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MathML Demo: <mmultiscripts> - attach prescripts and tensor indices to a base

  1. Alternate stylesheets are available from: "View -> Use StyleSheet -> TeX | Mathematica"
  2. Click on a MathML fragment to view its WYSIWYG source.
  3. In the examples below, the text won't be allowed to decrease pass the scriptminsize or your browser's minimum allowable font size -- this can be set with, e.g, user_pref("font.minimum-size.x-western", 10). To see the effect of the gradual decrease induced by changes in script levels more clearly, you may have to increase your default font size in the menu: "Edit -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Fonts".
    • Here is how the alphabet looks like at scriptminsize: a, b, c ... x, y, z
    • Here is how greek letters look like at scriptminsize: α, β, γ ..., ψ, ω, ϑ, ϒ, ϖ
    • Here is how numbers look like at scriptminsize: 0, 1, 2, ..., 10, 11, 12, ...
  4. You can use "View -> Text Zoom" in the usual way to zoom the MathML text along with the other text.
  5. There is a tracker bug where you can report rendering errors on the demos.

A MathML mmultiscripts object allows you to build tensor-like objects. For example M c d a b . The scripts come in pairs, with <mprescripts/> used to indicate prescripts and <none/> used to hold an empty position as in F b a . There are some variations possible: <mmultiscripts> A a b c d , nested <msubsup>s A a b c d , or &InvisibleComma; A a c b d .


A MathML mmultiscripts objects allows you to build tensor-like objects. For example M c d a b The scripts come in pairs, with <mprescripts/> used to indicate prescripts and <none/> used to hold an empty position as in F b a There are some variations possible: <mmultiscripts> A a b c d nested <msubsup>s A a b c d or &InvisibleComma; A a c b d

Buglist of <mmultiscripts>

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