JSS 4.2.5 Release Notes
27 July 2007
Newsgroup: mozilla.dev.tech.crypto
- Introduction
- New in JSS 4.2.5
- Distribution Information
- Documentation
- Platform Information
- Known Bugs and Issues
- Compatibility
- Feedback
JSS 4.2.5 provides bug fixes and minor feature enhancements over JSS 4.2
JSS 4.2.5 is tri-licensed under MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1.
New in JSS 4.2.5
- 15 bug fixes and enhancement requests were implemented in this release. A list can be obtained by running this bugzilla query.
Distribution Information
JSS is checked into mozilla/security/jss/.
The CVS tag for the JSS 4.2.5 release is JSS_4_2_5_RTM.
Source tarballs are available from ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/security/jss/releases/JSS_4_2_5_RTM/src/jss-4.2.5-src.zip.
Binary releases are available from ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/security/jss/releases/JSS_4_2_5_RTM.
Documentation for JSS 4.2.5 is available as follows:Read the instructions on using JSS.
Source may be viewed with a browser (via the MXR tool) at http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/security/jss/
Platform Information
JSS 4.2.5 works with JDK versions 4 or higher we suggest the latest. JSS only supports the native threading model (no green threads).
Known Bugs and Issues
- For a list of reported bugs that have not yet been fixed, click here. Note that some bugs may have been fixed since JSS 4.2.5 was released.
JSS 4.2.5 is backwards compatible with JSS 4.2. Applications compiled against JSS 4.2 will work with JSS 4.2.5.The 4.2.5 version of libjss4.so/jss4.dll must only be used with jss4.jar. In general, a JSS JAR file must be used with the JSS shared library from the exact same release.
To obtain the version info from the jar file use, "System.out.println(org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager.JAR_JSS_VERSION)" and to check the shared library: strings libjss4.so | grep -i header
Bugs discovered should be reported by filing a bug report with bugzilla.You can also give feedback directly to the developers on the mozilla.dev.tech.crypto newsgroup.