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java.lang.Object |
An enumeration object that sends and interprets successive HEAD commands to the NNTP server, and returns successive NewsMessage objects.
class HEADEnumeration extends java.lang.Object implements java.util.Enumeration { // Fields 7 private static final boolean DEBUG; private int debug_count; private NewsFolder folder; private long from; private NewsMessage next_value; private NNTPConnection nntp; private long to; // Constructors 1 HEADEnumeration(NewsFolder, NNTPConnection, long, long); // Methods 3 public boolean hasMoreElements(); public Object nextElement(); private NewsMessage read_one(); }
private static final boolean DEBUG
• debug_count
private int debug_count
• folder
private NewsFolder folder
• nntp
private NNTPConnection nntp
• from
private long from
• to
private long to
• next_value
private NewsMessage next_value
• HEADEnumeration
HEADEnumeration(NewsFolder folder, NNTPConnection nntp, long from, long to)
• read_one
private NewsMessage read_one()
• nextElement
public Object nextElement()
- Implements:
- nextElement in interface Enumeration
• hasMoreElements
public boolean hasMoreElements()
- Implements:
- hasMoreElements in interface Enumeration
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