --enable-pedantic
4413 maj P3 Oth dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL My netscape crashes apprunner
4416 nor P3 All yantonyam@hotmail.com VERI INVA
4417 nor P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK Animated GIFs flicker upon drawing new frame
4418 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK The words (x total) were misplaced on MozillaZine.
4419 nor P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE links look like strike thru
4420 nor P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fonts are big size
4421 nor P3 PC brendan@netscape.com RESO REMI please update the module owners page
4423 maj P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Javascript-generated pop-up menus don't work...
4426 maj P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI INVA Running viewer on linux with 8bpp causes color problems
4428 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac: meta characters get interpreted in menus
4429 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Continue button on this form doesn't give results
4431 maj P1 PC harishd@netscape.com RESO FIXE XML must handle <?xml encoding=...?>
4432 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Gtk/NSPR: Timers misfiring
4434 enh P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Invalid BGCOLOR results in black background; white's better
4435 nor P2 Mac janc@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM doesn't recognize the BLOCKQUOTE element.
4436 maj P3 All danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE XUL on-load handler runs even if doc load fails
4438 nor P4 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE windows visible too early
4439 nor P3 All pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] size dialogs to content
4440 min P3 DEC don@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP]the font is so small it's nearly unreadable
4441 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Nested object elements
4442 nor P1 Mac ftang@netscape.com RESO WORK [PP]Composer generates wrong NER's for some MacRoman-only ch
4443 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Rendering problme with apprunner
4444 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE nightly build 30.3.1999 crashes
4445 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK][PP] problems submitting bugzilla forms on linux
4446 nor P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL [History] discovered page where back button does not work
4447 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL P ALIGN=JUSTIFY not working
4448 nor P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL
4455 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Alt text not displayed as balloon help.
4457 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Yahoo top news stories will not open
4459 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Massive text and graphics overlap at ZDNet
4460 maj P2 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Multiple browser windows don't navigate properly
4461 nor P4 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cosmetic mouseover button drawing problems
4462 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO LATE Failure to compile on Solaris 7
4463 cri P1 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Default encoding for XUL/XML/RDF should use UTF-8
4466 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL any URL's entered into new browser windows only affect the f
4467 cri P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Major printing problems with the Viewer app
4472 nor P3 Oth wtc@netscape.com RESO FIXE Patches for NetBSD build
4473 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Page renders incorrectly
4474 cri P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner and viewer crash on launch with "invalid NT image"
4475 cri P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI INVA npglue.h includes layout.h, which doesn't exist
4478 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Access violation when "viewing cookies"
4480 cri P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need a plug-ins directory for seamonkey on launch
4481 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Form rendering problems
4482 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE image doesn't render due to \n in SRC attribute
4483 cri P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {css spec} Incorrect vertical collapsing of nested margins
4485 maj P2 PC rods@netscape.com VERI WORK Application crashes on trying to copy any text from text box
4486 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL TEXTAREA elements ignore WRAP="SOFT" and WRAP="HARD"
4487 min P4 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Incremental reflow problem in Table of Contents demo
4488 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Going to Quality Assurance and then Contacts, the Back butto
4489 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Line-wrapping not working
4491 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com CLOS DUPL File open from File menu opens another window.
4497 maj P3 PC law@netscape.com VERI INVA Application crash while trying to minimize window before let
4501 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tables do not render properly, produces noticable gap in scr
4502 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL Caret needs to track focus
4503 nor P3 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to be able to distinguish chrome from web content
4504 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Rendering error - Links incorrectly positioned at left margi
4506 cri P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK [OPTIMIZED] crash scrolling/resizing sample 4
4509 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE change RDF & XUL parser asserts into log messages
4510 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table element backgrounds not working correctly
4511 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE URGENT: Dynamic hiding and showing of content not working co
4512 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA URGENT: Links being underlined when they shouldn't be.
4513 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Content not displaying in left-hand frame.
4514 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Style toggle buttons not working.
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
4515 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {css spec} relative positioning doesn't work on floats
4516 nor P3 PC verah@netscape.com VERI FIXE M4 release note tracking bug
4517 cri P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Delete selection breaks text insertion
4519 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE relatively positioned expanding parents (regression)
4520 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Table Align=RIGHT in a nested table can cause contents to va
4521 maj P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [M4] type, hit Enter, get asserts that look serious
4523 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mozilla fails to render www.slashdot.org correctly.
4524 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE text frame painting errors when moving text content
4525 nor P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE layer with overflow:scroll not correct width?
4526 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Large table in page above produces interesting results
4528 maj P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com RESO WORK running viewer messes up fonts on system and makes unstable
4529 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE style sheets partially used during load
4530 nor P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Password entry locks Apprunner
4531 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling with keys 'bounces'
4532 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Feature: Tooltip Support
4533 cri P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE 4 second delay on opening page
4534 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE FIELDSET right border edge disappears, perhaps due to enclos
4535 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI INVA Communicator 4.5/4.51 crash -- run a JavaApplet
4536 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Vertical scrollbar always displayed; can't view bottom of pa
4537 tri P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE location (URL) control truncates bottom row of pixels
4538 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in CNavDTD
4539 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI FIXE throbber doesn't throb anymore
4540 nor P3 All trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Navigator doesn't fit in window
4541 nor P1 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE viewer: toolbarTest1 crashes
4543 nor P3 Sun donm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Tinderbox should pull quietly, (with '-q')
4544 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE url not loaded at first press of enter key
4546 tri P2 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Secure Connection" icon displayed in status bar at all time
4547 nor P4 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE toolbox has bottom margin at startup
4549 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE View source of xml file brings up window that never renders
4550 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][NATIVE-WIDGETS] URL field overflows onto Mac OS vertica
4551 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Smart quote not displaying in apprunner
4552 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE location of <broadcaster> nodes in xul important
4553 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Charset Handling- META charset not being honored on first lo
4554 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Scrollbar: vertical sizing slightly off
4555 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Upon startup, the first URL typed into the URL box does noth
4556 nor P3 Mac trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL vertical scroll bar problems
4557 nor P2 All dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE PlatformVersionCheck() can fail to recreate base reg keys
4558 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrolling frames messed up (Sample 9)
4559 nor P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE [Webshell] Adobe form doesn't work (unless cgi output saved
4562 maj P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Menu bar is blank after exiting StdFile dialog
4565 nor P3 Mac jj@netscape.com VERI FIXE shorten name of mac download package for m4
4568 nor P1 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL nightly build 5.4.1999 crashes on startup
4569 nor P3 Oth yantonyam@hotmail.com VERI INVA
4570 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]XML demo doesn't scroll correctly
4571 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Suport to Small Caps
4573 maj P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE gtk font crash
4574 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table problem with images with specified widths
4575 maj P3 Sun mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build can't create lock_SunOS.o on SunOS5.7/native
4576 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE RHS of borders chopped off in nested table situations
4577 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE incremental reflow problems in table + area frames
4578 nor P3 PC msanz@netscape.com CLOS INVA test
4579 tri P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE "&142;" displays square instead of capital Z hacek
4580 cri P3 SGI don@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner crash possibly related to named anchors
4581 maj P2 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Complex forms in tables result in several minutes freeze
4582 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE layout ignores image attributes for added images
4584 cri P1 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking on alternate image text causes crash
4586 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL No visual feedback given when cursor over form submit image
4587 nor P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI WORK New Browser Window broken on Mac
4588 nor P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Transparent GIFs not transparent when used in forms
4589 min P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Pages look
4590 tri P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI REMI
4591 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE inserting space before a space doesn't work
4592 maj P3 All desale@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can not access the length of plugins array.
4593 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE style changes(bold,italic,underline) aren't transparent thru
4594 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Can not access the name of any plugin in plugins array
4595 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Can not access the filename of any plugin in plugins array.
4597 maj P1 PC rods@netscape.com VERI DUPL Copy/Paste broken
4598 maj P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Can't place '#' in general entity value without escaping
4600 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Can not access the description of any plugin in plugins arra
4601 cri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Gecko can be 30 times slower than Navigator 4.5
4602 cri P1 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK demo #8 crashes, linux, viewer & apprunner
4605 enh P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI REMI window.open() enhancement
4606 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in raptorhtml at loading of www.coolsavings.com
4607 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Strange flashing with animated gif on Linux
4608 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK crash
4609 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA false alarm
4610 nor P3 PC phil@netscape.com VERI WORK crash when I pushed the mail button
4611 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK It will crash everytime open APPRUNNER, but the browser stil
4612 min P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table not centered on page at http://www.netsurf.de
4613 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI INVA Animated gif would not load
4614 nor P2 Sun waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Setting an attribute on RDF node dumps core
4615 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE unnecessary horizontal scrollbar triggered by HR and float
4616 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Select field too small for all of text to fit.
4618 maj P3 Sun waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE build error in nsXULAttributes.cpp on Solaris native compile
4619 nor P2 Sun mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: nsInputStream::Get()
4621 nor P3 Sun waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: RDFContentSinkImpl::AddProcessingInstruction()
4622 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE display of hidden element is not functioning correctly
4623 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE File-->Open fails silently.
4624 nor P3 Sun erik@netscape.com VERI INVA UMR: GetFontNames()
4625 nor P3 Sun erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: PickASizeAndLoad()
4626 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Clicking button displays raw XML markup instead of formatted
4627 cri P3 Sun erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: nsFontMetricsGTK::RealizeFont() -> zero page read -> co
4628 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE RDF serializer does not correctly serialize containers
4629 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE need to assign good URIs to bookmarks to local store can ann
4630 maj P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Frames dont resize properly
4631 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]gcc barfage on wallet.cpp
4640 nor P4 Oth dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]animated gifs print differently each time they are print
4642 nor P3 HP jdunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE build error on HP-UX with aCC
4643 cri P2 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE webpages don't get scrollbars
4644 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE visiting web page causes sidebar to disappear
4645 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Unable to load apprunner.exe
4646 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: clicking a link in sidebar crashes
4647 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Draggable frame separator impossible to drag
4648 nor P2 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE Open File dialog no longer shows up
4651 maj P3 PC cpratt@netscape.com VERI WORK Yahoo! Japan eats up RAM, crashes Windows 98
4652 nor P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Need to hit return multiple times in url bar
4653 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text is unreadable
4655 cri P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hang/Crash at Netcenter CareerCenter page
4656 nor P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL WIndow title does not change
4657 nor P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL My Netscape button crashes the client
4658 nor P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Back +Forward buttons not functional
4659 nor P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Stop button not functional
4660 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL File:Close does nothing
4661 cri P1 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Win32: InsertImage fails to load image and displays alternat
4662 nor P3 Oth don@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Open not hooked up yet.
4665 nor P3 Oth mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL Copy/cut not working
4666 nor P3 Oth mcafee@netscape.com VERI WORK Prefs not wired in browser
4667 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI WORK Bookmarks menu + items not functional
4668 nor P2 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE onload handler firing too early
4669 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page looks odd
4670 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE #ifdef BRPROF and CHROME dependencies from netlib
4671 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK no scollbar
4672 maj P2 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE simplified chinese gb2312 to unicode conversion failed
4673 maj P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE KOREAN euc-kr to unicode conversion failed
4674 maj P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE Traditional Chinese Big5 to unicode conversion failed
4675 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE hierarchical widget notifications not working
4676 maj P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE traditional chinese - x-euc-tw to unicode conversion failed
4677 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Extra space between images
4678 nor P1 Sun slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bookmark Properties come up blank
4679 nor P1 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Task menu items not functional
4680 nor P3 Oth mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL scrollbars don't show up
4683 nor P3 Oth waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL Demo#10 under Debug | Viewer menu crashes
4684 nor P2 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Linux: nsClipboard needs to support multiple formats
4685 nor P3 Oth don@netscape.com VERI WORK Debug Menu | Verification | Netscape doesn't load.
4686 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Help Menu | Help contents crashes.
4687 nor P3 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Failure to display char's properly in frame element
4691 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL long load time
4692 maj P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE ISO-8859-5 page does not display the correct characters
4693 maj P2 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE KOI8-R page does not display the correct characters
4694 maj P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Euc-kr page does not display the correct characters
4695 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK double apprunner exception on startup
4696 enh P3 All peterl@netscape.com RESO FIXE {feature} needs COLS attribute in style
4697 maj P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI INVA exception surfing bugzilla
4698 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Copy/Paste yields tiny boxes after pasting
4699 nor P3 Mac scc@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Incorrect aliasing of chrome directory on Mac
4700 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} toolbar buttons not functional yet.
4702 nor P2 All gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL FTP Url crashes
4703 cri P1 PC beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE surf demo 9, then demo 10
4704 nor P2 Sun leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE Orange tinderbox not working
4705 nor P3 PC cata@netscape.com VERI INVA ISO-2022-JP chars display problem in Win 32
4706 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] localstore.rdf that gets generated is bad
4709 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Documents containing markup don't output to HTML correctly
4711 blo P1 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Sidebar collapses if you resize the window
4712 nor P3 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser crash at http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/query.cgi
4713 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK directory display is bad
4714 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Need to hit enter twice to get to a page
4715 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE mouseover events having no effect in Internet world demo
4716 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI WORK no scroll bar
4717 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL www.usatoday.com takes 45 seconds to load
4718 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Sidebar disappears if you hit the 'Home' button on the toolb
4719 nor P3 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WORK Navigating back and forth is broken
4721 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Back and Forward buttons do not work
4725 maj P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Japanese Bookmark titles are garbage
4726 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK Text not showing up; bogus black background appears instead.
4727 nor P4 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE "The dynamic link library IML32.DLL could not be found" NT4
4728 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE bugsplat takes forever to load
4729 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner crashes when querying Bugzilla
4730 maj P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI WORK Windows: FONT FACE causes page to be truncated
4734 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE www.quicken.com (nested tables) lays out poorly
4738 nor P1 Mac matt@netscape.com VERI WORK setting setContentWindow to a nested frame crashes
4740 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL the compact attribute of lists doesn't seem to do anything
4743 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL My Netscape page will not load
4744 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] while loading above URL
4745 nor P1 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selecting print in Apprunner crashes system
4746 nor P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Selecting Edit|Wallet|Safe Form Fill renders incorrectly
4747 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: [PP][CRASH-Linux] trying to load /~webteam/calendar/
4748 nor P1 All jevering@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selecting Bookmarks | Personal | Tinderbox or Bonsai crashes
4749 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Selecting Help | Help Contents crashes the app
4750 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE RDF parser uses wrong namespace URI
4751 maj P1 PC av@netscape.com RESO FIXE Selecting Plug-in option on Basic Functional test crashes th
4752 maj P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL nested or overlapping bold/italic/underline operations delet
4753 nor P3 Sun saari@netscape.com VERI WORK Multiple menu bars
4754 maj P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [M4] nsDrawingSurfaceGTK::Lock() aborts with X error in gdk_
4755 maj P3 SGI nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE SGI/native compiler errors on expat/xmlparse/xmlparse.c
4756 nor P3 SGI jband@netscape.com RESO FIXE Worrisome warnings from SGI/native in xpconnect
4760 min P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Unix: smart quotes drawn way too far above the line
4764 nor P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI WORK Linux only: apprunner dies loading dejanews.com
4765 maj P1 PC davidm@netscape.com CLOS INVA loaded page into gecko and it locked up
4766 nor P4 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Radio buttons don't use bgcolor
4768 nor P4 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Linux only: Radio and Check buttons not functioning corr
4769 maj P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} Buttons have extra spacing
4770 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI WORK Vertical scroll bar on wrong side of window;then disappears.
4771 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Table column narrower than expected
4772 nor P3 Oth yantonyam@hotmail.com VERI INVA test
4773 nor P3 SGI waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE remove mozilla/rdf/base/idl from build
4775 nor P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Download Dialog needs a proper file picker.
4777 maj P1 Mac pavlov@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] cannot do multiple selection of menulist
4779 nor P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE [REGRESSION] Crash in file download dialog
4780 blo P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP][BLOCKER] Mac Borderless top-level windows
4781 nor P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][BLOCKER] GTK Borderless top-level windows
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
4782 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Views with borderless top level windows
4783 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE table looks wrong and banner in the wrong place
4786 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WONT No scrollbar
4787 min P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]: Select multiple draws scrollbar (it shouldn't)
4788 nor P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Prefs file not created by default
4794 cri P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in content iterator while un-attributing text
4795 nor P3 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Preference window created too narrow
4796 nor P3 Sun kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: nsEditor::JoinNodesImpl()
4797 cri P3 Sun akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE assertion hit in DeleteTextTxn::Do()
4798 cri P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE infinite loop in makefiles.
4800 cri P1 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Win95-J: Apprunner crashes when loading some CJK pages
4801 cri P1 Sun kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: nsLineLayout::ReflowFrame()
4802 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI REMI Loading URL prints cell content warnings
4804 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE P tag behaves as BR tag in tables at first instance...
4805 maj P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Crash from corrupt history file
4806 maj P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash trying http://1
4809 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]windows only: IMG height wrong in table
4810 cri P1 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Win95-J: Japanese pages cause crash
4812 maj P3 All dcone@netscape.com VERI DUPL Attempting to printing a page causes a freeze.
4813 maj P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL A crash occurs after selecting bookmarks in Sample FTP URLS
4815 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrollbar is left of browser
4816 nor P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need implementation of Windows key event to Unicode translat
4817 nor P3 Mac tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Need implementation of Macintosh OS Event to Unicode tra
4819 nor P2 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE I18N needs Unicode input
4822 nor P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need Keyboard event path to be Unicode Internally
4823 nor P3 Mac tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need AppleEvent handlers for TSM AppleEvents
4824 min P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI INVA clicking on some anchors will crash apprunner and viewer
4825 maj P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP]FONT FACE element effects other elements - in this cas
4827 nor P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need API for determining the global coordinate position of t
4828 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Frame loaded in wrong area
4829 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Frame loaded in wrong area
4833 nor P3 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE pseudo-elements cannot be positioned
4834 nor P3 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE too generous on pseudo-element matching
4835 nor P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL browser history with frames is horked
4836 cri P1 Sun kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: nsBlockFrame::ComputeLineMaxElementSize()
4838 cri P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]linux build problems
4839 nor P3 Sun beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsJVMManager.cpp includes the private NSPR header primpl.h.
4844 nor P3 Sun gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE FMM: nsNetStream
4852 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: small fixes for nsEditorAppCore
4853 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Radio buttons dont work
4854 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK crash running browser buster after second or third page load
4855 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com RESO FIXE need linux rpm packaging spec files in the build
4856 nor P2 PC ramiro@netscape.com RESO FIXE run-mozilla scripts broken on release tarballs
4857 min P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Edit - Paste menu item not working
4858 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Linux only: Edit - Copy not working
4859 min P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mac only: Edit Copy doesn't work in URL control
4860 min P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Linux only: Selected text not deselected when URL select
4863 nor P3 Mac warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] "Error Error 503 HTTP not enabled" on Mac Seamonkey lau
4865 maj P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI INVA Did not start download
4866 maj P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI INVA did not work at all
4867 nor P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] Need command-line handling on Macintosh
4868 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA Froze, had to reboot
4869 min P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't change character set
4870 nor P3 Oth locka@iol.ie VERI INVA
4871 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE top-level windows can't be closed programatically
4872 maj P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI INVA
4873 cri P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI INVA apprunner segfaults upon startup
4874 cri P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE .xml page did not load
4875 maj P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Windows: printing layout broken and all fonts are Arial
4876 nor P3 PC sspitzer@netscape.com VERI FIXE the apprunner animation is broken on windows
4877 min P4 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE First mouseover on Composer button enlarges window
4878 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]windows only: image in table truncated
4879 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page displays incorrectly in apprunner
4882 tri P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL HTTP Referer not posted
4883 cri P1 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Apprunner frequently crashing in CalcOffset (upon closi
4888 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Bookmarks don't show up under Bookmark menu
4890 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA Bookmarks menu should not show empty folders
4892 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE background attribute of table element not supported, but NOV
4893 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Must type Return twice to connect to host
4899 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Opening an HTML/XML file on the local drive is broken.
4900 maj P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] www.netscape.com not loading on Linux
4901 cri P3 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner takes forever to launch on my win95 machine
4903 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL My Netscape is not loading
4904 min P3 PC dcone@netscape.com RESO FIXE Images not printed when page is printed
4905 min P3 PC dcone@netscape.com RESO FIXE Visual indication of hyperlink not printed
4906 min P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Printed pages have left and top border lines on page
4907 min P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} File - New - Blank Page opens new browser window i
4910 tri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK preferences window buttons do not work
4911 tri P3 All matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences dialog crops text
4912 nor P1 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE closing preferences when spawning window closed crashes app
4913 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI WORK added bookmarks display in wrong place in menu
4914 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Bookmark window: Icon missing when bookmark added
4915 tri P3 PC alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE tasks or communicator menu ? - different names in different
4916 min P2 All davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL selecting navigator from tools menu does not create new wind
4917 cri P1 PC beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE [OPT] example number 4 displays incorrectly, may crash brows
4918 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table cell height attribute is not respected in this example
4921 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL cursor keys scroll document and option list at same time
4922 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI INVA imagemap with a href link does nothing when clicked
4924 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Attributes being given default namespace
4929 maj P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE cannot log in to above site
4930 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Win98 reporting as Win95
4931 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cellspacing has problems when a width is specified
4932 maj P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE wallet bustage: seems to be due to problems in raptor
4933 nor P2 PC morse@netscape.com VERI WORK How to crash M4 build on startup
4934 cri P1 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI WORK apprunner gives X IO Error on startup (1999-04-09 build)
4936 maj P1 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Applet life cycle is wrong in OJI
4937 nor P4 PC danm@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]'Move' and 'Size' options on the Window Control Menu do
4938 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Pressing "Stop" stops page load, but doesn't stop throbber/p
4939 cri P3 All dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Seamonkey fails to print, crashes Mac OS
4940 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Icon missing for IE Favorites Folder
4941 nor P2 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL IE favorites directory not pointing to the correct dir.
4942 maj P2 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Browser menu bar items don't reappear after closing Edi
4943 maj P3 Mac ducarroz@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Selecting "Messenger" from "Tasks" window results in a
4945 cri P1 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] install.exe builds do not work - can't load sdinst.dll
4947 min P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL Loading frameset causes current page to render in frameset
4948 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Font selection problem
4949 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Refresh problem when using Page-Up,Page-Down, Up and Dow
4950 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL background image vanishes while following link to another pa
4951 nor P3 All german@netscape.com CLOS LATE [PP]unreadable fonts in apprunner
4953 nor P1 Oth amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Shockwave and the Gecko Beta do not seem to get along
4956 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Layout problem(s) for blocks + fonts + floated-table
4958 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Some pages will not paint if previously visited, or back but
4959 min P3 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE 'print' button on title bar does nothing
4960 nor P3 All saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE Menu items should be disabled according to context
4962 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Loads page halfway and turns page black and crash
4964 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Unexplained whitespace above floating element
4965 nor P3 All dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE Can't run two versions of app w/out trashing registry
4966 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]: pop-up menus display too narrowly
4967 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WONT april 12 build inoperative on win32
4969 nor P3 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE Message: Timer fired for 'file:////builds/mon/mozilla/obj-i6
4972 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL spacebar does not toggle checkbox
4973 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL pressing spacebar scrolls down even if focus is on checkbox
4974 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL form input cleared when back is pressed
4979 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL using spacebar in form text field causes page focus to shift
4980 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL selecting reset does not clear browse text field
4981 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI WORK selecting wallet | wallet content crashes win95
4983 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL wallet | safe form fill displays incorrect data
4984 cri P1 PC leaf@netscape.com VERI FIXE base.exe for April 11/12 builds only installs Talkback.
4987 cri P1 Mac jj@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Talkback not working on the Mac
4990 maj P3 PC marek@netscape.com CLOS INVA Communicator 4.6 is crashing after resizing of the browser w
4993 nor P3 PC paulmac@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: [PP]local directory load fails
4994 nor P1 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]New browser window redirects urls to initial window
4995 nor P2 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE SD: Strings not resourced for i18n
4996 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]SD: Download dialog look and feel differs from Install W
4997 maj P3 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash opening preferences on Macintosh
5000 nor P2 Mac peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]GFX changes required to assume 96 dpi default scaling
5002 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE SD: SmartDownload downloads a previously downloaded file
5003 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE sd: Ads are not functional yet.
5005 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE SD: should show a message box when core_file is unpacking.
5006 nor P3 All matt@netscape.com VERI WONT Should only be able to close Preferences with Ok or Cancel
5007 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE SD: Need info on returned values for SDI_NetInstall()
5008 cri P1 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE SD: The confirm_install key in [Netscape Install] section ne
5013 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {compat} Spacing/Layout flaw - no space proceeds <LI>
5015 nor P3 Oth nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Floating element problems
5016 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI REMI Relatively positioned elements are absolute containers
5017 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Style-Sheet "Justify" for <P> not honored inside table.
5018 nor P3 PC leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE a couple of build gotchas on Windows
5023 cri P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO WORK I get a CVS error when updating.
5024 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Rendering error
5026 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA target isn't working with frames
5027 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE debug window gives wrong message
5028 nor P3 HP waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE build error in RDF on HP-UX 10.20
5029 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS version of hotbot lays out fine on Nav4, IE4 but badly o
5031 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Main menu of DiasporAsia site
5032 min P5 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpt_dump segfaults when given a non-xpt file
5033 cri P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL Re-open bug 4474
5035 cri P2 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI WORK Debug;Viewer;Demo #10;..;Demo #11;Demo #10;Demo #11 crash?
5036 cri P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Table fails to render and browser crashes while scrollin
5037 cri P1 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE SD: SDISTRUCT should take FSSpecs, not full path C strs
5038 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE document loads too slowly
5039 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL text fields are too narrow
5040 maj P1 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Turn on support of external entitity replacement
5044 maj P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window.history.length gives result 1 all the time.
5045 maj P2 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL cannot apply styles to text for subsequent editor windows.
5046 maj P5 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI INVA SD: TestJigApp not compiling
5047 nor P2 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window.resizeBy method does not work.
5048 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE I get an error when running make
5049 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner crash on startup if npmidi32.dll is found in comm4
5050 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE I get an error related to NSPR while running make on Solaris
5052 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]problems with text selection when position:absolute is u
5054 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]selected text blinks when mouse is passed over it
5055 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE if text is selected, scrolling page doesn't stick
5060 blo P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WORK [Necko] [DOGFOOD BLOCK] My netscape does not layout properly
5062 cri P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Apprunner crash on Win 95, Win NT and Win 98.
5065 tri P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL can't delete text in url control while page is loading
5066 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Engineering spec due for Sidebar, M5
5068 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Engineering spec due for Notifications in Sidebar, M5
5069 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL TD ROWSPAN miscalculates lower boundary for CELLSPACING > 0
5070 cri P1 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Linux apprunner dies on startup in nsXULDocument.cpp
5071 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE viewer core dumps loading libwallet.so
5072 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com CLOS WORK Apprunner doesn't run properly, Viewer crashes
5074 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA
5075 nor P3 All rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE ANSI C++ violation in nsTransferable.cpp
5076 cri P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE ANSI C++ violation in layout/base/src/nsContentList.cpp
5077 nor P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE ANSI C++ violation in layout/html/forms/src/nsFormFrame.cpp
5079 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Using browse to target a directory for install creates i
5080 min P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL presence of inline elements enlarging table cells (correctly
5081 cri P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac doesn't render opaque images, crashes shortly after
5086 cri P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO:Attempting to load the Smartupdate bookmark causes a c
5087 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL selecting wallet contents crashes app
5088 maj P3 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Viewer does not display correctly when using up and down key
5089 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Print button on AppRunner's toolbar is not functional.
5091 nor P3 Sun slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner core dumps on startup
5093 nor P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]mac only: thumb not moved when page is scrolled down
5094 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE We need DOM reflection of Parser (paste) API...
5095 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA bookmarks | shopping... |dealdeal.com... not loading
5096 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA bookmarks | macintosh resources | ogrady... not loading
5097 nor P3 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Prefenece input box can't handle integer type text
5098 nor P3 Sun rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT An apostrophe looks strange under viewer
5099 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT need to add LANG to nsFont
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
5100 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT need to add charset to nsFont
5101 nor P3 Mac vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bgcolor and Fgcolor javascript properties is not supported.
5102 cri P3 PC phil@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] On Win95, selecting tasks | messenger crashes apprunner
5103 maj P3 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI WORK Total startup failure using M4
5104 nor P3 Sun rickg@netscape.com RESO REMI viewer will core dump if kill is sent ny windowmanager
5106 maj P3 Sun harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL viewer core dumps when resizing during a URL load
5109 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [DOGFOOD] Scrollbars disappear after going back from framese
5110 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE frame displayed out of order after editing
5112 nor P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com RESO WORK I got a gtk menu related crash
5113 nor P3 Sun rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL mozilla does not handle imagemaps correctly
5115 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scroll bar blinks at me until I make different window curren
5118 enh P3 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI DUPL Enable AppleEvents in seamonkey
5121 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK abort on resize
5123 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com CLOS WORK frame shifted to the left
5124 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com CLOS DUPL transparent GIF is not transparent
5125 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Pages containing OPTGROUP elements hang the viewer
5126 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE text or area frames in tables not handling incremntal reflow
5127 nor P2 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Error with JS: window.confirm() method not defined
5128 nor P3 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE code fragment name issue with RDF (Mac)
5129 cri P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI INVA [BLOCKED] Namespace problem with HTML content in XUL
5131 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE SD: Buttons are not being tracked on download dialog
5133 nor P1 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE libpref API should use nsFileSpec
5134 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Sample 10 in viewer crashes
5135 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA Server error when submitted Wallet Information form
5136 nor P2 All pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL Need a color picker in preference UI
5137 nor P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Wallet - Safe Form Fill not working
5138 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL [FEATURE] Pref color button and picker
5139 nor P3 All selmer@netscape.com VERI DUPL Prefs processing needs to handle "netscape.cfg" file
5140 nor P2 All mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need to use matching memory allocation and deallocation meth
5141 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Node.parent should be null for standalone nodes
5144 nor P3 All radha@netscape.com VERI WORK back button doesn't work properly when visiting URLs from a
5145 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK M4 binary crashes when I select Edit|Preferences
5146 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Image alignment not correct {floater}
5147 maj P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]button sequence causes crash
5149 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI INVA Apprunner from the M4 won't start
5150 nor P3 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI WORK Need to have a way to set the widget value dynamically
5153 maj P3 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner blows up if Netscape installed on same machine?
5154 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE ignoring margin-right and margin-bottom on absolutely positi
5155 nor P3 PC donm@netscape.com RESO FIXE NSPR needs to be built as part of the seamonkey build
5156 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE configure should check for broken gmake 3.77
5157 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE the configure gtk and nspr checks should be moved to as earl
5159 nor P1 PC leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Unix build instructions are out of date.
5160 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI INVA configure gtk/glib tests needs to print better feedback when
5162 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]www.redhat.com looks wrong when using mozzila m4
5163 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Feature: <toolbaritem> tag support.
5164 maj P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner Crashes when closed
5165 maj P3 Oth dbragg@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsIProfile.h breaks build; leaves Bool defined when includin
5166 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA table cell height seems too large...
5167 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL pressing space bar in a form causes jump to bottom of page
5168 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK runtime error R6016 on exit
5169 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Wrong TD positioning ( empty space added )
5170 min P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Strange command-line Apprunner behavior
5172 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner crashes at startup
5173 nor P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI WORK M4 hangs on every attempt to view this page.
