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Class grendel.mime.parser.MimeXSunAttachment
java.lang.Object | +----grendel.mime.parser.MimeObject | +----grendel.mime.parser.MimeContainer | +----grendel.mime.parser.MimeMultipart | +----grendel.mime.parser.MimeXSunAttachment
This class represents the X-Sun-Attachment type, which is the Content-Type assigned by that pile of garbage called MailTool. This is not a MIME type per se, but it's very similar to multipart/mixed, so it's easy to parse. Lots of people use MailTool, so we're stuck with having to parse this idiotic, obsolete format.
See Also: MimeMultipart, MimeUntypedText
class MimeXSunAttachment extends grendel.mime.parser.MimeMultipart { // Constructors 1 public MimeXSunAttachment(String, InternetHeaders); // Methods 5 protected int checkBoundary(ByteBuf); protected void computeBoundary(); protected void createMultipartChild(); private String getHeader(InternetHeaders, String); InternetHeaders translateSunHeaders(InternetHeaders); }
public MimeXSunAttachment(String content_type, InternetHeaders headers)
protected void computeBoundary()
- Overrides:
- computeBoundary in class MimeMultipart
protected int checkBoundary(ByteBuf line_buf)
- Overrides:
- checkBoundary in class MimeMultipart
protected void createMultipartChild()
- Overrides:
- createMultipartChild in class MimeMultipart
private String getHeader(InternetHeaders ih, String name)
InternetHeaders translateSunHeaders(InternetHeaders in)
Translates x-sun-attachment sub-headers to legal MIME headers.
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