This is a level 1 heading

The above heading is usually too large for a lead-in heading.

This is a level 2 heading

Paragraph alignment is left. Latin Characters: à, â, ç, ë, è, é, ê, ï, î, ô, æ, ü, ù, û, À, Â, Ç, Ë, È, É, Ê, Ï, Î, Ô, Œ, Ü, Ù, Û ä, ö, ü, ß, Ä, Ö, Ü ÿ, ì, ò, Ð, ð, Ÿ

This is a level 3 heading with a P and BR elements

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All of the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!

This is a level 4 heading and the PRE element

Mary had a little lamb,

    Its fleece was white as snow;

        And everywhere that Mary went,

            The lamb was sure to go. 

It followed her to school one day

    Which was against the rules;

        It made the children laugh and play

            To see a lamb at school.

This is a level 5 heading and the OL and LI elements
  1. here is a ordered list with the default arabic style
  2. here is the second line
  1. here is a ordered list with the lower alpha style
  2. here is the second line
  1. here is a ordered list with the upper alpha style
  2. here is the second line
  1. here is a ordered list with the lower roman style
  2. here is the second line
  1. here is a ordered list with the upper roman style
  2. here is the second line

Embedded Lists

  1. here is a set of embedded ordered lists
    1. here is a 1st level ordered list
      1. here is a 2nd level ordered list
        1. here is a 3rd level ordered list
          1. here is a 4th level ordered list
          2. here is the second line
        2. here is the second line
      2. here is the second line
    2. here is the second line
  2. here is the second line

This is a level 6 heading and the UL and LI elements

Embedded Lists