5174 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK M4: Half-Hidden, Left-Side Scroll Bar
5175 cri P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK ./viewer: error in loading shared libraries
5176 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL M4 results of W3C CSS Test Suite
5177 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL new windows load pages in orginal window
5178 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fixed Background and Text alignment
5180 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE GTK nsWidget gets new look and feel objects in constructor
5182 nor P3 HP waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE build error: HP-UX: nsRDFElement.cpp (and DOM macro)
5183 nor P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE libpref must become threadsafe
5184 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE configure should recheck versions of libs that change often
5185 nor P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Does not display at all or displays wrong
5186 nor P3 Sun leaf@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tinderbox should build with client.mk
5187 cri P1 Mac cathleen@netscape.com VERI INVA SD: After completing download the calling app freezes
5188 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK layout "morphs" from good to bad; very odd
5189 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com RESO FIXE BSDI /bin/sh handles "." differently, prevents configure run
5190 cri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tables - Gecko Crashes When a table is root element
5191 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] url location control bar not working correctly on Linux
5192 maj P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Float CSS directive causes Gecko to crash
5193 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE textarea not working well with carraige returns / newlines
5197 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table problem with specified widths truncating images
5198 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Tables do not align properly
5199 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Stop button/odd blinking cursor
5200 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Layout on zdnet.com looks really sketchy
5201 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE configure: cron job needs to add dependencies
5202 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Mozilla 4-14 version will not launch
5203 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Prefs UI needs to be chromified
5204 cri P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI INVA GPF when attempting to use npmoxctl component
5205 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <P ALIGN="CENTER"> tag
5206 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash loading XUL if stylesheet not found
5207 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Improper
5208 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Space causes submission in M4
5209 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Slashdot doesn't render correctly
5210 nor P3 PC alecf@netscape.com RESO FIXE Missing Library-path in new buildsystem with NSPR-libs (04-1
5211 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL Cursor stays on screen after editor window is closed
5212 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE news.com renders incorrectly
5215 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Crash on loading http://www.real.com
5216 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK table's 2nd column displayed under 1st one
5217 nor P3 All ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]selecting text in location bar causes mouseover on butto
5218 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK table colspan problem - bad space distribution
5219 cri P1 All gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: JS: SRC attribute prevents local file from displaying
5220 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [rdf/xml] parser incorrectly uses default namespace on attri
5221 nor P1 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [xul] bookmarks properties dialog doesn't accept all changes
5225 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK Apostrophe is large and bold for no reason.
5226 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK Double quotes render poorly--blur into each other indistinct
5229 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE pull down menu does not layout properly
5230 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Page won't load with M4
5231 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com CLOS DUPL onchange() event firing incorrectly for Select elements
5232 maj P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Out of align..
5233 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com CLOS WORK Colors are cool
5234 nor P3 PC mcafee@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Error in Makefile widget/src/xpwidgets
5236 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Unix: default font very small
5237 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA There is a layout bug when rendering the paragraphs on this
5238 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Image lacking src attribute yields a crash upon exit
5239 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI WORK SEGV in libraptor.html
5240 min P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI INVA Colour problems in other apps
5241 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Half a scrollbar at left of window
5242 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL 'Black noise' displaying raptor image
5243 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Problems with text wrapping
5244 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Misaligned pictures
5245 maj P1 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Launching URL crashes browser
5246 nor P3 PC edburns@acm.org RESO REMI Building with --enable-oj crashes apprunner on startup
5248 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com RESO FIXE make export in xpidl ignores GLIB_CONFIG and LIBIDL_CONFIG
5250 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI WORK setting document.cookie using javascript causes an abort.
5253 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS2 content: attr(); does not work
5255 maj P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE small caps style problem
5256 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA bogus well-formedness errors wrt javascript in xul (xml?)
5257 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page not rendered at all
5258 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI DUPL Alignment problems with tables
5260 nor P4 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Non-system default fonts used for widgets
5263 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in frame code
5264 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI LATE crash using <input type=image ...>
5266 cri P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in javascript...
5268 nor P2 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE SD: Cancelling a download midway freezes the calling app and
5269 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE every time prefs is viewed the edit menu lengthens
5271 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI INVA menu items have a dot in front of some items
5272 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK width: 50% not working inside table cell
5273 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL menu items getting popualated with duplicate items
5275 maj P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Reload button makes Apprunner crashes
5276 nor P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE request flushing of buffers after a page loads successfully
5281 nor P2 PC nhotta@netscape.com RESO FIXE FE_StrfTime requires improvement
5282 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE 4/19 Apprunner crashes
5283 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE font-size: larger value does not appear to work for 14pt
5285 cri P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL ALIGN field not recognised in <TR>
5286 maj P3 Mac harishd@netscape.com VERI WONT 1 frame not displayed in browser
5287 cri P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK Window errors, eg. scroll bars move to other side of screen,
5288 cri P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Window errors, eg. bookmarks window menus
5290 maj P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Preferences UI messed up native GTK+
5291 maj P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Preferences UI messed up native GTK+
5292 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Dialogs must behave as transient windows
5293 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WONT Loading local html page crashes VB5
5294 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI WORK frame targets wrong when viewed within VB5 program
5295 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK animated gif's stop animating
5296 nor P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com RESO FIXE Build issues with the Chrome project on Macintosh
5300 nor P2 PC dougt@netscape.com RESO FIXE DOS drives (at root level) fail when asked IsDirectory()
5301 nor P3 Oth mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE Errors in Math.round();
5304 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE assume 96dpi in GFX/GTK font module
5305 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL my.netscape.com gives strange console output
5306 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Forms: lxr freaks out when you try to search
5307 nor P2 All bobj@netscape.com VERI DUPL Need Multilingual Bookmark/History
5308 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Windows: vertical Japanese fonts used by default
5309 nor P1 Mac morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Edit - Wallet - Samples not functional on Macintosh
5310 nor P1 All cyeh@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build Date not showing up in seamonkey builds
5311 nor P1 All cyeh@netscape.com VERI DUPL Build Date not showing up in seamonkey builds
5312 maj P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE History date format needs to be localizable
5314 nor P2 All erik@netscape.com CLOS Accept-Charset for form is not implement.
5316 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} Need Open Page in Editor
5317 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} Open Page in browser followed by editor doesn't lo
5318 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Copy-on-write stylesheet manager required
5319 nor P2 PC rogerl@netscape.com VERI FIXE PP: apprunner crashes on prefs file with commented out pref
5320 enh P3 PC slamm@netscape.com RESO FIXE client.mk: Need easy way to pull by date.
5322 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI WORK hitting Enter yields 2 line breaks
5324 maj P3 Mac mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Following link while text is selected crashes Apprunner
5325 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL page is loaded into wrong browser
5336 nor P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Linux: Selection owner is tied to last-created window
5339 nor P2 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE hitting OK button give assert
5340 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser hangs
5342 enh P3 Mac jj@netscape.com RESO FIXE Perl errors are not reflected in Tinderbox error log
5343 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP] Focus unresponsive to cursor scrolling
5346 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Some html tags in a <pre> zone change the preformat layout
5347 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page crashes when URL entered without trailing slash
5348 cri P3 HP mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE HP-UX build bustage in nsFileSpec
5350 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL space bar has detrimental effects
5352 blo P3 All beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE navigator.javaEnabled() is always false
5353 nor P1 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Open New Window opens a browser window that barely redraws
5354 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsDLL leak in nsComponentManagerImpl::AutoRegisterComponent(
5355 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE when reloading this xul document, the external style sheet i
5357 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE nested blockquotes do not display as Nav4
5359 maj P3 PC dp@netscape.com RESO WORK crash on startup after dso mtime change (delete registry wor
5360 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL spacebar in the editor scrolls selection to the top
5361 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Site crashes on Win 95, Mac8.5 and Linux. Loads on Win N
5362 nor P3 Oth leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE Problem with install.bat file in the current winTools.zip ar
5363 cri P2 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Application crashes when selecting any of the test cases
5364 nor P3 PC fur@netscape.com VERI INVA
5366 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA
5367 nor P1 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Some pages sometimes do not load.
5368 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE Mac format files mess up JavaScript
5371 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table is duplicated
5372 min P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Large Icons in Bookmarks Editor
5373 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK crash trying to load navigator.xul into the viewer
5374 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frameset borders leave traces
5375 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE No vertical scrollbar if 'floated table' and marginheight=0
5378 maj P2 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE StartInstall passes parameters incorrectly
5379 cri P1 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Object tag not working for OJI -- Applet does not load
5380 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE middle-mouse should do "paste" in the editor
5381 cri P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE infinite loop printing WARNING: max-element-size
5382 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSS crash on securemed.com
5385 cri P1 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Configure aborts on Solaris 5.7
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
5386 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA DOM: HTMLElement.className implementation doesn't match DOM
5387 maj P2 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE links in floats don't act like links
5388 nor P3 PC sspitzer@netscape.com VERI FIXE with viewer, we are creating a "preferences.js" file when a
5389 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE crash on apprunner startup and crash on loading XUL in viewe
5390 maj P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK dynamically writing style sheet information with JavaScript
5391 nor P3 Sun nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE [Necko] xml-stylesheet PI with incorrect 'href' value core d
5392 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK JS-swappable rollover images initialized to white square in
5394 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE XUL window property onunload not fire at all
5395 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI INVA Netscape 4.5 ActiveX plug-in support error
5398 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI WORK can't click on links in http://www.onsale.com
5399 enh P5 Sun kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {feature} Incremental reflow causes a repaint of the entire
5400 nor P3 Sun peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK The computed Style impact on an AttributeChanged is sometime
5401 nor P3 All verah@netscape.com VERI FIXE Post M5 RELEASE NOTE ITEMS in this bug
5402 cri P2 Mac tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac menus DON'T display Unicode correctly
5404 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Paser ignores Unicode conversion error
5405 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Horrible layout bug
5409 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Message appears twice
5410 nor P1 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL Frame redrawing does not occur
5411 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Repeated re-display causes crash
5412 cri P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Javascript URLs don't seem to work
5414 nor P3 PC saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL Double submenu items
5415 nor P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpt_link fails on multiple interfaces with nsid of zero
5417 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Double submenu items
5419 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI WORK Typing space in a form takes you to bottom of page
5420 cri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Wallet is busted!
5422 cri P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK crash in the table code on this page
5423 cri P1 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] can't type into url bar
5426 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM: HTMLBaseElement is not seen by DOM
5429 maj P3 PC edburns@acm.org RESO FIXE Java Console menu item is not hooked up with the OJI plug-in
5430 nor P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI INVA Test of Status Changes
5431 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Cannot handle the error content
5432 cri P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE mozilla on linux will not compile!
5433 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Install.exe should install the build you specified
5436 blo P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] command line arg "-url" doesn't work.
5437 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE iframe/frame visibility:hidden not working
5438 blo P3 Mac tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac HTML buttons don't display Unicode correctly
5439 maj P3 Mac tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac HTML/JS popup menus don't display Unicode correctly
5443 cri P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK [BLOCK] Window.open() method Crashes Viewer.
5445 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4x.P] table width=0 vs. width=0%
5447 cri P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE apprunner crashes on any XUL that has ENTITYs
5448 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE
5453 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK {css1} Floating images overlap when viewport is narrow
5454 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Tables and trees don't work inside boxes
5455 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE background-position and enumerated values
5456 nor P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsFileSpec string based constructors must take native paths
5457 nor P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsFileSpec += operand does not work correctly on Mac
5459 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE libjpeg, libpng functions don't resolve since ImageLib 2 che
5460 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE DL-inside-UL-inside-DL loses indentation
5461 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner won't load
5462 cri P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI INVA Viewer.exe won't load
5463 maj P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL screen.width returns -1 on M4
5464 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE repeated history entries in sidebar
5465 cri P3 All leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE web page errors
5469 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL line wrapping problems with negative inline element margins
5470 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE When click reload button in one window, see barber pole in b
5472 cri P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE multi-frame doc with JavaScript enters infinite loop (doc lo
5473 enh P3 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Change to nsSpecialSystemDirectory
5478 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Linux: Filter support for nsIFileWidget not implemented
5479 nor P3 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Mac: Filter support for nsIFileWidget not implemented
5481 nor P3 Oth waqar@netscape.com RESO WORK make on AIX 4.2 failed
5482 cri P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI WORK Access Violation when processing OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE
5483 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI DUPL LEAK: every widget created including the toplevel widget
5484 nor P1 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE 1999-04-26-08 verification build dies when throbber is click
5485 nor P3 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE IE favourites folder not correctly determined
5486 maj P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] - clicking in document selects text and crashes app
5487 min P2 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE window title is blank for pages with no title tags ...
5488 min P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE iso-8859-2 charset not rendered correctly
5489 tri P3 PC davidm@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] upon opening local file, window size is wrong
5490 maj P1 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE multiple BROWSER windows garbled, cause eventual crash
5491 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Javascript error in Navigator.xul
5494 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] mac, linux only: textareas don't have scrollbars
5496 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] linux only: words broken across two lines ...
5497 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] windows only: delete key not working
5499 nor P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL opening local file results in graphic defects in new window
5500 nor P3 PC saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE If last menu item is a submenu, then you get double menus
5501 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] Apprunner crashes after second page load of www.real
5504 maj P1 Mac sgehani@netscape.com RESO FIXE SD: Silent downloads should not require SDI_HandleEvent to b
5505 nor P2 Mac mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash clicking on throbber in apprunner
5506 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunnner hangs on altavista page load
5508 min P2 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE prefs50.js line-endings differ from 4.x
5509 nor P2 PC saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE debug | viewer demos has 2x expected menu items
5511 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI INVA Prefs: External HTML source default is C:\My Documents
5512 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL blinking scrollbar
5515 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL document jumps to the bottom when adding a space
5516 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE tiny boxes get added after inserting space
5517 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash after hitting carriage return in text.
5523 min P3 Oth karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK bsquare.com blue "Home" graphic is misaligned and "Site High
5524 maj P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK clock not updating properly.
5526 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL seattle.sidewalk.com is rendered horribly: misaligned tables
5527 nor P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor is not able to accumulate successive Japanese input
5528 maj P5 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} sun.com page has unexpected purple lines showing be
5529 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Line break-Cannot break line between different attribute cha
5530 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Line break-Cannot break line between different attribute cha
5531 cri P1 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash removing text attributes
5532 nor P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Line break-Cannot break line between Beginning exeption char
5534 cri P1 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE BLOCK: Large libpref string causes dialogs to crash on Linux
5535 maj P1 All law@netscape.com VERI DUPL [CRASH] file|open can lead to a crash
5536 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't use Keyboard arrorw to edit
5539 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA windowsmedia.microsoft.com has minor layout problems
5540 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL msnbc.com's GO icon does nothing
5541 min P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Win32 URL text field is too short; descenders are trunc
5543 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Comment nodes in the content model contain markup delimeters
5544 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Comment nodes in the content model contain markup delimeters
5546 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clicking GO icon on underwire.msn.com front page does nothin
5549 nor P3 Mac pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mozilla banner is not displayed
5550 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL "Image Credits" text is wrong font, size, and color on under
5552 cri P3 Sun pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: all image decoders
5554 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Nested quotes and generated content
5555 maj P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PATCH] mozilla/client.mk checkout target broken
5556 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI DUPL Delete and arrow keys do not work when in a field of a form
5557 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK tables display like <br> for each data item
5558 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE javascript error: frame has no properties
5559 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE floating text overlaps image
5560 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] CornerView displays garbage
5564 nor P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE nslocale.dll: remove RegisterComponent() calls
5565 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE cleanup - lwbrk.dll & unicharutil.dll: remove RegisterCompon
5566 nor P3 Mac jj@netscape.com VERI FIXE 4.27.99 Mac builds lacks Spiffy New Icon Resources
5567 nor P3 All erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE strres.dll: remove RegisterComponent() calls
5568 nor P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE u*.dll: remove RegisterComponent() calls
5575 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL GTK error message at startup
5576 nor P1 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Null pointer read loading prefs
5577 cri P2 PC dougt@netscape.com RESO FIXE GetFolder: Plugins target folder crashes
5579 cri P2 PC dougt@netscape.com RESO WORK GetFolder: Crash when "Current User" is target folder
5580 cri P2 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI INVA GetFolder: Crash when using "NetHelp" as target folder
5590 nor P1 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bringing up InsertLink dialog without clicking in the edit w
5591 nor P3 Mac rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Problems with 'Show clipboard' functionality
5593 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE clicking in white space selects nearest link
5594 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Location bar does not accept arrow key input
5598 nor P2 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI DUPL Prefs need default values
5601 nor P3 All erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsIStringBundle not working
5602 cri P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Strange uninitialized variable will give unpredictable behav
5606 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in nsDTDContext::GetStyles
5607 nor P1 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Sidebar horked on Mac
5610 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Extra padding below <IMG> inside of an <A>
5611 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Line break within </A> tag breaks link handling
5612 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Doesn't run with IE 5.0 / Netscape 4.51 ???
5613 nor P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE When i push the "print" button Mozilla crash.
5614 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Mozilla crash everytime when i intend to use some of Back, F
5616 nor P3 PC leger@netscape.com CLOS INVA Test Bug
5617 cri P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash when install with JRE
5618 cri P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL leaving a frameset page like the one above yields a crash
5619 nor P4 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE At launch, Gecko's chrome and content aren't synchronized
5620 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE regression: setting text attributes doesn't display change u
5621 maj P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE first-letter bugaboo
5622 cri P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI INVA Test Bug
5625 nor P2 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE Regression with images in object tag
5626 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL BLOCK crash when viewing hotbot after hotwired
5628 nor P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI WORK Preferences are not persistent
5630 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Performance] bookmarks reads file one char at a time.
5632 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Toolbars in sidebar don't collapse
5634 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI INVA Find dialog doesn't go away when close button is pressed.
5635 nor P3 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Find dialog size doesn't fit its content.
5636 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WORK style applying broken in today's build
5637 cri P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE releasing RDF observers in destructor
5638 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL text jumping behavior after hitting return in front of line
5639 nor P3 Sun leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE Typo in run-mozilla.sh script
5640 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL can't enter text between two lines
5641 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE selection problems
5642 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE hitting backspace kicks in a big cursor before text
5643 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in initial layout of empty framesets
5644 maj P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Character Set menu does not work in Frame
5645 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE applying style to H1 text gives an extra char at the end
5661 nor P3 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE Solaris: Apprunner crashes on startup (xptcall)
5663 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Copy and paste of entities does not work.
5664 maj P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI WORK [CRASH] Opening HTML file causes Apprunner to crash
5670 cri P2 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner crashes on launch after installing oji using MRJ 2
5671 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsXPIDL[C]String uses C++ allocator, not nsIAllocator, to al
5673 cri P1 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash - Reloading this page causes Apprunner crashes
5674 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clipboard is hosed by bringing up a dialog
5675 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash - OpenBlockingStream is returning the wrong value
5677 maj P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Test cases for HTMLObjectElement are crashing on the Mac
5678 maj P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE LC_MESSAGES is undefined on BSD/OS
5679 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE idlc-generated XPConnect glue leaks
5680 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertion in background rendering code (image tiling)
5682 nor P1 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Error in Expat Tokenizer does not stop parsing process
5683 nor P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE check for count > 0 before alloc?
5684 min P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsGenericContainerElement::GetAttribute out param wrong and
5686 nor P3 Oth jdunn@netscape.com RESO FIXE Build on AIX failed on little c-error
5688 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK list bullets problems for blocks within inlines
5689 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI LATE resizing window collapses sidebar
5690 maj P1 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE opening local file displays nothing
5692 nor P2 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Using Build 1999042808, "Alerts" causes graphics glitch.
5694 maj P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] mac os apprunner draws bad window at launch
5695 nor P1 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] Repeated clicks on "Sidebar Reload" crashes browser
5696 nor P2 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner AppleEvent dictionaries need cleaning up
5697 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} Indent/Outdent doesn't function
5699 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} no outdent button on UI
5700 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI WORK can't change font color, face, and size from UI
5703 nor P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE Apprunner should support the GetURL() appleevent
5706 maj P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Keyboard navigation (left, right arrow keys) not moving I-cu
5710 nor P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE file | open only allows for opening files, not pages
5711 maj P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] crash when drawing or closing pop-up ad on netcenter
5713 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bold etc buttons don't toggle the style off as well as on.
5714 nor P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE View source cut/paste problem
5715 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI INVA HTML 4 LEGEND does not observe CSS Font and Border attribs
5717 nor P3 Mac jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Apprunner crashs after clicking the Editor's close box.
5718 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI WONT UTF8 editing does not show Japanese correctly
5720 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE In Editor, pressing the space bar will cause I-beam cursor t
5723 maj P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE parser strip out Unicode U+xx00 from html attribute
5724 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE editor needs focus first before Ctrl-A or Select All can wor
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
5725 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE document layout incorrect. Parser error?
5727 cri P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mozilla from the Thu Apr 29 CVS will not compile!
5729 blo P1 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE window.open opens multiple windows with the same window name
5731 blo P3 Oth jevering@netscape.com VERI DUPL Need a time stamp output to measure performance on Linux.
5732 maj P4 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Collapsed toolbars cannot be un-collapsed
5733 nor P3 Oth briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE conditionally install libxpconnect.so into components dir
5734 maj P2 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE After inserting a Image, selecting undo causes a crash.
5735 nor P3 All jband@netscape.com RESO FIXE [xpc] no way to eliminate JSContexts from the context map
5737 blo P1 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hard to identify when page finished loading;need document.do
5738 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mac menu do not display '('
5739 nor P1 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE The browser window title changes very often
5740 nor P2 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]menu item randomly disable in long menu.
5741 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bookmarks->Add Bookmark doesn't work.
5742 cri P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash -loading this page causes Apprunner crashes
5743 blo P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE A time stamp for page load needed.
5744 nor P3 PC jband@netscape.com VERI DUPL [E] FMM: Freeing mismatched memory in free {6 occurrences}
5745 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selected text should appear in Link Source field.
5747 maj P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE illegal bytes in the first byte of docuemnt cause hang in do
5748 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE In Editor, a link is inserted even though no URL was specifi
5749 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK an image of 1 pixel high in a TD does not make TD area 1 px
5750 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE In Editor,I-beam cursor loses focus after user clicks on too
5751 maj P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Character Set menu does not work in no meta euc-tw page
5754 nor P3 PC shuang@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Location Bar border changes color.
5758 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor redraws twice on each keypress
5759 maj P1 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [table] incremental reflow assertion setting cell text via d
5762 maj P2 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner crashes on this particular page reflow (2 broken i
5763 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Forms overlaid/leave bitgunk upon reflow on Mac
5764 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI WONT Algorithm for finding alternate text for broken images
5766 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Scrolling pages with TEXT/TEXTAREA fields munges toolba
5767 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table cell (<td align="center">) don´t format page properly.
5768 maj P3 DEC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build fails on Digital Unix
5769 min P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incorrect syntax in PostScript font .h files
5770 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Patch so Mozilla builds on FreeBSD with gcc
5771 nor P1 PC law@netscape.com VERI DUPL Error message on launch: SUnMAPLS_IP_EBP_16 could not be loc
5772 nor P3 All erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE need to remove the 4-byte version of PRUnichar
5774 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI INVA update xul datasource
5775 maj P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {compat} JPEG images not seamlessly spaced
5777 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE using ctrl keys to apply style yields a vertical line on lef
5778 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE forgot to release prefs service in dpi prefs check-in
5779 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL file | close does nothing
5782 maj P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE A crash occurs after positioning the cursor before the first
5783 enh P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Need handler for mime type text/css
5784 nor P1 All mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsFileSpec needs a COM analog.
5786 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE In Editor, Cut is working without a selection.
5790 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE XML parsing is incorrect when a table is root element
5796 nor P2 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash closing editor window
5797 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO FIXE Cell width calculation problem, when specified cell width is
5800 cri P1 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE A crash occurs when clicking either OK or Cancel in Link Sou
5801 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com RESO FIXE Setting the style to same as before through DOM causes a ref
5803 maj P3 Sun briano@netscape.com VERI DUPL CVS from Fri Apr 30 will not compile because of PNG problem.
5805 cri P1 Sun slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Solaris apprunner crashes on startup
5806 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: the editor is leaked.
5809 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE GFX dropdowns over text fields paint incorrectly
5813 enh P3 All don@netscape.com VERI FIXE [RFE] XUL files not loaded in a separate window anymore
5817 maj P2 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unix: Euro symbol is not displayed
5818 nor P3 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA problems setting properties via DOM over other properties
5819 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL amazon.com's title bar has extra white space and is not cent
5822 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL GO icons show white corners, not background color, on barnes
5823 blo P3 Sun don@netscape.com VERI DUPL JS related crash on startup of apprunner from CVS
5825 maj P3 Sun pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL GIF89 images only animate one cycle.
5827 nor P3 Sun kipp@netscape.com RESO WORK Text is getting drawn over images in CVS version of viewer
5828 min P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE after loading page, 'transferring data...' remains in window
5829 cri P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE ImageLib 2 breaks OBJECT images
5830 min P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WONT missing images with no alt tags display with truncated names
5831 nor P1 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK crash Win95 on loading several non-existing image in certain
5834 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL bug with image layout
5835 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Width of table cols in <TD> ignored in Gecko M4
5836 cri P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cyrillic does not display correctly, if charset not defined.
5837 min P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Highlight bug on build 1999042908
5838 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Problems with rtl tables
5840 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Javascript gives "Unable to locate host ."
5841 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE modules/libimg/png contains outdated pngconf.h
5842 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI INVA native-libpng builds compile with Mozilla libpng header file
5844 maj P2 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when closing preferences window
5845 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA weird div background color behavior
5846 enh P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE {compat} Quirk: </BR> tag (?) not supported
5848 nor P3 PC edburns@acm.org RESO FIXE oji does not build when the nspr-version of the tree is used
5850 cri P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE apprunner only frames crash
5851 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mozilla includes 6 extra pixels of table spacing over other
5852 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE document.getElementById('foo_id').selectedIndex returns nega
5853 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE A bookmark's title vanishes as soon as you visit its URL
5854 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL ftp://ftp.mozilla.org crashes
5856 nor P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI INVA javascript rounding bug
5857 nor P2 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Toolbar example has no toolbar buttons or crashes
5858 maj P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Wont' display the PNG!
5859 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {ib} Floating of <FONT><P><IMG> alongside <TABLE ALIGN=LEFT>
5860 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com CLOS FIXE [4.xP] GIF does not serve as link
5862 min P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE %{C++ block that begins an XPIDL file does not get to .h
5863 nor P3 PC leger@netscape.com CLOS WORK Apprunner crashes on startup
5869 cri P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI INVA Apprunner crashes when add preferences to test profile manag
5870 blo P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash Closing Editor after typing text
5872 nor P3 PC mang@subcarrier.org RESO FIXE xpidl can't keep track of line numbers
5874 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Only the first editor window works properly
5875 nor P3 PC rogerl@netscape.com VERI FIXE eval anomality
5876 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA javascript error message on 2 table regression tests
5877 maj P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL Unhandled exception in apprunner.exe
5880 maj P2 Oth saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Linux- default Character Set menu does not fit in Window
5882 nor P3 Oth fur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't build on AIX due to JS_HAS_LONG_LONG not being defined
5884 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: crash going to netcenter's small business page
5885 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Combo box goes under the frame
5888 maj P1 All dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Binary compatibility with COM broken
5889 cri P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash on all platforms at www.zdnet.com
5890 nor P3 Sun syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Solaris viewer does not use screen's palette line Netscape 4
5891 nor P3 Sun mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL Solaris apprunner crashes on (first !?) startup
5892 min P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE debugging problems in run-mozilla.sh
5895 nor P3 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL [Verification] Warner Bros. site is crashing Linux
5896 nor P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner crash on close
5897 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WORK Browser terminates when submitting a form
5898 enh P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpidl rejects -Ifoo, only accepts -I foo
5899 min P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpidl finds target file in -I include path
5900 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} Images composed of two separate parts show white bo
5901 maj P3 DEC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpidl_idl.c fails to compile
5903 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Multiple returns in a paragraph get collapsed.
5904 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI INVA apprunner -P profilename uses last profile not profilename
5906 min P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE location control shows 'http://' if bad link followed
5907 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner -CreateProfile profilename puts profile in x86rel
5910 nor P2 All racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE prefs file should be named "prefs.js" not "prefs50.js"
5911 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Multiple RDF data sources in menus don't work
5912 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor doesn't correctly refresh Japanese input
5914 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA radio buttons and checkboxes
5915 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to move JavaScript out of navigator.xul
5917 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI INVA Change menu item name to "Aurora"
5919 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't directly use ctrl keys to revert style (chrome focus)
5920 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO WORK submitting form in frame sends apprunner in infinite loop
5923 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK image fails to render; is displayed as ALT text instead
5924 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE XIF: Comments in HTML documents are output as content
5925 cri P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash: http://www.elpais.es crashes
5926 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Makefile in the CVS causes error message from configure
5928 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Keyboard entries: Alt -0128, -0134, -0153, -0159 not display
5931 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Underscore character "_" not visible in location bar
5932 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Don't export libxpconnect.so for unsupported platforms
5935 cri P3 PC cyeh@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to add M build to the end of the directory names
5936 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL SELECT onChange JavaScript hanlder doesn't work right
5937 blo P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL onChange handler for SELECT form element not working
5940 maj P3 Sun waterson@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash in nsUnicharStreamLoader
5942 nor P1 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE prefs50.js not found on Linux
5943 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE TABLEs with 'width' attribute cannot be centered
5945 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL onchange handler on SELECT element fires at wrong time
5946 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK [4.xP] Incorrectly displaying table layout
5947 maj P1 Mac mccabe@netscape.com VERI DUPL Preferences are not read on Mozilla Mac
5949 blo P1 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]demo blocker -Frequent resizing of window causes apprunn
5950 nor P3 Mac beppe@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] XPConnect on Mac
5952 maj P3 All dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Startup performance: RegisterComponent() needs optimization
5953 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [MLK] leaking literals from RDF table
5954 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL View| Default Character Set menu items greyed out
5957 maj P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE purify reports UMR in range code
5962 nor P3 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash at end of profile manager..
5964 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP]Multiple links in a table cell points to first link
5966 cri P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE intermittent infinite loop in range code
5967 maj P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL window title displays garbage if in non-western script
5968 nor P3 PC scullin@netscape.com RESO FIXE Lots of warnings in nsVector.h
5969 tri P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL performance issue with animated gifs
5970 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE view | default character set should read 'character set'
5972 min P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL back button and frames - goes to main page, not back 1 level
5973 tri P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Poor rendering of underlines
5975 maj P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sizing of SELECT element incorrect when inside <box> </box>
5976 cri P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clicking ok in link dialog crashes
5977 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL Caret turds
5978 maj P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE "window.navigator.plugins[i].name" returns plugin filename i
5979 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE unit test reveals error
5982 nor P3 All radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL URL bar doesn't update until page is completely loaded
5983 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Enter Key Does not work on login in Netscape, but works in I
5984 nor P3 PC paulmac@netscape.com VERI FIXE test
5985 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Linefeeds not appended on textarea form submits
5986 min P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Selecting small-caps text calculates incorrectly
5989 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK Table cells containing only an image as a link do not link
5990 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selection is not reset after block-level DOM changes
5992 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI WORK window.[any object bar] returns undefined. [not any more]
5993 blo P1 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKED] ender-nsHTMLInputElement has a pointer to nsIWidge
5994 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE unable to change style w/ js is style is set on object
5996 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI WORK Link "area" for image extends across page
5997 maj P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Suppress mouse over link cursor in editor
5999 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {float} Image within table is truncated
6001 nor P3 Mac cpratt@netscape.com VERI INVA Eli files too many bugs
6002 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA test bug filing...
