This is a level 1 heading
The above heading is usually too large for a lead-in heading.
This is a level 2 heading
Paragraph alignment is left. Latin Characters: à, â, ç, ë, è, é, ê, ï, î, ô, æ, ü, ù, û, À, Â, Ç, Ë, È, É, Ê, Ï, Î, Ô, Œ, Ü, Ù, Û ä, ö, ü, ß, Ä, Ö, Ü ÿ, ì, ò, Ð, ð, Ÿ
This is a level 3 heading with a P and BR elements
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All of the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!
This is a level 4 heading and the PRE element
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day
Which was against the rules;
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.
This is a level 5 heading and the OL and LI elements
- here is a ordered list with the default arabic style
- here is the second line
- here is a ordered list with the lower alpha style
- here is the second line
- here is a ordered list with the upper alpha style
- here is the second line
- here is a ordered list with the lower roman style
- here is the second line
- here is a ordered list with the upper roman style
- here is the second line
Embedded Lists
- here is a set of embedded ordered lists
- here is a 1st level ordered list
- here is a 2nd level ordered list
- here is a 3rd level ordered list
- here is a 4th level ordered list
- here is the second line
- here is the second line
- here is the second line
- here is the second line
- here is the second line
This is a level 6 heading and the UL and LI elements
- here is a bullet item with default disc style
- here is the second bullet
- here is a bullet item with square style
- here is the second bullet
- here is a bullet item with circle style
- here is the second bullet
Embedded Lists
- here is a bullet item with default disc style
- here is a 1st level bullet item
- here is a 2nd level bullet item
- here is a 3rd level bullet item
- here is a 4th level bullet item
- here is the second bullet
- here is the second bullet
- here is the second bullet
- here is the second bullet
- here is the second bullet