NSS Public Functions
Newsgroup: mozilla.dev.tech.cryptoThis page has been depecated please use: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/NSS_functions/
This page lists all exported functions in NSS 3.11.4.
SSL Functions
Deprecated SSL Functions
Certificate Functions
Crypto Functions
Utility Functions
S/MIME Functions
PKCS #7 Functions
PKCS #12 Functions
SSL Functions
The public functions listed here are used to configure sockets for communication via the SSL and TLS protocols. In addition to the functions listed here, applications that support SSL use some Certificate Functions, Crypto Functions, and Utility Functions,Other sources of information:
- SSL Reference documents the functions most commonly used by applications to support SSL.
- SSL/TLS Project Page provides links to additional SSL documentation.
Function name/documentation | Function prototype/definition | NSS versions |
NSS_GetClientAuthData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_SetDomesticPolicy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_SetExportPolicy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_SetFrancePolicy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSSSSL_VersionCheck | LXR Summary | 3.2.1 and later |
SSL_AuthCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_AuthCertificateHook | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_BadCertHook | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_CertDBHandleSet | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_CipherPolicyGet | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_CipherPolicySet | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_CipherPrefGet | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_CipherPrefGetDefault | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_CipherPrefSet | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_CipherPrefSetDefault | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ClearSessionCache | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ConfigMPServerSIDCache | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ConfigSecureServer | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ConfigServerSessionIDCache | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_DataPending | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ForceHandshake | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ForceHandshakeWithTimeout | LXR Summary | 3.11.4 and later |
SSL_GetChannelInfo | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SSL_GetCipherSuiteInfo | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SSL_GetClientAuthDataHook | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_GetMaxServerCacheLocks | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SSL_GetSessionID | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_GetStatistics | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_HandshakeCallback | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ImportFD | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_InheritMPServerSIDCache | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_InvalidateSession | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_LocalCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SSL_OptionGet | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_OptionGetDefault | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_OptionSet | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_OptionSetDefault | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_PeerCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_PreencryptedFileToStream | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_PreencryptedStreamToFile | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ReHandshake | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ReHandshakeWithTimeout | LXR Summary | 3.11.4 and later |
SSL_ResetHandshake | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_RestartHandshakeAfterCertReq | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_RestartHandshakeAfterServerCert | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_RevealCert | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_RevealPinArg | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_RevealURL | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_SecurityStatus | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_SetMaxServerCacheLocks | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SSL_SetPKCS11PinArg | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_SetSockPeerID | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_SetURL | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SSL_ShutdownServerSessionIDCache | LXR Summary | 3.7.4 and later |
Deprecated SSL Functions
The following SSL functions have been replaced with newer versions. The deprecated functions are not supported by the new SSL shared libraries. Applications that want to use the SSL shared libraries must convert to calling the new replacement functions listed below.Each function name is linked to its entry in the SSL Reference. The LXR summary for each deprecated function provides links to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references.
Function name/documentation | Function prototype/definition | Replacement in NSS 3.2 |
SSL_Enable | LXR Summary | SSL_OptionSet |
SSL_EnableCipher | LXR Summary | SSL_CipherPrefSetDefault |
SSL_EnableDefault | LXR Summary | SSL_OptionSetDefault |
SSL_RedoHandshake | LXR Summary | SSL_ReHandshake |
SSL_SetPolicy | LXR Summary | SSL_CipherPolicySet |
Certificate Functions
The public functions listed here are used to manipulate certificate databases.If documentation is available for a function listed below, the function name is linked to its entry in the SSL Reference. The LXR summary for each function provides links to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references. The NSS version column indicates which versions of NSS support the function.