6003 nor P3 PC alecf@netscape.com RESO FIXE 'g++ -Wsign-compare' doesn't work in g++
6004 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Memoware won't load with 5/5/99 Mozilla
6005 cri P1 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash closing window
6006 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Animated GIFs hit server every time they loop
6007 maj P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Resizing window completely screws up form widgets
6008 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Lists do not display incrementally
6009 min P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Table in button error in example 8. (Forms)
6010 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner crashed
6012 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Error with text selection in example 6:Table stress test
6013 nor P3 Oth rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE Bug in mozilla/base/src/nsStr.cpp
6015 cri P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK Redhat 5.2 gtk warning, undefined symbol
6016 nor P2 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]apprunner crash during page resize/repaint
6017 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: apprunner fails assert() in network/main/mkgeturl.c w
6018 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL back button doesn't seem to work
6020 nor P3 PC drapeau@eng.sun.com RESO FIXE Unable to load java applet using file:
6022 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner with no parameters creates prefs50.js in x86rel di
6024 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE preferences - advanced | proxy has bad radio buttons
6025 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Preference UI crashes as soon as OK or CANCEL is pressed
6026 cri P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE M5 Apprunner/Viewer die just after page begins to render.
6027 maj P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Cancelling download causes system to hang
6028 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrolling slashdot.org with keyboard is jerky
6030 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL 'Venetian blinds' on slashdot.org
6033 nor P3 Oth vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE accessing ownerDocument on attribute node stops script runni
6034 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI INVA History Entries duplicate in sidebar
6035 nor P3 Oth nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA Can't render XML spec
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
6036 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI INVA [SD] Advanced button does not work
6037 nor P2 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE core dump: Trying to configure proxy server.
6038 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Change start page for Apprunner to smoke tests
6040 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Travelocity rendered incorrectly
6041 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Long menus don't scroll on Linux client
6042 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] UI screen telling user installation about to start not
6043 cri P1 PC tague@netscape.com RESO FIXE linux apprunner crashes on startup
6044 tri P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE Strongly spelled incorrectly on first screen of wizard
6045 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incomplete cleanup in failure case in IL_GetImage
6046 nor P3 Oth nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL document::doctype not implemented
6049 cri P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI DUPL PROXY causes core dump
6050 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com CLOS WORK Tables resize on mouse over
6051 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Some links on this page don't activate
6054 tri P3 Oth gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL User-agent value is wrong
6055 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE in Textarea and text boxes arrow keys don't work
6056 nor P2 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] Form displaced laterally
6057 tri P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE moz_get_debugger in run-mozilla.sh only looks for ddd
6060 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE multi-mail accounts Need prefs framework for dynamically gen
6065 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA Linux: JPN Character set menu non-functional
6066 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scroll bar disappears when you shrink window
6067 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL The blinking scroll bar handle drives me nuts
6068 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE The debug Viewer Demo #6 (nested tables) doesn't display pro
6069 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Node::ownerDocument should be null for a Document
6070 cri P3 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL Segfault (not sure why)
6074 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI LATE Infinite length progressive JPEG
6076 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sure-fire way to crash apprunner with preferences dialog
6078 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL up and down keys in scroll doesn't work
6079 nor P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Doesn't seem to like stop button
6080 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL placement of forms widgets messes up when window scrolled
6081 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK mozilla.org banner image does not show
6083 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE XIF: table border attributes output garbage.
6084 nor P3 All rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Lack of error handling in nsIFileWidget calls
6086 nor P2 Oth joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mouse-over link doesn't show all URL types in status bar
6087 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrolling: Mouse, Up/Down arrows, and PgUp/PgDn not same
6088 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Links on the side-buttons are broken
6090 nor P3 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI DUPL userAgent/appVersion strings on NT reports Win95 instead of
6091 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Problems with Graphical Links
6092 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL document.write() writes out statements twice in M5
6093 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL lists get confused by H1 tags
6094 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser causes segfault (+stacktrace)
6095 nor P3 Oth jdunn@netscape.com RESO WORK missing -lpthreads and crash at startup
6096 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Crashes mozilla-apprunner when encountering location.
6098 nor P3 Sun mcafee@netscape.com RESO WORK Solaris: First-time startup dumps core, nsSpecialFileSpec
6104 nor P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpidl -m typelib requires resolution of fwd decls
6106 maj P1 Mac waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Get Message functionality fails in the 1999-05-07-M6 bui
6107 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Attempt to display local file results in blank window
6108 cri P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI LATE With M5, the screen isnt being drawn properly, is inordinate
6109 tri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bullet offset to right
6111 cri P3 Mac cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]In Mac Ender, clicking on Insert Image or Link icons res
6112 nor P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA XML document does not display page - only renders code
6115 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE nfs:-URLs not supported
6116 nor P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE AddSubcomponent: Cannot add relative path to target name
6118 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI INVA <input type="file"> control doesn't use parent's context
6121 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com RESO FIXE JS code to sort XML list worked in Preview 1 but fails silen
6122 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Alignment problem with fixed width tables
6124 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL Default namespace causes no document display
6125 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]DOMImplementation::hasFeature returning true for all ver
6126 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Does not number LI tags correctly in OL list.
6128 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner rebuilt 1999-05-09 (does not dump core any more)
6129 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Keyboard keys do not functions correctly in text input widge
6130 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Image map on home page does not work
6132 cri P2 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL No links are functional when present in left- or right-align
6134 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL M5 won't start on slackware linux 2.6
6135 cri P3 PC amusil@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Crash on nsPluginsDirWin.cpp
6136 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Links within DejaNews articles don't work
6137 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mozilla vexes server with "Bad Request"
6138 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL The M5 build for Win32 does not handle the white-house kids
6139 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE File -> New -> Blank page crashes in PICS.DLL on Win32
6140 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL cell seperation when not intended @ sonique.com
6142 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Reload bug
6143 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {inc} Flow around Chico seal not correct
6146 min P3 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL scrolling using arrow keys messy
6147 cri P3 Mac trudelle@netscape.com VERI WORK Window reinlargement problems
6148 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE block element closed too soon
6149 maj P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Links not functional in left/right aligned tables
6150 maj P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} HTML's align != CSS' text-align
6151 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL label's background style is messed up
6152 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOM should return HTML Element::tagName, etc., as uppercase
6153 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Stylesheets do not change size
6154 tri P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE engine not defined error
6155 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE centered table underflows when viewport less than table widt
6156 nor P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpidl dependency on libxpt broken
6157 maj P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA Submitting an Archie query causes strange browser behavior (
6158 maj P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE align attribute causes image links to malfunction
6159 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE checked attribute on checkboxes returns the opposite of what
6160 maj P3 Sun dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [patch] build fix for nsProxyEventPrivate.h
6161 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE <frame>-tag: marginheight/marginwidth-properties are ignored
6162 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL incorrect placement of centered tables
6163 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK <spacer> in tables ignored?
6164 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: cannot follow link 'interactive chart' on bigcharts
6165 maj P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL Mozilla M5 GPFs on startup.
6166 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Ignoring alternate text of "" and using filename instead
6167 cri P3 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA Failure to load
6168 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH, BLOCK] Submitting a form crashes browser
6169 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <FONT><SELECT></FONT><OPTION>: Nav 4 compatibility
6170 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL can't set cookie
6172 min P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Paste in password textbox
6173 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK LABELed form text invisible if transparent GIF img input app
6177 cri P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL 5/10 build gets frequent but Random start-up crashes in rapt
6178 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE changing text attributes add null="null">
6179 nor P3 Mac akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bad wrapping in saved HTML
6180 nor P3 Mac akkana@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Saved files on Mac have UNIX line breaks
6184 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE alogrithm for allocating extra space to auto width colums in
6185 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE strange things happen with Iframe still
6186 nor P3 PC syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [pp]Modal windows don't work
6187 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE PRE element: spaces are not honored
6188 nor P3 All warren@netscape.com VERI INVA Netlib returns NS_FALSE on errors
6189 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK PRE element: hard returns are not honored
6190 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE PRE element: width attribute is not honored
6191 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE M5 Mozilla halts after OKing a change in Bookmark Properties
6192 blo P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL DOGFOOD - PP Form submission moves widgets around
6194 nor P2 PC mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsFileSpec shouldn't accept UNIX path
6195 cri P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI INVA Apprunner crashes on startup under NT 4.0 SP5
6196 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI WORK The left hand frame is completely dead.
6199 maj P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE &#13; entity not expanded correctly
6200 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI INVA Displaying the tables and frames on this page is all jumbled
6201 nor P3 PC beppe@netscape.com VERI WORK ASP pages running on Personal Web Server do not work consist
6203 nor P2 PC norris@netscape.com VERI WORK rhino: can't find default value for some objects
6204 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI INVA onMouseOver event not properly working on page using JavaScr
6205 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA
6206 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI WORK Page will not display at all
6207 maj P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL
6208 nor P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Key events need to be converted to Unicode before propagatio
6211 enh P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI REMI View Markup Errors wanted
6213 nor P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to get the offset in the node under the mouse cursor
6215 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL OnSubmit method not getting called
6217 nor P3 All scc@netscape.com RESO FIXE DOM generated code should use nsCOMPtr instead of NS_DEF_PTR
6221 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com RESO FIXE M5: progress bar doesn't stop turning after page is loaded
6222 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL M5: page turn function on preso template fails to load new p
6223 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL table background colour ``leaks''
6224 nor P3 Oth danm@netscape.com CLOS INVA XUL: Can't use '&' in toolbar button URL
6225 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Default namespace preventing display of images in XML docume
6227 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE Not all links clickable
6228 nor P3 Oth karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bugzilla gives me different query results (vs. 4.51)
6231 min P3 PC german@netscape.com VERI DUPL Opening local files spawns a new window
6232 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE JavaScript not working, producing strange results...
6233 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} nested font tags badly parsed
6234 tri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com CLOS WORK image positioned unprecisely
6235 tri P3 DEC erik@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mozilla leaves too much space after apostrophes
6237 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Images improperly aligned - Javascript coordinates off
6240 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL toolbars
6241 nor P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI INVA IsDataFlavorSupported needs to check native clipboard
6242 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE pressing <return> doesn't display a new line in plain text m
6246 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Styled text is offset leftwards, only on Mac OS
6247 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE incorrect table layout
6249 nor P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI WONT Strange problem with AREA / IMG tag displaying in browser
6250 blo P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK DOGFOOD - tinderbox doesn't show names in guilty column
6254 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com RESO REMI (feature) Find/Replace needs to be implemented
6257 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com RESO LATE (feature) Publishing needs to be implemented
6260 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI INVA XIF: (feature) I18N support needs to be implemented
6261 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE (feature) insert/remove style sheet needs to be implemented
6263 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI INVA (feature) IME support needs to be implemented
6265 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI INVA (feature) Menu item support needs to be implemented
6266 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE (feature) Edit page needs to be implemented
6267 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL (feature) Color properties/picker needs to be implemented
6268 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL (feature) Color properties/picker needs to be implemented
6269 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE (feature) Hrul properties needs to be implemented
6271 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE (feature) Insert/Paste HTML needs to be implemented
6272 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE (feature) Insert Table needs to be implemented
6273 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL (feature) Decrease/increaseindent needs to be implemented
6274 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE (feature) change alignment needs to be implemented
6275 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE (feature) bulleted/numbered list needs to be implemented
6277 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE (feature) spellcheck features needs to be implemented
6279 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI WORK (feature) Apply/Remove fonts needs to be implemented
6280 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI WORK (feature) image properties needs to be implemented
6282 nor P3 Oth karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL content of table cell with uneven borders positioned badly
6284 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com RESO DUPL Stop Button doesn't function right
6288 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL PC Scrollbars blink after use
6289 nor P3 All rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clipboard: transferable IsDataFlavorSupported always fails
6294 nor P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Gtk-CRITICAL assertion failure when closing "view sourc
6295 maj P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash exiting editor window
6296 cri P2 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE accessing the name of an anchor crashes viewer
6297 nor P3 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI DUPL JS Navigator object returns bogus platform
6298 nor P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE view source window slightly hosed
6299 blo P3 Sun hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE XUL related crash on startup (it worked yesterday!)
6303 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Dropdown list elements -- color/background-color.
6305 tri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Flashing or blinking scrollbar
6307 min P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Images not displaying - file name shown instead
6311 nor P3 All erik@netscape.com VERI DUPL finish string resource work
6313 nor P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI FIXE Rhino: "new Function" doesn't work properly with superglobal
6317 cri P1 Mac hangas@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash on startup
6320 maj P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT bug with CSS %
6321 nor P3 PC law@netscape.com VERI WORK Problems starting up when Webforia Organizer is also present
6323 maj P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE PNGs and JPEGs aren't displayed on FreeBSD
6324 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI DUPL [Verification] Disney URL crashes
6326 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <em> and <strong> breaks formatting inside <ins>
6327 nor P3 PC ekrock@netscape.com VERI FIXE TOP100- hotbot.com - not rendering correctly
6328 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE www.mozilla.org doesn't fully load - graphics missing
6330 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <P> does not display new line
6331 cri P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI INVA command line changes for gtk crashing
6332 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE find in viewSource does not work
6333 nor P3 PC alecf@netscape.com VERI INVA <spring/> then <html:select> causes wierd wrapping - differe
6335 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Deleting a word at start of line throws assertion
6336 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Resizing apprunner window resets side-frame size (1999050718
6337 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Transferring data" words are constant on 1999050718
6339 blo P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Blocker: crash closing editor window after typing text
6342 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't change attributes in 5/13 build
6343 cri P1 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Can't run.
6345 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE opening local files
6346 cri P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKING WALLET]form submission no longer works
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
6349 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE copious evil warnings on OutputText and OutputHTML
6353 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Replace All" in spell checking doesn't work
6354 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] onunload doesn't fire when a window is closed
6355 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL need UCS-4 converter
6356 maj P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE need UCS-4 converter
6357 maj P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK radio buttons stopped working
6359 nor P3 All rogerl@netscape.com VERI FIXE JavaScript regular expression crashes the system
6361 maj P3 Sun dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner/viewer very slow - caused by extensive disk access
6362 blo P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE [blocking test automation] Viewer Crashing if we try to subm
6363 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL menu on www.image.dk does not work.
6364 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK radio buttons, checkboxes not working in forms
6365 nor P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Window onunload handler called when child frame is u
6366 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE history.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6367 blo P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Forms not submitting (test8)
6368 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI INVA sidebarcontainer.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6369 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE sidebar-browser.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6370 nor P3 All rjc@netscape.com VERI WONT sidebar.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6371 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE bm-props.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6372 cri P3 Sun dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Printing ends in a core dump...
6373 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE bookmarks.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6374 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE flash.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6376 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE Gtk: dialogs are ignoring size specification
6377 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE finddialog.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6378 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE unknownContent.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6379 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE downloadProgress.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6380 cri P1 PC leger@netscape.com VERI WORK win98 Apprunner and viewer crash on startup
6381 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI INVA nsSampleAppShellComponent.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6382 nor P3 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE preftree.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6383 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL xpfe/browser/src/downloadProgress.xul: non-localizable XUL f
6385 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI INVA status.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6386 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE navigator.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6387 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI INVA dexanimdialog.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6388 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]COLGROUP attribute/value 'width=rel' not working properl
6389 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI INVA dexsimpledialog.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6390 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI INVA dexsimplemaster.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6392 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI INVA dexanimmaster.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6393 nor P3 All beard@netscape.com VERI WORK Animated GIFs don't animate if used as an anchor image
6395 tri P3 All jband@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsrootidl.h is found in two different places
6396 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE I am trying to fix some compiler warnings, and I need help.
6397 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI INVA 'configure' script looks for nspr21, not nspr3
6398 nor P2 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsPersistentFileDescriptor overwrites buffer!
6399 blo P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE form submission broken in viewer
6400 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL font sizing problems
6401 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL cookies file grows like crazy - forever
6403 nor P2 PC matt@netscape.com VERI WORK Very strange behavior in apprunner
6404 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE table cell widths crazy when window is large
6407 maj P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash in raptorgfxwin.dll
6410 maj P3 All dougt@netscape.com RESO FIXE scheduling replacement of a file doesn't work
6415 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE EditorAppShell.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6416 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE Localize XUL source files
6417 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL EdLinkProps.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6418 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL EdDialogTemplate.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6420 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE dirPane.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6421 cri P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE M5: JavaScript-invoked DOM window event handler crash AND CO
6423 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE addressbook.xul non-localizable XUL file
6424 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE am-server-pop3.xul: non-localized XUL file
6425 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE SearchDialog.xul: non-localized XUL file
6427 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI WORK threadPane.xul: non-localized XUL file
6428 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE accounttree.xul: non-localized XUL file
6429 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE AccountManager.xul: non-localized XUL file
6430 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE am-main.xul: non-localized XUL file
6431 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI WORK am-server.xul: non-localized XUL file
6432 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE JS window.onload = eh does not work in M5
6433 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE am-copies.xul: non-localized XUL file
6434 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE {feature} File | Open doesn't work
6435 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI INVA content4.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6436 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL content3.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6437 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL content2.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6438 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL content1.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6439 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need nsJSUtils::nsGetNativeThis(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj
6440 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL navigation.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6441 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL cpw.xul: non-localizable XUL file
6442 min P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Can't type apostrophe in Win compose window (editor and
6443 min P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Can't type period in Win compose window (editor and mai
6445 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK Changing pre cols attribute should cause a reflow
6446 maj P2 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Closing browser while loading image triggers a crash
6447 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Win32 Return + Backspace keys generate 2 keydown events
6450 nor P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pref panels are on the floor (literally)
6452 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com RESO FIXE HTML 4 FIELDSET (and LEGEND) display broken
6453 nor P1 PC dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE version & trigger object is not being reflected in xpinstall
6454 min P3 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - appearance | fonts has a typo
6456 min P3 All matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences window has no title
6458 blo P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL HTML <select> onChange/onFocus/onBlur handlers not working
6460 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI WONT bookmarks.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6461 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE mozilla/rdf/opendir/template.html: please convert to localiz
6462 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA intl/lwbrk/tools/anzx4501.html.html: please convert to local
6463 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-fonts.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6466 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-proxies.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6467 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE PrefsWindow.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6468 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-colors.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6470 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI INVA pref-select.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6471 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-navigator.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6472 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-languages.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6473 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-advanced.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6474 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-applications.html: please convert to localizable XUL fi
6475 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE prefbottom.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6476 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-cache.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6477 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-publish.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6478 nor P3 All matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL pref-publish.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6479 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-offline.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6480 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-appearance.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6481 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-composer.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6482 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-download..html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6483 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-smart_browsing.html: please convert to localizable XUL
6486 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE rm old files in cvs
6488 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Remove the unused message.html from source tree, no need to
6489 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE 3panemail.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6490 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-diskspace.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6491 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-copiesfolders.html: please convert to localizable XUL f
6493 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-receipts.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6494 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-formatting.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6495 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI INVA pref-newsservers.html: please convert to localizable XUL fil
6497 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-messages.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6498 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-winsetting.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6499 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-addressing.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6500 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE custreceipt.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6501 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI INVA pref-mailservers.html: please convert to localizable XUL fil
6502 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI INVA pref-identity.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6503 nor P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE pref-mailnews.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6504 nor P3 All sspitzer@netscape.com VERI INVA msgcomposebody.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6505 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI INVA EditorInitPagePlain.html: please convert to localizable XUL
6506 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI INVA EditorInitPage.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
6508 blo P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] screenx and screeny not implemented for the event ob
6509 cri P3 All pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE lack of important url support
6510 tri P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE configure script reading glib CFLAGS from gtk-config
6511 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE label on <checkbox/>
6512 maj P3 Oth selmer@netscape.com VERI DUPL links in frames don't work
6513 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL browser gets confused when displaying long pages
6514 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA missing ; in @import url(...); causes Nav5 to fail to displa
6516 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't copy or paste in Location: text field
6518 cri P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE crash loading XML file
6520 maj P3 Oth joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL [enter] does not work in form(s)
6521 nor P3 All bruce@cybersight.com VERI FIXE ANSI C++ violation in nsViewManager.cpp
6522 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE if (document.layers) stops js execution
6524 maj P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE sidebar will not redraw properly past certain width
6530 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Code that should be deleted?
6531 nor P3 All evaughan@netscape.com RESO FIXE Disabling toolbar buttons by hand destroys toolbars
6533 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA CounterMania-Webcounter is not displayed correct
6534 nor P1 All dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsComponentManager::RegisterComponent returns bogus value
6535 nor P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tons of compiler warnings in gfx/src/ps
6536 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA single signon not functional on some forms
6537 cri P3 PC amusil@netscape.com RESO FIXE Killer JavaScript bug
6538 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA No password asked for in single-signon
6539 nor P3 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]nsFileSpec requires ResolveAlias() to be called on Mac
6541 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA M5: loading of linked CSS style sheet is slow
6542 maj P3 PC saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL Not able to display Japanese menus and menu items.
6543 maj P1 PC locka@iol.ie VERI FIXE Cannot compile with new string (nsString2)
6545 enh P3 PC donm@netscape.com VERI WONT libjpeg.so.62 not distributed with mozilla
6546 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Invalid @import rules causing rest of stylesheet to be ignor
6548 nor P3 All scc@netscape.com VERI FIXE DocLoader ownership model is backwards
6549 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com RESO FIXE fix ownership model in nsXULDocument
6550 blo P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Need design and requirements document for IME supp
6551 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need nsIViewManager methods that batch UpdateView requests.
6554 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE onmouse Over effect
6556 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table cell heights not being honored.
6559 min P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Broken image icon changes upon window resize
6563 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Doesn't load http://my.netscape.com page
6564 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Doesn't load this page
6571 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE selection: dragging mouse only selects a certain way
6574 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incorrect style inheritance
6575 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Incorrect layout of text
6577 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK animated GIF banner ad causes layout of rest of page to stop
6579 min P3 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE back button is active immediately after launching apprunner
6581 nor P3 All saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL menu items can be selected without highlighting
6586 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE if followed link cannot be loaded, url control is updated
6587 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Javascript popup window doesn't appear
6589 nor P2 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Opening a file generates : separated path instead of /
6590 maj P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI WORK Applet tag not working for Mac
6593 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't close property dialogs(image+link)
6594 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI INVA applying headings don't work for selected/typed text.
6596 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Format | Size not working for 0 and -2 size swapping
6597 cri P2 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash-clicking the link causes Apprunner crashes
6598 cri P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] start apprunner consecutive times before program finish
6599 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Garbage display in CJK/accented char button & dropdown
6601 nor P1 Mac ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] AddDirectory: Directory does not get added as described
6602 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA Safe Form Fill not functional because OK button not firing
6604 nor P1 Mac ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] AddDirectory: Directory is not added to as defined by i
6607 nor P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Placeholder: Wallet and single singon not using dialogs
6608 nor P1 Mac ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] AddDirectory: Directory is not added as described from
6611 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com RESO FIXE A reference held to a DOM object by JavaScript doesn't preve
6612 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE AddSubcomponent: Component is not added as described from in
6614 cri P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI INVA Profile Creator not writing specified prefs to Prefs50.js
6615 cri P3 PC gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL Select Finish on last screen of ProfCreator = IPF-js3250.dll
6616 cri P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]s: MAC hanging logging into bugzilla - form submission
6617 nor P2 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI DUPL Open command in viewer is broken
6620 nor P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Execute: Calling this method crashes
6621 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com RESO REMI Execute: Calling this method crashes (2 parameter form)
6630 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE {css1} Incorrect sizing of HTML if BODY has no content
6631 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Images that are "put together" have extra space
6632 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Scrolling leaves display garbled
6634 nor P3 All beard@netscape.com VERI WORK Table background colors appear incorrect
6635 blo P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Views that have visibility hidden still eat events
6638 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Frames and pixels
6639 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Slight rendering glitches?
6640 nor P3 Sun nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WORK Page should open extra window - but only gets bad layout
6641 maj P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Constrained boxes should shrink flexible content to fit rath
6642 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI REMI Mozilla allocates lots of memory
6643 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA viewport and background
6644 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Invalid HTML not displaying
6645 nor P3 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE File | Open menu should open page in current window
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
6646 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Menu labels missing ...
6648 nor P3 Oth pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Change color.cpp to handle RGB byte ordering for Photon GUI
6650 nor P3 Oth briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE patch for xpfe/bootstrap/Makefile.in to make apprunner load
6654 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE {compat} <P> tags in links break links
6656 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com RESO FIXE [FEATURE] reloads seem to be counted as new page views
6658 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA compatibility issue with text input SIZE attribute parsing
6659 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE character entities do not display in window titles
6661 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE Protecting against NULL in JS Glue code
6663 blo P1 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Smoke Test Stopper - Mac build - crashes on start up
6665 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sorting causes my message resources to be deleted
6668 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [SD]Time left line not indicative of what is occurring in do
6669 nor P3 Oth racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL prefs50.js created in ~/mozilla/package directory
6676 nor P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac Passwords not being recalled on Macintosh SingleSig
6678 nor P2 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][BLOCKING]clipping/port problems in child dialogs
6681 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com CLOS DUPL [Mac] clipping/port problem in child dialogs?
6683 maj P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Default\" folder should be overwritten with 1st new profile
6687 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL more than one caret/cursor is displayed on page
6693 nor P3 Sun syd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Modal dialogs aren't 100% modal
6694 maj P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE When multiple profiles exist, Profile Selector doesn't appea
6701 maj P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Will not create profile folder in a user-defined profile dir
6702 maj P3 PC gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL Represents spaces in profile name as %20
6705 nor P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI FIXE Rhino: eval with var statement inside function
6709 nor P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI INVA GetFolder: object for "Installed" as targetFolder does not a
6711 nor P3 PC dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE GetFolder: object does not appear to get created correctly w
6712 blo P1 Oth pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Native Gtk combobox is a grey rectangle, unusable
6713 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WORK Bugs deal mainly with DOM Level 1 and HTML 4.0 specification
6714 min P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI INVA GetFolder: May be called before StartInstall is called
6715 nor P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL resizing window reverts frame sizes
6716 nor P3 All harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background does not display.
6717 nor P1 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE window onload/onunload events not fired when XUL file loaded
6718 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com RESO FIXE Installer INI files should accept Windows line endings
6719 blo P3 PC cathleen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Install.SetPackageFolder() needs to be implemented.
6720 min P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com RESO FIXE Test #10 opacity crashes browser when reloaded.
6721 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP] Contents of <td> not alligned as per align tag
6723 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Views visiblity is not initally set correctly
6724 cri P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com RESO WORK Frames
6725 cri P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK Mozilla crashes on specific webpage
6726 nor P2 Sun kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Purify BSR error on startup
6728 nor P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sidebar slows down "live" window resizing?
6731 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text is left justified
6732 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE links to named anchors never turn visited
6733 enh P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't use DragSendProc for D&D
6734 cri P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL List boxes on forms don't scroll w/ scrollbar
6736 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO WORK Two failing assertions with Milestone 5, debug enabled
6737 nor P2 All mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE Implementation for streams do incorrectly terminate streams
6739 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI DUPL StartInstall() needs to initialize a internal "package folde
6741 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][Mac] popup menu items are not inserted correctly
6742 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Conversion from nsString to PRChar* missing for nsString2
6743 blo P1 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac only - crash running Profile Wizard
6745 nor P3 Mac gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash after first profile created
6746 maj P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Radio button groups OK in HTML but not in XUL
6747 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE HTML4 LABEL works OK in HTML but not in XUL
6749 tri P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE CDATA blocks: end tags and <!--
6751 blo P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE smoketest: regression(?) crash in jsdom.dll
6752 nor P3 All rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE gfx form elements are not implementing active and hover
6753 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE gfx combo box is not calculated using the tallest item in th
6754 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Text alignment leaks through into gfx select elements.
6756 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clicking on an item in a combo box does not cause an event
6757 nor P3 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash loading xul file that's missing included stylesheet
6758 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Gfx combobox is unresponsive until reset is clicked on
6759 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com RESO FIXE gfx combo box drop down list does not inherit style settings
6760 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner crashed when select 'Finish' on initial Profile Ma
6762 nor P3 Mac mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: Left and right arrow keys don't work
6763 maj P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL window.open is broken
6764 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE torrent of kNC_Page == nsnull messages in viewer/Unix
6766 tri P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Radio button widget needs transparent edges
6767 tri P5 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL button widget doesn't know when to go down
6768 blo P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER]Need architecture for focused text widget
6769 maj P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL can't change font color from UI
6771 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selecting in view source window unacceptably slow.
6773 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE First character typed in blank editor window doesn't insert
6774 maj P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Transfer interrupted! error in this page
6775 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can not change border style for gfx-rendered radio button
6776 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE bookmarks.js tries to load container URLs
6777 maj P2 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner hangs after loading this page
6778 nor P3 All rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE XUL template support checks for wrong namespace
6781 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE History creates a .hst file every time I run
6784 cri P3 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] Printing crashes on Mac
6785 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE document.getElementsByName not returning correct information
6786 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA writeln(); doesn't insert a return character after text
6787 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE text/plain converts <--> to <->
6788 min P4 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Reload button does not display properly (Rel...) until m
6789 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS DUPL [4.xP]object with name of frame doesn't exist
6792 enh P5 PC zuperdee@penguinpowered.com VERI FIXE There are compilation ERRORS on Motif
6793 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {css1} www.image.dk menu does not render properly. small red
6797 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to eliminate need for separate INSO dll.
6799 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Change parameter for GetUndo/RedoStringString()
6800 min P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI INVA Windows Install Wizard-WinNT gives option to open/save to di
6804 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE ScrollFrameIntoView called with reversed arguments in nsPres
6805 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to enable thread-safety locks in TransactionManager
6806 nor P3 All racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL profile manager: focus not automatically set in fields
6807 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE menubar can't be turned off in window.open chrome settings
6808 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE window.open hidden chrome is momentarily visible
6809 nor P3 SGI don@netscape.com VERI WONT Crash in Viewer
6811 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tables & Background
6812 nor P3 Mac verah@netscape.com VERI FIXE M6 Release Notes -- use this bug to track release notes
6813 maj P2 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE UTF-7 page is not displayed correctly
6814 maj P2 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE UTF-7 IMAP4rev1 modified version page is not displayed corre
6815 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI INVA spellchecker dialog has checkered gray area
6816 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI DUPL spellchecker prepends "latin" for Word string
6817 maj P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Default Character Set menu does not have UTF-7 selection
6818 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Spellchecker dialog: can't use Close to close dialog
6820 nor P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL cursor/caret insertion needs to be more flexible
6821 nor P3 Oth cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Linux editor pull-down menu need to be lowered
6822 nor P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] linux only: reset button on demo 8 garbles display
6824 tri P3 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - window | appearance | colors typo ...
