Localizing Firefox
Author: Benjamin Smedberg <bsmedberg@covad.net>Building a Localized Firefox
By default, the Firefox source tree pulls and builds only the English (en-US) localized files. If you wish to build Firefox in another language, you must pull some extra files from CVS and supply special options in your .mozconfig:
Pulling non-English locales from CVS
In your .mozconfig
file, add the following lines (where ab-CD are the language codes you wish to checkout):
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_LOCALES="en-US ab-CD ab-CD"
If you have write access to the l10n CVSROOT, configure LOCALES_CVSROOT:
mk_add_options LOCALES_CVSROOT=:ext:myusername%host.tld@cvs.mozilla.org:/l10n
Building a non-English Firefox
In your .mozconfig
file, add the following line:
ac_add_options --enable-ui-locale=ab-CD
During development cycles where there is not a l10n-freeze, the non-English locales may not work correctly.
Guides For Localization
- Localizing Firefox Using CVS
- Moving from 0.9.x to 1.0 using MT, step-by-step
- Encodings for files building the Firefox installer
- Localizing a binary release (Firefox 0.9.x and earlier)