Function name/documentation | Function prototype/definition | NSS versions |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_AddExtension | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_AddOCSPAcceptableResponses | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_AddOKDomainName | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_AddRDN | LXR Summary | 3.2.1 and later |
CERT_AsciiToName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_CacheCRL | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_CertTimesValid | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_ChangeCertTrust | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_CheckCertValidTimes | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_CheckCertUsage | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_CompareValidityTimes | LXR Summary | 3.11 and later |
CERT_CompleteCRLDecodeEntries | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_ConvertAndDecodeCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
CERT_CopyName | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_CopyRDN | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_CreateAVA | LXR Summary | 3.2.1 and later |
CERT_CreateCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_CreateCertificateRequest | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_CreateName | LXR Summary | 3.2.1 and later |
CERT_CreateOCSPCertID | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_CreateOCSPRequest | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_CreateRDN | LXR Summary | 3.2.1 and later |
CERT_CreateSubjectCertList | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_CreateValidity | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_CRLCacheRefreshIssuer | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
CERT_DecodeAltNameExtension | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_DecodeAuthInfoAccessExtension | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_DecodeAuthKeyID | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_DecodeAVAValue | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_DecodeCertPackage | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_DecodeCRLDistributionPoints | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_DecodeDERCrl | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_DecodeDERCrlWithFlags | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_DecodeGeneralName | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_DecodeNameConstraintsExtension | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_DecodeOCSPResponse | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_DecodePrivKeyUsagePeriodExtension | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_DecodeTrustString | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_DerNameToAscii | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_DestroyCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_DestroyCertList | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_DestroyName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_DestroyOCSPCertID | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_DestroyOCSPRequest | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_DestroyOCSPResponse | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
CERT_DestroyOidSequence | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
CERT_DestroyUserNotice | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_DestroyValidity | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_DupCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_EnableOCSPChecking | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_EncodeAltNameExtension | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
CERT_EncodeAndAddBitStrExtension | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_EncodeAuthKeyID | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_EncodeBasicConstraintValue | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_EncodeCRLDistributionPoints | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_EncodeGeneralName | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_EncodeOCSPRequest | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_FilterCertListByCANames | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_FilterCertListByUsage | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_FilterCertListForUserCerts | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_FindCertBySubjectKeyID | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
CERT_FindCertExtension | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_FindCertIssuer | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
CERT_FindKeyUsageExtension | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
CERT_FindUserCertByUsage | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_FindUserCertsByUsage | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_FinishCertificateRequestAttributes | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_FinishExtensions | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_FormatName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_FreeDistNames | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_FreeNicknames | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetAVATag | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetCertChainFromCert | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_GetCertEmailAddress | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetCertificateNames | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_GetCertificateRequestExtensions | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_GetCertIssuerAndSN | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetCertNicknames | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetCertTrust | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetCertUid | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetCommonName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetCountryName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetDBContentVersion | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetDefaultCertDB | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetDomainComponentName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetFirstEmailAddress | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
CERT_GetLocalityName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetNextEmailAddress | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
CERT_GetNextGeneralName | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_GetNextNameConstraint | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_GetOCSPResponseStatus | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_GetOCSPStatusForCertID | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_GetOidString | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
CERT_GetOrgName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetOrgUnitName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetOCSPAuthorityInfoAccessLocation | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_GetPrevGeneralName | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_GetPrevNameConstraint | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_GetSlopTime | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetSSLCACerts | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_GetStateName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_ImportCAChain | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_IsRootDERCert | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
CERT_IsUserCert | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_KeyFromDERCrl | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_MakeCANickname | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_MergeExtensions | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_NameToAscii | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_NicknameStringsFromCertList | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_RemoveCertListNode | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_RFC1485_EscapeAndQuote | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_SetSlopTime | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_StartCertExtensions | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
CERT_StartCertificateRequestAttributes | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_StartCRLEntryExtensions | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_StartCRLExtensions | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_UncacheCRL | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
CERT_VerifyCertName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_VerifyCACertForUsage | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
CERT_VerifyCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_VerifyCertificateNow | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_VerifyCertNow | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
CERT_VerifyOCSPResponseSignature | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
CERT_VerifySignedData | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKey | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKeyInfo | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
NSS_CmpCertChainWCANames | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_FindCertKEAType | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
Crypto Functions
The public functions listed here perform cryptographic operations via the PKCS #11 interface.If documentation is available for a function listed below, the function name is linked to its entry in the SSL Reference. The LXR summary for each function provides links to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references. The NSS version column indicates which versions of NSS support the function.