6825 tri P3 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - navigator pane has typos
6828 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Change :combobox-text and :combobox-textselected to have -mo
6831 maj P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTML META Charset does not work
6832 nor P3 PC alecf@netscape.com VERI INVA preferences - mail & news | mail servers problems
6833 nor P3 PC alecf@netscape.com VERI INVA preferences - mail & news | identity typos, problems
6835 nor P3 PC alecf@netscape.com VERI WONT preferences - mail & news | news servers - problems
6836 min P3 PC chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE preferences - mail & news should read mail & newsgroups
6838 min P2 PC matt@netscape.com VERI WORK pref ui: for every category selected, list moves down 1 px
6841 tri P3 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE a question on preferences terminology ...
6842 nor P3 PC chuang@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - mail & newsgroups | copies & folders typos
6843 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE document.aForm.aSelect.options[document.aForm.aSelect.select
6844 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL document.aForm.aSelect.options[document.aForm.aSelect.select
6845 min P3 PC chuang@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - mail & newsgroups | formatting typos
6847 min P3 PC chuang@netscape.com VERI WORK preferences - mail & newsgroups | disk space problems
6850 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - offline typos, problems
6852 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - advanced typos
6853 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - advanced | cache contains other prefs?
6854 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE preferences - advanced | Smart Update update typo
6856 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL Notification Component pops up with wrong size (no http area
6857 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Rendering bug in build 1999050423
6858 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE get rid of PA_HackTable in parser
6859 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE WinReg Object--createKey: Key is not created with default, H
6861 nor P3 Mac cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Font sizes (-1, -2) are missing from Format|Size menu.
6863 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL Spell check toolbar icon not functional
6867 blo P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Blocker]Events being delivered to the wrong window
6868 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Location bar vertical height a little short
6876 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Win95 viewer.exe reluctant to open files
6877 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Selection of small-caps text lags behind cursor
6880 nor P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpt_link goes into infinite loop
6881 maj P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Native html checkboxes in a XUL file misbehave on unix
6882 min P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Links to same page don't turn "visited" on first load of pag
6884 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE add tinderbox notification to flash panel
6885 maj P3 PC saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][CRASH]selecting Bookmarks|Personal Bookamarks crashes w
6886 nor P1 Oth nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE innerHeight and outerHeight wrong for iframes
6887 maj P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE assertion during undo setting doc mod count
6888 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE extra padding on fieldset with a legend
6891 maj P3 All mcmullen@netscape.com RESO FIXE The %X argument to scanf is not valid and should be %x
6892 maj P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE [PP] the browser window keeps popping up to the front of the
6893 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL assertion failed: "out of sync" (kNC_Page == nsnull)
6894 nor P2 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE change java pref to security.enable_java
6895 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE setting attribute on JS created iframe doesn't affect displa
6896 blo P2 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Windows editor interpres the '.' key as a forward
6897 nor P3 Sun gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL On Windows, Profile wizard should store profile directory in
6898 maj P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE IME bug-Cannot move cursor to select the character you type
6900 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE In Editor, title name of document window is not displayed
6901 nor P3 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE View source incorrectly showing end tags for style and scrip
6902 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL Editor allows a user to open the same dialog multiple times.
6903 nor P3 Oth troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE setting style elements with title attribute as non-selected
6905 nor P2 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI DUPL Manually collapsing a toolbar causes it to disappear.
6907 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL period key down event indistinguishable from DEL
6910 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com RESO REMI WinReg Object--getValue/setValue: WinRegValue does not appea
6911 nor P2 All sdagley@netscape.com RESO FIXE {feature} Need a simple XP beep interface
6913 nor P3 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI INVA Titlebutton image does not update on hover
6916 nor P2 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE no way to load apprunner chrome from command line
6917 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA [block] elements created via document.createElement() should
6920 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {compat} excessive vertical whitespace caused by DL
6921 nor P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI WORK it crashs when it loads the use link to usa weather
6922 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE why not cache nsGlobalHistory object?
6923 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE text selected changes
6924 cri P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE clicking on a bookmark from menu causes instant crash
6925 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL font size is too big inside table cell
6926 cri P3 All racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: leak in nsProfile::GetCurrentProfileDir()
6927 cri P3 Sun racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner won't start with blank profile
6928 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL [BLOCKING WALLET] Deleting items in a SELECT list doesn't wo
6930 nor P3 PC saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL Menu appears to go dead at times
6932 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL consistent crash when I go to http://my.netscape.com
6933 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE cells with row spans get clipped when there is cell spacing
6934 cri P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frequent (~20% ) start-up crashes in raptorgfxwin.dll
6937 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Possible view heirarchy issues
6938 maj P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK assert in HTMLStyleSheetImpl::EnsureSingleAttributes
6941 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Color of background not correct when scrolling
6942 nor P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE libIDL tarball on ftp.mozilla.org not a release tarball
6947 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE no topmargin when the content is only a floated element
6948 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {css1} page bgcolor drawing problem with "empty" pages
6949 maj P3 PC dcone@netscape.com RESO WORK Table background image tiles page background image.
6950 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE residual style problem - style leaks
6951 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tables on mozilla.org page screw up when adjust the sidebar.
6953 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA parser can't handle comments at start of doc
6954 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL {table-reflow} Mozilla'a left index column sometimes cut off
6955 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE when going back in framesets, wrong frame displayed
6956 maj P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI WORK frame problem: situation where frame not refreshed ...
6957 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE rdfcat and rdfpoll tests broken
6958 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [serializer] output for RDF containers bad
6959 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE infinite loop in nsStr::FindSubstr
6960 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] '<<' != '&lt;<' -- different display in 5.0
6962 blo P3 PC leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE msvcirt.dll not included in Milestone 5 release
6963 tri P3 PC german@netscape.com RESO WORK Toolbar buttons and other chrome should be PNG not GIF
6964 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI WONT Workaround for Bug 5880 for M6
6965 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't view pages which have national lithuanian characters.
6968 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Disable "brprof" by default on Unix
6969 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL outline on startup page goes away when window is resized
6971 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com RESO WORK Gfx listbox's do not select their contents when mouse-down t
6973 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Gfx comboboxes do not close the drop-down list when clicking
6974 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS DUPL Javascript ALERT doesn't function
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
6977 min P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] linux - file | open dialog box is way too big
6978 tri P3 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE file | open dialog draws a big window and then resizes it
6979 min P3 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE when file | open is selected, dialog not dismissed
6980 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com RESO WORK [PP] linux - Open in new window in file | open does nothing
6981 min P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] linux - check boxes look wrong when selected
6984 maj P3 All racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE A bug to review profile code re memory management
6985 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Cannot pass through proxy/firewall
6989 nor P1 Mac dcone@netscape.com VERI DUPL Multiple window drawing gets messed up
6990 nor P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table Headings run together
6994 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor caret flashes black/white
6997 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {compat} spacing between paragraphs is missing
7003 min P3 Mac jj@netscape.com VERI FIXE Finder's info string reads "m4 gecko"
7006 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL Object tag not working on WinNT 4.0
7007 nor P3 Oth buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Linux Font size's not proper
7008 nor P3 Oth buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Linux Font size's not proper
7009 nor P3 Oth buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Linux Font size's not proper
7011 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE changing style attribute loses text highlighting
7013 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text is garbled when using keyboard to scroll
7014 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL Object tag not working on WinNT 4.0
7015 maj P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA XML Parser not conforming to element declarations
7016 maj P3 Sun racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Prof Mgr should not exit after selecting "Finish" btn.
7017 maj P3 PC drapeau@eng.sun.com VERI REMI Can't uninstall RJE 1.3 using the uninstall program
7018 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE brendan's home page gets crash
7020 cri P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI WORK [CRASH][PP] selecting Bookmarks| Add current page causes a c
7021 maj P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash on launch of Apprunner May 24 base build.
7023 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Changing SRC url on IMAGE element doesn't resize image
7024 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Changing SRC url on IMAGE element doesn't resize image
7026 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Bookmarks| IE Favorites submenu does not appear
7029 nor P3 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI DUPL Browser will not launch on Hard Drives with '/' in name
7031 min P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash
7032 maj P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE incorrect nsRect usages
7033 maj P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Regression] Selection does not work in main apprunner windo
7035 maj P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser Character Menu contains 4 "ISO-8859-1" entries.
7038 cri P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE [Necko] Trailing slash hack needs to be removed once Necko l
7040 cri P1 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't load a url from the location editfield
7042 nor P3 All erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE StringBundle should check for NULL pointer too
7043 cri P1 Mac waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]focus lost on editfields while typing in it
7044 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Image not displayed correctly and mouseover hilighting doesn
7047 nor P2 Mac slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tinderbox reloads even when sidebar closed
7049 cri P3 All fur@netscape.com VERI WONT JS engine must be "runtime pair-wise" thread-safe
7050 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL when page is autorefreshed, it moves itself frontmost (?)
7051 min P3 PC law@netscape.com RESO FIXE There are 2 nsAppRunner.cpp files in the tree
7052 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL sidebar drawn in pop-up ads
7053 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE DiskSpaceAvailable: Returned free disk space value differs f
7054 cri P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL cnn takes over apprunner
7056 nor P3 Mac slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] Bookmarks pane in Aurora doesn't have gifs for open fol
7058 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL gfx checkboxes, radiobuttons, and buttons do not honor outli
7059 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Related Links" needs to be exposed (again) in UI
7060 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE New blank window comes up, but can't edit it
7061 nor P3 All erik@netscape.com VERI INVA add file interface to string resources
7063 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI INVA spellchecker mystery issue recognizing string after "latin.
7065 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA [Regression][PP]: Selection does not immediately update
7066 nor P3 PC mang@subcarrier.org VERI DUPL check use of global errno
7068 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] nsIWidget :: NS_IMETHOD CaptureMouse(PRBool aCaptu
7070 blo P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [chrome registry] Need "provider name" feature support for c
7071 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WORK The frames on this page makes stuff look bad.
7072 min P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][SD]Font on SmartDownload buttons changes first time the
7074 nor P3 Sun nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE The XML DTD should stop sending tokens to the content sink a
7075 nor P3 Sun peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Crash in CSS trying to add a child (?)
7076 nor P3 All rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE gfx listboxes display as tiny line when they are empty
7079 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL Arrow key jumps over empty lines
7080 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Setting text style/property across multiple paragraphs inser
7082 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE tree widget doesn't work with ContentAppended()
7083 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [DOGFOOD] Form submission is wacky when "action" is unspecif
7085 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO WONT Feature: Enhance XUL fragments to reference content within o
7091 blo P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE sidebar does tinderbox query every minute
7094 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL Location of profile storage on Windows
7095 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA <checkbox/> doesn't change state if it's in a tree
7097 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Inappropriate vertical spacing on image links
7099 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI WORK Pressing back then forward doesn't redisplay the page
7100 maj P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com RESO FIXE JS change state (enabled/checked) of html:checkbox doesn't r
7101 maj P3 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE html:radio buttons don't toggle unless in <box>
7102 tri P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE sidebar - fourth instance of 'customize' is munged
7103 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Patch for PropertiesTest.cpp
7104 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Patch for xpcom/tests/Makefile.in
7105 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Patch for TestObserverService.cpp
7107 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Patch for StringBundleTest.cpp
7108 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: My.yahoo.com bookmarks don't work.
7110 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner gets stuck in endless browsing loop
7111 maj P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Yahoo/AOL mail never logs in
7113 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Section "buttons" not being laid out correctly.
7114 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL {colspan-width} Yahoo Categories section not laying out prop
7116 nor P3 PC py8ieh=bugzilla@bath.ac.uk VERI DUPL 'watermark' graphic not displaying properly.
7118 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL "GO" logo split in half
7119 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL [NATIVE-WIDGETS] Radio button backgrounds not transparent
7120 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Mail reading button links should not be underlined
7122 min P2 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] - mac - clicking close box quits apprunner
7123 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com RESO WORK Browser identifies NT as Windows 95
7126 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Border rendering where inline element is continued on multip
7128 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL Creating profile named "Default" ineffective
7129 nor P3 Oth saari@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]pull-dowm menus on Linux are too sensitive
7136 min P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE find on this page dialog is titled 'search' not 'find'
7138 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE manage bookmarks window has no title
7139 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI WORK relative links - forwarded URLs don't update URL bar
7142 nor P1 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac - bookmarks not added to Bookmarks menu
7143 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Subscript element not properly supported.
7144 tri P2 All waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE First bookmark add does not display correctly
7149 min P3 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE the find on this page dialog is 'missing' part of its body
7150 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI WONT drop down menu can display over chrome
7152 min P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE view | stop greyed out while page is loading
7154 tri P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE view | translate | english to spanish appears twice
7155 tri P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]view | character set | mac roman displays twice
7156 tri P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE view | character set | baltic rim? should read baltic
7157 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Closing prefs window crashes browser
7158 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table will not scale to fit regardless of resizing
7166 tri P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE STRICT is already defined
7168 nor P3 PC kevinyen@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need a final list of Seamonkey components, plugins, and 3rd
7170 nor P3 PC cathleen@netscape.com VERI INVA Netscape license is presented to the end user when flag is O
7171 nor P3 PC cathleen@netscape.com RESO FIXE Readme presented to end user at install
7187 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Interface registry entries should just be read in mass
7189 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI INVA Speed up RDF initialization
7190 cri P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE Every plugin loading - needed?
7191 nor P3 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL Profile uses unescaped name for folder
7192 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PATCH] Make libgfxps a component
7193 cri P3 All amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Multiple APPLET tags results in one plug-in instance
7194 cri P3 All amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL Multiple APPLET tags results in one plug-in instance
7197 nor P3 All rogerl@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: Lots of JS stuff from prefs
7198 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Display Cookies, Display Signons crash on Linux
7199 maj P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsGlobalWindow_RunTimeout() .. sidebar/aurora?
7200 tri P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL when page redirects to page w/frames, content drawn twice
7202 nor P3 All mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK in typelib
7203 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL When page with frames is refreshed, frames drawn twice
7204 tri P3 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE ui problems with open location (file | open) dialog
7207 nor P3 All ducarroz@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsScriptNameSpaceManager
7208 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL [CRASH] This Latin 3 test page causes a crash
7209 nor P3 All racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL MLK: leaking nsRegistry from nsProfile
7210 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: nsTransactionManagerFactory
7211 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsTransactionStack's nsDeque
7212 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: nsEditorAppCoreFactory
7213 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: nsHTMLEditFactory
7214 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: nsTextEditor's mTypeInState
7215 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: nsTextEditorTextListener
7216 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com RESO WORK MLK: CObserverDictionary related?
7217 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: nsHTMLEditor leaks rules
7218 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: nsTextEditor leaks listeners
7219 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Resizing the smoketests window causes sidebar to collapse
7220 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI DUPL OJI crashes apprunner.exe
7221 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Improper layout of descendant positioned elements.
7222 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE assert when inserting sidebar into content model
7223 cri P3 PC selmer@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash using Profile Mgr Wizard
7224 nor P3 All rogerl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Remove support for "caller" property
7226 nor P3 All rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE gfx combo boxes cause extra repaints
7231 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE menus show up outside the window
7234 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mac: html:select does not scroll by scrollbar or up/down arr
7236 nor P2 PC matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE prefs: make xul lowercase in prefsWindow.xul
7237 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI WORK scroll bar disappears after hitting Back
7239 maj P2 Oth ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Linux -Error loading this URL
7240 maj P2 Oth ftang@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Linux -Error loading this URL
7241 maj P2 Oth ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linux -Error loading this URL
7242 maj P2 Oth ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linux -Error loading this URL
7243 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fixed table layout doesn't work
7244 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com CLOS REMI Need a way to make table bodies scrollable in a table with a
7245 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Transaction classes all need GetIID methods.
7248 blo P2 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI DUPL {feature} The Color Picker widget needs to be implemented
7249 cri P3 PC leaf@netscape.com VERI FIXE Run rebase.exe to enhance performance
7250 min P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI INVA 4.61: My Netscape and Search buttons lead to Site Not Found.
7256 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Feature: Implement chrome registration interface
7260 blo P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL page doesn't cycle through url's
7274 nor P3 All warren@netscape.com VERI WONT MLK: nsURLProperties ?
7277 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Running from different directories has problems
7279 blo P1 Mac mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Browser not loading initial page or any url's
7280 nor P1 All hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE [BLOCKER] onunload of window gets called when loading URL in
7281 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK Height in points does not increase proportionally
7283 maj P2 All dp@netscape.com VERI INVA Oddity in EventQueueEntry definition/declaration
7284 nor P3 All bruce@cybersight.com VERI FIXE placeholder bug for me for the removal of the static kISuppo
7285 maj P3 All jband@netscape.com VERI INVA variable shadowing problems in xpconnect
7286 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE shadowed variable
7287 tri P3 PC drapeau@eng.sun.com VERI DUPL -I includes are messed up
7288 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI INVA Should folder widget have new interface?
7290 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table heights get false with linked images
7291 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL hover and active problems
7293 maj P3 Sun vidur@netscape.com RESO WORK SEGV when closing preferences window
7294 nor P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need implementation of accept-language -> nsLocale parser
7295 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE scroll bars dissapear in small width
7296 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE popup menus on editor toolbar bring up 1st displayed
7298 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI WORK apprunner crashing when close/cancel edit/prefs
7300 blo P3 Mac beard@netscape.com RESO FIXE Mac XPIDL 1.0d4 doesn't support forward declaration
7302 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner Won't Display JPEG image
7303 maj P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crashing hitting OK button in Display Signons page
7306 nor P4 All danm@netscape.com RESO WORK Superfluous horizontal scroll bar flickers mid-screen during
7308 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE THREADING: xpcom FindFactory() randomly fails.
7309 nor P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE openLocation.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7311 maj P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when opening file in browser
7312 nor P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI FIXE Smoke test confusing
7314 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL EdSpellCheck.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7315 nor P3 All hangas@netscape.com VERI FIXE editcard.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7316 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE FilterListDialog.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7317 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE am-advanced.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7318 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE FilterEditor.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7319 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] "Page Source" changes Close & Quit to "closeCmd.label"
7320 nor P3 All alecf@netscape.com VERI WONT am-test.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7323 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL navigationFinish.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7324 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL contentManager4.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7325 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL navigationManagerStart.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7326 nor P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL navigationStart.xul: non-localizable XUL file
7327 maj P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner Profile problems
7328 cri P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Long HTTP file lists are 35 times slower than in Comm 4.5
7333 maj P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL XUL fails and/or crashes silently if file not found
7334 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK /BIN/res/samples/test10.html
7335 nor P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background image is rendered incorrectly
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
7336 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table spacing is excessive
7339 maj P2 PC matt@netscape.com VERI WORK Drop-down menus crash apprunner
7341 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE retention of corrupted image in upper horizontal frame
7343 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE unterminated <a> inside <map></map> causes infinite loop
7344 cri P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE second mail message viewed causes crash
7349 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Table alignment problems
7351 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Using keyboard instead of scrollbar to scroll HTML pages wou
7352 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Image layouts created by piecing together images in tables
7353 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE @media rule for "screen" not working
7355 nor P3 Oth don@netscape.com VERI DUPL scroling with arrow keys messes up web pages
7356 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bootup Crash RAPTORHTML.DLL
7357 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Unable to load page
7358 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Page stops parsing
7360 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Keyboard scrolling mess the view.
7361 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tables and alignment are incorrectly displayed
7362 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Table is wrongly positioned
7363 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL mozregistry gets confused on upgrade without proper uninstal
7367 min P3 All gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE First access to pages using basic authentication does not se
7368 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Back Button Doesn't Work
7369 cri P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash in Preferences
7371 nor P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Dialogs on Windows don't look like dialog windows
7373 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: MIME type "image/gif" isn't handled in NET_StreamBuil
7375 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK Incorrect combo box
7376 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mis-placed form controls
7377 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Links containing paragraph tags don't show up as links
7379 min P3 PC tbghtown@eden.rutgers.edu VERI INVA <TD ALIGN=right> causing unneeded <BR>
7381 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE
7382 min P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Back Toolbar Image Broken Image
7384 min P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL <LI> Tag doesn't increment.
7385 maj P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hangup if cvs-mirror.mozialla.org not reachable
7386 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Crash after editing preferences
7387 maj P1 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL m6 crashes when ftp'ing
7388 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Rendering of SSI pages incorrect
7389 maj P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE CID used in QueryInterface and not IID
7390 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Left table column disappears with wide window
7392 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL align=center not supported on TR tag
7393 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertion failure: !"I/O method is invalid", at priometh.c:8
7394 maj P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Mozilla no longer builds under Solaris.
7395 nor P3 PC beppe@netscape.com VERI INVA
7396 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner takes much longer to display UI
7397 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE NS_ASSERTION on this URL
7399 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Escaping illegal chars in URLs
7401 cri P1 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE apprunner should dump warnings if it can't find XUL files
7402 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner responds to mouse movement even when not frontmost
7403 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA Sidebar depends on several bugs
7407 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL when resizing page, scrollbar is drawn in middle of page
7411 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI WONT Feature: Synchronous load for xul fragments
7412 blo P3 PC leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE [PP] Smoketest blocker: No menu items/no layout on linux
7414 cri P3 PC jevering@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash on launch Apprunner M6 build - RAPTORHTML.DLL
7416 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI DUPL Duplicating Applet
7417 blo P1 PC warren@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Linux: Flakey startup, menus disappear, resize not worki
7418 nor P3 Mac german@netscape.com RESO FIXE progressmeter needs better default width/height values
7421 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Select File remains open after opening file in the browser
7422 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE spellchecker not working in 6/1 build.
7423 maj P1 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTTP-Equiv charset handling is not working
7424 nor P3 Oth racham@netscape.com VERI INVA Profile entries in Profile Manager showing as strange charac
7427 blo P1 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE [QA blocker]: Japanese page/mail displays as blank squares
7433 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Layout problems with center column in this table.
7436 blo P1 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] ProfMgr needs prefs->Startup() and prefs->ReadUserPr
7437 cri P1 All rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsString Cut() method bug
7438 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Availability of pageX and pageY properties in Gecko.
7440 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE relative URI references in RDF/XML broken
7442 cri P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] Combo boxes crashing big time
7445 maj P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Some keys not being mapped correctly
7446 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL {table-reflow} hover events causes table rendering anomoly
7447 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table-within-table rendering wrong align
7449 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE CDATA sections in XML documents are not handled properly
7450 nor P3 Sun rpotts@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crashes when getting another URL
7451 maj P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI WORK [FEATURE] keyboard navigation doesn't work
7452 blo P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Find and RFind does not work if aIgnoreCase is PR_TRUE
7454 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Image within table does not display properly.
7457 maj P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Not interacting with asp
7458 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI WORK [DOGFOOD] missing scrollbars in browser portion of window
7459 nor P3 All briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Add the LD Environment variable to configure
7460 maj P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI WORK GPF when using pull downs
7462 maj P2 Mac harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE default/initial text doesn't appear in <textarea>
7463 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com CLOS DUPL input text, input password & textarea have different hilite
7464 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Find crashes
7467 nor P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI WONT double-click doesn't select word in <textarea>
7468 blo P3 Oth ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Garbage characters in form list boxes.
7469 nor P3 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE SPEC: <titledbutton>
7470 maj P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Backspace in compose area put Chinese word "respect" on linu
7473 maj P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTML meta charaset does not work
7474 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA BGPROPERTIES="FIXED"
7475 maj P1 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][SD] Downloading takes ~15 times longer than ftp
7477 maj P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL if scrolling="no" exists, frame does not load
7480 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA The getNamedItem() method of NamedNodeMap incorrectly return
7483 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI INVA selection followed by Paragraph props | Address/Preformatted
7484 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: Clicking on delivery center doesn't take you to the c
7486 nor P3 Sun leaf@mozilla.org VERI WONT GNU make 3.77's wildcard is only broken on Solaris 2.6.
7490 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Browser just displays the sourcecode
7491 nor P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE App crashes on reload after trying to log in
7493 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Setting font size to "0" should change to the base size only
7495 nor P3 Oth kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Undo on Linux shows intermediate steps
7497 maj P1 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL After second carriage return, spaces in second line are gone
7498 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE XIF: Large static data table is duplicated in 2 places in th
7499 maj P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK in nsPluginsDirWin.cpp
7503 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsObjectFrame::Reflow uses deleted string
7505 nor P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI INVA Search for old plug-in directory fails for Navigator 4.5
7506 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clicking on link does not bring up remote window
7507 nor P3 PC amusil@netscape.com VERI FIXE Reloading 4.x plug-in that uses SDK C++ framework crashes
7510 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI LATE CHAROFF attribute not working
7512 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE Launching 6/2 Apprunner cause error message: missing xpcom32
7522 nor P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK {table-reflow} Clicking on URL dynamically resizes table cel
7523 maj P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Long form drop-down box makes apprunner crash USER.EXE
7525 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner crashes filling out Bugzilla form
7526 nor P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner crashes on exit
7532 nor P3 PC putterman@netscape.com VERI INVA Tree widget wraps text wrong
7533 nor P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI INVA Content-Type HTTP Header specifies charset
7534 min P3 PC brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor: Alt-F highlights File and inserts text into doc
7535 nor P3 PC cathleen@netscape.com VERI FIXE spec list of components required for each install/distributi
7536 min P3 PC brade@netscape.com RESO FIXE in Editor, both File and Format menus use same accelerator
7537 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Editor: Period behaves as Delete key
7538 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL Editor: Editing text munges high ASCII characters
7539 min P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Editor: pressing Esc key inserts back arrow glyph
7541 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Add include file to support Neutrino /cvsroot/mozilla/netwo
7544 cri P2 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash loading a page of different charset under KO default
7545 cri P1 All fur@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] core dump/crash on exit
7546 nor P3 All pierre@netscape.com RESO FIXE [BLOCKER] Break form widgets into separate GFX and Native fr
7548 nor P3 Mac harishd@netscape.com RESO FIXE <select> not doing default select when tags close themselves
7551 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE mozilla/network/main/mkselect.c includes private NSPR header
7553 maj P2 PC tague@netscape.com VERI DUPL IME-Japanese characters you typed are displayed as squares.
7558 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Gecko will not recognize <nobr> tags background.
7561 nor P3 All av@netscape.com RESO WORK embed tag not working on Windows and Mac
7562 nor P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI WORK Browser crashes while running this url containing plugins an
7564 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner does not properly create prefs50.js in MS6
7566 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [feature] OpenDialog() needs a usuable c++ interface
7567 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]./configure cannot build user-thread NSPR libraries loca
7569 nor P3 Sun ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL User-defined fonts for Mozilla 5.0 (?)
7570 nor P3 Oth fur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Diffs to make JS compile on OpenVMS
7576 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Radio buttons don't uncheck when used in XUL (HTML namespace
7577 nor P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE random bugs that i am interested in for some reason or anoth
7578 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cannot make HTML BUTTON wider than the enclosing text
7581 min P3 Mac kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL extraneous whitespace in gif layout
7584 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI DUPL Windows: need to use good defaults for fonts
7585 maj P3 Mac vidur@netscape.com RESO FIXE infinite loop in layout?
7587 maj P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL popup menus on creaf.com dont work on mac
7588 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA HTMLish class selectors should not be allowed in CSS for XUL
7589 nor P3 PC pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Toolbar only partially displayed after closing and re-openin
7591 nor P3 PC pinkerton@netscape.com VERI DUPL Toolbar turns to garbage after collapse/expand
7592 cri P1 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL [CRASH] Selecting a "drop-down" menu item effects crash
7594 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE M6 behind a firewall does not start
7595 maj P3 All pollmann@netscape.com RESO FIXE onchange function never gets called for GFX text control
7596 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI INVA top100 crash on www.warnerbros.com while running browser bus
7597 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hardcoded library name in mozilla/intl/strres/tests/Makefile
7598 nor P3 Oth dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Patch for openVMS
7599 blo P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL [DOGFOOD] lost text while editing/transmitting a mail msg. 6
7600 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE remove nsImageButton from xpwidgets
7602 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Color picker mouseover images are one pixel too narrow
7603 nor P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertion: Config file was not read
7607 nor P3 All joki@netscape.com VERI REMI Layer properties persist across layer.load and layer.src=
7608 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO WORK [PP]Table background leaks outside of cell
7609 maj P1 Mac scc@netscape.com RESO text/plain is always handled by SimpleText
7612 nor P3 PC saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]no popup menus on linux
7617 nor P3 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]Linux M6 apprunner reformats during mouse click!
7621 nor P3 Oth joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Tab key doesn't advance to next field in a form.
7625 nor P3 PC rogerl@netscape.com RESO FIXE Number.toString(base != 10) not working for negative numbers
7626 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI WONT colon is replaced with vertical line in URL when viewing loc
7627 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Does not render CSS level 1 correctly
7628 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Amazon thinks Mozilla cannot resubmit forms correctly when u
7629 nor P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsEventStateManager re-dispatches NS_KEY_DOWN events as NS_K
7630 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WONT form at this url does not work: http://developer.java.sun.co
7631 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT Fails to inherit CSS1 tag
7633 nor P4 PC pinkerton@netscape.com VERI DUPL Raised toolbar buttons stay raised if the mouse pointer is m
7634 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI INVA cnn.com's "View Results" link reloads same page instead of p
7635 nor P3 All rogerl@netscape.com VERI FIXE small tweak to instanceof behavior
7638 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Insert Image doesn't work if you type in the image url
7641 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS: unspecified width on float does not contain text
7642 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS: table cells ignore cascaded font-family
7643 nor P3 All teruko@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need test case for multipart form posting
7647 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com CLOS DUPL frames not reflected as frameset properties
7649 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL Crash when exiting
7650 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER][PP] nsDOMUIEvent.GetCtrlKey GetShiftKey and GetAlt
7651 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Window text deformation
7652 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO WORK doesent seem to handle frames properly
7653 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Color settings not properly rendered
7655 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Floating DIV not horizontally aligning properly
7656 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE {css1} Canvas should have root element background
7657 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Mozilla incorrectly interprets quoted keywords.
7658 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA document.lastModified returns wrong date.
7659 nor P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Alert dialogs crash when I hit ok.
7660 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE <map> causes extra whitespace; shouldn't be displayed
7661 nor P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE ConfirmCheck not giving correct value if CANCEL is pressed
7662 nor P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Alert dialog crashes when OK button is pressed
7663 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Copy and paste in location and form elements does not functi
7664 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Attempting PDF download horks browser window
7665 min P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Entire user interface repaints when mouse pointer moves over
7667 nor P3 Oth don@netscape.com VERI INVA
7668 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK View->Page Info menu choice does not function
7669 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK Apple's home page does not load all graphics
7673 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI INVA Edit->Preferences->Advanced rendering and function errors
7675 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL HTML layout bug laying out developer.netscape.com
7676 tri P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI INVA File->Close menu option has typo
7677 min P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK Can't do Edit->Prefs while a View->Source window is renderin
7678 nor P2 Mac matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser start page setting doesn't work
7680 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE clobber build only stable after second make run
7681 tri P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Closing last apprunner window terminates the apprunner
7683 maj P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL Multiselect HTML form elements don't work
7684 min P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK File->Quit does not work while new browser window opening.
7685 enh P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WONT Images do not appear to be saveable in Macintosh M6
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
7686 enh P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL No display of URL while mouse pointer hovers over a link
7687 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK image map images not loading
7689 maj P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK it stops responding with forms
7691 min P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL url displayed in netsite box does not change
7693 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT filename not diaplyed when save as box comes up
7694 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA problem with text rendering
7695 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Checkboxes seem to have opposite effect on forms
7696 enh P5 All trudelle@netscape.com RESO LATE Unix: "tear-offs"
7697 enh P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't drag HTML files onto Mozilla and have them viewed.
