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Feature Testcases
5.0 Composer Project: Ender UI Dialogs+Properties
Date | Change Description | Revision | Updated By |
5/7/99 | Draft Created | 1.0 | Sujay Desai |
2/7/00 | Updated | 2.0 | Sujay Desai |
Engineering Specifications:
Test Case Management Usage:
Major Area: Editor UI
Minor Area: Dialogs
- Link properties
- Link text and Link to
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Click on Link button on toolbar
- Enter the link text
- Enter a valid link location in the Link to field
- Click OK
- Verify that the link has been created by mousing over and making sure the link text is correct.
- Link text and Link to
- Image properties
- Image location
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Click on Image button on toolbar
- Enter URL or file location of image you'd like to insert
- Click OK
- Verify that the image did get inserted.
- Text alignment
- Open a document into the editor which already has an image inserted
- Click on image to select it
- Click on Image props button on toolbar
- Under "Align text to image" select top
- Click OK
- Enter some text next to image
- Verify that the text is aligned to top of image
- Repeat for center, bottom, right, left
- Dimensions
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Insert an image
- Click on image and bring up Image props
- Customize the height and width of the image to a new size
- Click OK
- Verify that the image dimensions have changed to the new height and width
- Image location
- Horizontal Line properties
- Dimensions
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Insert a horizontal line
- Click on horizontal line and then click on H. Line button on toolbar
- Customize the height (pixels) and width (%) of the horizontal line to a new size
- Click OK
- Verify that the horizontal line dimensions have changed to the new height and width
- Alignment
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Insert a horizontal line
- Under Alignment select left
- Click OK
- Verify that the horizontal line is aligned to the left
- Repeat for center and right
- 3-D shading
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Insert a horizontal line
- Click on H. Line and bring up H. Line props dialog on toolbar
- Uncheck the 3-D shading option
- Click OK
- Verify that the H. Line is now a shaded solid line
- Dimensions
- Anchor properties
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Click to where you want to insert an anchor
- Click on Anchor props button on toolbar
- Enter anchor name
- Click OK
- Verify that there is an anchor next to your text with the correct anchor name
- Insert Table properties
- Rows and Columns
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Insert number of rows desired
- Insert number of columns desired
- Click OK
- Verify that the correct number of columns and rows got inserted in the new table
- Width
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Choose default values for rows and columns
- Insert a value for pixels width
- Click OK
- Verify that the table width is the number of pixels you chose
- Repeat for % of window width
- Border
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Choose default values for rows and columns
- Insert a value for Border
- Click OK
- Verify that the table border is the number of pixels you chose
- Rows and Columns
- Page Title and Properties
- General
- Location
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Pull-down Format | Page Title and Properties
- Verify that the Location field has the correct file name and path
- Last Modified
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Pull-down Format | Page Title and Properties
- Verify that the Last Modified field has the date/time stamp
of when
the document was last modified
- Title
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Pull-down Format | Page Title and Properties
- Verify that the Title field has the correct title.
- Edit the Title field (if it is blank)
- Click OK
- Verify that the Title field got saved by bringing up the
Page Title
and Props panel
- Author
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Pull-down Format | Page Title and Properties
- Verify that the Author field has the correct author
- Edit the Author field (if it is blank)
- Click OK
- Verify that the Author field got saved by bringing up the
Page Title
and Props panel
- Description
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Pull-down Format | Page Title and Properties
- Verify that the Description field has the correct description
- Edit the Description field (if it is blank)
- Click OK
- Verify that the Description field got saved by bringing up
the Page Title
and Props panel
- Location
- General
- Page Colors and Background
- Don't specify colors
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Pull-down Format | Page Colors and Background
- Click on "Don't specify colors" radio button
- Click OK
- Verify that all the options below in that dialog are not available (Normal text, link text, etc) to select.
- Verify that the text stayed the normal default color (black)
- Use custom colors
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Pull-down Format | Page Colors and Background
- Click on "Use custom colors"radio button
- Verify that all the options below are available (Normal text, link text, etc.) to select
- Select a color (red)
- Verify that the text changed to the selected color (red)
- Normal text
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Pull-down Format | Page Colors and Background
- Click on "Use custom color" radio button
- Verify that the Normal text pull down color list is available to select
- Select a color(blue)
- Click OK
- Verify that the text changed to the selected color (blue)
- Link text
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Pull-down Format | Page Colors and Background
- Click on "Use custom color" radio button
- Verify that the Link text pull down color list is available to select
- Select a color(blue)
- Click OK
- Verify that the link text changed to the selected color (blue)
- Active link text
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Pull-down Format | Page Colors and Background
- Click on "Use custom color" radio button
- Verify that the Active Link text pull down color list is available to select
- Select a color (blue)
- Click OK
- Verify that the active link text changed to the selected color (blue)
- Followed link text
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Pull-down Format | Page Colors and Background
- Click on "Use custom color" radio button
- Verify that the Followed link text pull down color list is available to select
- Select a color (blue)
- Click OK
- Verify that the followed link text changed to the selected color (blue)
- Background
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Pull-down Format | Page Colors and Background
- Click on "Use custom color" radio button
- Verify that the background pull down color list is available to select
- Select a color (blue)
- Click OK
- Verify that the background changed to the selected color (blue)
- Background Image
- Open a document into the editor or blank page
- Enter some text
- Pull-down Format | Page Colors and Background
- Click on the Background Image checkbox
- Choose the filename for background image using dialog
- Click OK
- Verify that the background image is inlined into the document
- Don't specify colors
The goal of these feature testcases is to exercise the dialog and properties functionality for Ender.UI.