Function name/documentation | Function prototype/definition | NSS versions |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_Authenticate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_ChangePW | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_CheckUserPassword | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_CipherOp | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_CloneContext | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_ConfigurePKCS11 | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_ConvertSessionPrivKeyToTokenPrivKey | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
PK11_ConvertSessionSymKeyToTokenSymKey | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
PK11_CopyTokenPrivKeyToSessionPrivKey | LXR Summary | 3.11 and later |
PK11_CreateContextBySymKey | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_CreateDigestContext | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_DeleteTokenPrivateKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_DeleteTokenPublicKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_DeleteTokenSymKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_DeriveWithFlagsPerm | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
PK11_DestroyContext | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_DestroyGenericObject | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
PK11_DestroyGenericObjects | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_DestroyTokenObject | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_DigestBegin | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_DigestOp | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_DigestFinal | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_DoesMechanism | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_ExportEncryptedPrivKeyInfo | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_Finalize | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_FindCertByIssuerAndSN | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_FindCertFromDERCert | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_FindCertFromNickname | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_FindGenericObjects | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_FindKeyByDERCert | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_FindSlotByName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_FindSlotsByNames | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
PK11_FortezzaHasKEA | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_FreeSlot | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_FreeSlotList | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_FreeSlotListElement | LXR Summary | 3.11 and later |
PK11_FreeSymKey | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GenerateKeyPair | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithFlags | LXR Summary | 3.10.2 and later |
PK11_GenerateNewParam | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_GenerateRandom | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_GenerateRandomOnSlot | LXR Summary | 3.11 and later |
PK11_GetAllTokens | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GetBlockSize | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_GetCertFromPrivateKey | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GetDefaultArray | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
PK11_GetDefaultFlags | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
PK11_GetDisabledReason | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
PK11_GetFirstSafe | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_GetInternalKeySlot | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_GetInternalSlot | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_GetKeyGen | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GetMinimumPwdLength | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_GetModInfo | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
PK11_GetModule | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GetNextGenericObject | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
PK11_GetNextSafe | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_GetNextSymKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_GetPadMechanism | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_GetPBEIV | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
PK11_GetPQGParamsFromPrivateKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_GetPrevGenericObject | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
PK11_GetPrivateKeyNickname | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GetPublicKeyNickname | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GetSlotInfo | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_GetSlotName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GetSymKeyNickname | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_GetSymKeyType | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
PK11_GetSymKeyUserData | LXR Summary | 3.11 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_GetTokenName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_HashBuf | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_HasRootCerts | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_ImportCert | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_ImportCRL | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
PK11_ImportDERCert | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
PK11_ImportDERPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_ImportPrivateKeyInfoAndReturnKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_ImportPublicKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_ImportSymKeyWithFlags | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_IsFIPS | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_IsDisabled | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_IsFriendly | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_IsHW | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_IsInternal | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_IsPresent | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_IsReadOnly | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_KeyGen | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_LinkGenericObject | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
PK11_ListCerts | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_ListFixedKeysInSlot | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_ListPrivKeysInSlot | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_ListPublicKeysInSlot | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_LoadPrivKey | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_LogoutAll | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_MapSignKeyType | LXR Summary | 3.11 and later |
PK11_MechanismToAlgtag | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_MoveSymKey | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
PK11_NeedLogin | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_PrivDecryptPKCS1 | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
PK11_ProtectedAuthenticationPath | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
PK11_PubEncryptPKCS1 | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_PubUnwrapSymKeyWithFlags | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
PK11_PubUnwrapSymKeyWithFlagsPerm | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_RandomUpdate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_ReadRawAttribute | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_ResetToken | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_SaveContextAlloc | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_SetPasswordFunc | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_SetPrivateKeyNickname | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_SetPublicKeyNickname | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_SetSlotPWValues | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PK11_SetSymKeyNickname | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_SetSymKeyUserData | LXR Summary | 3.11 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_TokenKeyGen | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
PK11_TokenKeyGenWithFlags | LXR Summary | 3.10.2 and later |
PK11_TokenRefresh | LXR Summary | 3.7.1 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_TraverseSlotCerts | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PK11_UnlinkGenericObject | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_UnwrapSymKeyWithFlagsPerm | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
PK11_UpdateSlotAttribute | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
PK11_UserEnableSlot | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
PK11_UserDisableSlot | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PK11_WaitForTokenEvent | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SEC_DeletePermCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_DeletePermCRL | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_DerSignData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_DestroyCrl | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_FindCrlByDERCert | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_FindCrlByName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_LookupCrls | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_NewCrl | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_QuickDERDecodeItem | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
SECKEY_CacheStaticFlags | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
SECKEY_ConvertToPublicKey | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECKEY_CopyPrivateKey | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECKEY_CopyPublicKey | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECKEY_CreateDHPrivateKey | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
SECKEY_CreateECPrivateKey | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECKEY_DestroyPublicKeyList | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECKEY_GetPublicKeyType | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
SECKEY_PublicKeyStrengthInBits | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
SECKEY_SignatureLen | LXR Summary | 3.11.2 and later |
Utility Functions
The public functions listed here perform initialization tasks and other services.If documentation is available for a function listed below, the function name is linked to its entry in the SSL Reference. The LXR summary for each function provides links to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references. The NSS version column indicates which versions of NSS support the function.