7698 nor P3 PC jband@netscape.com RESO FIXE CRASH in js_Enumerate after running some XPConnect code
7699 nor P3 PC norris@netscape.com VERI INVA CRASH in js_Enumerate after running some XPConnect code
7700 nor P3 PC jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE All attributes appear as functions
7701 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Memory usage significantly more than Nav 4.05; crashes when
7702 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Wierd layout with the mozilla title bar at top of screen on
7703 nor P3 All rogerl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Rhino: variable in loop, interpreted mode
7704 nor P3 Mac waterson@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash in RDFContentSinkImpl::Init (nsIURL*, nslNameSpaceMana
7705 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WONT Crash in mozilla edit->preferences dialog.
7711 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL filename missing in save as dialog..
7712 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page Fault error in rpthtml.dll
7713 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertion fails using Purify for NT
7718 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: Redirect sent M6 into infinite loop
7719 nor P2 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE need new API in converter lib for 64K bit array
7720 maj P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Regression: Unwanted html tags (without the brackets)in newl
7721 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Placement problem with first paragraph
7723 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL Font colors not rendering correctly with CSS in M6
7725 nor P3 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL PP: Mozilla M6 crashes on Drop Box
7726 cri P3 Mac dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP}XPinstall not working in Mac build
7727 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Viewer crashes on exit
7729 nor P1 Oth cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]drop down menus not operational
7730 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK images not showing up
7731 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Some <OL> ordered lists never count past 1.
7733 nor P2 PC petersen@netscape.com VERI DUPL Second paragraph uses incorrect Times Roman font, not Arial
7734 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL Second paragraph does not include "*Buy" gif and boldface wo
7735 nor P3 Mac dougt@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] Install.TRACE not usable on Macintosh
7736 maj P1 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Version Registry not viewable from Macintosh
7737 maj P3 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: [PP] A crash occurs in Apprunner after clicking on My
7738 nor P3 All beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL ISMAP support not functioning properly.
7739 cri P1 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Subdir parameter ignored in GetFolder(target, subdir) on
7740 nor P3 Mac dougt@netscape.com VERI WONT Install.log file is locked by apprunner
7744 nor P3 Mac dougt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Install.log file is locked by apprunner
7745 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE IFRAMES and JavaScript
7746 min P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL mailto link causes background image to disapear
7750 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Cached pages apparently not re-loading
7756 min P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE --enable-insure does not work in objdir builds
7758 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com RESO WORK Frameset link targeting error
7759 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Pages not shown as designed - especial images ...
7760 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK "apprunner.exe - Unable to Locate DLL"
7761 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK apprunner.exe - Unable to Locate DLL (different one this tim
7762 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner locks up when launching - message provided
7763 cri P3 Mac dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]need to include xpinstall.js in Mac build
7765 blo P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner hangs on system that requires http proxy
7766 min P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Form menus leave 1-2 pixel gray region above & below bo
7768 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL multiple carriage returns don't work;text jumps back up
7771 nor P3 PC fur@netscape.com VERI FIXE liveconnect - sorting a java byte array crashes lcshell
7773 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE forms in xul don't show up w/o refresh in content window
7779 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL html:label with bg-color:inherit renders garbage
7780 enh P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL missing help menu
7781 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertion in RDFXULBuilderImpl::CreateOrRecycleElement
7784 min P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE <titledbutton> won't redraw when value attr assigned an empt
7786 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE <popup><window>... draws contents on main page too
7788 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com CLOS FIXE Core dump on http://www.vecernji-list.hr/ page load
7790 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA "find in page" completely broken
7792 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Problem closing windows using toolkit
7793 maj P3 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser Defaut Character set menu contains 2 "Macintosh Roma
7794 nor P3 PC Jerry.Kirk@Nexwarecorp.com RESO FIXE Need to change the order of the Libraries to get tests to li
7796 nor P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]nsDeviceContextMac::GetDeviceSurfaceDimensions is not im
7797 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsDeviceContextGTK::GetDeviceSurfaceDimensions is not implim
7798 min P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE spelling error in locale GetCatagory API
7800 maj P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE XIF: Multiple spaces between words are ignored after saving,
7801 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Regression: Crash when select the bullet icon from compose w
7802 blo P1 PC leger@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] Crash on startup bugs
7803 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL onchange handler doesn't go off when tree selection is lost
7806 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {list}In composer, number item increments when pressing Ente
7809 cri P1 PC leaf@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] regression - Talkback application fails to launch
7816 nor P3 PC briano@netscape.com CLOS INVA Error msgs with nightly builds.
7817 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Background gif is centered on page, not in BODY element
7818 cri P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [DOGFOOD/BLOCK] window.focus() doesn't work
7819 nor P3 Oth evaughan@netscape.com VERI WONT CSS and <button> tag
7820 nor P3 All tao@netscape.com RESO FIXE add XPIDL interface to strres
7821 nor P3 All tao@netscape.com VERI FIXE make strres locale-sensitive
7822 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]support the locale in menus on Linux
7824 maj P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Switch to JPN input mode after ASCII input loses the ASCII p
7827 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Back button crashes apprunner on m6 build
7829 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Anchored Win98 popup menus don't animate properly
7831 blo P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL JPEG simply does not work
7832 maj P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK It don't even run.
7835 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL What should html:linked stylesheets do in XML
7841 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser crashes when loading global font map
7842 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP] Links not functional
7845 nor P3 Sun jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL Number List Item does not function properly
7847 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Problems with local urls
7848 nor P1 All don@netscape.com VERI FIXE [REGRESSION] "Manage Bookmarks..." disappears after first me
7851 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hide/collapse/disable sidebar on startup
7853 maj P3 PC harishd@netscape.com RESO FIXE CDATA blocks and <!--
7854 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI INVA font size -2 and -3 are the same....
7858 maj P1 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Recursion crash using sNetSupportDialog::ConfirmCheck
7860 nor P3 All ssu@netscape.com VERI INVA Need external control of installer wizard for CCK
7861 maj P3 Oth rogerl@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash on exit (stack trace included)
7866 nor P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI DUPL GetFolder: "User Pick" is not accepted as a target folder--i
7867 nor P3 Oth dbragg@netscape.com VERI WORK Seamonkey hangs when messenger opened-trying to migrate a p
7870 nor P3 Mac ftang@netscape.com RESO REMI [PP]Irregularly extended link underline under Mac OS J.
7872 nor P3 All jband@netscape.com CLOS DUPL setter method for string attributes not getting set to const
7875 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner fails to load rasman.dll and fails to start
7877 nor P3 Mac beard@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Mac xpidl tool isn't build with debug symbols as request
7878 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Popup items like "-2" show up as separators
7879 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Display problem - horizontal line at image borders
7881 nor P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI DUPL Cannot logon to hotmail account.
7889 tri P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bold-tagged text not so weighted
7890 min P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI DUPL no error message on bad urls on build 1999052619
7892 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA DL list with P between items misinterpreted
7893 min P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Splitter stays in hover state after mouse over
7894 cri P1 Mac ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Install.AddDirectory() does not create directories
7899 nor P3 Mac ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Page layout problem - line wrapping and spacing messed u
7902 maj P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash switching between many preference panels
7903 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Contents of middle frame are showing up in leftmost frame.
7904 maj P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI WORK When links are followed, background images disappear
7905 nor P3 All cathleen@netscape.com RESO FIXE GetFolder: Adding component fails with "Chrome" as target fo
7906 nor P3 All cathleen@netscape.com RESO FIXE GetFolder: Adding component fails with "Components" as targe
7907 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Wallet prefs dissappeared
7908 cri P3 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI WONT
7909 nor P3 All verah@netscape.com VERI FIXE M7 Release Notes
7910 nor P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI INVA progress dialog performance
7916 maj P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI INVA 460 Calls to nsDll::Load() on windows
7920 maj P3 All rjc@netscape.com VERI DUPL [DOGFOOD] Add bookmarks on menubar randomly disappears
7921 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOGFOOD - Saved bookmarks disappear when migrating from buil
7925 enh P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [RFE] Ability to bypass passwords in Wallet/SingleSignon
7926 blo P3 All jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Need to be able to access attributes and methods o
7927 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] Mac - need to be able to disable menu items
7931 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI WORK [4.xp] Illegally nested P element causes CENTER element to n
7932 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL Core Dump in theme_image_unref
7933 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE CreateContextualFragment() prefaces fragment with <#text>
7934 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frame percentage width/height calculated wrong.
7935 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Frame resizing quirk.
7936 min P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Loading progress bar never stops on pages with frames
7937 nor P3 PC cathleen@netscape.com VERI DUPL XP Install Tracking Tasks
7938 nor P1 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash on exit
7940 nor P3 PC jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in JavaScript garbage collection
7942 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Memory leak (?) when displaying animated GIFs
7956 nor P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI DUPL When apprunner is in the background, we still set the cursor
7957 tri P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] <Title> data incorrect
7958 maj P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need Charset Detection interface and implementation
7959 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need ISO-8859-13 to/from Unicode mapping table
7960 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need cp932 converters
7961 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL need cp936 converters
7963 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL [converter]need cp950 converters
7970 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE need to add progid for all converters
7971 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO REMI Need to add cache for mapping for non-single byte charset co
7972 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO REMI Need to change FASTTABLE in single byte converter from one p
7974 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Junk with search dialog
7975 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL new Be.com doesn't work
7976 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Padding (top) doesn't work for table cell
7977 nor P3 All harishd@netscape.com VERI DUPL The background image appears and disappears...
7978 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL invisible typing in forms
7980 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL error loading gif
7981 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL animated gif
7982 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL zdnet crashes
7985 nor P3 PC pinkerton@netscape.com VERI DUPL Toolbar gets transparent
7986 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL The sign-in form does not work even though it works with net
7987 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Table elements poorly aligned, outside bounds
7988 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]after deleting mozregistry.dat, not able to launch
7989 nor P3 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]ProfileManager directory created in same directory as ap
7990 maj P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Problems with Prefs UI
7991 nor P3 Mac alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Crash trying to edit choose mail/identity in prefs
7993 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser crashes when opening joecartoon.com
7994 cri P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI INVA Can not start /windows/32bit/x86/1999-06-11-08-M7/ build
7996 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] Sidebar panels should expand/collapse on title cli
7999 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA [FEATURE] Sidebar grippy needs different image on mouse over
8001 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA [FEATURE] Build Sidebar panels from XUL fragments
8003 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI INVA http://www.degus.com
8004 maj P3 PC janc@netscape.com VERI WORK Freezing on load of secondary page.
8005 nor P1 All davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Task menu | Navigator does not work
8007 nor P1 All don@netscape.com VERI WONT [FEATURE] Tasks|Shopping Cart menu command hookup
8008 nor P1 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Task Menu | Services A-D do not work
8012 nor P1 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] Tasks|window list menu command hookup
8013 nor P1 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][FEATURE] Tasks|Plaintext Editor menu command hookup
8017 nor P3 All jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE Missing .xpt file causes crash
8019 nor P3 All racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Create profile needs to copy contents from Defaults folder
8020 maj P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Mac - pressing Enter does not load manually entered URL
8021 nor P3 Mac morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Initial value not being initialized in wallet code
8022 nor P2 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][SD] Invalid/unresolvable URLs cause SmartDownload to ha
8024 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertion when typing after a SelectAll
8028 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Unusable
8032 cri P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE 'display: table-column-group' CSS2 property causes crash.
8036 min P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL The 'open folder' gif is not utilized for open aurora folder
8037 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Bookmarks "open folder" icon not used (style bug?)
8041 nor P3 Mac tague@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Mac doesn't enter special dead keys
8042 enh P5 PC shaver@netscape.com VERI FIXE misleading indication of whether function or return val has
8043 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash on exit after creating new profile
8044 blo P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE nodelist::item(i) returning null in XML
8046 tri P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP] Right-aligned HR centered
8047 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser regression
8048 cri P1 Oth pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL sched: Get context menus to work under Linux [PP]
8049 nor P3 All german@netscape.com VERI FIXE Toolbar buttons are too wide
8050 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE REGRESSION: cookie viewer and signon viewer suddently stoppe
8051 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL checkboxes being reversed on submission
8052 nor P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE REGRESSION: ConfirmCheck dialog just stopped working
8055 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE EUC-JP encoder cannot encode 0
8056 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {compat} Too much space between paragraphs
8059 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT an OS default of white text causes some screens to be blank
8061 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Apprunner uses 100 % cpu time when waiting for an ima
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
8062 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] GTK Menus not displaying if menubar not displayed immed
8064 maj P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE assertion in XIF code
8066 maj P3 SGI briano@netscape.com VERI INVA No SGI/IRIX builds
8068 enh P3 Sun briano@netscape.com VERI INVA Solaris 64-bit builds
8070 nor P3 PC jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE Prefer JS_AddNamedRoot, and missing JS_RemoveRoot
8074 nor P3 All claudius@netscape.com VERI INVA [REGRESSION]New UI problems with 06/12 build
8077 cri P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI WORK Pressing Cancel/OK in Prefs on Win98 crashes.
8079 maj P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Apprunner crashes after filling in profile screen
8081 maj P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash ov view source
8082 enh P3 PC german@netscape.com RESO FIXE [RFE] req: Change cancel on "do you want to save this form"
8083 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL browser freezes
8084 min P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Big purple bar beside sidebar
8085 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner crash while doing things in preferences
8087 maj P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI DUPL freezes on startup if you're offline
8088 cri P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash related to stylesheet loading
8089 nor P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Edit/Preferences/Appearance-colors causes crash
8090 nor P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Preference panel cannot be reopened
8091 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE [4.xP] onchange event fires late
8092 maj P3 All norris@netscape.com RESO FIXE mozilla/caps/public/nsI* missing |GetIID()| methods.
8093 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE mozilla/dom/public/nsI* largely missing |GetIID()| methods.
8094 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [4.xP] jwz's ego aligned leftmost - it should be centered
8095 maj P2 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI INVA mozilla/editor/guimgr/public/ missing |GetIID()| for class n
8097 nor P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incrementing wrong counter
8098 cri P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash on load of a www.hotwired.com page.
8099 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK Assertion in reflow of XML
8100 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Layout will lose its vertical scroll bar
8102 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]No 4.x profiles showing on migration list
8103 tri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Text in cell vertically displaced
8104 min P3 PC danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Profile Manager, application window way too narrow
8105 min P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Back, Forward buttons are now always greyed out
8106 maj P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE Calling 'exit' while closing the top level window (causing t
8107 nor P3 PC ekrock@netscape.com VERI INVA poll doesent work
8108 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL virtual wrap is ignored on posting
8109 nor P3 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE profile manager using Default instead of my profile director
8110 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Article layout on xml.com is severely mangled.
8111 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK None of the sidebar graphics are downloaded.
8113 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI REMI Empty cell's bgcolor not rendered if empty
8115 blo P1 Mac danm@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]QA Partner does not work on Mac with Apprunner 199906140
8116 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI INVA Disapearing image
8118 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL it has a lot of trouble loading animated gif's
8119 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL it has a lot of trouble loading animated gif's
8120 nor P3 PC bobj@netscape.com RESO FIXE Reconcile UI names for Raport and Messenger requirements
8122 min P3 Sun don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Pressing the middle mouse button on a link does not open a s
8125 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsString2::ToInteger fails to set error code
8134 cri P1 Sun slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Solaris 7 nightly build 1999-06-14-08 crashes (segmentation
8139 cri P1 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI WORK get version registry working
8144 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE can't click on an image to select the image, in viewer or ap
8146 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA document.writeln is not inserting a newline
8150 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE top talkback m6: was raptorhtml.dll crash; now NS_NewConvert
8151 min P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] Unable to load local files from command-line
8152 nor P3 PC tao@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK fix in nsStringBundle
8153 nor P3 PC leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE file referenced in makefile.win doesn't exist
8154 min P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE cast to fix warnings
8155 nor P3 All brendan@netscape.com VERI FIXE JS timeout expressions are stored as ASCII/ISO-Latin-1
8156 nor P3 PC german@netscape.com VERI FIXE HTMLDialog interface clarity
8157 maj P3 PC chrisd@netscape.com VERI WORK www.netscape.com will not load
8158 min P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Popup boxes and wording on Wallet window
8159 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [MLK] XUL elements leak when events are processed
8160 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL While loading large file, window does not repaint
8161 nor P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Leaking nsIServiceMgr in nsIAppShellComponentImpl
8162 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE all windows are squished when opened
8166 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE EXPORT - interface methods on "services" - netlib
8174 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE EXPORT - interface methods on "services" - rdf
8176 blo P3 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI DUPL Prefrences settings do not reflect prefs50.js
8177 maj P2 PC dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL nsServiceManager::mGlobalServiceManager not Released
8180 tri P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Frames visually misaligned
8183 min P3 All mang@subcarrier.org RESO FIXE xpidl_idl.c error handling for #include "foo
8184 min P3 All shaver@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpidl - infinite loop in xpidl_idl.c on '// %{'
8186 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]apprunner -P profilex will not always launch apprunner w
8187 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK back button display wrong page in frame
8190 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK &amp; rendered as &&; in the TITLE element
8191 tri P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parsing of BGCOLOR is incorrect
8192 min P3 Mac danm@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Mac - clicking on size box resizes window
8197 blo P1 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] Unable to read in mail/news prefs
8200 blo P3 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI INVA [BLOCK] ProfileManager broken in Mac version of appRunner
8201 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to implement GetIID for all intl interfaces
8205 nor P3 Mac kin@netscape.com RESO FIXE Editor crashes when trying to render traditional chinese (ha
8211 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Feature: Need target for content window
8212 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Panels needs to target content window
8214 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac - Closing browser window with text field focussed c
8215 nor P3 PC cathleen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Patch: Install.log displays garbage characters after a patch
8218 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE frames problem
8223 nor P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] After loading first page, 1st 2 Bookmarks menu items go
8224 min P3 PC vidur@netscape.com RESO DUPL It unnesessarilt recontacts the site for # links
8225 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Tab doesent work
8229 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE View source errors
8230 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Sizing of SELECT elements within tables
8231 tri P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE "- " displays on pages with no title, but shouldn't
8232 maj P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Changing Prefs50 file to handle Widget mode causes Browser b
8235 blo P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Mac SeaMonkey build 6/14/99 does nothing when triggerin
8236 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI WORK When scrolling down by page, garbage drawn in window
8237 nor P1 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Prefs need to save when apprunner quits
8238 maj P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE
8242 nor P3 All radha@netscape.com RESO FIXE [LAUNDRY] Remove old session History code from nsWebShell
8244 cri P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK Beeps and Warnings loading images
8245 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [REGRESSION] Back/forward buttons do not highlight on mouseo
8247 blo P1 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE xul dialogs do not paint on windows/mac
8248 nor P3 All jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE XPConnect does not release wrapped C++ interfaces
8250 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash!!!! - Loading external style sheet
8251 maj P1 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Need to take relative URL to the external DTD
8254 blo P1 All tao@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser hangs on External DTDs don't have doctype declaration
8255 nor P3 All tao@netscape.com VERI FIXE XML parser does not support co-existence of internal and ext
8256 nor P3 Mac hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE XUL fragment for tab widget does not show tab button
8257 nor P3 Mac hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE XUL fragment not showing html content in tab widget
8261 nor P3 All beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrolling a view by a pagefull should repeat the last line
8262 enh P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI LATE feature Request
8264 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac GFX draws lines one pixel too long
8265 maj P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sidebar can't be opened
8267 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] need nsIRDFContainer::RemoveElementAt()
8268 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE remove DOM window Equals() hack
8269 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Popup causes assertion in CreateOrReuseElement line 1830
8270 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE REGRESSION: tab doesn't get you to next field
8272 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE datasource.Flush() crashes
8273 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Incorrectly renders sliced image on store.acm.org
8274 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Incorrectly renders sliced image on store.acm.org
8275 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO LATE Need routne to perform Unicode composition and decomposition
8277 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Two asserts in session history on startup
8278 nor P3 Mac rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE Search data source asserts on startup
8280 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE "user defined" encoding converter
8281 maj P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE HP Build bustage/illegal C++?
8282 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash of viewer application
8283 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Right-justify button crashes
8284 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL SELECT onchange fires delayed
8285 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Win32 Horizontal frame scrollbar jumps halfway up the page d
8287 cri P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE infinite loop in dom range gravity code
8288 nor P3 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI WORK preferences crashes with ok button
8290 maj P3 PC av@netscape.com RESO FIXE The applet tag with the align parm crashs the browser
8292 nor P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] Toolbar buttons not underlined on Mac
8294 nor P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE http://www.fool.com takes over the sidebar
8295 cri P3 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Profile Manager does not come up with 1999-06-15-14 buil
8297 nor P3 All trudelle@netscape.com VERI WORK garbage on the top of the webpage
8299 nor P3 Oth sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Open from Editor doesn't work
8300 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE BLOCKER: typing doesn't display on same line
8302 cri P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI WORK Edit/prefs results in core dump
8303 blo P1 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE BLOCKER: cannot insert cursor!
8304 cri P1 All kin@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't select anything after typing in editor.
8306 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] Need to enable Editor API Logging on the Mac
8307 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Long lines not wrapped (or: "Why I'm not eating dogfood yet"
8309 cri P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to Flush() during Editor API Logging.
8311 blo P1 All dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE trigger is broken for xpinstall
8312 min P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE When BUTTON pressed, turns aqua
8314 maj P2 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE {list} List markers omitted when the list element starts wit
8316 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Frames page doesn't load correctly
8317 blo P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE SMOKETEST: Crash after Closing Editor after changing text
8318 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE pop ups obliterate personal toolbar
8319 min P4 PC kipp@netscape.com RESO FIXE {compat} Spaces in 'href' atttribute lost in content sink
8320 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE the layout of the search widget is off
8323 nor P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Java Script error: Components.classes has no properties
8325 blo P2 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Exiting Profile Manager and crash
8326 blo P1 PC mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] CreateProfile Wizard does not come up with 6.16 Win bui
8327 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to initialize selection in PresShell
8328 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Mac command/open apple key doesn't work with keybinding
8329 cri P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI DUPL [CRASHER] Looks like JavaScript write causes crash during do
8333 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL ftp fails with files that have spaces in names
8336 blo P1 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI INVA Attempting to access profile directory prior to the existenc
8337 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL ftp can't handle files with non-US characters in them
8339 maj P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Improve nsHTMLEditor::InsertElement to handle inline and blo
8340 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] Open URLs in chromed browser window
8341 blo P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Attempting to access profile directory prior to the existenc
8342 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Don't change HLine attributes when saving settings as defaul
8345 enh P3 PC german@netscape.com RESO LATE [feature request]
8346 nor P3 Mac dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE Renaming volume breaks registry
8347 nor P3 All cathleen@netscape.com RESO FIXE notification tree widget not showing
8348 maj P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash clicking on Customize Button in Sidebar
8349 nor P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Wallet/Single Signon Dialogues not being dismissed
8351 nor P3 PC edburns@acm.org VERI WORK Sometimes Java is not enabled after an installation
8353 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Relative links point to wrong directory
8354 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unclosed <label> blocks browser
8355 nor P1 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] [PP]Task bar component implementation
8356 nor P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking a link after going back results in an Not Found Err
8357 nor P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Security Icon in chrome is wrong
8358 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI INVA
8363 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL OnChange event in SELECT is not called when needed
8367 cri P3 HP waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE HP build error
8368 nor P1 Mac law@netscape.com VERI FIXE [REGRESSION] [PP]Crash when selecting Open from Page source
8369 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Muliple help menus on the mac
8370 cri P3 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE CRASH: body with style of display:table
8371 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Missing top image on FoxNews
8372 maj P3 All peterl@netscape.com RESO FIXE UMR in CSSLoaderImpl::ParseSheet()
8374 maj P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR (uninitialized memory read) in net_SaveCookies()
8375 nor P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor API Log fails to set paragraph style.
8376 nor P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sidebar links open in sidebar and not browser
8377 blo P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL okay and cancel buttons on form submission popup's do nothin
8378 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI WORK page wont load fully
8380 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL grey bars shadow form elements all over page
8382 cri P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE Freeze with unconfigured proxy
8383 nor P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [REGRESSION] Dialogs crashing
8384 nor P1 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE Prefs from JS fail on ftp.mozilla.org bits on Windows
8386 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [rdf/xml] serializer uses 'about=' attribute on containers
8387 maj P1 All davidm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need to remove CHAT component button from the task switcher
8388 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA {compat} empty <P> elements used to space <li>s are ignored
8390 maj P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Problem with history (Back and Forward go to wrong pages)
8394 nor P3 Mac pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE Images keep trying to load after you go to a different page
8401 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE assert when removing XUL element
8406 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI WORK Text selection highlight obliterates background image...
8408 cri P3 All tao@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser crashes in loading big DTD file (>=11k)
8409 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com RESO INVA Animated gif leaves trails
8410 cri P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] loading about:blank causes hang
8414 nor P3 Mac morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]crash when attempting to close wallet dialog
8416 blo P1 PC briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]6-17 release build - Linux core dump when startup
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
8417 nor P3 Mac ssu@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Cannot install M6 build
8419 maj P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE CSSStyleSheetImpl::RulesMatching crashes
8424 cri P3 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: [PP] Crash loading Scopus - Mac Only
8425 min P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO:When apprunner loads URLs, NT lists app as 'not respon
8426 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL all Windows re-sizes too small when drawn
8428 blo P1 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Crash on startup
8431 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI INVA Cannot update <SELECT> combo boxes with JS
8432 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL Save acting like Save As
8433 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL numbered list right indents instead
8434 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE numbered list not working
8436 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE indent/outdent not completely working
8437 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE When switching between different prefs panels, no redraw
8438 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA indent wraps
8439 nor P3 All saari@netscape.com RESO FIXE onkeyup and onkeydown don't work with keybinding
8445 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE left/right alignment doesn't work
8447 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE left alignment doesn't work
8448 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE carriage return jumps 2 lines
8449 nor P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE 6/17 linux apprunner crash on start
8450 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]unbreak shortcut keys in Viewer on MacOS
8452 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac context/popup menus don't execute JS
8453 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Element::insertBefore() not working correctly.
8454 blo P1 All ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE libjar is not decompressing certain files correctly
8456 maj P2 All dveditz@netscape.com VERI WORK Triggering jar files crashes intermittantly
8459 nor P2 Mac tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]IME bug-Cannot move cursor to select the character you t
8463 enh P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI LATE Easy-to-integrate DSSSL engine in Mozilla...
8465 nor P3 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE rdf:ignore doesn't work with XUL templates
8466 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Image alignment wrong after two images beside each other and
8468 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner startup redraws at old size
8469 maj P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Colors page on preferences dialog crashes RAPTORHTML
8471 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Hang in nsInlineFrameReflow when attempting to view long pag
8473 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL [REGRESSION] Back and forward buttons remain disabled
8474 nor P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI WORK Common dialogs don't close
8475 nor P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE visited links become unavailable
8476 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI WORK trying to select text blocks Mozilla
8477 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL TD presented twice
8478 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA All Screen don't maximize on open
8479 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE alter RDF observer ownership to allow JS implementation
8480 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE add Change() and Move() methods to RDF datasource interface
8482 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE factor out Init(), Refresh(), Flush() into an interface
8484 nor P3 PC sxw@dcs.ed.ac.uk VERI FIXE missing mozilla-wrapper in .src.rpm
8485 maj P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL Ordered lists don't number correctly
8486 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK Can't resize zdnet.com
8487 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: [PP] Can't load anything after zdnet
8489 maj P2 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Undefined background when mixing widgets with background ima
8492 maj P3 Mac morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]cookies/signon/wallet contents/preview blank on Mac/Unix
8494 maj P3 Mac morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Problems with password entry screen on mac
8496 cri P3 PC putterman@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash on startup in mailnews.dll:CreateInstance()
8497 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE @font-face parsing broken
8498 nor P3 SGI don@netscape.com VERI DUPL CGI image maps won't work
8501 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Select-box doesn't react automatically
8507 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tables line-break text within cell at too minor a prompt
8509 cri P1 PC pollmann@netscape.com RESO WORK Segfault in nsHTMLFrameInnerFrame::DidReflow viewing a frame
8512 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE target in child window not updating parent window
8513 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [regression] related links busted throws JS exception
8514 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE Changing "ref" should reroot a tree
8518 nor P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI FIXE tRNS field not handled properly by imglib
8521 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Recent Linux builds don't have sizes.txt
8522 nor P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsILocale shall return consistent locale name across platfor
8523 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Illegal NOFRAME tag hangs Apprunner
8526 cri P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Duplicate CID registrations
8528 nor P2 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Lots of .hst files in ~/.mozilla/[profilename]
8531 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK link within table does not work when broken across 2 lines
8532 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Small version of box acid test failure
8533 nor P3 Oth karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table cell sizes too small for text
8534 nor P3 Oth rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Excessive space between images
8535 nor P3 All racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Profile window is leaked.
8536 nor P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Profile window is leaked.
8537 nor P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE browserAppCore ownership model needs fixing
8539 nor P1 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Download progress dialog ownership model needs fixing
8541 nor P2 All law@netscape.com RESO WORK Need to add ucth and xfer to Mac build.
8542 tri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT see through window
8544 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Two images in a table cell shown on 2 rows instead of side b
8546 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] Relative links do not function
8547 min P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA buttons
8550 nor P3 Oth pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL GTK+ Menus don't place themselves optimally
8551 nor P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI WORK PluginViewerImpl::StartLoad: content-type=audio/x-wav extrem
8552 blo P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE translation of the bugzilla page wont work - crash
8553 maj P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI INVA 'rate my site' on geoguide does not work
8556 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Error message in OnStopBinding() getting called too eagerly?
8557 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE typing in a text area in the profile manager causes a crash
8558 nor P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE Multiple pop-up windows created.. shouldn't be.
8560 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA [4.xP] External css file with incorrect markup does not work
8566 min P1 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Sidebar separator comes up too thick on Linux, (mouseove
8569 maj P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE "make" dies because of shared library problem under Sol2.6
8571 nor P3 All davidm@netscape.com VERI INVA nsIWindowMediator.h not needed?
8573 min P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE URLs with backslash not fetched
8574 nor P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI WONT Printing should be on a separate thread
8575 enh P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [RFE] Include a HTML errors window.
8576 nor P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI INVA
8579 nor P3 Sun alecf@netscape.com VERI INVA mailnews related build error on Solaris
8580 maj P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Migrate profile button wont work until a new profile is crea
8582 min P3 PC locka@iol.ie VERI INVA
8583 blo P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI DUPL Browser simply crashes while visiting the page with the soun
8584 blo P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Browser simply crashes while visiting the page with the soun
8585 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Browser crashes when it is sound file included in the page
8586 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE Sizing of select elements
8587 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL {table-reflow} table grows when link is clicked
8588 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Pressing down arrow key crashes browser
8591 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com RESO FIXE {css1} Unitless numbers are not ignored
8592 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com RESO WORK Mouse exit must be generated when mouse leaves apprunner win
8595 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Presence of COL elements changes table sizing
8597 maj P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Layout hosed if XUL toolbar is too wide
8598 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Event not completely constructed for mouseOver
8599 nor P2 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor toolbar is too wide
8601 enh P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI WONT feature request
8602 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL lists in paragraphs not working
8603 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WONT Complete log file is not created when running Performance Pe
8604 cri P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] setValueString crashes when subkey is absent
8605 blo P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Complete log file is not generated when running the Perl scr
8606 blo P2 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] Need Apprunner to start with a blank page as default fo
8607 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE The Doc Type Decl needs to get passed up from expat
8608 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash when double clicking on items in pref panels
8609 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO REMI parser needs to be reusable
8611 min P3 PC akkana@netscape.com RESO REMI editor should use a single parser instance
8614 nor P3 All tao@netscape.com RESO FIXE The external subset should be parsed after the internal subs
8615 cri P1 All dprice@netscape.com RESO SGI: memory leak in Comm 4.5
8616 nor P1 PC dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE XPInstall stub/starter library for InstWizard
8617 cri P1 Mac sgehani@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]make XPInstall standalone for Mac
8618 min P2 All law@netscape.com VERI DUPL Using file picker to open file doesn't open file...
