Widgets look for platform-agnostic Skin
send feedback to the component specific newsgroup
Last modified by German Bauer Aug 15, 1999
Older spec, will be updated |
Latest Changes Apr 28-30:
Added Focus state. Cleanup matching colors. Added borders in
non-hover state to make sure widgets are recognizable on a variety of backgrounds
(including white). Some smaller finetuning of broders and edges.
Changes made since Dec16:
Minor cleanup; based on great feedback from mozilla.org, the XPFE
group and other assorted 'users' we have refined the first stab at a platform
neutral widget kit. Changes from the first version in particular are making
the normal (non-moused-over) state of the widgets less camouflaged.
Changes made since Jan 1999:
Minor cleanup; based on more great feedback, cleaning up default
colors: dark tinge now always #666666, light tinge white and disabled tinge
is #999999, default selection background is now always 333366 with white text.
Cleaned up popup/combobox widgets, added tree widgets and scrollbars.
Goals for platform neutral widget design:
- Simple is good. Let the widgets be less salient when the user is focussed on content, more salient when mouse is over or element has the focus
- Recognizable, yet independent Rather than re-inventing the wheel we leverage known appearances from the OSes. Yet the widgets should look different enough so users would not expect full behavior compliance with OS.
- Web-like, matching characteristics of modern skin
- (Keyboard) focus is easy to identify
- Environment neutral, should work with most commonly used backgrounds
- draw color values from the browser safe palette
- promote an internally consistent look among the widgets

older version lives here