INI file syntax
INI file contains 4 major sections. They are Local Variables, Navigation Controls, Sub Pages, Widgets.
Local Variables : These are the variables that are specific to the corresponding INI file. Local Variables allow each page to define it's own properties like title, font, caption, etc., If an INI file misses a common property like title, Wizard Machine travels up in the tree to get the corresponding value and the value thus obtained will be used as local variable. A global defaults node will be defined in the beginning (which can't be modified by the user) and it will serve as ultimate destination in case no node contains the required information.
Navigation Controls : We can make Wizard Machine to jump from one node to another node (not to it's sibling as moving to sibling is default) by mentioning information of desired transfer of control under this section. For example, if we want wizard to from a particular node to the end of the session, we can associate path to be jumped with onNext action. Similarly, we can mention the name of the help file to be loaded in this section.
Sub Pages : We have a hierarchical structure with respect to the data maintenance of CCK components. A node can contains sub nodes. For example, CCK as main node can have Shell, Install Builder, etc. as sub nodes. This information is represented under this section. When a page has no more sub pages, it is considered as a leaf node and will be displayed according to the widgets defined on the page.
Widgets : Widgets are the fields that are presented to the end user to collect the information required by the CCK wizard to create a build of customized communicator. Each widget will have standard features like name, value, coordinates, type, etc.,. One can also associate an action with a widget that can generate an event via certain actions (for example a click on button). Not every INI file will have widgets. A page with no widgets is considered as container as container page and wizard machine moves to the next/previous displayable page in the sequence as a result next/previous actions carrying the information offered by the container page.
Skeleton INI file :
[Local Varaibles]
[Navigation Controls]
OnNext=node path
Help=help file
#Represents any sub pages under this component
[Sub Pages]
#Represents all fields that go on to the dialog pertained to this page
type=widget type
name=name of widget
start_X=beginning X coordinate
start_Y=beginning Y coordinate
Width=widget width
Height=widget height
Here is the sample INI file :
#Variables that are specific to the page. Scoped variables.
[Local Variables]
Title=Sample Page
[Navigation Controls]
OnNext=Install Builder, Done Page
#Represents any sub pages under this component
[Sub Pages]
No sub pages defined. A leaf node.
#Represents all fields that go on to the dialog pertained to this page
value=Converting JSC File to CFG file.
onClick=ce.dll, ConvertJSCtoCFG