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java.lang.Object |
This is the glue between the storage of intertwingle data and the rest of the mail system. It will probably get thrown out or extensively rewritten; I'm still playing.
public class Twingle extends java.lang.Object implements java.lang.Runnable { // Fields 6 private static final boolean DEBUG; private static boolean Initialized; private static Twingle Singleton; protected DB db; protected Vector queue; protected Thread thread; // Constructors 1 Twingle(File) throws IOException; // Methods 6 public static Twingle GetSingleton(); static void Spew(String); public void add(InternetHeaders, Folder); void assert(String, String, String); protected void hackAddressList(String, InternetHeaders, String); public void run(); // Inner Classes 1 class AddCommand }
private static final boolean DEBUG
• Singleton
private static Twingle Singleton
• Initialized
private static boolean Initialized
• db
protected DB db
• thread
protected Thread thread
• queue
protected Vector queue
• Twingle
Twingle(File f) throws IOException
• Spew
static void Spew(String s)
• GetSingleton
public static Twingle GetSingleton()
• assert
void assert(String name, String slot, String value)
• add
public void add(InternetHeaders headers, Folder folder)
• hackAddressList
protected void hackAddressList(String id, InternetHeaders headers, String slot)
Find the given header ("to" or "cc"), and assert an entry for each address in it. This needs the code to parse the zillions of different kinds of addresses; for now, we just assume everything is of the form "Full name
• run
public void run()
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