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MathML Demo: <mfrac> - fractions

  1. Alternate stylesheets are available from: "View -> Use StyleSheet -> TeX | Mathematica"
  2. Click on a MathML fragment to view its WYSIWYG source.
  3. In the examples below, the text won't be allowed to decrease pass the scriptminsize or your browser's minimum allowable font size -- this can be set with, e.g, user_pref("font.minimum-size.x-western", 10). To see the effect of the gradual decrease induced by changes in script levels more clearly, you may have to increase your default font size in the menu: "Edit -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Fonts".
    • Here is how the alphabet looks like at scriptminsize: a, b, c ... x, y, z
    • Here is how greek letters look like at scriptminsize: α, β, γ ..., ψ, ω, ϑ, ϒ, ϖ
    • Here is how numbers look like at scriptminsize: 0, 1, 2, ..., 10, 11, 12, ...
  4. You can use "View -> Text Zoom" in the usual way to zoom the MathML text along with the other text.
  5. There is a tracker bug where you can report rendering errors on the demos.
  1. Inline, auto, normal line sin θ π , numerator and denominator should render script size.
  2. Inline, display style, normal line ln x y , numerator and denominator should render normal size.
  3. Inline, text style, normal line tan θ 67 , numerator and denominator should render script size.
  4. Inline, auto, thick line x 2 + 1 x , the superscripted 2 should be script-script size.
  5. Inline, display style, thick line x - 1 0.98 × 10 2 + y , the superscripted 2 should be script size.
  6. Inline, text style, thick line x 2 + 1 x x 2 + 1 x the end.
  7. Inline, auto, no line x 2 + 1 x the end.
  8. Inline, display style, no line 1.234567 89 + x the end.
  9. Inline, text style, no line x 2 + 1 x the end.
  10. Inline binomial, auto, no line ( 5 8 ) the end.
  11. Inline binomial, display style, no line ( n - k n ) the end.
  12. Inline binomial, text style, no line ( log x y ) the end.
  13. Inline built-in verts, auto, no line | sin θ M | the end.
  14. Inline up arrows, display style, no line sin θ M the end.
  15. Inline down arrows, text style, no line sin θ M the end.
  16. Inline floor, auto, normal line sin θ M the end.
  17. Inline ceiling, display style, normal line sin θ M the end.
  18. Inline updown arrows, text style, normal line sin θ M the end.
  19. Inline double up arrows, auto, thick line sin θ M the end.
  20. Inline double down arrows, display style, thick line sin θ M the end.
  21. Inline double up down arrows, text style, thick line sin θ M the end.
  22. Inline, styles auto, display and text 1 2 - 1 2 + 1.23456 7890 , the rendering should be script-size, normal-size and script-size in this example. Fraction lines should align vertically with the math axis.
  23. The same expression 1 2 - 1 2 + 1.23456 7890 in a display.
  24. Inline fenced nested fractions [ sin θ + 1 11 - x x 2 a 1 ] + [ 1.0 ] etc.
  25. The same expression [ sin θ + 1 11 - x x 2 a 1 ] + [ 1.0 ] in a display.
  26. LaTeX renders continued fractions 1 2 + 1 3 + 1 4 + 1 5 + 1 6 + normal size at all levels in all contexts
  27. 1 2 + 1 3 + 1 4 + 1 5 + 1 6 +
  28. Inline nested fracs 1 6 2 + 1 3 + 1 4 + 1 5 + 1 6 + are script size at the first level and decrease to script script size for all more nested levels.
  29. Displayed nested fractions are normal size at the first level, 1 6 2 + 1 3 + 1 4 + 1 5 + 1 6 + script size at second level, and script-script size at all more nested levels.
  30. HypergeomDist ( x ; M , K , n ) = k = 0 x ( K k ) ( M - K n - k ) ( M n )
  31. Here's a display F ( t , y ) = ( 1 , y t ) ( 1 , y t ) with some real math in it.
  32. And this is an example where the bevelled attribute is set inside the radical y 2 - t 2 1 ( 1 + | y 2 - t 2 | 2 )
  33. And this shows a combination with a background image at a desired opacity Z α ( f ) = 1 2 i cos ( α π 2 ) C f ( i z ) ( - z ) α e 2 π z - 1 ⅆz

Buglist of <mfrac>

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