Function name/documentation | Function prototype/definition | NSS versions |
ATOB_AsciiToData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
BTOA_DataToAscii | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
DER_AsciiToTime | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
DER_DecodeTimeChoice | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
DER_Encode | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
DER_EncodeTimeChoice | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
DER_GeneralizedTimeToTime | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
DER_UTCDayToAscii | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
DER_UTCTimeToAscii | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
DSAU_DecodeDerSigToLen | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
DSAU_EncodeDerSigWithLen | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
HASH_Begin | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
HASH_Clone | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
HASH_Create | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
HASH_Destroy | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
HASH_End | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
HASH_GetHashObjectByOidTag | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
HASH_GetHashTypeByOidTag | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
HASH_HashBuf | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
HASH_ResultLen | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
HASH_ResultLenByOidTag | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
HASH_ResultLenContext | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
HASH_Update | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
NSS_Init | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_Initialize | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_InitReadWrite | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_IsInitialized | LXR Summary | 3.9.2 and later |
NSS_NoDBInit | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
NSS_RegisterShutdown | LXR Summary | 3.11.1 and later |
NSS_Shutdown | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_UnregisterShutdown | LXR Summary | 3.11.1 and later |
NSS_VersionCheck | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
NSSBase64_EncodeItem | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
NSSSMIME_VersionCheck | LXR Summary | 3.2.1 and later |
PORT_Alloc | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PORT_Free | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PORT_GetError | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
PORT_SetError | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PORT_SetUCS2_ASCIIConversionFunction | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PORT_SetUCS2_UTF8ConversionFunction | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PORT_SetUCS4_UTF8ConversionFunction | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PORT_Strdup | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SEC_ASN1Decode | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SEC_ASN1DecoderAbort | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SEC_ASN1EncoderAbort | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SEC_ASN1EncodeUnsignedInteger | LXR Summary | 3.11.1 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SEC_DupCrl | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SEC_RegisterDefaultHttpClient | LXR Summary | 3.11.1 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SECITEM_ArenaDupItem | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SECITEM_CopyItem | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECITEM_DupItem | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECITEM_FreeItem | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECITEM_ItemsAreEqual | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
SECITEM_ZfreeItem | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SECMOD_AddNewModule | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
SECMOD_AddNewModuleEx | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_CancelWait | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
SECMOD_CanDeleteInternalModule | LXR Summary | 3.5 and later |
SECMOD_CreateModule | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_DeleteModule | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_FindModule | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_FindSlot | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_FreeModuleSpecList | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_GetDBModuleList | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
SECMOD_GetDeadModuleList | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
SECMOD_GetModuleSpecList | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_HasRemovableSlots | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
SECMOD_IsModulePresent | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECMOD_LoadModule | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_LoadUserModule | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SECMOD_PubCipherFlagstoInternal | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_PubMechFlagstoInternal | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_UnloadUserModule | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_UpdateModule | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SECMOD_UpdateSlotList | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
SECMOD_WaitForAnyTokenEvent | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
SECOID_AddEntry | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
SECOID_FindOIDTagDescription | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later | |
LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
S/MIME Functions
The public functions listed here perform S/MIME operations using the S/MIME Toolkit.The LXR summary for each function provides links to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references. The NSS version column indicates which versions of NSS support the function.
