Mozilla MathML Screenshots
These are raw screen captures. Rendering may
differ as the implementation progresses.
examples of <msqrt> in action (includes Maxwell's
equations formatted with <mtable>, and stretchy
⏟ and ⏞).
[810w x 618h - 28K]
in the mail and news? There it is. Direct
in your mailbox! Ahead of the future...
[824w x 643h - 38K]
with images. Putting math on the web used to requires images. For those
who are nostalgic, there is another way to keep these images around. Let
them fade in the background at a desired opacity.
allow typesetting mathematical constructs in 2D.
- View MathML Source or
View Selection Source,
the choice is yours.
MathML documents tend to be large due to the fact that the number of MathML tags
exceeds the actual content by far. Whether you want to get a clue
on those question marks that indicate missing math fonts, or
to just locate the specific source of any intriguing MathML fragment
to inspect, learn, or... curl the markup or part of it for cut-and-paste
elsewhere (e.g., symbolic manipulator), simply point to (or select) the spot of
interest and right-click in the context menu.
Screen capture
of basics.xhtml.