8620 nor P1 All ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE xpinstall logging support
8621 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Standalone libjar build on the Mac
8624 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][BLOCKER] top-level borderless windows show up in the wr
8627 nor P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Mac - mouseover highlights dropdown list
8630 nor P1 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] [PP]Linux/UNIX platform user agent implementation
8631 nor P1 PC law@netscape.com VERI DUPL [FEATURE] Windows platform user agent implementation
8632 nor P1 Mac davidm@netscape.com RESO WORK [FEATURE] [PP]Macintosh platform user agent implementation
8637 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL moving from one XUL file to the next
8639 maj P2 Mac tague@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]IME bug-"Re inputting the pronounciation" does not work
8641 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE List of Current Panels Customize Screen not readable
8646 nor P1 PC morse@netscape.com VERI WORK Use of stringbundle on netlib thread causes crash in viewer
8653 blo P1 PC racham@netscape.com VERI INVA Profile manager runs everytime apprunner is started
8654 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Problems with interlaced gif's
8655 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK Problems with interlaced gif's
8656 nor P3 PC tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us VERI LATE Fix warnings in JPEG compilation
8662 nor P1 PC leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE copy mozilla/dist to ns/dist as first step of netscape build
8663 nor P1 Oth briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE symlink mozilla/dist to ns/dist as first step of netscape bu
8664 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK first thumbnail on all sub pages has horizontal line going
8668 nor P3 Mac beard@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Mac - pop-up list redrawn after onChange fires
8674 nor P3 All leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE write up docs to do sheriffing
8676 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA {compat} Adjacent floating images anomalously spaced on the
8677 nor P1 All mcmullen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor API Logging busted
8680 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA tables not displayed properly
8681 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL <PRE> not contained by a <FONT> tag
8683 min P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL White LI bullets superpose GIF images
8684 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: Starting Apprunner from UNC doesn't work
8685 nor P3 Mac leaf@mozilla.org VERI FIXE [Blocker][PP] can't launch today Commercial build
8686 nor P2 Mac jj@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]Duplicate Code Fragment Name in some xpfe projects
8696 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] Separate commercial and Mozilla XUL
8697 maj P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Regression: Setting background color using SetAttribute does
8698 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Linux: need multilingual support in menus
8711 blo P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [REGRESSION] [PP]Double version renders incorrectly
8712 blo P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] nsCOMPtr being used incorrectly in editor/base/Ins
8715 nor P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WORK FrameInner(iframe) didn't set max-element-size!
8724 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]nsWebShellWindow::LoadMenus() takes 60% of the time on N
8725 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE netlib uses old codebase include files
8726 nor P3 Mac trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL HTML:input widgets appear on all tabs of tab widget
8727 nor P3 All norris@netscape.com RESO FIXE LINEBREAK should be NS_LINEBREAK in nsPrincipal.cpp
8728 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE LINEBREAK should become NS_LINEBREAK in nsCookie.cpp
8731 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL lib/xp is full of cruft
8732 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cut and Paste causes crash
8733 maj P1 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac-Select File... button in File | Open does nothing
8735 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Personal toolbar buttons are gone
8736 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mass of images not lining up
8739 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Program freeze
8740 maj P3 PC av@netscape.com RESO FIXE Video clips aren't rendered if no size is specified
8741 nor P3 Mac ftang@netscape.com RESO WORK Problem with Swedish characters
8742 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK incorrect layout
8743 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cookie not set error ?
8744 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]It crashes on Glib and Gtk stuff.
8745 cri P3 Mac dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE [STARTUP PERF] [PP]libreg too slow on mac
8746 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL browser popup windows in build M8 are not correctly sized.
8747 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK M7 build crashes on startup
8748 nor P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Preferences under nt show a bar on the left and mozilla webp
8749 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE nested <DL> tags don't display properly
8750 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI INVA xoomcounter map click does not go to url
8751 cri P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]M7 can't find DLLs on Mac
8753 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Preferences window horked again
8756 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash when clicking on mail folder in messenger
8757 nor P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL anchors around images force a gap
8758 nor P3 PC phil@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash on Startup in nsMsgAccountManager::isUnique
8760 min P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrolling using cursor keys behaving oddly
8762 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE warner bros. site crashes apprunner
8763 nor P3 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]screen object props return -1
8764 min P3 Oth slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Bookmark window highlighting is unreadable
8766 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Very simple page failing to display correctly.
8767 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL preferences windows has transparent background
8769 cri P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux - Core dump in edit | preferences
8773 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL after H.Line insertion curosr becomes big
8774 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL screen jumps after inserting a space
8775 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA Communicator 4.61 crashes every time it is executed
8776 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fonts not working
8780 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com RESO FIXE {css1} 'color' parsing too lenient
8781 enh P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO WONT Need support for enums in XPIDL
8783 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash when resizing threadPane in Messenger
8785 maj P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Preferences window opens as just a frame
8787 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash when customizing sidebar
8788 tri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL button consitancy
8789 min P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI DUPL Location Bar
8791 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Preference window stuffed
8795 maj P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Related Link->Internet... in sidebar causes crash
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
8796 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK CSS Over-riding Font size
8797 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI DUPL style property is missing from XML elements and XUL elements
8798 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE JavaScript not able to concatinate tree element in dump()
8802 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash in customize sidebar window
8804 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL need to click again for input
8805 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Implement Target (named anchor) properties
8807 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA wrong display of white space in URL
8809 cri P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Regression: Crash accessing Prefs menu item (linux)
8811 min P3 PC troy@netscape.com RESO INVA ALT text truncated by image outline bounds
8812 nor P1 Oth sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE Triggers should work on Unix
8817 enh P5 All buster@netscape.com RESO REMI [RFE] Table row/column manipulation
8818 cri P1 PC dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] AddSubcomponent: File is not added on Win 98 when file
8819 min P3 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Textfiles don't show skipped lines
8820 enh P5 All buster@netscape.com RESO REMI [RFE] Pattern iteration/completion
8821 min P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Back and Foward arrows are always greyed out
8826 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Back and Forward buttons don't get enabled.
8827 nor P3 PC german@netscape.com VERI DUPL Manual Proxy configuration not possible.
8828 nor P3 Oth joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Screen refresh on key scrolling
8829 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI INVA
8830 maj P2 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE m7 start crash in xpcom
8831 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL When opening files via the file-open they will always open i
8834 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Milestones 6 & 7: Apprunner and viewer crash on startup
8836 maj P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Customising sidebars causes crash
8838 cri P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL M7 crashes in preferences (colors)
8839 maj P3 Mac mark.lin@eng.sun.com RESO FIXE 1.1 Swing NullPointerException
8840 nor P3 Sun rickg@netscape.com RESO WONT Wrong colors on 8-bit visuals after Mozilla 5 usage
8841 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com CLOS INVA crash in prefs at nsCSSStyleSheet.cpp 1657 CSSStyleSheetImpl
8843 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash loading this URL
8844 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL White squares right of form buttons
8845 blo P3 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Profile Manager not launching/ crashing
8846 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Layout giveth extra vertical space and taketh same away
8852 nor P3 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Switching my network connection causes a freeze
8855 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash every time accessing this URL
8856 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Carriage returns immediately before a </td> or a </a> are re
8858 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL text in cell does not appear
8860 nor P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO WORK Crash while creating javascript testcase
8861 blo P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE side bar won't open for win32 build 1999062408
8863 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE A code-section "if (cond) {IFBLOCK} else {ELSEBLOCK}" with I
8866 maj P3 Mac morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] various wallet viewers come up blank on Mac
8867 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WORK Cannot see initial text in TEXTAREA of a form
8868 maj P3 All tao@netscape.com VERI FIXE XML parser fails to parse utf-8 string correctly
8869 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE legend has incorrect vertical positioning
8872 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA @import directive not work in linked css files
8875 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Popups: Win98 animation screws up NT
8878 nor P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {first-letter}:first-letter and empty blocks cause crash
8879 enh P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Skipped content nodes (<style> and <script>) should contain
8880 nor P3 PC gayatrib@netscape.com VERI INVA Leading to a crash in yesterday's build
8885 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI WORK AppRunner quits on launch on a volume with a "bullet" in the
8888 nor P3 All norris@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsPrincipal.cpp include fe_proto and it shouldn't
8892 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: M7 Crashes when given localhost url
8893 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA {css1}fonts in PRE handled incorrectly
8895 nor P3 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI DUPL Homepage redirects don't work
8896 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL File Open does not load html file. Instead loads default fil
8897 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Download of file doesn't happen at all
8898 min P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE 3 autofill/signon password dialogues have some white space
8901 nor P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com RESO FIXE Empty table asserts into debugger
8902 maj P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Linux - clicking 'Downloads' in prefs causes segfault
8904 maj P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Linux x86 .so are bloated
8905 nor P2 All kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE {first-letter} :first-letter doesn't work on generated conte
8907 min P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL The logon progress at http://netmail.web.aol.com/ fails
8908 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Browser's toolbar's button problem
8909 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK The "Down Arrow" key cannot scroll down web page
8910 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Picture layouted in a wrong position.
8911 nor P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI FIXE M7 does not render empty <body> tags
8913 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL style defined in inline elements is discarded in and after a
8916 nor P3 All valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE mozilla/include/cgi.h looks bogus
8917 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA {compat} Vertical white space inserted into top of column
8918 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Pressing stop after a page is loaded reports a huge number o
8919 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Updating of URL in entry field is slow
8922 maj P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE hitting "horizontal line" button while a horizontal line is
8926 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: crashing
8928 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Preferences window transparent on right side
8931 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE XUL popup windows: width and height values don't work
8932 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE XUL popup windows: Window looses focus
8933 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE XUL popup windows: Wrong window styles -- should not have ca
8935 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Purify: Freeing mismatched memory in delete in AutoRegisterC
8937 nor P2 PC radha@netscape.com VERI WORK javascript:history.back() kills Mozilla
8939 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Viewer crashes on XPToolkit - Tree test 1
8940 maj P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Opening pref's crashes MSVCRT.dll after loading a webpage
8941 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL sidebar not in June 27 build?
8944 maj P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI INVA Mutliple GIF image download!
8945 min P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fix signed/unsigned mismatch
8946 min P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fix signed/unsigned mismatch in nsPluginArray.cpp
8947 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fix int to float warning
8948 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE In DOM Level 1, document.doctype returns null
8950 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE {table-reflow} Half of page disappears on mouseover of links
8951 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Style definitions begin ignored.
8952 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE "background-color: inherit;" doesnt work for form-widgets
8954 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Freeze on load of a www.geocities.com page
8957 nor P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI WORK Video card incompatibility problem?
8960 maj P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Problem accessing preferences window
8962 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Not displaying /xxx/yyy/zzz.gif images at all.
8964 cri P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking on open/close sidebar increases width of divider
8966 tri P3 Mac shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac - Edit menu remains highlighted after Prefs opened
8967 maj P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA DETECTCH.EXE (kopsm) detects this page incorrectly
8968 maj P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA DETECTCH.EXE (zhtwpsm) detects this page incorrectly
8969 maj P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA DETECTCH.EXE (zhtwpsm) detects this page incorrectly
8970 maj P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL DETECTCH.EXE (zhtwpsm) detects this page incorrectly
8971 blo P1 Oth sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE Thread spawned by XPInstall causes crash on startup
8972 maj P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI INVA DETECTCH.EXE (cjkpsm) detects this page incorrectly
8974 nor P2 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac - Quit doesn't work at first launch (only)
8975 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Circular ref counting between nsHTMLFragmentContentSink and
8980 min P3 PC german@netscape.com VERI FIXE Typo in File Open dialog box
8981 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA Typo in "Close" menu item in File menu
8982 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI INVA saving username and password upon submitting
8986 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Close windows function not working properly - freezing.
8987 cri P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Would like a "QA" Menu added
8989 maj P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL IFrame animated GIF image not displayed
8990 maj P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCK] submenus aren't generated at all
8991 maj P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI INVA With not set in image image displaded micospicly
8992 nor P3 All jband@netscape.com VERI DUPL xpidl inconsistent handling of const declarations
8993 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT HTML (SGML) comments not parse correctly
8995 min P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Images dissapear if the don't fit in frame
8998 maj P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI DUPL Wrong HTML Source!
8999 cri P3 All dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background image is not rendering correctly
9001 cri P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS "Top" Property is incorrect
9002 cri P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK Graphics getting chopped off
9003 cri P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA Dynamic Positioning is "wonky"
9005 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK in xcDll.cpp
9006 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK in nsComponentManager.cpp
9007 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK in nsIStringStream.cpp
9009 maj P2 PC warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsNetlibService::CreateURL bug
9014 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Column labels bleed into next column
9015 blo P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com CLOS WORK lots of asserts when laying out table with <label>s
9017 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com VERI INVA Japanese character's layout problem
9018 blo P1 PC sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Install script not enetered on the Mac
9022 nor P3 All rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE we need AsyncRead to use the offset parameter for the file t
9024 cri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE CRASH: insertRow() on TBODY with border-collapse: collapse
9025 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL link doesn't work
9026 nor P3 Mac waterson@netscape.com VERI WORK crash in RDFContentSinkImpl
9028 nor P3 All davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [FEATURE] Select-from-list dialog
9032 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in nsWebShellWindow.cpp
9033 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Getting selection as text does not work properly
9034 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Ctrl+C cuts text from content when it should just copy
9035 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash in nsContentList.cpp - duplicate release
9037 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Absolute position GFX text field asserts on resize of window
9038 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mozilla eats up all the systems memory!
9039 nor P3 All beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling draws garbage if BODY has background image
9046 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL empty STYLE element causes preceding elements to be duplicat
9052 blo P3 PC scc@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash when starting apprunner (debug build June 29)
9053 maj P3 Oth dveditz@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] From Linux, version registry missing Path and Version
9054 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Chrome reverts after clsing apppruner
9055 cri P1 PC dp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mozilla GPFs on startup.
9056 tri P3 Oth warren@netscape.com RESO WONT Debugging message missing \n
9058 nor P3 Mac gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: Hangs after frame timeouts
9060 enh P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI REMI [RFE] Reflow horizontally elongated pages to fit window
9064 min P3 Mac danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL close window quits app
9066 blo P1 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI WORK Linux: apprunner cores on startup
9067 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL margin/vertical padding doesn't work for table cells
9068 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page layout wrong until a link is clicked
9069 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsStr::RFindCharInSet loops forever if destination not found
9070 cri P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI INVA xml examples not loading (work in IE5; use XSL)
9071 cri P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL
9073 maj P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsAreaFrame::Init crashes; assumes memory request won't fail
9077 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK apprunner losts menus when viewing bugzilla pages
9078 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Click on a icon in a HTML table creates a big gap under the
9080 maj P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Selecting Edit | Preferences crashes apprunner
9082 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [Select File] button in Open Location window broken
9083 nor P3 All verah@netscape.com VERI FIXE M8 Release Note Scratch Pad
9084 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL <input type="image"> is rendered into the background image
9087 tri P3 Mac jj@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] Mac - wrong milestone in apprunner Get Info dialog
9089 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL highlighting text followed by list doesn't work
9090 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE indents after going from bullet to numbered list
9092 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL alignment pull-down menu is a pop-up window now
9093 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] little square are back when Cut/Copy/Paste
9096 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL failure to load anything when behind a proxy (with tcp/80 bl
9098 nor P3 Mac waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE NS_PRECONDITION fails in RDFGenericBuilderImpl
9102 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE textarea in dialog doesn't work
9104 blo P1 Mac rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE Tab widget showing all html elements from all tabs
9106 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: Crash on startup
9108 min P2 PC danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Personal ToolBar disappears
9110 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE HAVE_CPP_SPECIALIZATION test not sufficient for SUNWspro 4.2
9114 blo P1 All pinkerton@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP][BLOCKER] nsDOMEvent::GetScreenX/Y() doesn't work on mac
9116 blo P3 Mac pierre@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP][BLOCKER] eBorderStyle_BorderlessTopLevel not supported
9117 nor P3 HP dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE [patch] xpinstall build fix for HP-UX
9118 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Deleting last messages causes PreCondition error
9121 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com RESO WORK Trailing left single and double quotes followed by strange c
9122 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL browser freezes at url
9126 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA [Regression] When image missing, image always resized to alt
9127 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE select element inside div or p freezes viewer
9129 maj P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE DETECTCH.EXE (japsm,cjkpsm) does not detect SJIS charset on
9131 nor P2 All davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Problems with positioning of dialogs
9134 nor P2 All saari@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] NT, Linux - View | Character Set menu not scrollable
9142 nor P2 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] window.open(url) should open window in new chromed brow
9143 nor P3 All sspitzer@netscape.com VERI FIXE Start-up page should be read from prefs50.js
9146 nor P3 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Debug Menu URL's open up in Sidebar
9149 cri P2 All sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE GetFolder(target, subdir) shouldn't create a folder
9150 blo P3 All hyatt@netscape.com RESO INVA oncreate/onclick crashes for popups and tooltips
9152 blo P3 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE The load time for urls with frames is incorrect
9153 blo P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE PinSelectionInPRE() breaks Ender TextFields/TextAreas
9156 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO WORK Wrong cell width when BOTH colspec and table specifies width
9160 cri P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [crash][pp]mouseover the back button creates empty windows
9163 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL imported ie favorites are not handled correctly
9165 nor P2 Mac ftang@netscape.com RESO WORK [PP] ISO-8859-13 page displays the wrong glyphs
9169 nor P3 Oth gagan@netscape.com VERI INVA
9171 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE need to support old bookmarks I18N for migration
9172 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Large/Long FTP pages don't Load
9175 maj P3 All pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Tooltips horked, back button (Linux: Bordered top-level
9177 min P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tooltips in wrong location, result in tooltip of "Get Back,
9178 min P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Gif's won't display
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
9179 cri P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI INVA paste text string has lost whitespace info
9180 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE "-->" from HTML source (comment close) included in text sele
9182 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Open Sidebar results in Sidebar Page Source replacing doc. p
9183 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE UTF-8 input to Ender seems to confuse the editor
9186 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: Bugzilla query results do not appear
9188 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Tree widget royally screwed up in mail/news files when place
9190 cri P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsStr::Compare bug
9192 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI WORK if (document.layers) else if (document.all) stops script exe
9193 cri P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash hitting Back Button
9196 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE bogus node not deleted when HR inserted
9197 maj P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fix all dialogs to work with hyatt's <window> changes
9198 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Font pull-down menu not working; brings up pop up window
9199 maj P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE Find not working
9206 cri P2 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Changing text color second time causes crash
9207 cri P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Click on toplevel menu in plaintext editor causes crash
9208 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: Form data not properly submitted
9210 blo P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Side bar "What's Related" greyed out...and "Related Links" f
9212 blo P3 All gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL Profile Manager UI completely messed up
9214 blo P3 All racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL All Profile Manager dialogs don't display correctly.
9216 nor P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Fixed-layout table can't be flowed at unconstrained width
9219 nor P3 PC dbragg@netscape.com VERI FIXE change pref migration typelib file from include.xpt to somet
9222 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Image maps broken
9223 nor P1 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] Tooltips crash when mouse enters tip
9226 maj P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI WORK CSS assigned background images don't work
9227 nor P3 Mac jband@netscape.com VERI INVA returning a string could crash in some case when called from
9228 min P2 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE Desktop.ini appears frequently in Imported IE Favorites
9230 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Opening preference window causes assertions in FixedTableLay
9232 nor P3 All rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE [bookmarks] can't save/load description on bookmark folders
9234 nor P3 All johng@netscape.com VERI INVA Flash panels reload even if sidebar is closed
9236 cri P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Flush() crashes
9238 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA <input type=text> does support size=lenth
9239 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Image transparency not allowed in input type=image
9241 tri P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE js/src/jscpucfg.c compile-time warnings
9242 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Images Associated With an INPUT in Forms Lose Their Transpar
9244 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL Images As Links Separate Themselves From Other Images. The G
9245 min P3 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE Signed/unsigned compiler warnings in mozilla/dbm/src
9248 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unable to submit bugzilla query forms in apprunner and viewe
9249 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO FIXE -url doesnt work on apprunner
9250 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE allowing entities to be case-insensitive?
9251 blo P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA create chrome page is scrambled
9252 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK cannot vertical scroll on any page
9253 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Start window is scrambled and has problems
9254 nor P3 Oth sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE GetComponentFolder() shouldn't create a folder
9255 maj P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE Loading the different site problem
9256 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Titles for news articles not displayed
9257 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Content in table not shown at all
9258 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com CLOS INVA topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" not applied
9259 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL
9264 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash on start
9268 nor P3 PC dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE the background page isn't as should be
9269 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE [patch] SUNWspro 5.0 needs -library=iostream
9270 nor P3 Sun morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE extensions/cookie/nsCookieHTTPNotify.h needs a trailing newl
9272 nor P3 All sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need to clean up transient properties file extracted by Load
9273 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL MAP element adds height to table cell
9275 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE A bug to review profile code re memory management
9276 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] View->Character set menu is not scrollalble
9277 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com RESO FIXE Post bug-report using mozilla
9278 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL Close window in mozilla
9279 cri P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsString2::Equals(nsString& and nsStr&, ...) bug...
9281 nor P2 Sun radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Recent change broke --disable-mailnews build
9282 nor P2 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Inconsistent layout concerning style rule clip
9284 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Cannot display site
9287 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Insert a non-breaking space (&nbsp;) character in new empty
9288 blo P1 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Crashing when opening address book window
9289 blo P3 All trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Repaint problem for most xul files
9290 blo P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Repaint problem for most xul files
9291 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Passing Mouse Over Unvisited (Supposedly) Link Causes Table
9292 blo P1 PC blizzard@redhat.com VERI DUPL Linux/RH5.2: Crash in dlopen()
9294 nor P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI INVA Truedoc fonts do not render
9296 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page layout is way screwed up
9297 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA position-absolute not rendered correctly
9299 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Disregards table data alignment tag for embedded tables (tab
9300 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI INVA GetResource and relative URL's
9301 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Problems writing unencountered namespace to RDF file
9303 maj P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL When window resized very narrowly, scrollbars munged
9304 cri P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO INVA nextSibling, firstChild routines of tree widget not function
9308 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE SelectAll followed by a keypress doesn't delete selection
9312 cri P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac Commercial crashes when starting Messenger
9313 maj P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Insert Source dialog needs to be changed to resize properly
9314 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Calling "top.window.close()" from within a timeout crashes (
9317 nor P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK DOGFOOD - can't enter bugs on win32 7/6 build
9320 cri P1 All ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash-Loading this page
9322 blo P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Changing window to be a box and autosizing is cause bizarre
9323 nor P3 PC av@netscape.com VERI WORK "window.navigator.plugins[i].filename" returns just a filena
9326 nor P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Disable Single Signon for M8?
9327 nor P2 All danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Need to set set styles on top-level windows
9328 blo P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Need to turn on XML_DTD flag to enable external DTD support
9329 nor P1 Mac saari@netscape.com RESO WORK Crash when createing a menu
9335 blo P1 Mac scc@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash entering any URL in URL Bar and pressing enter
9338 nor P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL java-applet error on loading prefs window, prefs window appe
9340 nor P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL mozilla crashing on double-some items in prefs-window "categ
9342 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Unable to set active link color via style sheets
9343 maj P3 HP norris@netscape.com RESO FIXE Build fails when using objdir
9345 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE Popup XUL and Tooltips have window decorations
9346 nor P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL Prompt() and alert() stop JS execution
9351 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL Placement in page is not saved when going back or forward
9353 cri P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash opening local mail hierarchy
9354 maj P1 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when typing in empty document
9355 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK [CRASH] Loading www.tvspielfilm.de
9356 nor P3 All leger@netscape.com VERI WORK Browser Display problem
9358 blo P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Page Reload doesn't work
9359 maj P3 Mac shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]pref window does not display correctly and cannot be clo
9361 maj P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] Assertion when replying to a message
9362 blo P1 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Blocker-Character set menu does not work
9366 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Inserting text after inserting an object in empty page is be
9367 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE [blocker]Clipboard doesn't support HTML correctly
9368 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL ctrl-B/I causes text to disappear
9369 nor P2 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Loading Editor or Plaintext Editor causes menubar to sti
9370 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Insert Source dialog not exported
9371 tri P5 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Publish button needs to be removed/implemented
9372 maj P2 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Menus become unresponsive after dialogues are presented
9373 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE bullet/numbered list not working for 1 st line of Paragraph
9374 cri P1 All troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash after selecting list
9377 cri P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash-Page Source causes Apprunner crashes.
9380 cri P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL [pp]selecting Manage Bookmarks... menutiem crashes
9381 blo P1 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser fails to display cgi output from the same URL
9384 enh P3 PC jband@netscape.com RESO FIXE length property of XPConnect functions should be # of argume
9385 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]mac menus break when switching tasks (editor, bookmarks)
9386 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page does not display
9387 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Segmentation fault on mailto: link in mozilla/dist/bin/view
9389 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE document.vlinkColor does not return anything.
9390 cri P2 Oth pavlov@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] In editor, copy/paste text to Body causes crash
9391 nor P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Negative sizes not showing up in menu
9394 tri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table within a Table Error [+ Mozilla Crash w/Forms]
9395 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK [CRASH] Typing bogus URL into entry field
9397 maj P3 All shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Catergory field is not position correctly in Prefs dialog
9400 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mozilla configure on Solaris just broke! X related error.
9401 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [bookmarks] only try resource:/res/rdf/bookmarks.html #ifdef
9402 maj P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL <br> between images leaves unwanted space in table cells
9404 maj P1 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI WORK This page does not load correctly
9405 nor P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE][NECKO] nsURLReloadFromHistory support
9406 blo P3 Mac ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] AddSubcomponent: Adding a file fails
9407 blo P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE iframes don't display at all in xul loaded with CreateTopLev
9408 cri P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE install.exe on win 95 does not extract correct files
9415 nor P3 PC pinkerton@netscape.com VERI DUPL Precondition when using tooltips
9418 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Second hidden set of scrollbars in apprunner's content windo
9420 min P3 All briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE problems with local autoconf
9421 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE select elements broken outside of forms (regression)
9422 maj P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI WONT Unsafe handling of illegal cookie domain attributes
9423 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA Back, Forward Buttons still grayed out when enabled
9425 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Win Bookmarks not adding to Bookmarks menu
9428 nor P3 All leaf@netscape.com RESO FIXE No more nightly tarballs ?
9430 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE After inserting an object, the next character type is not in
9431 blo P1 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE location control field not accepting input, throws JS error
9432 nor P3 PC gayatrib@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Win ProfileMigration UI does not allow for 'migrate all'
9433 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL Incorret caret movement by arrow keys when at line beginning
9434 cri P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Crash when starting debug apprunner - also have release vers
9435 nor P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sidebar Customize freezes seamonkey
9436 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Sidebar titlebars cut off
9437 blo P3 Mac morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL [DOGFOOD] [PP] Popup window blocks use of bugzilla
9438 blo P3 Oth cyeh@netscape.com RESO FIXE M7 does not compile on NT
9439 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI INVA width and height not working on nested boxes
9443 blo P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL Linux: Resizing is broken
9444 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL Applying bold to para with first-letter style deletes text
9446 nor P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com RESO FIXE window sizing problems on Linux, apprunner and viewer
9447 blo P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE What's Related in Sidebar is broken
9448 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [crash] lazy treewidget mouse-over hidden/redisplayed frames
9450 nor P3 Oth don@netscape.com RESO WONT 7/8 build is not usable
9451 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash when tooltips appear and disappear quickly
9452 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL JavaScript error - impossible to load any web page
9457 cri P1 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [BLOCKER]typing URLs into the location bar doesn't work
9459 nor P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com RESO FIXE Changing button text on titledbutton should increase button
9460 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL bullet/numbered list not working at all
9461 maj P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Editor dialogs pop down before displaying
9463 nor P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Saving local signons removes all signons after re-start
9464 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Tooltips are not positioned correctly
9465 nor P3 All evaughan@netscape.com RESO FIXE use CreateElementWithNameSpace() for anonymous content nodes
9466 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Document loaded in iframe takes over its parent
9467 nor P3 PC gayatrib@netscape.com VERI FIXE Constraining the dimensions of pm.xul window
9474 maj P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE XULElement::childNodes.item() stops JS execution silently
9475 cri P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Intrinsic sizing doesn't work under unix
9476 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com RESO FIXE testing bug filing with seamonkey
9480 enh P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE new throbber
9481 nor P3 Mac karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table is laying out with a small gap
9485 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Cannot load URL from location field of browser window
9488 enh P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need modified type of HTML returned by editor
9491 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] Focus on main window not happening automagically
9492 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO WORK Javascript for chrome registry manipulation dumps core when
9493 nor P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL [crash] malformed protocol in URL crashes webshell
9495 maj P2 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assert and bad behaviour with colored text in editor
9496 min P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK transparent gifs within form tags display wrong background c
9497 maj P3 PC andreas.otte@primus-online.de VERI FIXE [PP]on startup, hangs: failure to load file://../navigator.x
9499 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL assert when collapsing a mail server
9502 maj P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Win95/98 only CreateProfileWizard is blank
9505 maj P3 All racham@netscape.com VERI INVA The actual bookmarks are missing from the Bookmarks menu
9506 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Related Links gets cut-off
9507 maj P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bookmarks don't show up in the Manage Bookmarks window view
9510 cri P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Scrolling along Related Links on SideBar leads to crash
9511 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE selection of this text sequence doesnt' change style
9513 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cannot insert element a second time
9515 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WORK image gets chopped up for image insertion followed by scroll
9516 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL JS errors when jumping to a new URL; linux doesn't load
9518 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE JS error on launch editor
9520 maj P3 Oth jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE Porting problems
9521 nor P3 Oth pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]pull-down menus not operational on Linux
9522 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL site load crashes apprunner
9523 maj P3 Oth mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE JavaScript: new Date().getTime().toString() -> loop
9524 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [treewidget] assertions when closing folder
9525 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Related Links get overlapped while scrolling up and dow
9526 nor P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]editor startup time is real slow(several minutes)
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
9527 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash while interacting with a tree widget
9528 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Most of page does not display
9529 maj P3 PC dbragg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Not able to add bookmarks to a migrated profile
9531 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] File| Quit menu functionality disabled
9532 blo P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Browser won't start , Talkback won't report
9533 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background not rendered correctly
9538 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WORK Page of page not displaying
9543 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL <b> conflicts with <LI>.