Function name/documentation | Function prototype/definition | NSS versions |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetBulkKey | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetBulkKeySize | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContent | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlgTag | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentTypeTag | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetBulkKey | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_Data | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContentEncAlg | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_DigestedData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_EncryptedData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_EnvelopedData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSContentInfo_SetContent_SignedData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDecoder_Cancel | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDecoder_Finish | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDecoder_Start | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDecoder_Update | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestContext_Cancel | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishMultiple | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestContext_FinishSingle | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartMultiple | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestContext_StartSingle | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestContext_Update | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestedData_Create | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestedData_Destroy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDigestedData_GetContentInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSDEREncode | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEncoder_Cancel | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEncoder_Finish | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEncoder_Start | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEncoder_Update | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Create | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEncryptedData_Destroy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEncryptedData_GetContentInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_AddRecipient | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Create | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_Destroy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSEnvelopedData_GetContentInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevel | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevelCount | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_Copy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_Create | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_CreateFromDER | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_Destroy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_GetContent | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_GetContentInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_IsEncrypted | LXR Summary | 3.4.1 and later |
NSS_CMSMessage_IsSigned | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Create | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateFromDER | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateNew | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateWithSubjKeyID | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_CreateWithSubjKeyIDFromCert | LXR Summary | 3.7 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Destroy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_Encode | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_GetCertAndKey | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_UnwrapBulkKey | LXR Summary | 3.7.2 and later |
NSS_CMSRecipientInfo_WrapBulkKey | LXR Summary | 3.7.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertChain | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertList | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddDigest | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_AddSignerInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_Create | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_CreateCertsOnly | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_Destroy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_GetContentInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_GetDigestAlgs | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_GetSignerInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_HasDigests | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_ImportCerts | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigests | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_SetDigestValue | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_SignerInfoCount | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifyCertsOnly | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignedData_VerifySignerInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddMSSMIMEEncKeyPrefs | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMECaps | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSMIMEEncKeyPrefs | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_AddSigningTime | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Create | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_CreateWithSubjKeyID | LXR Summary | 3.6 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_Destroy | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetCertList | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerCommonName | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSignerEmailAddress | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetSigningTime | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetVerificationStatus | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_GetVersion | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSSignerInfo_IncludeCerts | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_CMSUtil_VerificationStatusToString | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
NSS_SMIMESignerInfo_SaveSMIMEProfile | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
NSS_SMIMEUtil_FindBulkAlgForRecipients | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
PKCS #7 Functions
The public functions listed here perform PKCS #7 operations required by mail and news applications and by some of the NSS tools.The LXR summary for each function provides links to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references. The NSS version column indicates which versions of NSS support the function.
Function name/documentation | Function prototype/definition | NSS versions |
SEC_PKCS7AddCertificate | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
SEC_PKCS7AddRecipient | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7ContainsCertsOrCrls | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7ContentIsEncrypted | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7ContentIsSigned | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7ContentType | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7CopyContentInfo | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7CreateCertsOnly | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
SEC_PKCS7CreateData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7CreateEncryptedData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7CreateEnvelopedData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7DecodeItem | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7DecoderAbort | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
SEC_PKCS7DecoderFinish | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7DecoderUpdate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7DecryptContents | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7Encode | LXR Summary | 3.3 and later |
SEC_PKCS7EncodeItem | LXR Summary | 3.9.3 and later |
SEC_PKCS7EncoderAbort | LXR Summary | 3.9 and later |
SEC_PKCS7EncoderFinish | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7EncoderUpdate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7GetCertificateList | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7GetContent | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7GetEncryptionAlgorithm | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7GetSignerCommonName | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7GetSignerEmailAddress | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7GetSigningTime | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7IsContentEmpty | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS7SetContent | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignature | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS7VerifySignature | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SECMIME_DecryptionAllowed | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
PKCS #12 Functions
The public functions listed here perform PKCS #12 operations required by some of the NSS tools and other applications.The LXR summary for each function provides links to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references. The NSS version column indicates which versions of NSS support the function.
Function name/documentation | Function prototype/definition | NSS versions |
SEC_PKCS12AddCertAndKey | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12AddPasswordIntegrity | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12CreateExportContext | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12CreatePasswordPrivSafe | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12CreateUnencryptedSafe | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderFinish | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderGetCerts | LXR Summary | 3.4 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderImportBags | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderIterateInit | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderIterateNext | LXR Summary | 3.10 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderSetTargetTokenCAs | LXR Summary | 3.8 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderStart | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderUpdate | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderValidateBags | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DecoderVerify | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12DestroyExportContext | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12EnableCipher | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12Encode | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12IsEncryptionAllowed | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |
SEC_PKCS12SetPreferredCipher | LXR Summary | 3.2 and later |