Test Case Description for Client-Side Image Maps
Purpose: Use client-side image maps and alternative text for image map hot spots.Initial Conditions:
- Have Screen Reader program installed.
Steps and Descriptions
Client-Side Image Maps |
View the page
with Screen Reader(SR). |
Hotspot areas of client-side maps that do not have
alternative text are displayed in SR as HTML code from the HREF attribute
of the MAP element. For example: [contact.html] (the fifth hot spot) |
View the page
with browser and use the mouse for navigation |
The alternative text for each area of the map appears
as a text pop-up in the browser. |
View the page
with a graphical browser and use the Tab key for navigation. |
The visual focus moves to each area of the image map. |
HTML Source Code:
<img src="../images/narbar.gif" border="0" usemap="#Map" alt="Home Navigation Bar" width="600" height="40">
<map name="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="10,5,125,30" href="general.html" alt="information about us">
<area shape="rect" coords="140,5,220,30" href="jobs.html" alt="job opportunities">
<area shape="rect" coords="240,5,315,30" href="faq.html" alt="Frequently Asked Questions">
<area shape="rect" coords="335,5,460,30" href="location.html" alt="How to find us">
<area shape="rect" coords="470,5,585,30" href="contact.html">