9546 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [bookmarks] manage bookmarks window comes up unconstrained w
9548 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com RESO WORK HTML files cannot be opened as chrome
9551 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL URL input box doesent work in build 1999070908
9559 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]File| Open File or Location... menu broken
9564 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE bugzilla query fails
9565 nor P3 PC erik@netscape.com RESO INVA [PP]Win: menus don't work for multilingual entries
9566 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Scrolling up in bookmarks is doing horrible things
9568 maj P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrolling along related links leads to crash
9571 nor P3 Sun cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL Editor: Table | Add Row is missing
9572 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Linux: Font color not written to file
9573 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL [treewidget] Parent content should not be NULL!
9577 nor P3 Sun cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE File | Close does not match browser menu order
9578 nor P3 Sun cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor: File | Close doesn't work
9579 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Minimizing the browser triggers a reflow
9580 nor P3 All claudius@netscape.com VERI FIXE trying to file a bug on linux - this is just a test
9581 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]linux 'Translate' button on core tools bar fails to gene
9583 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash on http://www.lisbonne.com/digitalphotography.html
9584 cri P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK crash in nsFrameImageLoader::DamageRepairFrames only when ru
9585 maj P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE assert parsing page
9587 nor P3 All ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE XPInstall FileOp commands don't SanityCheck()
9588 nor P3 All dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE FinalizeInstall() doesn't check or return error codes
9593 cri P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash from Day Planner button
9594 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com RESO WORK M7: "originating server" cookie prefs bypassed w/ JS/CSS
9595 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com RESO FIXE text/textarea.onselect does not work
9596 tri P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Electric fence mod for mozilla/xpcom/typelib/xpt/tools/x
9597 enh P3 PC briano@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]mozilla/configure.in mod to support Electric Fence
9598 maj P2 PC danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Linux apprunner not exiting clean
9600 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI DUPL No error-checking if Profile Directory is deleted
9601 blo P1 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Wallet viewers come up blank (was Crash in raptorhtml.dll op
9602 cri P1 All dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE [feature] No modal confirmation dialog == huge security hole
9603 cri P1 All dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE [feature] XPInstall doesn't check the "enabled" pref
9605 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Loading MSNBC.com crashes apprunner
9607 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Menu: Debug -> Verification -> (options) wrong URLs?
9608 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Password Entry Comes up but no viewable
9609 nor P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com RESO FIXE gtk_widget_draw call with wrong type
9610 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Drop-down menus are empty on linux/gtk
9611 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE {css2}Problems sizing absolutely positioned replaced element
9613 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Scrollbar Thumbs drag behaviour is bad.
9616 nor P3 All pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL sched: Making the context menus draw- Linux
9617 nor P3 All pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: Linux accelerators & shortcuts
9618 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]sched: Linux Clipboard Image & HTML support
9619 nor P3 All pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: Linux clipboard Streams for large data sets
9622 enh P2 All mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: Incoming drags need to generate proper Gecko events
9628 enh P2 All mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: Handle effects of Necko landing on Linux (1 day)
9629 enh P2 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: Handle effects of Necko landing on Modal dialogs
9631 enh P2 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: XUL-based specification of resizability, modality, cl
9632 enh P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: Make XUL fragments load synchronously
9633 enh P2 All saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: Dynamic menus - Mac
9641 enh P2 All saari@netscape.com VERI WONT sched: Mac menu titles I18N
9646 nor P2 PC danm@netscape.com VERI WORK Apprunner thinks window is always 640x480 pixels
9652 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: Linux menu I18N (major dependency risk) [PP]
9653 enh P2 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: D&D - MacOS issues (immediate drawing, etc)
9654 enh P2 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: D&D - Handle focus changes and drop feedback issues
9661 enh P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA sched: Text Cropping in tree cells (mid/left/right)
9684 enh P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: XUL overlays
9692 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [top100] image at the top of www.hp.com not aligned correctl
9695 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner crashes trying to draw up safe form fill dialog
9696 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Gtk-CRITICAL assertion on exiting apprunner
9697 nor P3 PC dbragg@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] profile migration should rename "bookmark.htm" to "book
9698 nor P3 Mac hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]mac crash when I go to http://www.herring.com/mag/issue6
9700 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clicking on Sidebar| Customize hangs AppRunner
9703 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE make JS window.close() work for windows not opened through J
9706 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE Keyset keys should be translated to uppercase for menu
9709 nor P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Deleting <HR> deletes following text
9710 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL JS errors reported with wrong filename and line number
9711 nor P1 Mac davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Mail does not launch using Tasks/Messenger
9717 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO WORK bug in parsing http://www.mozilla.org/tools
9718 nor P3 All dcone@netscape.com VERI FIXE non-repeating centered background-image paints multiple time
9719 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI INVA [Schedule] Linux File picker filtering work[PP]
9722 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Setting dialog caption using window.title doesn't work
9723 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched: extend HTML form widget for tri-state checkbox
9724 nor P2 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]sched: Be able to handle arbitrary mime types as MacOS f
9727 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Browser generates large number of gtk failures
9728 enh P3 PC german@netscape.com VERI DUPL Lack of right-click options menu
9731 nor P3 Mac mccabe@netscape.com VERI DUPL Several JavaScript screen properties incorrectly return zero
9733 maj P2 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CODE] Missing call to remove content->frame mapping
9738 maj P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash reordering panels in Configure dialog
9739 cri P1 Mac saari@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Mac - menu items not working until focus given to body
9743 maj P2 All dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE CompareVersion not implemented
9744 nor P3 PC blizzard@redhat.com RESO FIXE scrolling widgets fails to move drop down windows
9745 nor P1 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cookie prefs are off by one
9746 nor P3 Mac akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE save in html editor produces bad html (open <style> in head)
9747 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE view source style issues
9748 nor P3 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE comments inside <head> are ignored or changed to text nodes
9749 min P3 Mac akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE newline after <pre> gets dropped
9750 min P3 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT save in html editor changes <table> tags from original file
9752 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE image dialog--alignment popup is missing icons
9756 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE image dlog--Advanced Edit (extra html) button is missing
9759 maj P2 All sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE Execute() and LoadResources() broken due to file extraction
9760 maj P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash re-ordering panels in Customize Sidebar dialog
9763 cri P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] crash in nsEditor::GetDocument
9766 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com CLOS INVA link dlog: missing "More Attributes" button
9769 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com RESO LATE {feature} html editor needs dialog to prompt for page title
9770 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] Sidebar "Add" panel button implementation
9771 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] Sidebar "Preview" panel button implementation
9772 nor P3 Mac buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE gfx widget (text): location area doesn't allow for selection
9773 blo P1 Mac danm@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Edit | Wallet | Display Cookies window is blank
9774 maj P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] test16 crashes the browser under linux
9775 maj P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE enter doesn't work in location field
9780 cri P1 Mac slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Customize window does not display correctly
9783 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Profile Manager does not present CreateProfileWizard whe
9785 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK This page shows as blank until you reload or move scroll bar
9786 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL [TESTCASE] multiple IFRAMES on page; only first is loaded
9788 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Small ad image blowup/oberlap problem
9790 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com RESO WORK Extraneous window pops up on loading JoongAng Ilbo page
9792 maj P2 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE <a href= xxx target="new"> opens non-menu window
9793 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK apprunner crashes while loading www.pathfinder.com
9794 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cancel button in Sidebar customization window dosen't work
9795 nor P3 Mac slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]No content for CurrentPanels in Sidebar customize window
9797 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Mozilla has problems with 256 colors
9799 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Uncaught javascript exception manipulating chrome registry.
9800 nor P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE drag action needs to be set based on modifier keys
9802 nor P3 All brendan@netscape.com VERI FIXE JS engine reverses ECMA 12.6.3 steps 5 and 6
9803 min P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Background reverts to default color before completing layout
9807 nor P3 PC selmer@netscape.com VERI DUPL Proxy settings
9808 nor P3 PC pavlov@pavlov.net RESO FIXE [Patch] [PP]The gtk port doesn't deliver TAB events on shift
9811 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table reflowed differently after mousedown on link
9812 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE problems updating pages
9813 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Patch] Tabbing between links with tabindex is broken.
9815 cri P3 PC chrisim@thinkfree.com VERI INVA testing bugzilla Àß...
9817 min P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Bottom scrollbar arrow doesn't appear at startup
9818 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Major crash on exit - requires hard reboot
9819 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL After visiting a XUL page scroll bar disappears
9820 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL form fields dont save input when going back to them
9821 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL random redirections
9822 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Stops following links
9826 nor P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - editor tests
9827 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - wallet
9830 nor P3 PC Jerry.Kirk@Nexwarecorp.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - photon code
9831 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Error message on install completion or cancel
9833 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - /xlib/nsRenderingConte
9835 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - htmlparser
9840 enh P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI LATE CSS2 counters not implemented
9841 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE malloc] memory allocation problems - intl
9845 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems -html/document/
9847 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - html/forms
9851 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com RESO INVA [malloc] memory allocation problems -mac/MacMemoryAllocator/
9852 nor P3 PC dbragg@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - libjar
9853 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - libpref
9855 nor P3 PC av@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - plugins
9856 nor P3 PC valeski@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - netw[eo]rk
9858 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems -nsProfile.cpp
9859 min P3 PC alecf@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - rdf tests
9860 nor P3 PC dougt@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - silentdl
9867 nor P3 PC dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE [malloc] memory allocation problems - xpinstall
9868 nor P3 All matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE scroll*.gif not being found.
9869 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL assert in GetChildListNameFor
9871 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Browser doesn't display Preferences
9872 nor P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Running treeTest1.xul crashes browser
9873 nor P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bugzilla: radio buttons moving around
9878 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: [PP]http://my.netscape.com crashes after I try to sig
9880 maj P3 Mac rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]page bombs gecko m7 mac!
9885 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL creating or changing PIs doesn't change stylesheets linked
9888 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO WORK locks up when working offline
9891 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash when inserting item in select list
9895 nor P1 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash: assert in nsTableFrame.cpp when colX and mColCount ar
9898 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI WORK Mousing over twisty causes debug assertion
9899 nor P3 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need a way to determine if a tree item has children.
9901 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Safeformfill not filling on Windows, focus issue?
9902 min P3 PC briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE View Source window displays incorrect build date
9904 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner GPFs in customise
9905 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mozilla does not cope with Cold Fusion error messages
9908 nor P3 PC blizzard@redhat.com RESO FIXE [PP]xlib widgets don't compress expose events
9912 nor P3 PC blizzard@redhat.com VERI WONT xlib widgets don't have menus
9914 nor P3 PC jband@netscape.com VERI WORK inout interface parameters don't work in XPConnect
9919 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE Find again doesn't scroll document
9920 nor P3 PC blizzard@redhat.com RESO FIXE gfx url field in xlib browser won't open new pages
9922 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI LATE Large JPEG images fail to display
9923 nor P2 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertions when tree has no header
9924 nor P3 Mac hyatt@netscape.com RESO WORK Icons in tree sometimes come up much too large
9925 nor P2 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Down arrow on Current Panels section behaves incorrectly
9926 cri P3 All tague@netscape.com RESO FIXE Need a reply mechanism for Ender's DOM event handlers
9927 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA [4.xP]{css2}clip not supported
9928 blo P1 Mac racham@netscape.com VERI INVA [BLOCKER] [PP] viewer never loads page; apprunner hangs on l
9929 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash - clicking on Up/Down arrows on Current Panels
9931 nor P2 Mac slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Cancel button in Sidebar customize window disabled in Ma
9933 maj P3 All vidur@netscape.com RESO FIXE Content is missing from the page
9934 nor P3 PC blizzard@redhat.com RESO FIXE text selection doesn't work with xlib widgets
9935 cri P1 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE infinite loop in nsRange::PopRanges()
9936 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE xul has confusing references to "Advanced" ("More Attribs")
9937 nor P3 Oth sfraser@netscape.com VERI WORK launching Editor again after File | Close causes crash
9938 nor P3 Oth cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL need focus first before inserting table
9939 nor P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE new Date (year, month, negative day) sets day to 1
9947 tri P2 PC law@netscape.com RESO FIXE open location window graphics corrupted when resizing it
9950 maj P3 Mac dveditz@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]Version Registry: apprunner does not register to Version
9951 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE Clicking on a named anchor does not scroll horizontally
9952 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Location bar does not update when you click on a named ancho
9954 blo P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL "move up button" in current panels list causes crash
9955 blo P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL saving wallet info dialog does not draw correctly
9956 min P3 All mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE Mouse highlighting of text causes rectangular fields to appe
9957 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE setting color through DOM is broken with html color names
9959 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL Need XOR rendering in GFX
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
9961 enh P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE Unicode -> EUC-KR converter
9963 blo P3 All dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE Locking logic is wrong while in standalone mode
9964 nor P3 All dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsSoftwareUpdate class need to be a singleton
9966 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK Scrolling Performance Is Very Bad
9969 cri P3 PC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsBoxFrame throws SIGFPE without check for divide-by-zero
9972 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE File | Close in Bookmarks window nonfunctional
9974 nor P1 PC danm@netscape.com VERI INVA nsIAppShellService should only deal with IDLized interfaces
9976 nor P1 PC dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE XP-COM Proxy code crashes when trying to AutoProxy parameter
9983 nor P2 Mac danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL modal dialogs aren't modal
9984 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL M8: Can't Scroll while page is loading
9985 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK M8: ALT tags being displayed even when image is available.
9987 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash entering URL in location bar
9988 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Imported IE 4.0 Bookmarks Badly
9989 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Page showing email does not display correctly.
9990 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA problem formatting email page
9992 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA can't login to the site
10003 nor P3 Mac troy@netscape.com RESO FIXE CW Build Error: undefined identifier 'memset' nsDST.cpp line
10004 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mozilla is unable to render very large forms (700K)
10008 nor P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI DUPL Back button goes to the wrong position on the previous page
10009 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL M8: Complex web page doesn't load correctly
10010 blo P1 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]crash on startup on linux
10011 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Table display problems in demos
10014 blo P1 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Related Links" folder does not have anything in it.
10015 maj P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Need to be able to create a folder in folder selection d
10017 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Selecting the Plaintext editor from the Tasks menu caus
10019 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Feature]OnSubmit notification framework for wallet and sing
10020 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE Implement OnEndDocumentLoad notification framework for singl
10021 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE]Get cookies working with Necko
10024 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE base targeting is not used in form submission
10027 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Grippy doesn't show up when sidebar in closed state
10028 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Mixed-case "mailto:" HRef ignored by the beast
10030 tri P3 PC peterl@netscape.com RESO WONT Minor weirdness with page rendering (css?)
10031 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE invisible überwindow wanted
10032 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Most rollovers cause the image to be replaced with a text ve
10033 nor P3 PC jband@netscape.com VERI FIXE forward declared iface not being resolved even though it is
10037 maj P2 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE Install.exe does not run if COMCTL32.DLL version is 4.0 in W
10038 nor P3 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE File | Open: xul file is old, newer one is to be used
10039 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Incorrect table cell sizes
10040 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Related Links feature disabled
10041 maj P2 Mac dougt@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]enumerating a folder's contents shouldn't resolve aliase
10044 maj P1 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE Buffer overrun assert
10046 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]GTK warnings on startup RH6.0 & M8
10047 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT location.replace causes core in M8
10048 maj P3 Mac beard@netscape.com RESO WORK Crash on Viewer App Launch
10049 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Incorrect Page Layout
10050 maj P2 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE File download non-functional: Win98
10052 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA {css1} widths not applied with display:inline
10053 nor P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]gtk errors
10055 nor P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI INVA Choosing File, New, Blank Window open editor
10056 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Right-clicking fails to bring up the "back, forward, etc men
10057 tri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Confusing messages with question boxes of Wallet
10058 nor P3 PC blizzard@redhat.com VERI FIXE xlib widgets don't handle test9 very well - problems with em
10059 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL mouse right-click menu
10067 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table hobbles around when link clicked
10069 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL link does not work after maximize + unnecessary repaint
10070 nor P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Preference window resizing
10071 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Thin lines appear between table cells
10072 nor P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Inconsistent Preferences
10073 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Form elements overlapping text
10074 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Followup to 10073 - more layout overlaps
10075 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Unterminated PRUnichar* -> segfault in nsString::Append()
10076 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA
10078 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scrolling using the space bar causes two screen refreshes
10083 cri P1 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE viewer and apprunner crashes on mozillazine page
10086 nor P3 Sun rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Should be const char when pointing to a const char
10088 nor P3 Sun gagan@netscape.com VERI INVA do not do extern C over include files
10092 nor P3 Sun arielb@netscape.com RESO FIXE do not do extern C over include files
10095 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE Select Option tags (a) render as simple text or (b) cause fr
10098 cri P3 PC dougt@netscape.com RESO FIXE progess dlg crashes when trigger jars before previous one is
10099 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL HTTP REFERER not implemented.
10100 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Improper white space around border=0 linked images.
10101 nor P3 Mac drapeau@eng.sun.com RESO FIXE [PP]MRJPlugin breaks current apprunner
10102 nor P3 Mac drapeau@eng.sun.com RESO FIXE [PP]MRJPlugin doesn't build w/ current source
10103 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI INVA
10104 cri P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crashing from parser in call to Append
10105 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH]crash in when visiting url
10106 nor P3 PC gayatrib@netscape.com VERI FIXE Error in res/profile/navigationFinish.xul
10107 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE View source lies about semicolons after entities
10108 tri P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL display error when mouse over of active buttons
10109 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE parsing of bad entities
10110 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash trying to go to CNN
10112 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mozilla has problems with submitting to IIS4.0+Coldfusion se
10115 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA adjacent sibliling selector
10116 min P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI WORK Javascript not working properly
10117 nor P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Long Bookmark titles cause wide bookmark menu popups
10118 cri P2 PC law@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash in preferences
10119 maj P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Password dialog is unusable
10121 maj P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cannot return to webpages that have already been visited.
10122 maj P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner crashes when exiting editor or compose mail window
10123 maj P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE exiting prefs dialog after any activity in the dialog crashe
10128 maj P3 All mcafee@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched - Form Submission (POST) not implemented in Necko.
10131 blo P3 Oth sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Crash on Linux triggering any jar file
10133 min P3 All pnunn@netscape.com VERI DUPL breaks on gifs longer than 8000 pixels
10134 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need GetEmbeddedObjects() to return file:// URL's
10137 cri P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI WORK Click on Link toolbar button in editor results in a crash
10140 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK captions are setting size of tables
10141 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Incorrect formatting insdie tables (font tag ignored)
10143 nor P3 Sun ramiro@netscape.com VERI WORK CVS build just broke under Solaris
10144 nor P3 Oth peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE graphic hot spots show borders
10145 cri P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI WORK Crash on exiting the Create Profile Wizard (while closing to
10146 nor P3 All sgehani@netscape.com VERI WONT [SD]Banner ads do not run unless browser is running
10148 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Loading Bug Reporting Guidelines Reboots Computer
10154 blo P2 Mac pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL HTML:INPUT onchange="foo()" not firing
10155 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO FIXE Mozilla has viewer errors to load www.lanacion.com.ar
10157 cri P3 PC cathleen@netscape.com RESO FIXE Cancelling progress dialog results in crash
10162 blo P1 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash-In Editor, selecting the character in the IME choice w
10174 enh P5 PC don@netscape.com RESO LATE still very slow
10176 cri P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE relatively positioned table causes crash
10177 nor P3 All dougt@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsFileSpec - Needs to have a public resolve function
10179 blo P3 All dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE ConditionalSoftwareUpdate not implemented
10180 maj P2 All sgehani@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP]CompareVersion is not implemented
10181 tri P4 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]MenusLib in widget.mcp. Doesn't belong there
10189 blo P3 All ssu@netscape.com VERI DUPL nsWinReg::SetValue not implemented
10192 nor P3 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Should get feedback when no forms to fill
10195 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO FIXE row/colspan causes table cells to stretch
10196 maj P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE New zero size window opens when target=xxx in link
10199 min P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO FIXE Imported bookmarks displayed with unnecessary .url extension
10200 nor P3 Sun rickg@netscape.com VERI INVA Crash on nsStr::Append on solaris/motif
10203 min P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Table2 within table1 will not center unless table2 is center
10204 maj P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in RDFContentSinkImpl::FlushText from unterminated PRU
10212 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO REMI Height: 100% does not work when nesting tables
10213 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE [compatibility] ill-formed comment end marker not recognized
10214 maj P2 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assert in basic table layout strategy
10217 cri P1 Mac slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP]customize button disabled
10218 tri P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Stylesheet width problem.
10219 nor P3 PC selmer@netscape.com VERI WORK Profile Manager rename and delete keys not working
10220 nor P3 All rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] CJK string display problem in Sidebar/customize window
10221 maj P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Messenger doesn't open through Tasks/Messenger or the icon
10222 blo P3 All selmer@netscape.com VERI DUPL delete and rename buttons disabled in profile manager dialog
10223 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL A checkbox in win32 build isn't functioning
10224 blo P3 All don@netscape.com VERI FIXE File | Open File or Location... not working for mac and linu
10225 cri P2 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK Cliking on Link text entry in link dialog caused seg fault.
10229 cri P3 Oth pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Crash selecting drop-down button rlogging from Solaris t
10230 maj P2 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Detectch (japsm) does not detect any charsets
10231 cri P3 All kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash making list after select all
10242 cri P1 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash-After typing Japanese chars, clicking on space bar cau
10244 cri P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI INVA *.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
10246 cri P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE *.html: please convert to localizable XUL file
10247 cri P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE *.xul: non-localizable XUL file
10251 cri P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE *.xul: non-localizable XUL file
10252 cri P1 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE *.xul: non-localizable XUL file
10253 cri P1 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE am-server-top.xul: non-localizable XUL file
10254 cri P1 All alecf@netscape.com VERI FIXE AccountWizard.xul, aw-done.xul: non-localizable XUL files
10255 nor P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI DUPL Modal Dialogs do not behave modally
10256 cri P3 All hangas@netscape.com VERI FIXE *.xul: non-localizable XUL file
10259 nor P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE Crash when file not found
10260 nor P3 All dougt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Add ability to see if a file/folder is "hidden" via nsFileSp
10265 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Can't see this url
10267 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA Image Map Mouseovers
10268 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE page comes up all black
10271 cri P3 Sun mjudge@netscape.com VERI FIXE selection crashes viewer on test11 page
10274 maj P3 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: linking to empty stylesheet causes error
10275 nor P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE top talkback - M8 - nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableGro
10282 nor P3 Sun slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA test bug. Ignore me.
10284 maj P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Adding binary file loses resource fork
10286 cri P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash after loading "related link" and clicking the "Related
10289 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE Build bustage on Xlib and Motif ports with SunOS 5.5.1
10296 cri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE CRASH: vertical-align on table cell is length or percentage
10299 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL This page does not render correctly
10302 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO WORK Table background rendering messes up when window is resized
10304 cri P3 All sspitzer@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Crash when opening Account Settings
10308 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Image Map MouseOvers
10312 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL 'style' element causes duplication of images
10313 cri P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA Dynamically adjusting the clip: property gives uneven result
10316 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL css bolder does not work
10317 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA CSS Class assignments are not working.
10318 tri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Shift-Tab does not work to cycle backwards through form elem
10322 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL Mozilla misses anchor close tag?
10323 nor P3 Sun gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Necko: iplanet.com hangs, renders blank content.
10325 cri P3 All rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Copy to clipboard (and maybe Paste?) doesn't work
10329 maj P3 Sun paulmac@netscape.com VERI FIXE M8 crashes when attemping to load www.iplanet.com
10331 maj P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL xml problems crash apprunner & viewer
10332 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE RemoveTextProperty works only if a selection endpoint is in
10333 blo P1 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO DUPL [NECKO] All status bar messages are not displayed
10337 nor P3 PC chofmann@netscape.com VERI INVA opaque is not opaque!
10338 cri P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE Please move entities into DTDs (Composer and dialogs)
10340 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Japanese detection is broken w/ detector pref enabled.
10341 cri P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Please move entities into DTDs
10342 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash when loading this page
10343 cri P2 All matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Please move entities into DTDs
10345 nor P3 Mac troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL Gaps between images
10351 tri P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com CLOS WORK looping GIF displays filename without ending after one loop
10356 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Layout contains GIF names like "pixel", "top", and "spacer".
10357 cri P3 All law@netscape.com VERI FIXE Please move entities into DTDs
10360 nor P3 Oth mang@subcarrier.org CLOS FIXE testing, ignore
10363 cri P3 All davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Please move entities into DTDs
10368 maj P3 PC ftang@netscape.com VERI FIXE [8.3] unicharutil.dll too long for Win9x
10369 nor P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE [8.3] xpprofile32.dll too long for Win9x
10374 maj P3 PC dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE [8.3] xpinstall.dll too long on Win9x
10377 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL Description field didn't get wrapped when bug #7150 was edit
10379 nor P3 All valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE No User Agents for Necko Builds
10385 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Submit Query form button doesn't work
10387 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK There's no horizontal scroll bar on this form
10392 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE non-terminated PRE fails to render.
10395 min P3 All troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE min/max-width should cause margin recalculation for position
10397 maj P2 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE setTimeout function does not get called if javascript is not
10398 blo P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tree widget causing a crash if included in box tag.
10399 nor P2 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE There is extra vertical space on the core tool(navigation) t
10401 maj P3 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] XPToolkit toolbar test crashes
10403 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI WORK reflows not happening for DOM changes when they should
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
10406 blo P1 All morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Edit | Wallet | Safe Form Fill dialog is not drawn
10407 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Customize dialog for sidebar is not complete
10409 nor P3 All evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Profile Manager buttons shift around on mouseover
10411 nor P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO WONT tree test crash
10414 nor P3 Sun mwelch@netscape.com CLOS FIXE test bug
10415 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL style.visibility not reflowing properly
10418 blo P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL no place to set up proxy
10422 blo P3 Mac sfraser@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] [Blocker] regression, can't launch Apprunner
10424 maj P2 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE If not typed the last "/", the page is not loaded (redirects
10425 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE <span> not contained by <p>
10429 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL some windows users see hang on startup with necko builds
10430 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL [DOGFOOD] Using the Tab key kills the caret and selection
10433 nor P3 All evaughan@netscape.com RESO FIXE [crash]invalid fieldset html causes crash
10439 maj P3 All mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL sched- implement http posting
10440 blo P1 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CRASH] Submitting Form
10441 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE javascript OnClick attribute crashes necko
10442 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE about:blank frames come up with a default message
10444 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cookie prefs don't work
10446 nor P1 All matt@netscape.com RESO WORK Two navigator.xul files
10447 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com RESO WONT Debug/XPtoolkit/Tri-state checkbox menu causes crash
10448 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com CLOS WORK page jumps
10449 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Single Signon viewer hangs the browser
10450 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE select boxes display with blue background
10452 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI WORK Style sheets (css files) have no affect in XUL Overlays
10455 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash during event handling
10457 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE Wallet's on-submit observer code is not being initialized.
10460 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI FIXE Negative z-index values render incorrectly
10461 maj P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL PNG images are not shown correctly
10462 maj P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI INVA PNG images are not shown correctly
10463 nor P3 Oth don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bookmark windows doesn't react on close command form FILE me
10466 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA Missing rasapi32.dll
10468 nor P3 Oth joki@netscape.com VERI WORK Pressing alt anywhere invokes "Open Location" window
10471 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE dir=rtl is no longer working on tables
10474 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE OnEndDocumentLoad handler is not getting called
10476 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL Scroll with arrow keys produces a bad screen redraw
10484 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Targeting nested iframes is hosed.
10485 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI REMI inherit on w/h on abs pos elements
10487 maj P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI FIXE Window menu items inaccessible by keyboard
10489 blo P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI INVA Tree widget continues to crash
10490 nor P3 Oth kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {HTML4} Line breaks immediately before end tags not ignored
10493 nor P3 Oth don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Paste link on "Open Location window"
10494 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO FIXE [PP]Linux crash on startup,
10495 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL it didn't want to submit the form
10501 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Almost anything with Wallet crashes Seamonkey
10502 nor P3 All scc@netscape.com VERI DUPL change delete[]s to match allocation method
10505 blo P1 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI INVA [SD][PP] Decompression of "core_file" does not occur
10506 maj P3 HP akhil.arora@sun.com VERI INVA JSObject.getWindow(this) UnsatisfiedLinkError in initClass
10507 maj P3 HP don@netscape.com RESO WORK Failed Excite search
10508 maj P3 Sun arielb@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsTarget::HashCode() attempts invalid assignment
10509 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI WORK line-height broken when p starts with span
10510 blo P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE form is missing...none of the fields are visible
10512 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO REMI Doesn't parse marked sections
10515 nor P3 All saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] incorrect logic in keybindings with Control/Command key
10516 blo P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tree widget does not get displayed in a box
10517 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE gfx buttons are not wide enough to contain their labels
10518 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WORK CSS Background image in table cells
10520 maj P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI FIXE Last child of Body element not rendered.
10522 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO WORK no "back" functionality with XML pages
10525 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE paste in plain text editor includes html tags
10526 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL crash saving wallet information
10529 cri P2 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]RFE: Need standalone version of Un-AppleSingle routines
10530 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page not getting rendered..
10534 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com RESO DUPL timing out trying to load large page of text
10538 maj P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE Document not reflowing after form submission.
10542 nor P3 All troy@netscape.com RESO DUPL pages consistently fails to load on any platform
10549 nor P3 All valeski@netscape.com RESO FIXE NECKO: location URL mangling needs a rewrite
10552 maj P3 All warren@netscape.com RESO FIXE MLK: leak on every image load, [NECKO] related
10553 maj P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsCharsetConverterManager
10555 maj P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsCharsetConverterManager
10557 cri P3 All valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: URI handling?
10558 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE extra copy in nsStdURL::ReconstructPath()
10559 maj P3 All cata@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: nsCharsetConverterManager::CreateMapping()
10560 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE NECKO: bad URL construction in www.foo.com
10563 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI FIXE [CODE] Assert in ComputeBackgroundAnchorPoint
10566 blo P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Active X embeding component build configured improperly
10568 nor P3 All warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: nsBuffer::WriteSegments()
10570 nor P3 All evaughan@netscape.com RESO FIXE UMR: nsBoxFrame::FlowChildAt()
10572 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE UMR: HTMLAttributesImpl::UnsetAttributesFor()
10579 blo P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Form submission didn't
10580 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Parser crash
10581 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com VERI DUPL Form widgets goes to wrong position after appending elements
10584 maj P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Deleting non-text-node, deletes text after it.
10587 nor P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Preference panel comes up blank
10589 blo P1 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE prefs window is "blank"...does not render properly
10595 nor P3 Mac cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE table border in Insert Table Dialog is ignored
10596 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com RESO FIXE Empty content model
10600 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL NECKO: Problems loading component libraptorhtml.so
10604 enh P3 Mac don@netscape.com RESO LATE Apprunner locks on startup
10614 maj P3 All troy@netscape.com RESO INVA consistently fails to load on all platforms
10616 maj P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Prefs50.js file is being written over each apprunner lau
10619 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL nof fixed in milestone 8
10621 nor P3 Mac akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE line feeds (not NS_LINEBREAK) inserted in output
10625 nor P3 Sun blizzard@redhat.com RESO FIXE UMR: nsWidget::nsWidget() and nsWindow::nsWindow()
10626 blo P3 PC morse@netscape.com CLOS DUPL save wallet info dialog displaying Japanese???
