Nonblocking IO in NSPR
[10/30/97, Wan-Teh Chang]Introduction
Previously, all I/O in NSPR was blocking (or synchronous). A thread invoking an io function is blocked until the io operation is finished. The blocking io model encourages the use of multiple threads as a programming model. A thread is typically created to attend to one of the simultaneous I/O operations that may potentially block.In the nonblocking io model, a file descriptor may be marked as nonblocking. An io function on a nonblocking file descriptor either succeeds immediately or fails immediately with PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR. A single thread is sufficient to attend to multiple nonblocking file descriptors simultaneously. Typically, this central thread invokes PR_Poll() on a set of nonblocking file descriptors. (Note: PR_Poll() also works with blocking file descriptors, although it is less useful in the blocking io model.) When PR_Poll() reports that a file descriptor is ready for some io operation, the central thread invokes that io function on the file descriptor.
Creating a Nonblocking Socket
Only sockets can be made nonblocking. Regular files always operate in blocking mode. This is not a serious constraint as one can assume that disk I/O never blocks. Fundamentally, this constraint is due to the fact that nonblocking I/O and select() are only available to sockets on some platforms (e.g., Winsock).In NSPR, a new socket returned by PR_NewTCPSocket() or PR_NewUDPSocket()
is always created in blocking mode. One can make the new socket nonblocking
by using PR_SetSockOpt() as in the example below (error checking
is omitted for clarity):
PRFileDesc *sock;
PRIntn optval = 1;
sock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
* Make the socket nonblocking
PR_SetSockOpt(sock, PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking, &optval, sizeof(optval));
Programming Constraints
There are some constraints due to the use of NT asynchronous I/O in the NSPR. In NSPR, blocking sockets on NT are associated with an I/O completion port. Once associated with an I/O completion port, we can't disassociate the socket from the I/O completion port. I have seen some strange problems with using a nonblocking socket associated with an I/O completion port. So the first constraint is:- The blocking/nonblocking io mode of a new socket is committed the
first time a potentially-blocking io function is invoked on the
socket. Once the io mode of a socket is committed, it cannot be changed.
In blocking mode, any of these potentially-blocking functions requires the use of the NT I/O completion port. So at that point we must determine whether to associate the socket with the I/O completion or not, and that decision cannot be changed later.
There is a second constraint, due to the use of NT asynchronous I/O and the recycling of used sockets:
- The new socket returned by PR_Accept() or PR_AcceptRead()
inherits the blocking/nonblocking io mode of the listening socket and this
cannot be changed.
Because these constraints only apply to NT, it is advised that you test your cross-platform code that uses nonblocking io on NT early in the development cycle. These constraints are enforced in the debug NSPR library by assertions.
Differences from Blocking IO
PR_Poll() or PR_Select()?
PR_Select() is deprecated, now declared in private/pprio.h. Use PR_Poll() instead.The current implementation of PR_Select() simply calls PR_Poll(), so it is sure to have worse performance. Also, native file descriptors (socket handles) cannot be added to PR_fd_set, i.e., the functions PR_FD_NSET, PR_FD_NCLR, PR_FD_NISSET do not work.
When PR_Available() returns 0, it may mean one of two things:
These two cases can be distinguished by PR_Poll(). If
reports that the socket is readable (i.e., PR_POLL_READ is set
in out_flags), and PR_Available() returns 0, this means
that the socket connection is closed.