Newsgroup: mozilla.dev.tech.cryptoTechnical contact: Frederick Roeber
Yell at the manager: Bob Lord
Based on the number of requests we get, we suspect that many people will want to use the NSS source code to figure out the format of the cert7.db databases. To save you some effort, here is some internal documentation we wrote a couple years ago. (Note that some people have already worked this out; we just couldn't comment on it at the time.)
Warning: Do not access the cert7.db or key3.db files directly. The format is changing, the files are likely to get corrupted if you access them, and crytpo programs should not be designed to work with key material directly. See below for details.
For information about record types stored in cert7.db, see Physical Format of pcertdb.
Netscape never released the format for these databases, for several reasons:
- We wanted to be able to change the format without incurring an external support burden. (Note that the current cert and key database formats are the 7th and 3rd, respectively!)
- Some of the trust information hinted at how some operations, including step-up, worked. US export regulations prohibited us from saying anything about some types of operations.
- The existing code is "brittle" with respect to database corruption.
- We wanted to discourage people from expecting that key material is available to their programs. Programs that need to do crypto should not be designed to work with databases of certs and keys; instead, they should be written to work with cryptographic tokens. This approach ensures programs don't have to be redesigned to work with crypto hardware (such as smart cards). This was one of the factors that went into the design of Personal Security Manager.
We'd still like to encourage anyone wanting access to these files to think carefully about why they want to do this. A few things to keep in mind:
- The format is going to change. The NSS 3.0 design calls for all sources of data to be "data-only" PKCS#11 modules. This set of modules is expected to include
- one that hits an LDAP server
- one for "built-in" default root certs and trust information
- one or more high-performance modules designed for servers; this may include one based on Sleepycat's Berkeley database
- one based on whatever database is selected for Mozilla
- and perhaps even more . . .
- The existing code is still "brittle" with respect to database corruption. Most management operations (listing certs, adding certs, fixing corruption, etc.) can be done with the tools in security/cmd; we'd like to encourage you to use those tools first if possible.
- Programs wishing to do crypto should not be designed to work with direct access to key material. This material may well be irretrievably locked inside a hardware token that can do operations without revealing the key material. If you don't keep this in mind, your program will have to be rewritten when such hardware becomes more common. You may well find that the NSS or PSM libraries better suit your needs.
In short: in the future there will be many sources of data, not just these two databases (or their direct replacements); also, the format will undoubtedly change to better fit with the object model of PKCS#11. Finally, the authors of Berkeley DB admit that there are bugs that can cause corruption; they've been after us for ages to upgrade.