10627 nor P3 All rpotts@netscape.com VERI DUPL www.nvidia.com causes download attempt instead of displaying
10628 blo P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Related Links" invisible but still functional
10630 nor P3 Mac petersen@netscape.com VERI FIXE Inappropriate parsing of HTML comment
10631 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI FIXE REGRESSION: AutoFill Sign-ons: "Remove" button doesn't work
10632 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Setting and removing text properties should preserve the sel
10633 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE complex tables/colspans confuse browser (4.x parity)
10634 maj P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PATCH] nsComponentManager::PlatformCLSIDToProgid fix
10635 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI WORK Autofill: Doesn't remember values at CDNOW sample page
10639 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't see flash panel
10646 maj P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI DUPL Submit button does not submit
10649 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK tables crash
10652 blo P1 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Friendly reminder to get NC the client-side Activation sched
10653 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL url bar updates too late
10654 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE [DOGFOOD] selection after bold operation wrong
10656 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE [DOGFOOD] Switching fonts from default variable to default f
10659 blo P1 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI DUPL infinite loop in nsHTMLEditor::InsertText()
10663 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL [FEATURE] print not enabled
10667 nor P3 Oth dp@netscape.com VERI FIXE Makefile.in patch xpcom/tools/registry
10669 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI INVA URL host syntax (I've tested resource URLs) not quite right
10674 nor P3 PC ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE PROGID mispelling
10676 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA Style Width specified in em's appears a bit too large.
10677 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL incorrect cursor when mouse over a link in editor
10679 nor P3 PC mjudge@netscape.com VERI DUPL [DOGFOOD] selection needs to work in dead space / need neare
10684 nor P3 PC akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Plaintext editor Paste As Quotation crashes
10688 cri P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hitting Tab Key turns off selection by forcing focus change
10693 min P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE incorrect ID leads to no interface generation
10697 nor P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE DirectoryIterators and symlinks don't mix
10698 blo P1 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Infinitely repeating text causes hang
10704 nor P3 Mac dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]No progress dialog from Macintosh
10711 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Tables are crashing (tree pulled at 5:05 p.m. 7/28/99)
10716 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE mouse over radio button triggers reflow
10718 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA area frame's max element size width is incorrectly set to 0
10719 nor P3 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI DUPL necko not reloading new content on browser buster page
10720 nor P3 All valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched META refresh needs to be implemented for necko
10721 nor P3 Mac troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Special character causes kerning problems
10722 nor P3 Mac davidm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Dialogs appear in the upper left of screen
10726 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI DUPL page is doubly displayed
10727 maj P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA
10728 cri P3 Sun pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE solaris compilation errors on widget/src/gtk/nsWindow.cpp
10739 nor P3 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched - header api changes (rpotts, 1d)
10740 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched - account for header api changes in cookies
10741 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched - url encoding/decoding (gagan,
10743 maj P3 PC peterl@netscape.com RESO FIXE Repositioning DIV via JavaScript doesn't work
10745 enh P3 All don@netscape.com VERI INVA File|exit should only close subsystem and related windows.
10747 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Standard LINK elements are not rendered
10748 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI FIXE Javascript redirect crashes browser
10754 nor P3 All dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE Version registry not getting closed
10757 blo P1 All dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE Wizard-run installs get wrong directories
10758 maj P3 Oth dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash on shutdown with ShutdownXPCOM
10763 nor P3 All peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA pseudos are allowed in the middle of selectors
10764 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Some HTML pages are not displayed but prompted for downloadi
10765 blo P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] "Related Links" does not open list of related sites.
10766 nor P3 Mac sdagley@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Mac Necko build fails to load browser if you have a spac
10768 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO FIXE Latest build fails on startup with undefined symbols
10774 maj P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE "file|exit" and "file|close" always crashes
10776 tri P3 All davidm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Typo in the "Shopping" menu
10778 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI FIXE Multiple applications of text style don't coalesce attribute
10781 nor P3 All valeski@netscape.com VERI DUPL ProcessMETATag error loading HomeDepot: page renders blank
10782 blo P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL apprunner crashes on Safe Form Fill dialog
10783 blo P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clicking OK in Confirm Save Wallet Contents dialog crashes
10785 nor P3 Oth buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]crash on File | Quit
10786 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL assertion while entering bug report
10787 nor P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK content doesn't render fully
10790 cri P3 All rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE url "macfixit" crashes browser
10793 min P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI WONT [PP] Quotes interfere with CSS blocks
10795 nor P3 All brendan@netscape.com VERI DUPL can't get off Volvo home page
10797 blo P1 Mac gordon@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP][blocker] Necko: Messenger hangs trying to send or recie
10798 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL justify doenst work
10799 maj P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL formatting text
10805 blo P3 PC bsharma@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER]Build number is not correct in navigator-tes1.xul f
10807 nor P1 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE selecting Bookmarks| Manage bookmarks loads a bogus url in t
10808 nor P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE compressSet error
10809 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI FIXE page shrinks when mousing over a radio button
10811 maj P3 PC rjc@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]double-clicking a bookmarks folder spawns a new window
10814 cri P3 All don@netscape.com RESO FIXE Bookmark Issue
10815 maj P3 PC kin@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash deleting selected text and table.
10824 maj P2 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI WORK M7 dumps core when changin colour preferences
10825 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com RESO REMI MLK: Viewer leaks a webcrawler
10829 nor P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE MLK: leaking webshell(s)
10832 cri P3 Oth rpotts@netscape.com VERI DUPL Apprunner not recognizing index.html on isolated lan
10835 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com RESO DUPL too much space between images
10838 nor P3 Sun dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsPageMgr opens /dev/zero but never closes
10843 cri P3 All valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE [NECKO] crashing on bad URL's
10846 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash with debug/XPToolkit/Tree menu
10850 nor P3 Sun warren@netscape.com VERI DUPL Massive footprint of viewer/apprunner
10851 nor P3 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL [NECKO] Automatic URL redirection is broken
10852 nor P3 Mac gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL [NECKO] Crash on Translate in nsHTTPHandler::ReleaseTranspor
10888 blo P1 PC warren@netscape.com VERI INVA I can't debug anything.
10896 cri P3 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can crash when not connected to a network
10897 nor P3 PC dveditz@netscape.com RESO FIXE evil use of LCFLAGS in config.mak
10899 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL Plaintext: Close menu should be at the bottom, near Quit
10900 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK image problem
10905 blo P1 All warren@netscape.com RESO FIXE [BLOCKER] Necko: Whole mailbox doesn't get parsed
10907 nor P2 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Question Mark image not appearing in dialogs
10910 cri P3 Sun akhil.arora@sun.com VERI INVA
10911 cri P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Showing Channels or sidebar causes nsCellMap precondition
10917 nor P3 PC leaf@netscape.com VERI WORK Build date incorrect on app
10935 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' broken for Content-Type
10936 nor P3 PC sfraser@netscape.com VERI DUPL Toolbar does not reflect font style/formats on a given text
10937 cri P3 All dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE UMR: MLK: Component Registration problems (Purify)
10938 cri P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Putting an overlay into an overlay crashes
10939 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI FIXE <FORM> element is not transparent
10948 maj P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: about: protocol handler or docloader or documentbindinf
10950 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com RESO FIXE remove <TREEHEAD> from XUL files
10962 cri P1 PC av@netscape.com VERI FIXE Plugins are broken after Necko landing
10969 nor P3 PC leaf@netscape.com RESO WORK Talkback doesn't launch when a crash occurs
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
10989 min P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Throbber does not animate when loading start-up page
10991 cri P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL FTP data does not load
10992 min P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI WORK URL of document is not displayed
10993 nor P1 PC scc@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsBuffer does not initialize mObserver
10994 nor P1 PC scc@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsArena crashes if destroyed before Init()
10995 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE Tri-state checkbox test not working
10997 nor P3 PC dougt@netscape.com VERI FIXE ~nsProxyObjectManager does not clear static mInstance
11000 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO INVA getElementsByTagName(someHTMLelement) returns nothing in XUL
11001 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4.xP] Table spacing&borders incorrect at http://www.chooche
11002 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL TAB key - various wrong behaviours in HTML forms
11004 maj P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Can't use AltGr key to write in URL.
11005 cri P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash in XP menu code
11006 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Menu windows ahead of other programs
11007 cri P3 PC beard@netscape.com RESO FIXE Menus only garbage as contents
11012 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com RESO FIXE [blocker] XP Menus Broken Throughout Apprunner
11015 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash at Start-up in necko_http.dll
11016 blo P3 PC rickg@netscape.com RESO FIXE [BLOCKER] Opening a document in xul causes a crash
11017 nor P3 PC sgehani@netscape.com VERI WORK nsJAR.cpp/nsJAR.h fail to compile with Linux gcc
11018 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI WORK failure to load resource:, file:, ftp: URLs on Linux/libc5
11019 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI WORK PNG images no longer display; GIFs and JPEGs extremely slow
11021 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI INVA Images not showing on tinderbox..
11022 nor P3 All harishd@netscape.com RESO FIXE [4.xP] <HR> is white instead of black when background is gre
11023 maj P3 All jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE no good way to start a list from scratch
11024 nor P3 All sdagley@netscape.com RESO FIXE Some files are named illegally
11027 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE <html:...> in javascript in xul file crashes browser
11028 nor P3 DEC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE pwcac is still getting built
11031 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL tabbing in cookie viewer crashes browser
11059 cri P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Menus do not display in 1999-07-31-09-M9 build
11063 tri P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Signed/unsigned warnings in expat/xmlparse/xmlparse.c
11064 cri P1 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI FIXE "Preview" button doesn't work first time.
11065 nor P3 PC cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL Banging on Preview button results in crash.
11066 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI WORK FORM not producing block (line break after it missing)
11067 blo P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linux: XP Menus crash on mouse-over
11070 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com VERI WONT --disable-necko buidls don't work
11071 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash trying to access a site with no/firewalled access.
11074 maj P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com RESO INVA Cross platform menubars don't display menus correctly
11077 maj P3 Oth norris@netscape.com RESO FIXE ScriptableObject.defineFunctionProperties() uses invalid sig
11081 maj P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL XPMenus: View | Character Set too long to us
11085 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA Sign-in page for thestreet.com doesn't render well
11086 nor P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]XP-Menus inherit residual toolbutton images
11089 min P3 Mac tao@netscape.com VERI INVA Spelling nitpick: "Stress test", not "Strres Test"
11092 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Autofill signin crasher -- www.nytimes.com
11093 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com RESO FIXE Can access wallet Form info even if cancel out of password d
11107 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Page does not load
11118 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Semi colon URL page does not load correctly
11119 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Wallet: Yes/No buttons, instead of OK/Cancel buttons in dia
11121 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL double rendering due to extra web shells
11122 maj P2 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL FTP sites are not loading
11123 nor P3 All sfraser@netscape.com VERI FIXE plain text editor doesn't launch
11126 blo P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Triggering jars on Macintosh does nothing
11128 min P3 All davidm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Title bar of windows not displaying correctly
11129 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI INVA Browser window resizes itself after loading a page
11132 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL GTK scrolling and themes problems
11133 nor P3 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE content type shouldn't contain charset (or version) informat
11136 maj P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL random crashes trying to load sites and using sidebar
11137 maj P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL When menus dropped down, they stay down when other menus act
11138 nor P3 All rjc@netscape.com VERI WORK Bookmarks not saving correctly
11142 blo P3 Mac gordon@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] saving wallet info hangs apprunner
11143 nor P3 PC warren@netscape.com RESO FIXE
11146 nor P3 All harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browser fails to read HTML data when a null char is found
11147 cri P3 All warren@netscape.com VERI FIXE NS_OpenURI(&in, uri) returns NS_OK even the file/uri does no
11151 enh P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI LATE A cell set to a fixed with in a table is ignored.
11154 nor P3 Mac waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE GetNextSibling returns node with value of child, not sibling
11173 cri P3 PC brendan@mozilla.org RESO FIXE Crash in javascript trying to find appversion
11174 maj P3 All don@netscape.com VERI DUPL A crash occurs when attaempting to load www.eage.nul
11176 maj P2 Oth akkana@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]New Blank Window from browser crashes every other time
11182 nor P3 Oth waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE [doc] hopelessly out of date -- needs update.
11183 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE [CRASH] in service manager on www.datek.com
11186 nor P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Need better handling of regions in nsWindow::ScrollBits
11189 maj P2 Mac tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]nsLocale - wrong locale in Mac JA
11193 nor P4 All scc@netscape.com RESO FIXE Test new weak reference functionality
11209 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com RESO FIXE [feature] disk space checking support in Mac Wizard
11212 nor P3 Mac sgehani@netscape.com VERI INVA [feature] install progress window for Mac Wizard
11217 nor P3 Sun gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Missing newlines
11220 nor P3 PC dbragg@netscape.com RESO FIXE [feature] hookup & enable Mac profile migration
11224 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA "overflow: hidden" not working for the HTML element
11225 nor P3 Sun karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL table cell contents not centering properly
11226 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI INVA
11228 nor P3 Sun joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL usemap can't deal with map names containing whitespace
11231 nor P3 All pollmann@netscape.com VERI INVA javascript watch handler not fired for INPUT TYPE="text" ele
11235 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL XML external DTD with relative URL is not loaded
11236 nor P2 PC rogerl@netscape.com RESO FIXE linux: expressions tests fail
11237 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL node.replaceChild("",newNode) crashes Mozilla
11239 nor P1 PC rogerl@netscape.com RESO FIXE Monkey: string.split modifies immutable strings when version
11243 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL extra space under linked image in table cell, even if valign
11244 maj P3 PC beppe@netscape.com VERI WONT Huge bug when targetting frames from different servers
11245 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't login to Lycos (my personal page)
11246 cri P3 Mac buster@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash on <tree> with border-collapse style
11247 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI WONT QuickFill RFE for the first "Incorrect Key" dialogue?
11252 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Title of the mozilla window displays wrong
11255 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE crash when searching for netscape on amazon.com then try to
11256 nor P3 All don@netscape.com VERI FIXE Switching charset doesn't refresh page load
11259 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [feature] integrate compression code back into Win Wizard
11260 blo P3 PC sspitzer@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Blocker] [PP] The sidebar has no content...it appears blank
11261 blo P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE [Blocker]Profile Manager buttons not functioning properly...
11264 cri P3 PC selmer@netscape.com VERI DUPL "Next" button on initial Create Profile Wizard causes JavaSc
11265 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE viewer regression tests blocked: file urls need extra slash
11267 maj P2 PC warren@netscape.com VERI DUPL dissappearing text
11270 maj P3 Mac buster@netscape.com RESO FIXE XP text widget eats extra character
11272 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com CLOS FIXE warnings / bugs in EditTable.cpp
11273 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL More than 1 edit field can have selected text: edit fields n
11278 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash when opening Mailnews Sidebar
11279 blo P1 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER][CRASHER]Posting a form several times causes the br
11283 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA Merging of styled paragraphs
11288 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI WONT Nested blockquote with assigned display: inline is not worki
11292 maj P3 Mac selmer@netscape.com VERI DUPL Can't move beyond initial screen
11295 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE MLK: we leak the drag event listener on every toolbar
11296 blo P1 Mac davidm@netscape.com RESO WORK Type URL into AppRunner, hit return go boom
11300 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com RESO FIXE Mouse timer uses wrong window for test
11303 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL ILAYER layout problems
11307 nor P3 Sun radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Comparison between char* and nsXPIDLCString
11309 nor P3 Sun briano@netscape.com RESO FIXE SUNWspro needs NSCAP_DISABLE_DEBUG_PTR_TYPES
11310 nor P3 PC valeski@netscape.com VERI DUPL [Feature][DOGFOOD] Implement stream converters
11311 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Nightly build stops working after initial uses (24 hours
11313 nor P3 Sun rogerl@netscape.com VERI FIXE XPTCInvoke broken for SUNWspro4.2
11314 nor P3 PC selmer@netscape.com VERI DUPL Clean install of Seamonkey, but can't get past first profile
11322 maj P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Animated GIF causes form fields to reset
11326 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL doesn't recognize language encoding in header
11330 nor P3 PC arielb@netscape.com RESO FIXE Segfault in mozilla/caps/src/nsPrincipalArray.cpp
11333 cri P3 PC troy@netscape.com RESO DUPL Links get messed up
11338 min P2 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL xpmenu: click/drag/release out of menu leaves menus visible
11340 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP] Wallet contents page is complete blank
11341 nor P3 PC leger@netscape.com VERI FIXE launch time for 8/5 too much compared to 8/4
11343 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL xpmenus should close when apprunner loses focus.
11348 nor P3 Mac shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Menus being drawn with toolbar buttons on top of text.
11353 cri P3 PC mcafee@netscape.com VERI DUPL Opening components closes the previous component
11354 nor P3 Sun danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE New browser loads into same window frame
11356 maj P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI DUPL Wallet Problem on "Never Save" for Form Settings
11357 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI INVA Column headers missing in sidebar
11358 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [bookmarks] win32 client should recognize bookmarks.htm and
11359 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI INVA outpost sample form crashes browser
11360 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com RESO INVA [PP]make realclean leaves some files behind.
11365 nor P3 PC harishd@netscape.com VERI FIXE [4x.P] Difference in treatment of unbalanced end-tag
11371 maj P5 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} Image layout is not correct (css2 line layout issue
11377 nor P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA text-decoration:none is ignored
11378 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI DUPL prefs and logon dialogues do not display
11379 nor P3 PC tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE Windows: Fix positioning of IME candidate window so that it
11382 nor P3 All dp@netscape.com RESO INVA RefCnt Error in nsServiceManagerImpl
11383 nor P3 Oth don@netscape.com VERI INVA Test bug?
11385 nor P3 Mac don@netscape.com VERI DUPL Build fails with out mail/news component enabled
11391 blo P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Safe Form Fill dialog leads to crash
11392 nor P3 PC neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE sched - remove xplib dependency from cookie module
11393 cri P3 All troy@netscape.com RESO FIXE crash appending cell via DOM
11395 nor P3 Mac neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE [FEATURE] enable cookie module on Mac
11404 blo P1 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE window.open doesn't show the specified page
11410 nor P3 PC rpotts@netscape.com VERI FIXE Assertion: "HTTPChannel is null."
11419 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL window.location.replace doesn't work
11421 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com VERI DUPL [perf][PP] gecko's realm demo performance significantly slow
11422 cri P3 All chuang@netscape.com VERI FIXE Please move entities into DTDs
11424 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL Trying to view a local directory fails
11428 blo P1 PC evaughan@netscape.com RESO WORK Tab widget not working properly
11432 cri P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI WORK Reproducible crash on form submission
11433 cri P1 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI WONT crash: Debug | XPToolkit | Tree
11441 blo P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com CLOS REMI [Blocker] Crash in table reflow
11447 maj P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com VERI DUPL CGI query string posts don't work reliably
11451 min P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE xpidl cores when given iid_is(bogus) param
11461 nor P3 All valeski@netscape.com VERI FIXE meta refresh refreshes too quickly
11463 blo P3 PC brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE Editor does not open in regular window...won't launch
11465 blo P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Safe Form Fill does not work
11467 nor P3 All rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hover doesn't work on form elements with labels
11472 nor P1 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI FIXE Delete and Rename changes do not show up immediately in Prof
11477 maj P2 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE nsLocale does not get the User setting Locale
11480 cri P3 All danm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Browser doesn't quit
11483 nor P3 PC nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI FIXE Error loading scripts on XML pages.
11484 blo P1 PC waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner crashes when trying to load any xul file
11486 blo P3 PC alecf@netscape.com VERI INVA window.parent.frames[1] is a bogus window object
11489 nor P1 PC davidm@netscape.com VERI FIXE about:blank is always loaded on startup: we're ignoring "bro
11490 nor P3 PC rods@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash in cookie viewer
11502 nor P3 DEC mccabe@netscape.com VERI DUPL Alpha/Linux doesn't like denormalized values either.
11503 nor P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI INVA [PP] Pages with form controls render slowly and take a lot o
11505 nor P3 DEC evaughan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Division by zero possible in nsBoxFrame.cpp
11506 cri P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bookmark on XP-menu cause apprunner to crash.
11507 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com RESO FIXE nsWalletlibService has bad refcounting and QI
11510 nor P3 PC saari@netscape.com RESO FIXE some classes that need to be QIable to nsISupports
11512 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE FileSystemDataSource::~FileSystemDataSource unregisteres wha
11515 min P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL nsHTTPResponseListner.cpp
11525 nor P3 All dveditz@netscape.com VERI FIXE compiler warning; looks like a bug
11526 min P3 PC rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL &uuml entity in <title> not displayed correctly in title bar
11528 nor P3 PC jfrancis@netscape.com VERI FIXE Build error with MSVC 5.0 in editor\base\nsHTMLEditRules.cpp
11529 nor P3 PC kipp@netscape.com VERI DUPL {compat} {css2} unable to align linked graphics flush with e
11533 nor P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL browser buster cookies not saved and updated
11534 maj P3 PC shuang@netscape.com VERI DUPL Edit - Preferences not working
11539 nor P3 All waterson@netscape.com VERI FIXE only display "description" field in flash panel
11548 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Wallet Editor does not work
11549 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI WORK image insertion is busted
11552 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE Hardcoded charater set in nsEditor::SaveDocument()
11553 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI DUPL image dialog- alignment popup icons aren't dynamic
11555 nor P3 All brade@netscape.com VERI FIXE plain text editor doesn't launch
11560 nor P3 Sun mscott@netscape.com VERI DUPL build fails in history with --disable-mail-news
11561 blo P1 Mac scc@netscape.com VERI FIXE Need a cookie project on Mac
11564 cri P3 PC pavlov@netscape.com VERI FIXE Crash clicking on toolbar dropdowns
11566 nor P3 All kipp@netscape.com VERI INVA No <wbr> support
11569 maj P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP] Can't paste text copied from Ender back into Ender
11572 nor P3 All akkana@netscape.com VERI FIXE DOCTYPE header appears within Editor after deleting a pasted
11575 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE ServiceImpl::UnregisterResource does not catch null uri
11577 blo P3 PC radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE [regression] reading from <any frame>.location causes functi
11584 nor P3 All cmanske@netscape.com VERI DUPL Crash in nsHTMLEditor::GetSelectedElement
11585 nor P3 DEC warren@netscape.com RESO WONT nsBuffer.cpp: assertion sizeof(PRCList) <= SEGMENT_OVERHEAD
11599 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL crashing during apprunner startup
11609 maj P3 All karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA unsetAttribute from JS doesn't call nsiFrame::AttributeChang
ID Sev Pri Plt Owner State Result Summary
11611 cri P1 All danm@netscape.com RESO FIXE [BLOCK] Need Modal flag for window.open
11612 nor P3 All pinkerton@netscape.com VERI FIXE update tri-state checkbox docs
11613 maj P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE Semicolon in URL problem (was - assert on windows going to c
11616 blo P1 Sun saari@netscape.com VERI FIXE Linux: insert 'a' deletes everything and puts an 'a' there
11617 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI DUPL colspan="0" should make the cell span all columns
11618 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK Preferences kills www.mozilla.org
11621 maj P3 All mccabe@netscape.com RESO DUPL xpidl string/wstring attribute setters should be constipated
11636 nor P3 PC trudelle@netscape.com VERI WORK Selecting File|Open File or Location - select choose file, f
11638 cri P3 PC racham@netscape.com VERI FIXE Profile manager crashes
11640 nor P2 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Related links panel: Sitemap.gif does not show
11646 cri P3 PC cathleen@netscape.com RESO WORK [PP] Crash adding many files from jar file
11647 maj P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE Wallet fillin doesn't work
11654 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE Browsing for a new destination directory freezes install pro
11655 nor P3 All hyatt@netscape.com RESO DUPL Clicking on empty space in toolbar steals focus from content
11657 blo P1 All radha@netscape.com VERI FIXE Page Reload doesn't work
11664 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI DUPL Menus display over other apps when other apps active
11667 nor P3 PC waterson@netscape.com RESO FIXE [infinite loop] bugs - nsInterfaceInfoManager.cpp
11668 nor P3 PC valeski@netscape.com RESO FIXE [infinite loop] bugs - nsFtpConnectionThread.cpp
11669 nor P3 PC pnunn@netscape.com VERI INVA [infinite loop] bugs - if.cpp
11671 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com RESO FIXE [infinite loop] bugs - nsMimeTypeArray.cpp
11672 nor P3 PC beard@netscape.com RESO FIXE [infinite loop] bugs - nsPluginArray.cpp
11679 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE Images not exported correctly
11687 maj P3 All tague@netscape.com VERI FIXE [DOGFOOD] Need ability to save ender documents in different
11690 nor P3 All harishd@netscape.com RESO DUPL [DOGFOOD] Phonebook -- top frame contents get truncated.
11698 nor P3 PC brendan@netscape.com RESO FIXE [infinite loop] bugs - nsJS*
11700 nor P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO FIXE [infinite loop] bugs - xpt_link.c
11704 maj P2 All tague@netscape.com VERI WORK Scriptable interface for international nsLocale does not wor
11706 maj P1 All matt@netscape.com RESO FIXE Single Signon and FormFill prefs are gone!
11707 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com RESO FIXE [PP] Various menu-related crashes
11710 maj P3 All nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com VERI DUPL javascript functions are not seen in xml docs
11712 cri P1 PC slamm@netscape.com RESO FIXE Clicking on an "Imported IE Bookmarks" bookmark leads to imm
11716 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com VERI FIXE apprunner just hangs
11717 blo P1 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE [BLOCKER] Problems submitting hidden field
11720 nor P1 PC CLOS
11721 nor P1 PC paulmac@netscape.com CLOS test
11722 maj P3 PC kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI FIXE Select field not being submitted, or being submitted poorly
11725 nor P3 All ftang@netscape.com RESO FIXE [converter]\u escaped to/from Unicode converter
11726 min P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI FIXE ReplaceDotMess errors when backslashes are in an URL.
11728 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com RESO DUPL Query page does not work (1999080908 and M8.5)
11730 maj P3 PC edburns@acm.org RESO DUPL JRE causes crash on launch in Win95
11731 nor P3 PC ssu@netscape.com VERI FIXE [PP]Notepad error at completion of install
11736 nor P3 PC joki@netscape.com VERI DUPL back button
11737 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO DUPL [FEATURE] Middle mouse button support
11747 nor P3 PC hyatt@netscape.com VERI FIXE css file fails to load
11750 nor P3 PC selmer@netscape.com VERI FIXE Creating new Profile quits apprunner on Linux
11753 nor P3 All rickg@netscape.com VERI DUPL leading whitespace before <html> halts layout
11766 cri P3 PC morse@netscape.com RESO WORK Registering Wallet hangs URL Fetch at start-up
11775 nor P3 All buster@netscape.com VERI DUPL Find not showing selection
11778 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO DUPL [8.3] nsappshell.dll name too long for Win9x
11780 nor P3 PC buster@netscape.com VERI WORK [PP]insert H. line button doesn't work first time
11790 maj P2 All dp@netscape.com RESO FIXE Crash on quit, after "listeners not removed or notified" ass
11796 nor P3 All neeti@netscape.com VERI FIXE Cookie problems
11814 nor P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI INVA From C++ using Window.Open with JSVAL_NULL takes over existi
11816 nor P1 PC matt@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP] Category section of Preferences displays content behind
11825 cri P3 PC dp@netscape.com VERI INVA "Translate" button is missing from the Tools bar starting 8/
11832 maj P1 Mac nisheeth_mozilla@yahoo.com RESO DUPL [PP]mac[CRASH][REGRESSION] Bookmarks|Manage Bookmarks someti
11833 nor P3 All vidur@netscape.com VERI INVA bgcolor on a table can't be read from DOM unless it's set in
11834 nor P3 All slamm@netscape.com VERI FIXE [REGRESSION]History view is completely empty
11840 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com RESO DUPL Select menu not registering change event
11842 nor P3 PC gagan@netscape.com VERI DUPL 'Add to Shopping Cart' button does not work
11850 cri P3 All verah@netscape.com RESO DUPL M9 release notes need to explain the prefs50.js -> prefs.js
11852 nor P3 All leaf@netscape.com VERI FIXE Wrong build number is displayed on browser
11853 maj P3 PC ekrock@netscape.com VERI DUPL Javascript code does not run correctly
11854 nor P3 PC morse@netscape.com RESO DUPL Two blank windows when calling wallet editor before any form
11877 nor P2 All radha@netscape.com RESO FIXE Pages with charsets fail to display in viewer, and the edito
11882 cri P3 PC don@netscape.com VERI WORK Open Windows crashes apprunner
11906 cri P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI WORK Form submission causes appruner to crash
11909 nor P3 All kmcclusk@netscape.com VERI INVA When cursor over radio button, radio button changes
11917 nor P3 PC karnaze@netscape.com VERI INVA Mozilla don't know the files types.
11920 nor P3 PC slamm@netscape.com VERI DUPL sidebar state not persistent on open-close
11921 blo P3 PC joki@netscape.com RESO DUPL New window opening/re-entry crashes apprunner
11922 blo P3 PC danm@netscape.com VERI INVA Belongs to bug # 11921. Could not attach files - why ?
11924 enh P3 PC peterl@netscape.com VERI INVA enhancement: should be able to use CSS w/ js disabled
11925 blo P3 All gagan@netscape.com RESO DUPL Apprunner hangs when using classic NSPR threads
11931 enh P3 PC norris@netscape.com RESO DUPL [enhancement] make it JS engine wont execute malicious JS co
11933 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO DUPL MIME type multipart/x-mixed-replace support is broken/missin
11934 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com RESO WORK target="_blank" links don't work
11941 nor P3 PC pollmann@netscape.com RESO DUPL Frames do not load
11946 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com CLOS WORK Page does not render properly
11947 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com CLOS WORK Page doesn't render properly
11949 nor P3 Mac saari@netscape.com RESO FIXE assertion/debug message in menu
11960 maj P3 PC vidur@netscape.com VERI DUPL window.location.href broken
11961 nor P3 PC paulmac@netscape.com VERI FIXE test
11964 cri P3 PC ramiro@netscape.com VERI FIXE timers are leaking
11973 nor P3 Mac pinkerton@netscape.com RESO DUPL [pp]instantiated tooltip disables popupmenu
12005 nor P3 All neeti@netscape.com VERI DUPL Bugzilla Cookies not working
12009 nor P3 PC troy@netscape.com RESO DUPL Scrollbar appears and disappears, causing page to dance
12011 nor P3 All gagan@netscape.com VERI INVA nsIURI::SetSpec(const char *)?
12015 maj P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO WORK [PP]Attempting the view the page source for Netscape or Yaho
12026 nor P3 PC don@netscape.com RESO DUPL Selecting url in History View does not open site in new wind
12033 nor P3 Oth briano@netscape.com VERI DUPL [PP]Win_nt 4.0 browser build ID: shows 1999070614
12034 cri P3 PC ftang@netscape.com RESO DUPL Japanese pseudo l10n failed in the menu items in navigator.d
12036 nor P3 PC valeski@netscape.com RESO DUPL Handling multipart/x-mixed-replace
12039 nor P3 PC paulmac@netscape.com VERI FIXE testing bug submission
12040 nor P3 PC mccabe@netscape.com RESO INVA Page is displayed wrong

6894 bugs found.

Query Page Enter New Bug Change columns Change several bugs at once