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Class calypso.util.CacheOutputStream
java.lang.Object | | +----calypso.util.CacheOutputStream
- Implementation:
The bytes written to the stream are buffered in memory, until a size threshold is reached, or a memory-allocation error occurs. At that point, a temporary file is created, and buffering continues there. Therefore, files are not used for small objects; this ensures that buffering of small objects is fast, but buffering of arbitrarily large objects is possible.
This class provides buffering for arbitrarily large streams of data. It is an OutputStream, so you just write the data you want to cache to it. Then, when you've written all of your data (and called close()) you can get the data back by calling makeInputStream(), which returns an InputStream.
If you decide you don't want the data at all, you should call discardBuffer() as early as possible, to avoid having a temporary file stay around longer than necessary. It's not necessary to call discardBuffer() if you have called makeInputStream(); it is called automatically when that stream is closed. However, it is ok to call discardBuffer() than once.
So, one conservative way of using this would be:
CacheOutputStream output = new CacheOutputStream();
try {
... write bytes to `output' ...
InputStream input = output.makeInputStream();
try {
... read bytes from `input' ...
} finally {
} finally {
public class CacheOutputStream extends { // Fields 6 protected Object bs_handle; protected OutputStream bs_stream; protected byte[] mem_cache; protected int mem_cache_fp; protected double mem_cache_increment; protected int mem_cache_max_size; // Constructors 3 public CacheOutputStream(); public CacheOutputStream(int); public CacheOutputStream(int, int); // Methods 13 public void close() throws IOException; protected InputStream createBackingStoreInputStream() throws FileNotFoundException; protected void discardBackingStore(); public synchronized void discardBuffer(); protected void finalize(); public void flush() throws IOException; protected void growMemCache(int) throws IOException; protected void increaseCapacity(int) throws IOException; public InputStream makeInputStream() throws IOException, FileNotFoundException; protected void switchToBackingStore() throws IOException; public void write(byte[]) throws IOException; public void write(byte[], int, int) throws IOException; public void write(int) throws IOException; }
protected byte[] mem_cache
protected int mem_cache_fp
protected int mem_cache_max_size
protected double mem_cache_increment
protected Object bs_handle
protected OutputStream bs_stream
public CacheOutputStream()
Creates a CacheOutputStream with default buffer sizes.
public CacheOutputStream(int max_resident_size)
Creates a CacheOutputStream with the given maximum memory usage. If an attempt is made to buffer more than the specified number of bytes, then the memory buffer will be traded for a disk buffer.
public CacheOutputStream(int probable_size, int max_resident_size)
Creates a CacheOutputStream with the given initial memory buffer size, and given maximum memory usage. If an attempt is made to buffer more than the specified number of bytes, then the memory buffer will be traded for a disk buffer.
public void write(byte[] bytes) throws IOException
- Overrides:
- write in class OutputStream
public void write(byte[] bytes, int start, int length) throws IOException
- Overrides:
- write in class OutputStream
public void write(int b) throws IOException
- Overrides:
- write in class OutputStream
public void close() throws IOException
Indicate (only) that no more data will be written in to the buffer. After calling close(), one must eventually call either makeInputStream() or discardBuffer().
- Overrides:
- close in class OutputStream
public void flush() throws IOException
- Overrides:
- flush in class OutputStream
protected void increaseCapacity(int count) throws IOException
Ensure that there is room to write an additonal `count' bytes. If this would exceed the memory cache size, set up the disk cache.
protected void growMemCache(int count) throws IOException
Assuming the memory cache is in use, expand the mem_cache to be able to hold an additional `count' bytes if necessary.
public synchronized void discardBuffer()
Call this when you're done with this object. It's important that you call this if you're not planning on calling makeInputStream(); if you don't, a temp file could stay around longer than necessary.
You must not use this CacheOutputStream object after having called discardBuffer().
If you call makeInputStream(), you must not call discardBuffer() before you are finished with the returned stream.
public InputStream makeInputStream() throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
Returns an InputStream that returns the data previously written into this object. This may only be called once, and only after close() has been called. It is also important that the returned InputStream be closed when the caller is done with it; failure to do so could cause a temp file to stay around longer than necessary.
protected void finalize()
protected void switchToBackingStore() throws IOException
Assuming the memory cache is in use, switch to using the disk cache.
protected void discardBackingStore()
Assuming backing-store is in use, delete the underlying temp file.
protected InputStream createBackingStoreInputStream() throws FileNotFoundException
Assuming backing-store is in use, creates an InputStream that reads from the underlying TempFile, and will call this.discardBuffer() when that InputStream reaches EOF.
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