NSS Test Suite
Newsgroup: mozilla.dev.tech.crypto
Running the Test Suite
Before running the NSS test suite, you should first build NSS as described in NSS Build Instructions. You must also have the MKS or Cygwin toolkit installed. (There are still a few open issues with Cygwin, but most tests should work fine.)You should make sure the variables HOST (the computer's name, defined for Windows NT and Windows 2000 in the variable COMPUTERNAME) and DOMSUF (the computer's network domain, for example mydomain.com) are set, or the QA script will not work correctly. On Unix the system should be able to determine both variables automatically.
The test script constructs the fully qualified name as ${HOST}.${DOMSUF}.
To test the optimized build set BUILD_OPT to 1:
- setenv BUILD_OPT 1
If you want to test a different NSS build tree, set the environment variable DIST to path_of_the_NSS_tree_to_test/mozilla/dist.
To execute the tests on the build directory, execute these commands:
cd builddirectory/mozilla/security/nss/tests
Note: The SSL stress test opens 2,048 TCP connections in quick succession. Kernel data structures may remain allocated for these connections for up to two minutes. Some systems may not be configured to allow this many simulatenous connections by default; if the stress tests fail, try increasing the number of simultaneous sockets supported.
Known Problems With the NSS Test Suite
- The return codes need fine tuning. Currently, only pass/fail is possible.
- SSL tests fail on Cygwin toolkit (but not on MKS).