You are here: browser/composer front-end qa > front-end test plans > Composer UI Preferences
Feature Testcases
6.0 Composer Project: Composer UI Preferences
Date | Change Description | Revision | Updated By |
6/30/00 | Draft Created | 1.0 | Sujay Desai |
Engineering Specifications: none
Test Case Management Usage:
Major Area: Editor UI
Minor Area: Preferences
- Composer Prefs | New Page Settings
- Author
- Launch Browser
- Launch Composer
- Pull-down Edit | Preferences
- Goto Composer Category | New Page Prefs
- Insert a name in the author field
- Click OK
- Open new blank editor page
- Pull-down Format | Page Title and Properties
- Verify that the Author name field is filled in with name you entered in preferences
- Default Page Colors | Use browser colors
- Launch Browser
- Launch Composer
- Pull-down Edit | Preferences
- Goto Composer Category | New Page Prefs
- Select browser colors
- Change your desired color
- Click OK
- Open new blank editor page
- Type some text
- Verify that the browser colors show up that you entered in preferences
- Default Page Colors | Use custom colors
- Launch Browser
- Launch Composer
- Pull-down Edit | Preferences
- Goto Composer Category | New Page Prefs
- Select Custom colors
- Select/change your desired custom color
- Click OK
- Open new blank editor page
- Type some text
- Verify that the custom colors show up that you entered in preferences
- Default Page Colors | Default background image
- Launch Browser
- Launch Composer
- Pull-down Edit | Preferences
- Goto Composer Category | New Page Prefs
- Select Default background image
- Select/change your desired background image
- Click OK
- Open new blank editor page
- Verify that the default background image shows up that you entered in preferences
- Author
- Composer Prefs | Table Editing
- Maintain table structure during delete tasks
- Launch Browser
- Launch Composer
- Pull-down Edit | Preferences
- Goto Composer Category | Composer Prefs | Table Editing
- Select "Maintain table structure during delete tasks"
- Click OK
- Open new blank editor page
- Enter a default table
- Verify that you can maintain table structure during delete tasks
- Pressing the Delete key should
- delete cell
- Launch Browser
- Launch Composer
- Pull-down Edit | Preferences
- Goto Composer Category | Composer Prefs | Table Editing
- Select "Pressing the Delete key should delete cell"
- Click OK
- Open new blank editor page
- Enter a default table
- Verify that when pressing the delete key it should delete the cell
- delete only cell content
- Launch Browser
- Launch Composer
- Pull-down Edit | Preferences
- Goto Composer Category | Composer Prefs | Table Editing
- Select "Pressing the Delete key should delete cell"
- Click OK
- Open new blank editor page
- Enter a default table
- Verify that when pressing the delete key should delete only cell content
- delete cell
- When saving files
- Preserve existing HTML structure **(string to change)
- Launch Browser
- Launch Composer
- Pull-down Edit | Preferences
- Goto Composer Category | Composer Prefs | Table Editing
- Select "When saving files preserve existing HTML structure"
- Click OK
- Open new blank editor page
- Insert default table
- Verify that when saving files you preserve existing HTML structure
- Preserve existing HTML structure **(string to change)
- Maintain table structure during delete tasks
The goal of this feature test plan is to exercise functionality for Composer UI Preferences