DropdownListbox Test Cases
No Scrollbar: |
Having Scrollbar: |
The option 'Banana' is disabled. The user should not be able to select it |
optgroup supported |
optgroup disabled |
In AT-poke, initially, the DropdownListbox object relate with a Button, and after you choose the button and do action click, a new object will be added: Frame, and will be arranged in AT-poke like following
+ Frame
+ Menu |
Menu-Item |
Menu-Item |
Menu-Item |
1. Button, please see Button test case;
2. Menu-Item test case list bellow:
Interface | Feature tested | Steps | Expected Result |
getName getDescription getRole getAttributes getParent |
1. Start AT-poke | Type/Name/Value/ Role/ State/should be displayed
on AT-poke window |
AccessibleComponent Interface |
getPosition getSize getLayer getMDIZOrder |
2. In At-poke, check object's
position and size, Layer, MDI-Z-order |
grabFocus | 3. Click on the Grab focus button in AT-poke | Start simple-at, focus event will receive |
AccessibleAction Interface |
getNActions getName getDescription getKeyBinding |
8. In At-poke, see every action's Name/Description/KeyBinding (maybe currently objects have no keybinding) |
doAction |
9. Select Button, do action click 10. Select one Menu-Item differ from current selected, and do action "press" |
After step 9, a new object will be added: Frame After step 10, the selected item will be changed |
Event |
11. Start simple-at, and click on the first dropdownlistbox |
Output of terminal : focus: event from option1 object:children-changed event received object:visible-data-changed event received window_state_changed |
12. move mouse on another list item, eg. option2 |
Output of terminal : focus: event from option2 selection_changed event received |